Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 66 I am the Fire Emperor

Chapter 66 I am the Fire Emperor
"Human Sovereign, don't make mistakes!" Baiyun Mountain Spirit spoke softly, persuading in a senior tone.

"Stay on the front line when doing things, so we can meet again in the future." The gods of the Shadow Demon Palace also pointed out in a tone of predecessors.

In the distance, the creatures from the upper realm watched this scene with great interest. They didn't care about the whole story, they just watched the excitement.

The Human Sovereign in the lower realm is not weak, but if you think that defeating a few useless maids in the Immortal Palace will make you proud of the world, you are completely wrong.

The Fire Emperor took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

"We are doing this for your own good. Why not sacrifice a daughter?" The two gods spoke together again.


Human Sovereign let out a long breath, he was very angry at first, but now his mood has calmed down.

"That's right. Being able to maintain reason in such a situation can be regarded as a character. There is still something for the Emperor of the Lower Realm." An upper realm god nodded.

"Good-natured? I think it's because I don't have enough strength!" Some gods objected.

When the strong are provoked, they maintain their state of mind, which is called mind and courage.

The weak are bullied and have to endure it, which is called incompetence and cowardice.

"Human Sovereign, a man doesn't care about trifles, he can bend and stretch." Bai Shan walked out, cupped his hands and offered the Divine Spirit Soldiers, said.

"Human Sovereign, those who know the current affairs are outstanding!" Mo Fei also raised the holy medicine in his hand, and said sincerely.

"Human Sovereign, my Immortal Palace will not treat you badly, and there will be a god-level method in the future." On the ground, the young man from the Immortal Palace also spoke, with a smile on his face.

All around, the faces of the princes of the lower realm changed, and Yan Wang was so angry that he wanted to spew flames from his eyes.

Huo Ling'er's body was shrouded in the sun, and her whole body became hazy, unable to see the lineup clearly.

She thought that because she was too beautiful, she brought disaster to the Fire Emperor, so she wrapped herself in Shenxi.

"How will the Fire Emperor choose? Exchange his daughter to gain status, skills and magical weapons, or refuse to face three powerful great sects?" An old god said to himself, his eyes sparkling.

"It's a hard choice. It really tests people. One is wealth, status and strength, and the other is family affection." There is a spiritual sigh.

"You are all in good shape. If I were the Fire Emperor, I would definitely choose my relatives." A strong man from the upper realm laughed lightly.

"Why?" Everyone around him looked at him, and then their pupils suddenly dilated.

This is a venerable from Jidao Mountain, a first generation, who actually descended to the realm in person.

"There are three reasons."

"First, there are countless treasures in the lower realms, but today, the Fire Emperor is the ruler of a country, so he certainly has no shortage of magical skills, medicines and artifacts," the young venerable said.

"That's right, that's the reason. For ordinary Venerables, the Fire Emperor really doesn't look down on this thing." Everyone nodded, thinking it was reasonable.

"Secondly, the Fire Emperor commands the wind and rain in the lower realm and has a lofty status. How can he maintain this status after the upper realm? The ancients said that it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix." The young venerable said again.

"I don't agree with this, but I think status and other things are not so important in order to enhance strength." An old god objected.

"Senior said yes, but I haven't finished my second reason." The young venerable smiled.

"The difference in status determines the utilization rate of resources. The lower world is changing. As a human emperor, the fire emperor can use resources at the level of the leader, but if he goes to the upper world to become a servant, it is hard to say that he will get benefits. The juniors don't think so. Those three big churches gave the Fire Emperor resources for his cultivation! We can make a choice after comparing the two.” The young venerable spoke in an orderly manner.

Everyone around nodded and looked at the venerable with strange eyes.

"Well, yes, you are right!" The old god stroked his beard and thought, then nodded, he was convinced.

"What about the third reason?" Someone around said.

"The third one is the heart of the Fire Emperor. He loves this daughter very much, and he even does not hesitate to be hostile to the great sects of the upper realm. This is the most important point. It determines the reason why the Fire Emperor and the three major sects go to war!" the young respected It's a pity that the Fire Emperor admires him a lot, but it's a pity that the price is very high.

"Cultivation is to not forget the original intention and stick to the bottom line. This fire emperor has done a good job." Some old gods praised.

"Oh, ignorance!" Some gods sneered.

"I'm curious why these three are so determined to snatch the Fire Emperor's daughter!" the young venerable said, looking at the three teenagers who caused the disturbance.

"The ancients said that beauty is a disaster, sincerity does not deceive me, apprentice, you must stay away from women in the future, do you understand?" An old god sighed, and then said to the little disciple beside him.

"Well, master, please remember." The eight or nine-year-old child nodded seriously.

"..." The people around were speechless for a while.

"It's because those three teenagers are too young, and their actions are too direct and aggressive. If we change the method, we may not be able to win Huo Ling'er's heart. After all, there are opportunities in the secret realm of Baiduan Mountain. Raw rice and cooked rice, even the Emperor of the Huo Kingdom." No compromise." An old god explained.

"Yeah, those people are still too young. If I wait, I will definitely not let that Human Sovereign..." An old god opened his mouth, then suddenly shut up.

The Fire Emperor in the sky had keen hearing, and he glanced here with a deep cold gaze.

The old god was inexplicably discouraged, he felt that the Human Sovereign seemed to have the ability to kill him.

On the side, the young venerable smiled when he saw the old god deflated, but did not speak.

Of course he knew this, but in this situation, how could he say it out, he didn't want to make a big enemy with the Fire Emperor for no reason.

"Fire Emperor, it's so kind to come back from the lost way!" On the ground, an old venerable from the Immortal Palace raised his head and shouted. Even if he was sealed, he would not be honest.

"Fire Emperor, recognize the reality, and we will be happy if we turn our backs on the shore!" Another venerable persuaded earnestly.

"Enough." The Fire Emperor scolded, he flew up to the clouds, with the Vulcan Spear in his hand swallowing the dragon fire, a little bit of the Emperor's prestige in him gradually recovered, sweeping all directions, trying to make all spirits submit.

"Hey, it's interesting." An old god showed a strange look in his eyes, and this Fire Emperor can surprise people every time.

"This is the prestige of the leader, the emperor is extraordinary, and he has already developed this kind of momentum." One person said with emotion.

"Hmph, what is the power of a leader, a dog in a poor country? Let's see our gods from the upper world beat him back to his original form!" Some gods also dismissed him.

But the young venerable looked at the Fire Emperor in the sky, but his eyes showed admiration.

"I am the emperor, and I will suppress all enemies."

"Come to fight!"

The fire dragon chased the sun, and the long fire swept across the sky, and the voice of the Fire Emperor was so loud that it resounded through Duankong City.

Countless creatures looked at it, and they were all shocked.

"Is this the strongest human race in the lower realm? It's really extraordinary!" A god from the upper realm sighed in the distance.

"Such a breath, such an aura, even though he is a venerable, there is a divine aura exuding. He is already the supreme among the venerables, comparable to the first generation of the three thousand Dao states." Another god from the upper realm nodded,
"Tsk tsk, although the lower realm is a place of cages, it is undeniable that there are also geniuses born." A god was amazed.

"Very strong, you can fight with me." The young venerable nodded with emotion, which made all the gods around him look sideways.

The young venerable is a first generation, with extremely strong talent and strength. He is invincible among the 800 million venerables in his state.

His words attracted the attention of many old gods.

(Currently people from the upper realm can only use the power of the venerable to the lower realm, which is why the young venerable dares to go down to the realm without fear of being besieged and killed by the strong in the divine fire realm)
(End of this chapter)

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