Chapter 79
The world is in chaos, all kinds of dharmas are flying around, and heroes, fierce beasts and raptors are fighting together.

Shi Zhan was extremely powerful, breaking all the enemy's attacks with a snap of his fingers, and the endless sword energy drowned the enemies.

He didn't use the fake Kunpeng method, nor did he use the grass-shaped sword, but he used the knife he liked from the very beginning.

The sword of the Dugu Sword King was lost countless years ago, but now, it has been reappeared in the wilderness by the stone war.

This is a kind of domineering sword, the sword energy fills the heavens and the earth, apart from the sword, nothing else is allowed.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The people and horses took off, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the small world buzzed unbearably, cracks appeared one after another, and chaotic air gushed out and dissipated.

In the cave, a treasure river flew out, all of them were magic soldiers, making everyone jealous.

The torrent of the Baohe River crushes all heroes, and no one can resist it.

Shi Zhan laughed and planted all four silver peaches.

In Baiduan Mountain, he was invincible, his immortal blood boiled, and he swept away all enemies, and no one could resist him.

At this moment, he is the full-level big Bosh in Baiduan Mountain, and all players and NPCs will rise and fall under his feet.

Even the small pagoda at this moment has to be coiled up honestly, and there should be no major movements.


Shi Zhan laughed loudly, angrily, and flaunted.

So far, in Baiduan Mountain, all opportunities...

That monkey wine...

Shi Zhan's eyes lit up, seeing through the void, and on a void animal skin blanket, he saw a group of friends drinking heavily.

That's Little and Little's friend.

Followers, seniors, first loves, friends...

Shi Zhan silently withdrew his gaze and looked towards the sky.

He turned into a light beam and flew into the distance →_→

For the next half month, it was very peaceful.

Everyone meditated and practiced in the monkey sanctuary of Baiduan Mountain, and they were incomparably harmonious.

Shi Zhan and his spiritual body sit here, supervising all living beings, like the emperor of the kingdom of God, no one dares to disturb.

Only by keeping an eye on the people can he collect the remaining resources. The secret realm of Baiduan Mountain is undergoing transformation. Whether it is successful or not, it needs to go through a catastrophe. The stone battle is his catastrophe.

The Divine Monkey Forbidden Land is the place with the strongest aura in Baiduan Mountain. One day of practice here is worth half a month of hard work.

All the Tianjiao are sitting cross-legged and practicing here, all of them are outrageously honest, none of them are as well-behaved as they are now in their own sect of Shenshan.

Shi Zhan was different. He patrolled the entire Baiduan Mountain secret realm, and occasionally punched, splitting the space, allowing chaos to emerge, observing the laws here, and slowly accumulating his own foundation.

Or during this period of time to study the bone inscriptions of the aborigines here, they are born with incomplete bone inscriptions. It is a pity that this is not due to the influence of blood, but because of the laws of heaven and earth.

But that was before, and now the world has changed, and the rune pages on them have changed accordingly.

Zhenji, Golden-winged Tianpeng, Divine Monkey, Five-Colored Peacock... Shi Zhan watched them one by one, and gained a lot, with a smile on his face.

This smile, in the eyes of several living beings, looked terrifying.

In this way, time passed in a flash, and it was time for the copy to end.

The passage to go out opened, streams of light flew away from here, they were the arrogance of the upper world, they didn't look back, and they didn't have any nostalgia.

This time in the secret realm, I really drank the air for more than a month, and there was almost no gain. The creatures from the upper world came from the spirit body, and the cultivation was useless.

However, this great power is invincible within the realm, but outside the realm.

Outside the passage, a mighty figure is guarding here.

Some come out, some fall, some rejoice, some mourn.

Their disciples came out, dejected and very unwilling.

Simple understanding, it turned out that a young venerable had broken into Baiduan Mountain.

He has all the treasures of Baiduan Mountain on him, all of them!
The heavenly bones are there, the fountain of youth is there, the treasure river is there, and everything is there.

The eyes of the gods present lit up, and they slowly stared at the exit of the passage thoughtfully.

The little guy also came out. He beat up a lot of pure blood in the secret realm, gained a lot of flesh and blood, and shared food with his friends to greatly improve his strength.

Because of this, it provoked many powerful forces.

He appeared on the stage and attracted countless people's attention


The little boy secretly swallowed his saliva. Fortunately, he changed his appearance, and the Venerable couldn't find out. This is a treasure skill taught to him by the Peacock Venerable Erbald, which is very powerful.

Then, Xiao BuDian discovered that the eyes were not gathered because of him, but were gathered at the entrance of the cave.

"What are you doing, that little friend, take a moment!" A Venerable said impatiently, but still very kindly.

Xiao BuDian looked confused, it turned out that he was not looking for him, he hid aside obediently, and retreated behind everyone.

Ripples in the channel rippled again, and a golden figure walked out.

It was the Monkey King, and he also came out.

In Baiduan Mountain, the god monkey clan was wiped out, and he was the only monkey left.

When everyone rushed to the exit, the monkey king also fulfilled his oath, letting the aborigines of the entire secret realm be buried with his group.

The God Monkey King appeared, and stood with Xiao BuDian under countless strange eyes.

He felt the smell of monkey wine on Xiao BuDian's body.

"Hey, Senior Monkey King." Xiao BuDian laughed dryly, and the white tower in his hair was shaking endlessly.

"You took my monkey wine and owed me karma. Just follow me during this time." The monkey king didn't get angry on the spot, but transmitted his voice secretly. Sure enough, there are many strong people outside. Once his monkey wine is exposed, Even if the little guy can't get it, he can't get it.

The little boy rolled his eyes, thinking of a way to escape.


There was a flash of ripples in the passage, and a young man walked out carrying an old dragon.

It was Chongtong who took Qingjiao's body from the Monkey King.

This Qingjiao is extraordinary, he was originally a prince, but now he is a venerable, but it is a pity that he was still hunted and killed, and he could not escape the arrangement of fate.

"It's the first generation!" In the camp of the upper realm, Yue Xi's eyes flashed, and she accidentally saw Shi Yi's double pupils.

At this moment, Shi Yi, in the realm of inscriptions, and the strength of Fenghou, is the most powerful one among the Tianjiao of the lower realm in the original book, not one of them.

"Little friend, you can go to..." An old god threw an olive branch.

"Is it the natural supreme of the lower realm, or double pupils!" Someone exclaimed.

Shi Yi is very calm, very much like his father, who has always been confident and calm.

A god took Shi Yi away, this is the powerhouse of Demon Spirit Lake.

The eyes of the gods of the upper realm narrowed. It seemed that this was not the first generation of wild animals, but systematic cultivation.

"Boom!" Just as everyone's eyes were distracted, the passage suddenly exploded.

A figure walked out slowly, his whole body was shrouded in hazy divine light, his face and figure could not be seen clearly, only a humanoid creature could be seen.

Stone War, come out.

He walked out openly and aboveboard, without fear of many strong men.

The divine light on his body gradually faded away, revealing a young boy's face.

This is a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy with average appearance, not very handsome, but not ugly either, with a special temperament.

When the Monkey King saw this person, his painful experience flashed by.

He was once captured alive by this boy, and his whole body was touched. This is a shame, but it's okay, no one else knows.

All the gods and gods around looked at the young man with solemn expressions in their eyes.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the lower realm, there is a first generation!"

Yue Xi laughed loudly, his eyes flashed with fighting intent.

"No, you're wrong, I'm not the first generation, the first generation is nothing." Shi Zhan raised his index finger, shook his head, and said.

"And you, are you waiting for me?"

Then, Shi Zhan turned his head, looked at all the gods present, the Venerable, and then disdained to speak.

"However, you look down on me too much, is that all?"

"Let me guess who is yours? Can it be the young man who has obtained the inheritance of the Supreme Palace? In this lower world, there is only that kind of inheritance that can cultivate a talent like you." An old god said without changing his expression. Uncover the truth.

"Supreme Hall? Oh, yes, that's the only way!"

Many gods nodded. Many great leaders in the upper realm would pay a huge price to the lower realm every once in a while for this inheritance.

In an instant, green light appeared in the eyes of many gods.

Supreme Palace!

Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Inheritance of the Immortal King!

"You back off first, let's suppress this person together, don't be careless, and then study the exercises of the Supreme Hall!"

The gods dismissed the disciples and surrounded Shi Zhantuan from all directions.

The Fire Emperor frowned, and stepped out with a gun in hand to protect his own people.

Butiange's sacrifice spirit also came out, the gourd churned and breathed out chaotic energy, covering Butiange and others.

Gold-winged Tianpeng looked at the young man, this familiar face flashed across his mind, he couldn't help being taken aback, then stepped back resolutely, keeping a distance.


Shi Zhan sighed, flew high into the sky, and looked down at the mob.

"Come on together, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Shi Zhan smiled lightly, a white light slowly appeared in his hand, ready to go.



The gods acted, and the spell rushed to the sky with such a great momentum that it could sink the sun, the moon, and the stars.

A blood moon rose and illuminated the vast land, Yue Xishen clapped his hands, and a bloody light flew towards Shi Zhan like a knife.

Shi Zhan raised his hand, smiled, and knocked the attack away with his bare hands.

He has practiced the method of sanctification of the flesh body, and he has refined it to great success. In this lower realm, it is not a problem to use his bare hands to forcibly master the magic technique.

"So strong!"

Yue Xichen's eyes darkened, and he pinched the secret technique again with both hands, and ten blood moons crossed the sky, forming a line and shooting towards Shi Zhan.

"In the first generation, not everyone is invincible, the moon is sinking in the west? It's nothing." Shi Zhan dismissed, stretched out his palm, and the golden light on it was like a holy body.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

With a light push, Shi Zhan shattered the ten blood moons, and there were no marks on his hands.

This scene directly stunned the gods present.

"I'm invincible, you guys come together." Shi Zhan sneered, his body glowing, supporting ten caves, proud of the past and present.

The gods were angry, and resorted to the unique art of guarding the door, and the Taoist treasures reflected the clouds in the sky, shining brightly.

Shi Zhan laughed, the cave opened up, each one was beating, attracting the four treasures.

The bombardment of various methods has become his nourishment, which is borrowed by the technique of becoming a spirit, which in turn deduces his ultimate leap into the sky.

Ever since I was little, the Ten Cave Heavens are no longer the ultimate realm of Tianjiao, but have become the starting point. Only by combining the Ten Cave Heavens, or other things, can we surpass this ancient history and achieve an immortal legend.

"My cave is endless!"

Borrowing the power of the gods, Shi Zhan gave a loud shout, the five elements of the caves circulated, the four images changed, and reincarnation was reborn. These caves split apart and wanted to become twenty.

Shi Zhan wants to turn the cave sky into a boundary sea, one cave sky and one world, endless.

Twenty caves appeared, very difficult, as if they were about to dissipate, very blurry.

Shi Zhan stopped the deduction, the big battle was imminent, he couldn't take the risk to try this kind of behavior, he stopped, and then smiled at the crowd.

These old gods in the upper realm are not very good, and ordinary gods are nothing to worry about.

The real masters have not yet reached the limit, they are waiting for the successful opening of the transmission channel.


A tiger's claws spanned the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the sharp nails and five sharp curved needles reflected the cold light.

The Xiling Tiger God made a move, and he also wanted the inheritance of the Supreme Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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