Chapter 91 My Battleship

Xuanda single-handedly evolved a hundred-foot-long black dragon. Its mouth opened like a gate, and its huge teeth were ferocious and sharp as pillars.

On the deck, there was a hazy white light pulling the blood mist surging, reuniting the blood energy, and forming a blurry figure in an instant.

"Brother, hurry up, we can't bring him back to life again!" Xuan San Princess said sharply.

"I won't give him another chance." Xuan Da whispered, his whole body glowed, and the power of the black dragon became even stronger.

"Second brother, you go and capture his soul, you can't let him escape, we must get the complete Six Paths of Reincarnation and Ten Fierce Sword Art!"

Xuan Er's whole body was also wrapped in divine light. He nodded, stretched out his arms, and transformed into a white real dragon, just like the black dragon before, and rushed towards Shi Zhan Yuanshen.


But, suddenly, an accident happened, a big crack appeared in the void in front of the three brothers and sisters, from which endless suction gushed out, trying to swallow the three of them.

A black dragon and a white dragon were all swallowed up by the crack that suddenly appeared, and all the supernatural powers played by Xuan Daxuan Er were swallowed up.

"No, it's the suction of this black ship. Let's get out of here quickly. Once we are swallowed, we will be forced to step on that ship!" Princess Xuansan exclaimed. A brother, fluttering his wings to leave.

Xuan Daxuan Er looked at Shi Zhan's direction with regret, his eyes full of regret.

This person is going to be buried here, but it's a pity that the complete Heavenly Art and Ten Fierce Techniques will be buried in history.

Xuansan Princess turned into a phoenix, and when her wings fluttered, she set off a void storm. She was extremely fast, and Baokai, who was a monk at the level of her body, emitted a divine light to resist the suction of the black ship.

"No, I can't move!" The phoenix incarnated by Xuansan Princess seemed to be nailed in the void, she flapped her wings, but she just stayed where she was.

"Burning luck!"

Xuanda opened his mouth, and a thick purple air was transpiring from his body, turning into flames and transforming into a kind of magical power.

The Third Princess Xuan was covered by purple flames, and the aura of her whole body became stronger, and she slowly broke through the restraining power of the black boat.

"It's not enough!" Xuan Er roared, and the power of luck was released from his body, turning into flames.

On Xuan Da Xuan Er, the strong power of luck was crazily consumed, exhausting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Not enough, not enough!" The phoenix incarnated by Xuansan Princess screamed, and the flames on her body were sucked by the crack like a dragon sucking water.

Like an asteroid flying past the sun, the atmosphere on it was stripped away, forming a ridiculous hourglass-shaped gaseous cumulus cloud between the two.

"I can't go away!" The fire of luck was stripped from Princess Xuansan's body, and she was slowly sucked towards the crack.

"It's over!"

The three brothers and sisters are desperate. Once they set foot on this boat, there is no hope of escape. Throughout the ages, no one has been able to leave from it.

"Let's go, help me take care of Zhulu Academy!"

Suddenly, the boy on the deck sighed, and he threw out a ball of purple luck.

The luck burned and turned into a violent thrust, like a rocket launching, pushing the three people away!
"You!!" Xuan Lingxi turned her head, with unbelievable surprise in her eyes.

"I will transfer this cause and effect, I hope you can complete it for me!" On the deck, the aura of the stone battle slowly faded, and a hazy phantom appeared from him.

It is Qin Zhulu, that power is both an opportunity and a curse. It is because of him that the stone battle becomes a god, and it is also because of him that he cannot break through.


The phantom was thrown violently by Shi Zhan and flew towards the three brothers and sisters.


Third Princess Xuan took over the power, looked at Shi Zhan, and was stunned.

"Propelled by the power of the gods, coupled with the burning power of luck, you can leave!" Shi Zhan smiled.

"But this karma, this curse, you have to bear. The Zhulu Academy needs you to revive it."

"How do you choose?"

"Why!" Fenghuang turned his head, his eyes full of puzzlement and doubt.

They wanted to kill Shi Zhan, why did Shi Zhan let them go?
Shi Zhan smiled mysteriously. Of course he would not say that this boat belonged to his ancestors, and there were many chances on it. If they fell together, his own chances would be robbed.

"You are alive, more useful than me!" Shi Zhan said loudly.

"Sister, let's go, this karma, if you don't accept it, you will die." Xuan Da sighed.


Third Princess Xuan nodded, glanced at the ancient ship, and flew away with wings.

The void flickered, and the three of them flew away and left this place.

The realm of the stone war fell, and it was transformed from a god to the realm of the true one again.

At this moment, he smiled.

This boat, from now on, is his!

He traveled thousands of miles in one step, met many strong men, and saw a five-crown king holding a big Luo sword embryo...

It's a pity that the five crowns have been stained by darkness.

He ran amok here, with the sinful blood on his head glowing, ignoring many dangers, and the blessing of Mingming power on the boat allowed him to walk through all dangers directly.

In the end, he came next to a huge corpse and felt a throbbing blood.

This is an immortal king with terrible wounds all over his body. Half of his body turned black because he blocked the seal.

Just like the corpse of the immortal emperor blocking the mouth of heaven, this immortal king blocked and sealed the tiny gap between the foreign land and the nine heavens.

The sinful blood shone, and Shi Zhan saw that the corpse was touched, and the forehead also glowed with blood, echoing Shi Zhan.

The huge figure moved its eyelids, as if it was about to come alive.

"Shi Zhan in the future, I have seen the distant ancestors!" Shi Zhan bent down to kowtow, but his knees were held up by a force and he could not bend down.


Countless figures appeared around Shi Zhan, they are all strong in the Divine Fire Realm, the true genius level

Just like the scene in the original book, this is the Tianjiao who once set foot on the ancient ship and was darkened.

Their costumes are old and different, not the costumes of this era. Although they act, they don't have real spiritual consciousness, like robots.

The five-crown king held the sword and split the fairy light. He possessed a fairy energy, but it was blackened and turned into a dark fairy light.


Shi Zhan's pupils shrank, he hadn't set foot in this field yet.

Da Luo's sword tire was extremely sharp, cutting everything, Shi Zhan did not dare to respond to the sharpness, and dodged left and right.

In the distance, lights lit up one after another and began to copy his method.

That is a lamp of reflection in a foreign land, which can copy the Nine Heavens' method and bring it back for research and deciphering.

Throughout the ages, all the laws of the nine heavens and ten places have been almost restrained by foreign lands...

One after another figures appeared, all of them were at the peak of the divine fire...

Shi Zhan was surrounded and fell into a bitter fight.

The Five-Crown King Da Luo sword drew bloodstains on his body.

He seems to have relived the time of the battle with the embarrassing village. He was surrounded and seriously injured...

Sky Mending Technique!
The stone battle exploded, and he lost to the five crowned king who had a big Luo sword embryo, and was forced to use the sky-replenishing technique.

In the distance, a light flickered, recording this precious skill of Shi Zhan.

"Damn it!" Shi Zhan yelled, and was cut to pieces by Da Luo's sword again...

The sky-replenishing technique was performed again and again, and the stone battle was cut to pieces again and again...

A big dark hand rose from behind the huge fairy corpse, and pressed it towards Shi Zhan.

The fairy corpse shook, and the word "crime" glowed on its forehead. It wanted to stop it, but was restrained by more forces and could not make a move.

The big hand clapped it, a hundred miles in size, covering the void, and it was extremely terrifying.

Shi Zhan's body shattered again, turning into a blood mist, the white light of mending the sky appeared, the runes linked together, and Shi Zhan reunited again.


In the big crack behind the fairy corpse, a middle-aged man appeared, and it was he who waved his big hand to completely end the stone war.

The ancient lamp swayed and slowly faded away, as if it was no longer possible to obtain useful spells from Shi Zhan, the Sky Mending Technique had been copied, and Stone Zhan had no effect.

"Waiting for this moment, it's been a long time!"

Shi Zhan laughed. At this moment, he was full of energy,

In the distance, in the mist, all the ancient lamps were lit up, swaying wildly!
"Da Xuan Mie Shen!"

The Wanbao River pierced through the void and formed a formation in an instant, and a large formation reaching the sky was formed in an instant.

With tens of thousands of soldiers as the formation, condense the great formation of the gods, gather the inextinguishable murderous aura, and kill the leader of the gods!
"Five crowns, borrow the big Luo sword embryo!"

The big Luo sword fetus was absorbed by a strong suction force and broke away from the five-crown king.

The breath of Shi Zhan's whole body soared, and amidst the astonished expressions of many dark creatures, he snatched the sword embryo from the five-crown king.

With the concentration of divine power, Da Luo's sword embryo shone with dazzling light. In the rain of light, a river of blood rolled, and a stream of blood drifted on it.

All the murderous aura gathered on the sword embryo, showing an incomparably terrifying scene.

On the coffin, a figure turned its back to the sentient beings and slowly turned around.

Shi Zhan closed his eyes, not daring to see that scene, he held the big Luo sword embryo, and swung his sword to chop it off.

Grass word swordsmanship!

The sword stunned the sky, and the eyelids of the ancient ship's immortal corpse trembled and were about to open.

"Do not!!"

The arm of the middle-aged Celestial Master Supreme (strength is uncertain) powerhouse was cut off, turned into mist, and dissipated.

He trembled and looked at the sword in Shi Zhan's hand, as if he had encountered something restrained, like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Get out!" Shi Zhan shouted with his sword in his hand, this man can't be killed yet, it's useful to keep it.

In the future, Xiaobudian will board this ship and take away the sword embryo.

Shi Zhan didn't want and didn't want to occupy Da Luo's sword embryo, the cause and effect were too great, he wasn't sure to surrender.

The middle-aged man in the mist looked at Shi Zhan, but he was not intimidated, and he still wanted to make a move.

"Huh?" Shi Zhan looked at him coldly, and a very faint light of darkness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The middle-aged man in the mist was shocked, bowed his head and retreated.

It turned out to be my own...

"Huh?" The fairy corpse seemed to feel it, its eyelids moved, but they didn't open.

The dark breath flashed on this descendant, as if it didn't exist, but it definitely did.


Shi Zhan threw the big Luo sword tire on the ground, and strode towards other parts of the hull.

The ancient lamp swayed and receded slowly.

All the dark creatures ignored the stone battle, and this time there was no blocking.

It seemed to be intimidated by that sword, and it seemed to be shaken by an inexplicable aura.

On the fairy corpse, a thought firmly locked onto Shi Zhan, sensed it carefully, and then fell silent.

He found an abnormality, this descendant of extremely pure blood was polluted by darkness.

In the past, even if this person was of his own blood, he would have killed him.

But now is the next epoch.

He is on a warship, using his body as a wall to block the gap, and like the master of the restricted area, he can also sense the changes in this world...

His bloodline was sealed in the original imperial city, fighting day and night...

His hometown was called the state of sin...

His descendants were rejected by countless people from nine heavens and ten places...

They were stained with the blood of sin and committed a great sin...

The fairy corpse was silent, he saw the darkness that Shi Zhan tried his best to hide, and didn't say anything.

Although this offspring is polluted, he has not yet turned black, and is very weak. Let him live. If he is endangered for nine days in the future, he will solve it himself.

The dark creatures in the crack were also silent, and they also saw the details of Shi Zhan
It is the blood of this fairy king, but it is polluted by darkness.

They waited for the fairy corpse's choice, whether to kill relatives righteously, or...

The fairy corpse didn't move, and they didn't make any more moves.

quietly watching...

In the end, the fairy corpse didn't move, and they also showed shock, and looked at the fairy corpse meaningfully.


The ancient lamps shone to make way for the stone battle, and the dark creatures followed like servants.

After walking through the bones of powerful men from many eras, Shi Zhan came to a large vat.

This is a big vat as high as a mountain, filled with all kinds of precious blood, golden, purple, colorful...

This is not intentionally stored, but the blood spilled by these strong men during the battle...

It's all fairy blood, supreme blood, fairy king blood...

It is very precious. For people below the immortal way, every drop is a treasure, but here, there are vats after vats!
Shi Zhan stepped forward, and the rune evolved into a big hand, wanting to go to get blood.

The blood erupted with a terrifying energy, annihilating the big hand in an instant, and following the trajectory, came towards Shi Zhan.

Da Luo's sword embryo was picked up again by Shi Zhan from the five-crown king behind him, and the infinite sword energy burst out, resisting this terrible aura.

Shi Zhan retreated a hundred steps, was shocked by the Qi machine, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his face was pale.

"I'll give you the sword." He returned the Da Luo sword fetus to the five-crown king.

"..." The Five Crown King had an inexplicable expression on his face, helpless and speechless.

Good guy, he has now become the scabbard of Da Luo's sword fetus, that is, the sword bearer of Shi Zhan.

Shi Zhan flew high into the sky, looking down from the sky, the blood in the vat seemed to be still alive, and the runes circulated by themselves, obliterating all living beings that approached.

Shi Zhan frowned, this is very difficult, he does not have a powerful container and cannot take these away.

Do you want to miss Baoshan?
Shi Zhan is not reconciled, this is Immortal Blood, a great opportunity that cannot be missed.

If he can't make it through, then let the precious blood come by itself.

He thought about it, then sacrificed the Wanbao River, and took out a bowl from it, this is the real Heaven Transformation Bowl, a god-level weapon that can swallow treasures like a cornucopia.

Shi Zhan urged it to aim at the big vat, the mouth of the bowl glowed, and the runes circulated, trying to release the power of swallowing the sky.

In the big vat, the blood boiled, and colorful blood flew out and gathered.

"It's done?!"

Shi Zhan was pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect to be able to take away the fairy blood like this!

He looked at the Huatian Bowl in his hand happily, and the expression on his face slowly froze.

A strange scene happened, leaving the vat, the spirit of the blood was rapidly draining, and when it was in Shi Zhan's hands, it had become lifeless waste blood.

"It's useless..." Shi Zhan sighed, looking at the big tank reluctantly.

This blood is only useful in a large vat, and ordinary utensils cannot hold this powerful blood...

"If only Shicun's cauldron was still there!!" Shi Zhan couldn't help but said.

"That's right! The cauldron of Shicun!"

Shi Zhan's eyes lit up, it was the cauldron engraved with the original truth, and it was a powerful artifact left by the corpse emperor!
Although it has no power, it is so strong that even the Immortal King cannot destroy it!
"Far Ancestor, can you open up a space channel? I want to go back to Stone Village and get the ancestral artifact of my Stone Clan!"

In the original book, the fairy corpse once made a move and directly sent Xiao Budian back to the Immortal Ancient Trial Site, so Shi Zhan deduced that the fairy corpse could send him back to the lower realm.

"Where are you going?" Sure enough, the fairy corpse made a sound. He was not completely dead yet, and he had leftover thoughts, so he asked Shi Zhan.

"Lower Realm, Wasteland!" Shi Zhan said excitedly.


The forehead of the immortal corpse is shining, the light of the law of the immortal way is brilliant, and the word "crime" breaks through a void passage.

"Hey, there's a familiar smell..."

The surviving consciousness of the fairy corpse felt the spirit of ancestor worship.

"She's still alive, has she come back from Jiehai... her breath is wrong, she seems to be seriously injured... oh..." Immortal Corpse sighed.

The mist surged, and the dark creatures rushed to squeeze into the passage.

It is the breath of life, they are going to plunder...

Shi Zhan bid farewell to his ancestors, and was the first to walk into the passage at a very fast speed.

call out!
The passage was immediately closed, and countless dark creatures bumped into the void, turning into black mist.

(End of this chapter)

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