Full-time mages begin to conquer all worlds

Chapter 109 101. Uninvited guest, foul language, cut it with a knife

Chapter 109 101. Uninvited Guest
After the two got up and left, it was already a day later.

Songhe looked at the three helplessly, but Mù Nujiao sneaked up to Ye Xinxia crazily complaining about what happened yesterday: Crazy nonsense, everyone moved out the forces behind them, there was no nonsense with.

A group of family seniors with dead descendants had the cheek to ask the school to give an explanation.

The school moved out a group of people from aristocratic families who did not die, saying: Why are they okay, what happened to your descendants, so many shits, and at this time they also took up life and death contracts.

For a while, there was nothing to say to the other side, but in order to stabilize the hearts of the families and the people at the bottom, a group of old and disrespectful guys put on their old faces and talked abruptly for several hours, and then they ended their mouths. Cannon, this stabilized people's hearts.

Behind the incident, I don't know how much money was given to the college to fight this war of words.

After all, this matter can only happen in secret, and it should not be the first time nor the last time.

The waves caused by this incident are not just a little bit. The supporters behind the genius who died this time may be suppressed, ridiculed, or sent to the frontier by the family, unless they find another genius-like figure In place of the dead.

Without excellent juniors, how can we carry the big ship of the family? How will we go in the future? The family will not reuse these people.

We can't let people who don't have excellent juniors carry the banner. If people get old, they will inevitably cause riots and fight for power. This is the blood experience accumulated over hundreds of years.

After walking out of the system space and returning to the hotel, his feet made a crisp sound when he stepped on the ground.

The two women came out behind them. The system space does not need to hide intimate resources at all. As a result, the system space has become the system space of three people, and the system space is not only Li Xiaoguang.Tangyue, Ye Xinxia, ​​and Mu Ningxue belonged to me. There are four people in total, but the system space is infinite, and it can be divided infinitely. There is no problem with this operation.

And during the battle, from time to time, the two of them would secretly mention things like engagement.

Li Xiaoguang heard that his head was big, he was a man who wanted to conquer the sea, how could he bend his waist for two big trees?However, these two big trees are really tempting, so they can only agree verbally.In my heart, I have decided to give them more weight. "Haha, when the time comes—"

The seven-star hotel is quite big, with four bedrooms, three living rooms and so on.Seven bathrooms, covering an area of ​​about 3000 meters, will cost 10 RMB for one night.

As for the scenery, it is of course a place where you can overlook the nighttime beauty of the entire imperial capital and the morning beauty. It is already morning, and you can't see the feasting and feasting of the metropolis, and the peerless beauty.

A big city is always so charming, especially at night. If you look down at any place, there are all feasting and enthusiastic smiling faces. There are the most high-end and most considerate services, the youngest and most beautiful girls, and the most desperate teenagers. This is the duel field for the strong, and it is like an extremely huge kingdom that requires warriors to compete for their territory.

Even though the sun has just risen, the lights in the distance are slowly extinguishing, but the high-rise buildings, the walls and constructions full of machine feeling are amazing, each of the huge buildings of thousands of meters stands here, standing When you look at his feet, you will be shocked. Is this really what humans can do?Such a large and tall building is like the work of a god.

There is no need to eat breakfast. The three of them are already full in the system space. Of course, what they eat is not simple food, but a group of commander-level flesh and blood.

Li Xiaoguang has learned a lot by cooking a lot. From a scumbag who doesn't understand anything, people can't tell the master, to now the main course is so-so, the level of home-cooked dishes, but this is the flesh and blood of the commanding level. No matter how you cook it, it will reveal a tempting fragrance, and the huge power will always announce to the world how delicious he is.

The mouths of Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia were also spoiled for him, not the kind that would not eat the flesh and blood of the same leader. As for why, of course, another piece of treasure space in the middle of the system was seen by the two of them. Let’s not talk about Chengshan’s cash, let’s just talk about the shining golden gold and all kinds of magic tools, worth at least tens of billions. Li Xiaoguang has so much money, and enjoys it every day, becoming this philandering man How can such a woman suffer from this.

Since then, Li Xiaoguang has another identity, the royal chef of the two queens.

When working and fighting, Ye Xinxia still liked the title of queen, which made him feel inexplicably comfortable.

But in real life, I still refuse this title very much, very shy.

"Of course, labor matters are not humane!"

The three of them were sitting together, watching a movie, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Li Xiaoguang was about to stand up and open the door, and also shouted: "Wait, I'll open the door right away!"

It happened the next moment, which annoyed him, made him unexpected, and he was horrified that he would be treated like this.

The door made a disorderly "dong dong dong" sound, and then it was kicked open.

A group of middle-aged people rushed in head-on, followed by a group of young people.

All the faces were full of anger, and the group of young people behind them stared at the beautiful second daughter as soon as they came in. Their eyes were shining with gold, and their saliva was about to flow down. Some young people even pulled the angry elder's hand What is the hand whispering in the ear?
Of course Li Xiaoguang knew what he said, some obscene words were all that mattered, it didn't matter if he didn't mention it, he would be angry if he said it.

In an instant, he vaguely guessed what these people were going to do, lightly clasped his hands tightly, creaking them, suppressed his anger and said: "You—immediately—get out—or else—die!"

"What!" A group of old men were in an uproar. They looked at the young man who was talking like a fool, and it was written all over his face that you were joking. You are courting death. Do you know who I am?
A middle-aged man was even more exaggerated, his head was tilted to ninety degrees, and he walked over straight like this, pointed at Li Xiaoguang, and growled: "Do you know who I am, you brat? I am Wang Youcai from the Wang family in the imperial capital. Super mage, super mage, understand!"

Li Xiaoguang clenched his fists, unable to bear the disgusting expression of this strange middle-aged man any longer.

In an instant, the Wushoujia appeared in his hand and turned into a knife. The body of the knife was blood red, 1.2 meters long and seven or eight centimeters wide. Earthworms crawled over, but people dare not look directly at them.

The middle-aged man in front of Li Xiaoguang listened to Li Xiaoguang.Instead, he laughed loudly at what he said, his eyes seemed to be on fire, his nose was panting heavily, and his fists were raised in front of his chest, opening and closing, making a creaking sound.Said in a violent tone: "Boy, hurry up and let your woman give my son pleasure—"

Speaking of this, Li Xiaoguang's eyes turned red instantly, and he heard a voice that made him unbelievably brutal. He had never thought of such words at all. Someone would tell him that the veins in his left arm were bulging, the muscles were arching, and the blood-red long knife Being held tightly by him, for a moment, just for a moment, I don't want to listen to the disgusting words behind it. Although killing the other party, the human side will lose another strong man, but this kind of strong man is not worth it.

A crescent moon appeared on the scene, and then the red fountain rose two or three meters into the sky, and then slowly disappeared. With a plop, the head landed first, and then the body landed again.

The middle-aged man who spoke was naturally given a second by this knife——

What about Li Xiaoguang's expression?
Indifference, incomparable indifference, as if slaughtering a chicken or duck!

 This afternoon's update is here, I still can't drive the editor while driving!
(End of this chapter)

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