Water Margin set the country

Chapter 2 Ning learns from Taoyuan 3 sworn brothers, not from Wagang

Chapter Two
"How can my nephew say such rebellious words, no father and no king!" Song Jiang was indeed a little angry.

"A lone husband and a traitor to the people is a great harm to the people. I, Chao Qing, don't recognize such a monarch."

Song Jiang's face turned pale.The Juyi Hall was extremely quiet, and no one spoke.

Wu Yong saw that the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, so he hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "The matter of recruiting security is related to the future of Liangshan. How can it be settled in a few words? I think this matter should be discussed in detail by Brother Gongming and King Chao Tian in the future." .Today we just drink to our hearts content, and welcome all heroes to join Liangshan.”

Chao Gai also laughed, and said: "I don't talk about business today, my son, you don't have to say a few words. Quickly serve the wine and meat. I want to get drunk with all the brothers. Whoever doesn't drink is not a good man." .”

Gongsun Sheng also hurriedly asked his subordinates to put out all the food and wine that had been prepared.Those young people who were waiting outside to be served were terrified when they heard the quarrel inside, and brought the food and wine carefully, not daring to show their breath.

Fortunately, with the catalytic effect of alcohol, the happy atmosphere permeated again.This banquet lasted until the moon came out of Dongshan, and everyone was very drunk, and then it ended.

Of course, Chao Qing, who drank the 52-degree spirits of later generations, was naturally not drunk after a thousand cups, and won the praise of everyone.Being able to drink is also an important criterion for judging a good man. Chao Qing's drink can be regarded as a perfect score.

Early the next morning, Chao Qing had already woken up, and sent someone to invite both Sanruan and Liu Tang to his room.At this time, most of the heroes on the mountain were still hungover, and even Liu Tang and the others looked sluggish after being drunk.

Chao Qing had ordered some bowls of hangover soup for everyone to drink, and brought breakfast for everyone to eat together.

"Young leader, you hurriedly called us here just after the hour, but is there anything important? If not, I'm going to go back to sleep." Liu Tang yelled, eyes bleary.

Chenshi is from seven o'clock to nine o'clock now, and Chao Qing estimates that the current time will be about ten o'clock in future generations.Good guy, the schedules of these heroes of the rivers and lakes are really decadent, almost like myself on weekends.

"How many people enjoyed the drink yesterday?" Chao Qing asked.

"Cheerful, there are so many heroes in the cottage, everyone agrees with each other, so it's natural to drink happily!" Still Liu Tang replied eagerly.

"Indeed, there are now more than forty leaders in the village. It would be great if we could get together like this every day." Chao Qing's tone seemed a little regretful.

Ruan Xiaoer heard that Chao Qing's words seemed to be interesting, so he asked, "What's on your mind, young leader?"

"Yesterday my uncle mentioned that he wanted to recruit security. Do you have any ideas?" Chao Qing didn't answer Ruan Xiaoer's question, but asked everyone instead.

"Since the day of robbery, I have been determined to follow Chao Tianwang. If Chao Tianwang wants to recruit, I will recruit. If he doesn't want to recruit, I will not recruit." Ruan Xiaoer said.

Liu Tang said: "I am the same."

"Me too." Ruan Xiaowu only talked a lot in casinos.

Ruan Xiaoqi shook his head and sighed, and said: "The court has no way, even if it is recruited, I'm afraid there will be no good results. It's better to live happily in this Liangshanpo."

"It seems like this, whether you recruit or not, you will follow my father?"

Everyone said: "It's natural. At the beginning, we made an alliance with King Chao Tian, ​​and became brothers. We will live and die together. The words are still in our ears, how can we go against it!"

Chao Qing was also moved by their loyalty.

"Have you heard the story of Zhai Rang and Li Mi in Wagang Village?"

Several people shook their heads.The stories of the Sui and Tang Dynasties are naturally widely circulated among the people. The art of storytelling in the Song Dynasty was developed, and everyone has heard a few passages, but most of them are stories about Qin Qiong, Qiao Luocheng or Shan Xiongxin, and these stories are very different from historical facts.After all, not much is known about the story between Li Mi and Zhai Rang.

Chao Qing then said: "At the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was a hero Zhai Rang and many heroes gathered in Wagangzhai to rebel against tyranny, and they were quite powerful. Later, a man named Li Mi also joined Wagangzhai. He is a descendant of aristocrats. Zhai Rang thought that Li Mi was far superior in resourcefulness and strategy, so he took the initiative to abdicate. At the beginning, all the heroes worked together, and under the leadership of Li Mi, the Wagang Village has indeed grown stronger and become the largest anti-Sui force. .”

"If the situation keeps developing like this, Wagang may not have the possibility of replacing the Sui Dynasty. Hey, it's just a pity that people's hearts are always easy to be corrupted in the face of power."

"After Li Mi came to power, he was always worried that Zhai Rang would take his power back, and he became more and more suspicious of him. Coupled with the power struggle between Zhai Rang and Li Mi's subordinates, a congenial Wagang village split into two. In the end, a tragedy happened, and Li Mi secretly killed Zhai Rang and his cronies at a party."

"Ah!" Sanruan and Liu Tang are both bloody men, and they couldn't help being a little angry when they heard this.

Chao Qing continued: "Since then, Wagang Village has become eccentric, and eventually fell apart and was wiped out. That's why later generations said that it is better to learn from Taoyuan for three knots than to learn from Wagang. Such an ending is really impressive. sigh."

Ruan Xiaoer seemed to have realized something, and said: "I understand, the meaning of the young leader. This Zhai Rang is like Chao Tianwang, and Li Mi is brother Gongming. The young leader is worried that Liangshan will be like Wagangzhai one day. There's civil unrest."

Chao Qing nodded solemnly.

Liu Tang seemed to be in disbelief, and said, "No way! Chao Tianwang and Brother Gongming are life-and-death friends, how could they be at loggerheads? Back then when the birthday gang incident happened, it was Brother Gongming who took the risk to tip the news. This time, Brother Gongming Jiang Zhou is in danger, and it is also the king of heaven who does not avoid life and death, and rescues him up the mountain."

Chao Qing said: "No, that would be the best. I hope I was too worried. But yesterday when my father mentioned the initiative to abdicate, I was still in a cold sweat. I somehow thought of the story of Zhai Rang and Li Mi."

Liu Tang is a straight-hearted person, he only cares about being brothers and sisters with the newcomers, drinking and guessing, how can he expect so much.Now after listening to Chao Qing, I feel that there are indeed so many dangers hidden under the seemingly harmonious surface.

Ruan Xiaoqi persuaded: "Young leader, don't worry. We brothers and the Heavenly King became sworn brothers that day. As long as I, Ruan Xiaoqi, stay in Liangshan for a day, no one will dare to touch the Heavenly King's position as the village master."

Ruan Xiaowu also said: "I only recognize Chao Tianwang as the owner of the village in Liangshan."

Ruan Xiaoer said: "No wonder I felt that the atmosphere in the village was a little weird after the disturbance in Jiangzhou that day. Now that I think about it, is it really because of Brother Gongming going up the mountain?"


Chao Qing explained: "Nowadays, the new leaders who go up the mountain are all brought up by my uncle, and they all go up the mountain because of their famous names in the rivers and lakes. The only ones who really recognize my father from the bottom of their hearts are probably only you few old leaders. You guys Don’t you look at the seats in the Juyi Hall yesterday? The 20 or so chieftains on the right side are all uncle’s people. So we have to do something, otherwise Liangshan will really belong to my uncle in the future.”

Ruan Xiaoer said: "The young leader's consideration is not unreasonable. Although Chao Tianwang is a man of great loyalty, but in terms of strategy, the means of his subordinates, and the reputation of the world, he is not as good as Brother Gongming. If things go on like this, I am afraid that Liangshan will only be as good as him." I know there is Song Gongming, but I don't know there is Chao Gai."

Liu Tang asked: "In this case, why don't you invite the Taoist priest and the military adviser to discuss together?"

Chao Qing shook his head and said, "The Daoist priest is a monk, so he won't get involved. As for the military adviser, he is extremely cunning, and his mind is hard to guess. I'm afraid he is not as loyal to my father as the others."

A few days after Song Jiang went up the mountain, Gongsun Sheng used the excuse of going home to visit his mother to escape. He saw that there must be conflicts between Chao and Song early in the morning. Since then, he has been hiding in Jizhou. If Li Kui and Dai Zong hadn't gone to find him, Chao Qing suspected that Gongsun Sheng might never return.

As for Wu Yong, although he has some tricks, this person is too malicious. Chao Qing hates this person very much in his heart, and he will not be with such a person.

Liu Tang asked again: "Then do we need to remind the Heavenly King, lest he voluntarily abdicate his seat just because of a whim?"

Chao Qing said: "My father has always treated people with loyalty, and he has known my uncle for many years. If we remind him rashly, not only will he not care, but he will blame us for stirring up his brother's relationship."

"In that case, what should we do?" Liu Tang scratched his head, unable to think of a solution.

Chao Qing said: "Don't worry, everyone. I have my own way. As long as a few of you are sincerely helping my father, then I will naturally not let others take away my father's position as the village owner."

Both Liu Tang and San Ruan said solemnly: "Don't worry, Young Leader! We will definitely support you with all our strength."

Chao Qing nodded in satisfaction.

For these few people, he is still very relieved, these old brothers are the only ones in Liangshan who have true feelings for Chao Gai.Now that I have obtained their support, I can be regarded as stabilizing my basic market.

"Of course, I'm just worried. After all, the relationship between my father and uncle is still very good, and Liangshan is also harmonious. We can't just suspect others just because of suspicion. It's not a good man's job either."

Liu Tang said with a smile: "Young leader, don't worry. Although I, Liu Tang, am a rough person, I still know what is important and what should be done. I think the new leaders are all good men, except Qingfengshan. Those few, for some reason, I hate them when I see them."

Of course, relying on these few people alone, it is difficult to compete with Song Jiang.After all, although these people are all brave warriors, they have limited intelligence and lack of prestige, so they are definitely not Song Jiang's opponents.

So Chao Qing turned his attention to another person, and he had to be brought over.

No, it's not to win over, it's to get his support.

(End of this chapter)

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