Chapter 81 Card Bug
False God Realm.


On the teleportation big bluestone, light flashed.

Shi Zhan walked out of it.

Since entering the darkness, he rarely entered this False God Realm, fearing that he would be discovered by the strong.

Before, Master Bird noticed something was wrong.

After the darkness faded away in Baiduan Mountain, he could finally go there openly.

This is the initial place of the blood-moving realm. There are many children, all of whom are young people. It used to be very lively here, and there was a brat who did some stupid things here.

Missing the crowd, Shi Zhan came to a stele, which was a stele that recorded the record breaking of various arrogances. Generations of powerful people have left their names on it.

Shi Zhan smiled, shook his head and walked away.

What extremes are all jokes, just a kind of restriction of cognition in the routine.

Shi Zhan was very disdainful, but he still came.

Without him, ten parts of bronze can be exchanged for one part of ten fierce treasures.

At his level, the ten fierce treasures are very useful and very tempting to him.

It's just that the GM of this False God World doesn't necessarily follow the rules, and is likely to embezzle treasures.

None of them are real people, but they still have all kinds of emotions, which is... amazing.

Moving to the extreme blood realm, he is now a royal family, so he can easily break through.


The light of the sword shook the sky, and Shi Zhan swung the sword, breaking the initial extreme of the blood-moving realm of the sword.


A stone tablet fell.Surrounded by a mysterious atmosphere, some names are engraved on it.

Shi Zhan looked down.

Sure enough, there is a name that is very social.

Favorite animal milk.

Shi Zhan chuckled and engraved his name under it.


This movement was very loud, and many people were shocked to watch. They saw the young man break through the initial extreme state, and they all watched.

Since childhood, very few people have broken through the limit in this respect, and those are still brats.

"The Dao of the Sword is the ultimate, really good, not bad."

Shi Zhan nodded in satisfaction, and wanted to leave and go to the next realm.

"Little friend, what's your reward?" A middle-aged man with a hammer came over, wanting to trade the reward for the stone war.

This is Uncle Hammer, the passer-by who disappeared mysteriously after cheating and abducting the trio, but couldn't find it in the end.

He reappears with a broken but fully restored sledgehammer.

"Oh, there's also a reward, I almost forgot." Shi Zhan remembered that the reward hadn't been issued yet, so he punched the False God Realm's record tablet.

Boom boom boom.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and a dark cloud descended from the sky.

"Hand over my reward." Shi Zhan sneered fearlessly.

wow wow wow.

The crowd dispersed and gave way one after another. This man is so cruel. He would punch and kick the False God Realm if he disagreed with him. It is really cruel.


The thunder strikes, accompanied by Lei Yin, the momentum is fierce and intimidating.

Shi Zhan raised his hand, this is the initial land of the False God Realm, and he can only exert the power of moving blood, but he has exceeded this limit.

In Baiduan Mountain, he has observed this kind of similar law, and he is familiar with it, and now he can avoid this kind of rule.

Commonly known as card bug.

The thunder is useless, and the stone battle is unscathed. He bathes in the law of thunder and walks. The power here in the False God Realm is very weak. It was once smashed by the immortal king, and it is not as strong as before.

This surprised everyone, and one of them tried to touch it, and with a scream, the soul body turned into white light, and Yuan went offline.

When Shi Zhan saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched. He used a bug in the rules to interfere with the rules of the False God Realm. As long as he didn't make any big moves, it wouldn't attract stronger rules and sanctions.

These people also followed his example. Without that strength, they could only log out of their accounts and log out of the server.

Shi Zhan sat cross-legged here, waiting for a quarter of an hour, but still did not see the treasure drop.

"Virtual God Realm, is it already dead?" Shi Zhan sighed, bursting out the power close to God in the initial ground, and penetrated into the depths of Thunder.

This False God Realm is rumored to be constructed by the spiritual power of the gods of the lower realm, but it is actually formed by the union of the spiritual power of immortal kings from several eras before their death.

In other words, there is a great insight and a great opportunity here.

Shi Zhan got into it, trying to steal the information and avenues in it. He had comprehended the laws of the secret realm of Baiduan Mountain, and had a certain understanding of the operation of this kind of world rules.

Small worlds are all similar, just like many games are changed skins. The hierarchical structure of this small world is not bad. It may be that they borrowed from each other when creating them. Of course, those with declarations are used for learning. , please delete in time within one era→_→

He is like a virus, drilling into a program and stealing the knowledge in it. As long as it does not attract a stronger anti-virus program, Shi Zhan can do whatever he wants.

Stealing information is always faster than realizing it yourself.

If you are willing to add c by mistake, if you are willing to add v by mistake, OK.

Stone War disappeared, and Lei Jie also disappeared.

Everyone was surprised, thinking that Shi Zhan was kicked out of the False God Realm. Such things have happened before, so it is not surprising now.

However, these people don't know that Shi Zhan has actually gone deep into the False God Realm, and has not been kicked out by the False God Realm. He is walking on thin ice. This is a dangerous behavior and requires great caution.

Stronger than Lord Bird and Master Jingbi, they were all suppressed by the False God Realm. If Shi Zhan, a little trash, wanted to touch any secrets, he would be suppressed or even obliterated.

Some weapons can destroy the real body in reality by killing the spiritual consciousness in the False God Realm. These weapons have such abilities, which also means that the False God Realm has such power.

Stone battles must be handled with care.

Here are all the enlightenment of the immortal kings, and it contains great fortune. It cannot be completed overnight, and it also needs a lot of foreign aids.

Not long after, the False God Realm changed, as if something was wrong, a phantom appeared in the initial place.

This is the envoy of the barren land, and it is a program to supervise and maintain the balance of the False God Realm in the barren area, lacking spiritual wisdom.

It can be considered as artificial intelligence, or spirit.

He looked left and right, but he didn't notice any abnormality, but he obviously felt it, but he couldn't detect it.

Shi Zhan stood in front of this figure, no more than one meter away, and the False God Realm Envoy couldn't find him.

This is the power of law, and this is the benefit of bugs. In this broken False God Realm, as long as the founder does not find him personally, he can walk in every place, as if entering a land without people.

"This feeling, the power of rules..." Shi Zhan silently watched the domain envoy disappear, feeling this magical power.

He thought of some methods of later generations, such as the Nine Secrets, Xing, ignoring all obstacles.

He definitely can't create that kind of magic right now, at least it's at the level of a true immortal, and he is not worthy of a stone battle.

The methods of later generations make the best use of resources, and a little bit of longevity substance can be boiled out to become a true immortal, unlike the present, where it is all wasted.

Shi Zhan continued to explore. This initial land has special laws, which can suppress the strength of a certain level of people to the blood-moving state, which is very miraculous.

Shi Zhan observed this kind of law, and it took a day in a flash, with only a little gain.

In the end, he stopped insisting, the real body from the outside world couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't let go of his body for a long time, so he had to go back.

He left False God Realm.

When the spirit returned, Shi Zhan opened his eyes, and brought all his perceptions back to himself, making him even more unfathomable.

Now, with his level of strength, if it weren't for accidents, he would already be an invincible existence in the lower realms. Unless some old gods come back, no one can be his opponent.

"The heavens and the earth have undergone great changes, and many of the venerables of Shenshan are the first to bear the brunt. They have swallowed the medicine of transformation and made a breakthrough. There is basically no magic medicine in this barren land."

Shi Zhan thought about the changes in the lower realm, starting with the barren land, and the other seven domains are far away from the barren land, and it will take a long time to transform.

This is an opportunity. One step ahead is a huge gap. If monks in this domain want to become stronger, they can go to other seven domains to plunder.

Looting the elixir and divine material, planting it in the wilderness, and transforming it quickly can provide the motivation for practice.

In this way, after a few years, countless powerful people will emerge from the wasteland.

"The rules of the other seven domains have not changed much. If they come now, their strength will not be suppressed, and it may not be safe. Maybe many gods from the upper realm have used the barren domain as a springboard to go to the other seven domains." Shi Zhan thought of this. , Dispelled the idea of ​​going to other seven domains.

If he met in other places, he really couldn't escape.

In front of gods and even gods, his strength is not enough at all.

"Take your time, I still have a chance. I just need to master this bug that ignores the limitations of the secret realm, and I can enter and exit many forbidden secret realms and plunder resources." Shi Zhan calmed down, as long as it is a broken world, it depends on the loopholes You can exploit loopholes.

Many worlds have something in common, these restrictions are not bad, as long as you master it, it is a sharp weapon!

If he uses it well, he can even loot all the next large dungeons such as Kunpeng Secret Realm and Immortal Ancient Trial Ground.

This requires careful study.

"Let's go back to Shicun first. In my state, I can see God Liu, so I shouldn't be obliterated."

Before, Liu Shennian Shizhan awakened his bloodline and forcibly pulled out the darkness, just to reminisce about old love.

Shi Zhan also understood, so he never went back since then.

He dared not go back, for fear of being beaten to death.

Just like a child who has gone astray, he dare not go home to see his parents.

Shi Zhan went too far, he refined a piece of wicker from Willow God, which made him extremely uneasy.

Now, washing everything in Baiduan Mountain, he is like a child released from the detention center, and will face the beauty of the world again.

"I'm going back, what should I bring..." Shi Zhan looked around, it was too barren and there was nothing there.

"You can't use these artifacts as furniture, can you?" Shi Zhan looked towards the cave, where there was a treasure river.

There are all kinds of weapons inside, and some are more peculiar.

There are chess boards, kitchen knives, vegetable jars, wooden boards, bricks, fire sticks, cooling fans...

In the end, Shi Zhan frowned and directly refined these divine spirit soldiers. This is something of the dead, which is unlucky.

He recasted it. With his current state, forging low-level treasures is really easy.

These, on the way back, can be made distractingly.

He concealed his body and shuttled across the ground, getting closer and closer to the stone village, his heart was inexplicably disturbed and excited.

This is a feeling he doesn't have when facing the gods, it's amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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