Water Margin set the country

Chapter 17 Hitting Landlords and Dividing Farmland

Chapter 17 Hitting Landlords and Dividing Farmland

Chao Qing said confidently: "The military adviser is right. Around Liangshan, there are money everywhere, food and grass everywhere. But we just stared at the insignificant merchants passing by. Moon, no sun."

Song Jiang asked: "Is my nephew talking about the prefectures and counties around Liangshan? This is absolutely impossible." Once Liangshan starts to attack the prefectures and counties, it will really become a complete rebel, and it will be difficult to recruit security.

Chao Qing said with a smile: "Uncle, I'm too worried. The ancients said that the method of using troops is to encircle them in ten cases. With the strength of our thousands of people in Liangshan, it is a bit too overwhelming to attack states and counties."

"Who is that nephew?"

"I'm not talking about the imperial government's food and grass in the prefectural and county government treasury, but the local tyrants and evil gentry in the villages around Liangshan. These people usually oppress the people in the fish and meat village, and work with those corrupt officials. Now that Liangshan wants to do justice for the sky , then these people should be taught a lesson.”

"Beat the landlords and divide the farmland. Eliminate these local tyrants and evil gentry, and you will no longer have to worry about money and food in the cottage. The captured land will be distributed to the local poor people. This will also win the support of these people and establish the reputation of Liangshan. It makes Liangshan me different from those strongmen who kill people and set fire. In the future, I will send troops from Liangshan, and I will definitely be a righteous army.”

Except for Chao Gai, Song Jiang and Zhu Dian and a few other people in the cottage who came from wealthy households, most of them came from the bottom of the society. Many of them were bullied by local landlords when they were young, and their families were ruined, so they had to flee to the rivers and lakes.So they are full of hatred for these rich and powerful families.

As soon as Chao Qing made this proposal, everyone immediately responded.

Chao Gai is now paying more and more attention to his son. The recent few things, such as training soldiers and rescuing Song Jiang, have all been done very well.So this time Chao Qing's proposal was fully supported by Chao Gai.

In any case, robbing who is not robbing, and robbing the big landlords of money and food can not only reap a lot of money, but also demonstrate their own justice, so why not do it!
Chao Qing added: "Of course, there are rich households who are kind to their neighbors and are willing to do good things. We can't harm them indiscriminately, so we still have to send people down the mountain to find out before we take action."

"My son is right. I think I will leave this matter to you."

Chao Qing was overjoyed, he was about to take the initiative to invite Ying.Fortunately, Song Jiang is not very good at doing this kind of thing. Although this matter can bring money and food income to the cottage, it can't improve his reputation in the world after all, so in his opinion, this is just a trivial behavior. Some disdain.

But Chao Qing knew that there was something stronger than mighty force in this world, and that was the hearts of the people.People's hearts are actually very false, so many big figures who compete in the Central Plains don't pay much attention to this, thinking that they can rule the world with a strong army, but in the end it is the seemingly weak and unimportant people's hearts that determine The general trend and trend of the world.

Chao Qing's deepest ambition is by no means to be a tycoon, so in his opinion, although the reputation in the world is important, it is not as important as word-of-mouth among the people.

In the next month, Chao Qing led the team down the mountain four times to fight local tyrants to divide the land. Zhu Dian, Ruan Xiaoqi, Hua Rong and Liu Tang also went down the mountain with Chao Qing respectively.

His main targets were a few villages in Yuncheng County. After all, this was his "hometown", and Liangshan had a relatively strong mass base here.Usually, Chao Qing would first send someone to find out the evil deeds of the other landlord's lord, and then choose a dark and windy time to go down the mountain to do it.After all, such a night is the most suitable for murder and arson.

Although these local tyrants also had guards in their homes, they were opponents of Liangshan troops, and they usually ended the battle quickly, and the landlord's house had been evacuated by dawn.

After daybreak, Chao Qing sent people to invite all the old and young people in the village over. When these people heard that the King of the Mountain on Liangshan had invited them, they were all terrified.When all the villagers arrived, Chao Qing announced to them all kinds of evil deeds of the landlord and criticized him fiercely, and Liang Shan came to do justice for the heavens and vent his anger for these oppressed people.

After criticizing the landlord, Chao Qing took out the land deeds of the landlord's family, and distributed them according to the population and economic status of each household, so as to ensure that the tillers had their land and everyone could support themselves.

In the end, the Liangshan hero left under the surprised and grateful eyes of these commoner Qianshou.

So soon, the name of Liangshan Chao Qing spread throughout the villages, and those oppressed people regarded Chao Qing as a savior, and silently prayed from the bottom of their hearts that Liangshan's army would come to their villages to fight against the landlords.

What's more, they took the initiative to go to Liangshan, provide information, and request to send troops.Chao Qing asked Zhu Gui Hotel to take charge of this matter, receive the people from all over the world, collect information from them, calm their emotions, and promised that Liang Shan would go to justice for them.

Some people were afraid that Liangshan would not go, and said that they knew where the money and food of these rich men were hidden. When the Liangshan army arrived, they were willing to lead the way for the army.

Now that the cottage has a large income from money and food, it is natural that someone can specialize in managing this time, so Jiang Jing's talent has been brought into play.However, Chao Qing suggested that money and food were directly related to the survival and safety of the cottage. After all, Jiang Jing did not have enough prestige, so there should be another person with high enough prestige to manage this matter. He naturally recommended Zhu Dian.

Both Chao Gai and Song Jiang had a good personal relationship with Zhu Dian, so they both agreed.

The development of Liangshan in the past few months can be said to be booming. As early as August, this day is the Mid-Autumn Festival. There is a big feast in the cottage and drinking to celebrate.

When the wine was half full, Chao Gai suddenly said sadly: "It's such a joy for all the brothers to gather together. It's a pity that only Daoist Yiqing is missing. He said he went home to visit his mother, but he hasn't seen him for a long time. Come back, although Jizhou is far away from Liangshan, it's time to come back!"

Song Jiang persuaded: "If the Daoist of the Qing Dynasty is a master of Taoism, he must be fine. Maybe he traveled all the way to famous mountains and rivers and visited fellow Taoists, so he hasn't come back yet."

Wu Yong suggested: "If the King of Heaven is worried, why not ask Dai Zong to visit Jizhou?"

"Alright!" Chao Gai asked Dai Zong to go down the mountain to Jizhou early the next morning to investigate the situation.

At this moment, Chao Qing also stood up and said, "Father, my son also has something to report."

"My son, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Now that the cottage is growing, we should move around more with other cottages, form alliances, and help each other. If the imperial army comes in the future, we will have foreign aid so that we won't fight alone."

 In the next chapter, the plot of Erlong Mountain will be transferred. Lu Zhishen, Wu Song and Yang Zhi are all important characters in the original work, so it is not easy to write it well. I will write it seriously, and readers are welcome to point out the places where the writing is not in place. Come.

(End of this chapter)

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