Full-time mages begin to conquer all worlds

Chapter 161 151. Beautiful Birthday

Chapter 161 151. Beautiful Birthday

The sky is not like a natural disaster like the old industrial zone countries. At this moment, the sky is so bright and blue that it is so attractive, and you can't help but stare at it.

Spotted clouds float in it, forming various shapes, and in the eyes of various people, various shapes and meanings can be seen.

How could it be possible to explore the universe if you have not explored the beauty of outer space, seen the stars at night, and seen the beauty of stars at night?

It's enough to explore this beautiful sky.

The slight atmospheric circulation creates a breeze that makes the leaves tremble slightly and the birds quiver slightly, all making joyful sounds together.

Only a sage can understand this situation.

The children on the side of the road broke down their bicycles and were huddling together, making noise. Finally, a half-grown young man who couldn't stand it anymore stood up and helped them fix their bicycles.

This is not a big problem, it's just a "broken link".

Generally, those who are experienced can do it in a few seconds, but those who are inexperienced will sweat profusely, and finally rely on luck to get it right.

This may be the warmth of the neighbors.

The sun is like a running boy, getting higher and higher until noon, when the wind gradually stops.

Most of the noon is relatively hot, and the temperature difference between different places is small, so the atmospheric circulation is weak, so the wind is also small.

The number of people on the street is gradually decreasing, it should be a reunion dinner at home.

At this moment of the day's work, there should be a time to end, let go of your reserved heart for everyone, and leave the kindest and most beautiful side to your loved ones.

The shops are gradually closing, and there are only a few shops with bosses smiling at the door, waiting for customers who may come forward, so we must keep smiling all the time, and want to show the best side, as if the flowers in early spring are in full bloom. Bright and tender granulation buds are exposed.

When he came back, the boy opened the door with a joyful smile, and found his girlfriend was cooking lunch with a joyful smile.

Quietly embraced the slender waist, and began to guide her hand in hand.

The world seems to have returned to peace, and the world seems to be running like this, and it should be so peaceful.

The sound of the door opening has already been heard, kitchen girl.

However, she didn't care too much, she just wanted to cook the last dish quickly.

This allows for a quick meal.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he was cooking, he would be held and manipulated, and his waist would be hugged by another hand.

Xia Ling Yanyang smiled, a little blush appeared on her face, and she let go of her control over her body.

Let Li Xiaoguang manipulate and use it.

When did this start?

Even she herself forgot.

I only know that when I came to consciousness, I have slowly adapted.

The smooth, slender and long hands and slender waist can always bring inexplicable happiness to men.

Even the last dish took longer to cook.

But it won't be long.

The last dish is steamed hairy crabs, including the process of preparing the sauce, this dish is only cooked for more than 40 minutes.

After cooking, the two came to the table with the food in their hands and ate warmly.

Everything is so beautiful.

Isn't that what little girls want?
This of course has to be satisfied.

How can you make her satisfy you if you are not satisfied?
The sun, like a young man running, may be tiring, or he may have accomplished today's goal. He started running slowly from noon until the setting sun set, and then stopped.

The full moon, which has changed colors more than 20 times in 200 years, also appeared.

Today is exactly fifteen.

The day of the full moon.

The bright stars show their light in the three-year-old night sky, announcing to the world how radiant and gorgeous their own charm is.

The dark cloud is always running with Yuanyue, trying to catch up with Yuanyue, to cover up his light that warms people's hearts and guides people forward.

After one night, the full moon did not retreat after all.

He carried it firmly.

Shining the direction of the returning home wanderers, the silver ash of Haoyue comforted the employees who worked overtime.

Become the sustenance of their warm family in their hearts.

The fallen leaves on the big tree in the distance are slowly falling, and a breeze suddenly blows them higher and farther.

Life is like a script without drama.

Where you want to go, you must decide by your beliefs and actions. The road is long, and life is short. Who knows how long it can go?

There will always be a little kid exploring the lines in the falling leaves, studying the mysteries of his life.

Maybe it's because the leaves that were originally high above fell into the soil, making them feel happy.

Today is a special day.

Xia Ling had a beautiful and perfect birthday, fulfilling her four-year wish.

The breeze broke into her room at night, and a figure swept the breeze and broke in quietly.

He watched helplessly the handsome man who broke into his room, and saw that he had just taken a shower and hadn't put on his clothes yet. On his pink and tender body, he was only wrapped in a thin pajamas, and he was not wearing anything.

The man who stared blankly with blank eyes.

He seemed to have received some instructions, showing a slightly excited expression, and then said sincerely: "It's good to have you, but I still have..."

Before he finished speaking, the man just felt that he could no longer speak.

The special taste satisfies him, makes him have no time to care about his fundamentals, and doesn't want to worry about too many things, even if there will be a lot of trouble in the future, isn't this what he thinks in his heart, what he thinks in his heart?

Boldly carried it.

Half an hour later, the preparatory work was over.

There was bright red blood on the milky white pajamas.

A distressed voice sounded in the space of the room.

The light was turned off by some naughty girl.

Unknowingly, the curtain was closed by that naughty girl covering her face.


Li Xiaoguang was glad that she finally didn't have to sleep on that hard sofa tonight, although the sofa would be kept, the girl's body fragrance made her feel very comfortable.


Why sleep on a sofa when you have a bed?

How can I get up early after realizing this wish that took more than three months to complete?Shouldn't this be a little more sleep?
Even the sun running to the top to remind him, he didn't get up.

And the curtains blocked all the strong reminders of the sun, like a strong fortress, no matter how hard it was to let the sunlight come in directly, and enter the two people who were sleeping in the bed.

The bed was really comfortable, soft, and the view made him linger.

Fortunately, Xia Ling's physical fitness is good, otherwise she might not be able to last that long.


Finally it was almost afternoon.

Xia Ling woke up leisurely, and the first thing she saw was herself, being pulled into his arms by a man, looking at the ring on her ring finger, it was said that she had special abilities.

He smiled naively, as if he was a child who got pocket money, his body writhing irregularly.

The kitten woke up the sleeping owner, so the owner punished the kitten by hitting it hard with a stick.

The little cat was obedient and passed out drunk.

Don't dare to move.

At the same time, an ethereal and melodious voice came from my ears [Congratulations on conquering Xia Ling forever, getting a legendary treasure chest of ten thousand realms and a limited treasure chest of ten thousand realms! ]

(End of this chapter)

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