Water Margin set the country

Chapter 25 The Zen Staff Opens a Dangerous Path

Chapter 25 The Zen Staff Opens a Dangerous Path
Ape Arm Village is a big cottage, Chao Qing went around in secret for a long time, but didn't find anything suspicious.But when he turned to a remote corner of the back mountain, he discovered that there was a courtyard here.

The courtyard is far away from the headquarters of the cottage, and the gate is locked, making it seem deserted and desolate.But there were five or six people on duty at the door, quite ready to fight.If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. There must be some important person or thing that needs to be guarded.

So Chao Qing quietly bypassed the guards, climbed over the wall, and hid himself on an old tree to observe the situation inside.

There are wing rooms on the east and west sides of the courtyard, and two men with big knives are guarding the door. The inside of the room is dark and unlit.

Chao Qing picked up a brick from the top of the wall and threw it into the corner. The muffled sound immediately alarmed the guards. They were also very alert, and immediately leaned over to check.Taking advantage of this gap, Chao Qing quickly slipped into the left wing.

The room is rather elegantly furnished, like a study room for guests.There are several rows of bookshelves in the house, and there are thick stacks of books on them.Chao Qing picked up the book and glanced at it in the moonlight.

This look made him break out in a cold sweat.

These books are not a subset of classics and history, famous sayings of sages.These books are ledgers, which record in detail which year and month, which person led the team, the number of women who were robbed from a certain village, and the names of these women, and the records are very detailed one by one.There are different labels such as upper, middle, and lower after each woman's information.Chao Qing guessed that it was either the financial situation of the women's family, or the beauty level of these poor women themselves.

Chao Qing picked up another book and looked through it, which recorded the time when each woman changed hands, who changed hands and who took over, as well as the amount of silver earned each time.The people who changed hands were Fan Chenglong and Zhu Yongqing in the early days, and Gou Heng later.

He took a closer look, the latest change of hands was three days ago, and the earliest was three years ago.What shocked Chao Qing even more was that in the account book full of houses, in addition to Qingzhou, there were women from several states including Qizhou, Yanzhou, Mizhou, Yizhou, Zizhou, Dengzhou, and Cangzhou who were kidnapped. Record.The total number is as many as ten thousand.

Sure enough, I was right with my guess, the abducting of these young women on such a large scale in Yuanbi Village was definitely not for his own enjoyment and pleasure, but to establish a huge underground trading market.And Yuanbi Village is the seller responsible for "purchase".

Chao Qing felt that his anger could ignite these ledgers.

Such a good Chen Xizhen, seeing him talking about benevolence, righteousness and morality, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism during the day, those who didn't know thought that he was a benevolent man who cared about the country and the people, but who knew that he was secretly engaged in such a heartless business.

Yuanbi Village claims to the outside world that it is a village of benevolence and righteousness that does not rob passing merchants and does not go down the mountain to borrow food.No wonder he had to go down the mountain to rob. It turns out that there is a more lucrative way to make money.

Chao Qing continued to look through these ledgers carefully, hoping to find clues as to where these women ended up going. Finally, Chao Qing locked on a person's name——Tang Meng.

Almost all the captive women were finally picked up by this man named Tang Meng. It seems that this man is the next stop.

Chao Qing suddenly remembered that there was a man named Tang Meng in "Dang Kou Zhi". This man was the son of Tang Tianzhu, the Zhizhai of Longma Ying, and he was extremely powerful.And Tang Tianzhu and Fan Chenglong's fathers are close friends. Thinking about it this way, the Tang family in Longmaying has a close relationship with Yuanbi Village, and the Tang family's father and son are also involved in this big deal.

What a dog official of the court, wearing an official uniform in vain, not only does not do things for the people, but also harms the good people with the robbers, it is really tolerable.Chao Qing only felt that his chest was about to explode, and he was so angry that he couldn't breathe well, and his hands and feet were shaking.

Chao Qing secretly hid a few ledgers on his body, kept them as evidence, and then prepared to evacuate, but it was easy to get in, but difficult to get out. Those guards were standing at the door. If they opened the door and walked out swaggeringly, they would definitely alarm the guards of.

Of course, this can not trouble him.Chao Qing hid behind a row of bookshelves, deliberately pushed a thick ledger off the bookshelf and dropped it to the ground with a crackling sound.

The sound really alarmed the two guards at the door, and they rushed in with big knives in their hands.Because this place is a counting room, fireworks are strictly prohibited in the cottage, and the two poor guards dare not light the lamps, so they can only search and check in the dark environment with their sleepy eyes wide open.

But Chao Qing had quietly moved behind one of them, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to kill him with one blow.Before the other person could react, Chao Qing took another step to catch up and stabbed his knife into the heart of this person.It's a pity that these two people didn't have a chance to shout "Help!"

After finishing the two, Chao Qing paced to the door again, looked out secretly, and spotted the positions of the two guards in the right wing.Chao Qing lay dormant, waiting for the opportunity to kill him.

The weather tonight is fine, although there is a moon, but it is always covered by dark clouds.When the next cloud came and covered the moonlight, the courtyard was suddenly dark, Chao Qing made a move, and two pure steel darts flew out of his sleeve, and flew firmly into the throats of the two men.He was worried that the two of them were not completely dead, so he caught up with each of them and made up for it.

For the current Chao Qing, there is no psychological barrier to murder and arson. He even feels a special pleasure when his adrenaline is soaring when he is fighting for his life.His killing skills became more and more proficient, very skilled.

Of course, his reason and values ​​are still constraining him. Some people are hateful and should be killed, but he must not become a bloodthirsty person.

At this time, Chao Qing strolled leisurely in the courtyard, and walked into the first wing on the right.

This room is very simple, it is most appropriate to describe it as a house with bare walls, there is nothing in the room, it is empty.Of course, there were a few pieces of women's clothes, shoes and socks scattered on the ground. I think this is the place where those women were imprisoned.Seeing that there were no more clues here, Chao Qing withdrew.

There are still five or six guards at the gate. If they ran in without incident, the matter would be exposed immediately.

So Chao Qing repeated his old trick, intentionally making strange noises in the courtyard.It is not important that the strategy is simple, and it is not important that it is repeated. The most important thing is that it is easy to use.Sure enough, the guards outside heard a strange noise and called "Old Wang" and "Old Li" into the courtyard a few times.

Your old Wang Laoli has shut his mouth forever, and I will send you to see them later.Chao Qing said in his heart.

When no one responded, the people outside couldn't help cursing a few words, and then divided three people into the room to check the situation.As a result, the three of them sank like stone into the sea, and there was no more movement.Naturally, it was taken care of by Chao Qing.

Only then did the two people outside the door feel that something was wrong. A gust of mountain wind blew, making their hair stand on end.The two could only embolden each other and entered the courtyard tremblingly, but what greeted them was a big knife that came suddenly. Before the two could understand what was going on, the two souls had already reported to the underworld.

After taking care of the guards here, Chao Qing walked around the courtyard again and found a path leading down the mountain.It seems that these women were resold to Tang Meng through this channel.

After confirming that there was no more valuable information here, Chao Qing also returned to his residence. At this time, Lu Zhishen had already returned and was waiting for them.Chen Xizhen once came over to say goodnight to Chao Qing, but was stopped by Lu Zhishen.

After a while, Yang Lin also came back.

Chao Qing first talked about the information he found.Yang Lin and Lu Zhishen were blown out of their chests.If it wasn't for the fact that this was the territory of the Yuanbi Village, they were afraid that they would startle the snakes, and they would probably yell at them, so they could only keep this pressure in their hearts at this time.Lu Zhi couldn't stop drinking in a deep breath, emptying several wine jars in a row.At first, Chao Qing was worried that Lu Zhishen would be impulsive, and he jumped out to find Chen Xizhen, and was ready to wink at Yang Lin to stop the monk Hua.

Fortunately, Lu Zhishen was not reckless, knowing that rushing out now would not only be useless, but would also harm the three of his side.

Chao Qing asked Yang Lin how his investigation was going. Yang Lin said that he had figured out the general layout of Yuanbi Village, but he didn't dare to explore in detail in some heavily guarded places.Chao Qing nodded in satisfaction. To his surprise, Yang Lin was quite capable, and he figured out the bottom of Yuanbi Village in one night.This information is very important. In the future, Liang Shan will rely on Yang Lin's information if he wants to attack Yuanbi Village.

But Chen Xizhen is old and cunning, so he has to guard against him.

"Young leader, what should we do now?" Yang Lin asked.

Chao Qing thought about it for a while, and said: "Although Chen Xizhen entertained you warmly during the day, I think he hides a knife in his smile. Now that we have found all the information we should inquire about, it will be useless to stay on the mountain, and it may be dangerous instead. Let's go down the mountain at night."

Lu Zhi said indignantly: "After going down the mountain, I will meet the father and son of Tang Zhizhai! This dog official seems to want to taste the taste of sajiajiedao."

The Zen rod opens up dangerous paths, and the sword kills all injustices.

Chao Qing suddenly had a warm feeling in his heart. After witnessing the criminal activities in Yuanbi Village, and seeing the government colluding with bandits to kill the people, Chao Qing had only one feeling in his heart: black, really dark, so dark that he couldn't see the way forward.

The boundless darkness overwhelmed one, making one breathless, but fortunately there are people like Lu Zhishen in this world, his bald head is like a lamp in the dark night.

Chao Qing said to Lu Zhishen: "Master Lu, after this matter is resolved, I will return to Liangshan and gather all my troops to wipe out this ape arm village, so that such disasters will not be allowed to wreak havoc in the world again."

Lu Zhishen also said boldly: "Okay! When Liangshan's army comes, I, Erlongshan, will definitely help. Let's wipe out this thief together."

So the three of them sneaked down the mountain in the dark.It was the downhill road that Chao Qing had discovered.

 I didn't have time to update yesterday because of something, I would like to apologize to everyone here, and I will try my best to keep updating in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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