Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 64 People from the Upper Realm

Chapter 64 People from the Upper Realm
People, more and more.

Due to various reasons, many people came to the Baiduan Mountain dungeon this time.

In the past, the purebloods of the remnants were all superior, but now, their identities have changed.

People in the upper world regard these creatures as food, and everyone wants to take one of them as a mount.

A half-blood Jinpeng was entangled by a young man, and he tried his best to escape from the clutches.

A nine-headed lion was pinned down by the young man, screaming loudly, and finally escaped with a treasure given by his family.

Duankong City is divided into three areas.

The high-level area in the upper realm, the pure-blood area of ​​the leftovers, and the prisoner area in the lower realm.

There are forces in the lower realm who want to cling to the power of the upper realm, but they are dismissed by the opponent, and they are beaten out in an extremely disgusting way.

It was an array of an old family. After being treated like this, it was extremely embarrassing and wished to die on the spot.

"Human Sovereign, those people!"

The arrayed prince came before the Fire Emperor and complained about the behavior of those upper-world people.

The Fire Emperor frowned, and everyone around him felt a terrifying aura.

"Human Sovereign, don't meddle in your own business." A black shadow descended from a Taoist gate on the Three Thousand Continents, the Shadow Demon Palace.

"Father Emperor!" A girl with a very good figure held the Fire Emperor's hand, her big eyes were full of worry.

Human Sovereign was obviously used by people from these families, but as Human Sovereign, he had to show up.

The people in the upper realm are too powerful and carry treasures, so it is very difficult for the Emperor to be their opponent.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately became the focus of the audience. She was the Tianjiao boy from the upper realm. When she saw her, she froze for a moment.

"Hmph, farewell!" The young man glanced at Huo Ling'er, then suddenly changed his attitude, and walked away without waiting for the Emperor to say anything, with an extraordinary bearing.

The Emperor of the Fire Nation was silent, looking into the distance.

"Go here, you must be careful." The Fire Emperor quietly handed over a treasure to Huo Ling'er, he was very worried about his daughter.

"With the seniors here, I'll be fine." Huo Ling'er nodded, beside her was an old man with a sealed cultivation level, who could protect her safety in times of danger.

"Human Emperor..." The humiliated prince was unwilling to get close to the Fire Emperor.


The Fire Emperor didn't speak, but one of his guards spoke, and with a mouthful of force, he was also a princely and powerful man.

"Human Emperor!" The prince knelt on the ground, crying.

The Fire Emperor frowned, the old guy was dying, so he wanted to force him to take action.

Suddenly, a cloud of mist drifted past, and everyone present felt a chill.

The old prince kneeling on the ground was shrouded in the mist, and he didn't make any sound. After a few breaths, the mist drifted away, leaving only a pile of clothes on the spot.


Everyone present was terrified, what the hell is this.

A prince is gone in a frivolous manner.


The Fire Emperor shot at the mist, the runes were intertwined, and the sea of ​​fire shook the sky, as if the ancient fire god descended from the world, and all fire worshiped him.

"What the hell!"

Suddenly, the Fire Emperor shouted, and a layer of troublesome red hair appeared on his body.


The Fire Emperor frowned, the flames burned, and all the red hair was dispelled, but in just these few breaths, he felt that his essence had lost a lot, and his expression changed.

"Fire Emperor? That's right." A voice came out of the mist, and then the mist slowly dissipated in the flames.

The Fire Emperor's expression was solemn, and You Wu was repelled, but he was not at ease.

Many human races present felt uneasy, there were some creatures who were going to attack the Fire Emperor.

"It feels very familiar. Have I met this ghost before?" A prince suddenly asked. He came from the country of Shi and was honored as King of Xihe.

"Has King Xihe encountered this strangeness before?" one person asked.

"I met five years ago, and I was beaten with no strength to fight back. I fought with a few old friends of mine, and we were all suppressed and beaten." King Xihe frowned.

"I suspect that this creature is the one who fought against Tianpeng Mountain Lord back then, a hidden human race!"

Suddenly, a prince said that he had heard some legends.

"Is it a human race? How is it possible?" Everyone was amazed.

"Do you remember? Not long ago, a young man walked out of the ancient holy courtyard and fought five venerables thousands of miles away." One person opened his mouth and broke the big news.

"What? Is it him?" The crowd was excited, they thought, they still have a genius.

It is really terrifying for a young man to contend against a venerable.

"Maybe it's the secret method that preserves youth. How can a young man become a venerable in this world." Someone shook his head.

"Why not, there is such a hero in the upper world, known as the first generation, who can fight against the venerable in his teens, and beat the invincible hand of Tianjiao all over the state." Suddenly, another voice sounded from the sky, several people The young man from the upper realm had a celestial spirit and fell from the clouds.

"I've seen the Fire Emperor."

These teenagers saluted the Fire Emperor respectfully, and then looked at the girl behind the Fire Emperor.

"Hello, Fire Emperor, I come from Baiyun Mountain, Lanzhou, the upper realm, Baishan." The boy Baishan stared at Huo Ling'er with burning eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" Human Sovereign frowned again. Recently, he has been worrying a lot, and his mood has never been relaxed.

"I came to propose marriage. It was love at first sight with Princess Huo Ling'er." Bai Shan smiled and offered a divine treasure from the cave.

This is a complete artifact, and the spirit of the gods on it is lingering, which is very terrifying.

Everyone was in an uproar, did this young man just open his mouth?

Want to marry the Emperor's favorite daughter?

It's too child's play!
"Bai Shan, you are so thick-skinned, this fire spirit is mine, you can't snatch it!" The young man beside Bai Shan was not happy, he took a step and took out a holy medicine from the cave.

"Senior Human Sovereign, this holy medicine can help you directly step into the Divine Fire Realm. I welcomed it from the Zongmen Grand Competition. I would like to use this holy medicine to beg the Human Sovereign to betroth his daughter to me!" The young man held the holy medicine, Affectionately said.

The two teenagers smiled, wanting to see everyone's reaction, they should be shocked and excited, it's the first time seeing them hahaha.

The boy had already thought of the scene where the Human Sovereign would swallow the holy medicine in excitement and sell his daughter.

However, people were not overwhelmed by the two teenagers.

Artifacts, they also have them in the lower realm.

Holy medicine, several of the elixir planted in the Fire Nation are already transforming towards the holy medicine, which is nothing unusual.

People looked at the third boy, wanting to see what he could do.

"I come from the Immortal Palace. My master lacks a female slave. I think Miss Huo Ling'er has an extraordinary figure and is just suitable to be a stove. If you are lucky, you can survive. It can reunite your father and daughter."

"It is already your daughter's greatest honor to be nourished by the adults of our fairy palace, and maybe she can become a god through this."

"If you perform well, you can achieve even more."

The third boy looked at everyone present indifferently, and spoke lightly.

As soon as the young man opened his mouth, everyone in the audience was shocked, even the two young men who came with him were also stunned.


The Fire Emperor was furious and wanted to kill this person.

His daughter is taboo, whoever dares to move will die!
Even if the protagonist comes, he has to kneel down and be a son-in-law honestly.

"Fire Emperor, I hope you can calm down and say that your daughter's devotion will be good for both you and your daughter." The young man in Xiandian was shrouded in divine light all over his body. invade.

"Isn't it the Immortal Palace? I've made a note of it!" The Fire Emperor's attack was ineffective, so he withdrew his hand and wanted to take Huo Ling'er away.

"Fire Emperor, since I'm here, I won't let you go. You won't be punished for toasting. It's rare to meet a fire spirit body. Catch her!" The boy in the divine light laughed loudly.

Four beams of light rose, and the Venerable's extreme aura spread like a tide, sealing this place.

Human Sovereign and the other kings' expressions changed, and they were instantly gloomy.

"Hand over Huo Ling'er, and you can leave." The young man smiled and looked at everyone.

"Human Emperor..." A prince whispered, surrounded by four venerables, it was difficult for them to escape.

"Xiandian, you are looking for death!" The Fire Emperor cast a cold glance at the prince, and then looked at the venerables in all directions. A ball of flames ignited in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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