Chapter 94 Reiki Control
One hundred thousand princes stepped out of the imperial capital and went to every place in the Shi Kingdom, carrying the secret mission of the War Emperor.

In the territory of hundreds of millions of miles, there are turbulent winds and clouds, and undercurrents are surging.

"This old man has an ominous premonition that the new Emperor of War, who is so vigorous and mysterious all of a sudden, is afraid that there will be a big change in this great wilderness!"

Hundreds of thousands of miles away from the imperial capital, in a Lingxiu mountain range filled with aura, on the tallest and steepest cliff, there is a mysterious silver building.

In the building, an old Taoist is dressed in the starry sky and the Milky Way Dao robe. His eyes open and close, and there are galaxies shining. He looks up at the sky, as if he can see through the universe nine days away.

"The stars in the sky are going north, the light is shining, the bull is swaying, and the night is coming!"

The old man let out a long sigh.

He walked out of the palace, looked at the building of the mountain gate, raised his hand and waved it, intending to close the gate.

"Star Dou Cult, please accept the inspection!"

However, with a loud shout like thunder, the passage in the void opened,

A group of soldiers and horses came out of the passage, the gold and iron horses showed their murderous aura.

The leader was a powerful prince, and it was he who stopped the old man's actions with his words.

"I don't know which prince from Shi Kingdom is the visitor?"

Seeing this, the star-studded veteran asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"What is my identity, you don't need to know yet, the generals obey the order and set up the formation! Start to extract the spiritual veins from this place!"

The prince shouted loudly, tens of thousands of powerful armored soldiers crashed down into the sky behind them, surrounded the mountain range, and then took out various props and ruthlessly inserted them into the ground.

On the ground, the divine light soared to the sky, the earth dragon rolled and screamed, and a phantom of a twisted and struggling spirit dragon was slowly forcibly pulled out of the ground.

"what are you going to do!"

The old man shouted loudly, his face flustered!
"Star Dou Sect, you have hidden your spiritual veins, illegally occupied the wealth of the Stone Kingdom, and the War Emperor ascended to the throne, purging everyone, all of you parasitic sects will be pulled out!"

The prince sneered, and pulled out a magic weapon, which was indeed a magic weapon from Wanbao Hanoi.


The earth veins rolled, the spirit dragon roared, the earth trembled, and the mountains shook.

The spirit dragon was finally forcibly pulled out of the ground and put into the magic weapon.

Unwilling to roar, it clashed left and right, but was firmly locked in the divine weapon by a purple air of luck, becoming a powerful energy source to bless the divine weapon!

The old Taoist made a move instantly, shouted loudly, and the Tao followed suit, and the stars fell in pieces, destroying the sky and the earth.

"Hmph, looking for death, Wanbao Mishen, kill!"


"Kill kill kill!"

The prince's face remained unchanged, he sacrificed the magic weapon, and shouted loudly, tens of thousands of soldiers on the ground shouted in unison.

The majestic murderous aura gathered, and a spear of killing intent pierced through everything.

"Seven Killing Star Movement!"

"The greedy wolf star is coming!"

"Breaking the army is invincible!"

The old Taoist played three treasures one after another, and Xinghui fell from the sky and blessed him.


Patriarch! "

The disciples of Xingdou raised their palms, each received a beam of starlight, and hit the old Taoist together to help him!
"Star Dou Sect, dare to attack the law-enforcement princes, the crime will be aggravated, the Emperor of War has ordered, when encountering resisters, kill first and then play!"

When the prince was angry, he sailed for thousands of miles.

The extreme brilliance of the starlight magnified the old pain.

Above the magic weapon of Wanbaohe, a phantom slowly emerged, carrying the aura of an ancient god.

The deity (qi) of the divine soldier is activated.


With a flash of starlight, Dahuang lost this ray of light forever.

A faint purple energy disappeared from this sect that had been passed down for thousands of years.

On the wild land, Shi Guohuang Yunlongdao overlooked everything, breathing lightly, absorbing the power of that luck.

This situation is happening everywhere in the Great Wilderness Stone Country.

As long as it is not a wild folk sect affiliated to the Stone Kingdom, all of them will suffer the fate of Taoist extraction of spiritual veins.

All over the Stone Kingdom, every spiritual vein has been pulled away from the land, and the spiritual energy content of this land is dropping sharply.

However, due to the existence of the big crack, these places where the spiritual energy was just short were quickly replenished by the outside world due to various reasons such as spiritual pressure.

A new dragon vein slowly formed.

Then, it was pulled out again...

If the Great Wilderness is compared to a lake, then the Stone Country is a pump that keeps running, slowly sucking away the aura...

Therefore, Shi Zhan seems to be drawing the aura of the Stone Kingdom, but in fact it is the aura of the main film Great Wilderness and even the upper realm.

It's just that this method of pumping water is too slow.


Stone country.

imperial capital.

Royal Palace.

Shi Zhan was alone, facing thousands of old Shi Huang's women, all of them trembled in front of him, and dared not speak.

Each of these people is related to the forces of the Shi Kingdom, and behind them are big clans and great teachers.
Kill, can't kill.

Sleeping all over the place.

We can only stay here, we can't let them run away, because they are the hub of many forces in Shi Kingdom...

"Give me all of you, honestly, if there is another sudden death in the palace, you will all die!" Shi Zhan looked at these women extremely angry.

These women are still restless here, and various things happen unexpectedly every day.

Since he came to the present, dozens of servants have died inexplicably in a row!
This is simply the greatest contempt for him!

Shi Zhan isolated them all, each in a single room.

A group of women staggered up and left, their gaits were elegant and seductive.

There are all kinds of styles, which are dazzling.


Shi Zhan didn't want to taste it.

After these people left, Shi Zhan frowned, and looked out of the sky through the formation.

He raised his hand, feeling carefully, his eyebrows gradually stretched, revealing a smile.

"The aura is getting thinner."

"It's not enough, one place one place is too slow, I need more, more!"

Sitting cross-legged, Shi Zhan began to comprehend the formation method, how to gather and compress the aura of heaven and earth, and then pack it away.

All the spiritual veins will return to his cave, and all kinds of magic will evolve.

If one day, the end of Dharma comes, his cave will be the fairyland!

The cave transforms the world, uses the cave as a seed, and evolves into the heavens.

Shi Zhan began to walk out of his own way.

"The evolution of immortal energy requires a huge amount of energy, and the spirit veins in the main film of Shiguo are not enough. I really need more people and a faster method!"

A few days later, he got up and realized the new formation.

Countless princes are like hardworking bees, carrying the spiritual veins back and forth. Due to the contamination of the spiritual veins and the power of luck, these princes are also slowly improving their strength.

This change made them happy and more industrious.

Shi Zhan announced the more efficient formation to the kings, and at the same time asked about the local situation... After the information exchange, Shi Zhan also learned about the changes in the attitudes of other human forces outside the Shi Kingdom towards him.

There is a big misunderstanding in this, which makes people feel incredible.

"Zhanhuang, do we want to flatten the Butian Pavilion? I heard that Chongtong almost died in the Butian Pavilion, or was picked up by the strong man from the Demon Spirit Lake." A prince hesitated and said.

"What else? Let's hear it?" Shi Zhan was stunned. Is Butian Pavilion a fool? Why did he make such a move?
Also, why did the divine vine sacrifice spirit in Butian Pavilion allow...

Shi Zhan suddenly fell silent.

The Shenvine Jiling of Butian Pavilion is not a very good person, he thought of what happened to the Tuoba family back then...

It was a powerful family that was about to establish an ancient country. In the end, Ji Ling was killed by the divine vine.

It is conceivable how many people in the Tuoba family will die because of this.

Standing opposite Di, there is no distinction between races, the same race is also beheaded.

"Double pupil showed the power of a prince. The elder of Butian Pavilion was defeated, and the pavilion master personally suppressed it. Chongtong used the double pupil method and the supreme method, and desperately sacrificed a sword technique."

"No one in Butian Pavilion can defeat Chong Tong, and Chong Tong has defeated all enemies. When he was about to leave, an accident happened."

"The elders of Butian Pavilion thought that Shi Yi had stolen their town school's secret knowledge. A mysterious strong man came out with a sword on his head. He shot very hotly and broke the double-pupil method and the supreme method. He wanted to force Shi Yi to question him. fencing."

"Double pupils fought to the death, blew both eyes, fought back angrily, and finally blocked that person's blow."

"At a critical moment, the powerful Demon Spirit Lake came, and Shi Yi's father appeared. He fought against Lord Ghost in Butian Pavilion, lost and was severely injured."

"Shi Yi shed blood, turned his eyes off to save his father, and the spirit of the Demon Spirit Lake tried to suppress Lord Ghost, but was also defeated."

"Finally, the Golden Spider Spirit arrived and took away Shi Yi, father, son, master and apprentice."

"Oh, there are also a few children from the Shi Kingdom who were fighting in the Butian Pavilion. Taking advantage of this chaos, they slipped away and disappeared."

The prince said slowly, he looked at Shi Zhan.

"Double pupil, are you blind?" Shi Zhan absorbed the news, a little inconceivable.

"Yes!" The prince bowed his head, his voice was silent but unfortunately, "Fortunately, he still has the supreme bone!"

"Stop what you're doing first, go to Demon Lake and meet him." Shi Zhan said after a long silence.


The prince turned and left.

It's night, the palace.

Shi Zhan looked at the moon on the Temple of Heaven, expressionless.

"God, you caused me to lose a general in the lower realm, so I will plunder your eight domain spirit veins and turn you into an eternal wasteland!"

Shi Zhan murmured in a low voice, the bright moon was covered by dark clouds, and the rolling thunder calamity came!

Grabbing power, plundering the aura of heaven and earth, and interfering with the operation of the world, the will of this world has found it intolerable.

Shi Zhan's actions harmed the will of the heavenly dao, the heavenly dao came, and wanted to kill him!
"Are you afraid? If you are afraid, go to fight against foreign lands. What kind of skills are there in the nest? It's ridiculous!" Shi Zhan raised his head, happy and not afraid.

Rolling thunder roared, brewing above Shi Zhan's head, and finally receded.

"Battle Emperor, what happened?"

A concubine came boldly, step by step, swaying gracefully.

"Why did you come out? Why don't you go back!" Shi Zhan turned around and said coldly.

"Zhan Huang, concubine..." The concubine was extremely bold, and took another step closer to Shi Zhan.


"Battle Emperor~"

"……what are you going to do?"

"The concubine wants to leave the palace, to see him when he didn't enter the palace..." the concubine bit her lip and said.

"My concubine can promise you anything, but the Emperor of War can..."

"First love? Isn't it the old Stone Emperor?" Shi Zhan glanced at him and bowed slightly.

"The time has not yet come. When I succeed in my great mission, all of you can leave this palace and pursue your happiness."

Shi Zhan sighed, every woman in the palace, he dared to bet, none of them were sincere to the old Shihuang...

"Thank you Emperor Zhan." The concubine bent down.

Shi Zhan went to help her, but unexpectedly the woman slipped and fell into his arms.

Nephrite jade is warm and's wonderful.


(End of this chapter)

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