Water Margin set the country

Chapter 28 Yang Zhi's Heart Knot

Chapter 28 Yang Zhi's Heart Knot

On Erlong Mountain, pigs were slaughtered and sheep were slaughtered. There was a festive atmosphere, as lively as the New Year.Because of the arrival of Chao Qing, the young leader of Liangshan.In Baozhu Temple, the host and guest sat facing each other, drinking happily.It happened that Liu Taigong and his daughter Liu Cuilian were still on the mountain, and the family reunion added joy.

Lu Zhishen and Wu Song had already met face to face.It was the first time for Yang Zhi, Cao Zheng, Shi En, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang to meet each other.Yang Zhi maintained the etiquette that a host should have, and there was no faux pas.

Chao Qing said that he has worshiped Lin Chong as his teacher, so he should call Cao Zheng a senior brother according to his seniority.Cao Zheng said that he didn't dare to be the leader, but he was still flattered in his heart. After all, his younger brother was the young leader of Liangshan, so it would be too embarrassing to say it.

As for Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang, Chao Qing didn't have much affection for them. After all, this kind of human buns have completely lost their humanity.

Yang Lin was also very happy.Thinking about how desolate and desolate it was when I wandered alone in the rivers and lakes, I often ate the last meal without the next meal, and slept in the wind and the open every day, it was simply an inhuman life.It's all right now, ever since he followed Chao Qing, he eats delicious food and drinks spicy food every day, and he can still be treated as a guest by such gangsters as Lu Zhishen and Wu Song. He knows that all of this is because of Chao Qing. So I secretly decided in my heart to repay Chao Qing well.

After some chatting among the crowd, Chao Qing realized that Wu Song was actually in charge of Erlongshan's daily affairs.

Although Lu Zhishen is the big leader of the village, he can't stay idle. He is not on the mountain for two or three days, and often walks down the mountain, acting as a chivalrous man.Yang Zhi has been in a slump since the birthday gang incident, his heart is ashamed, and he is too lazy to manage the affairs of the cottage, so it all depends on Wu Song to take care of it.Fortunately, Wudutou is a meticulous person who manages the cottage in an orderly manner. Shi En assisted him in personnel management, Cao Zheng was in charge of policy planning, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang were in charge of specific implementation, and Erlongshan was managed smoothly. rise.

When Chao Qing talked about the hero of Liangshan doing justice for the sky, everyone's blood boiled, and when he said that Song Jiang wanted to recruit peace, everyone couldn't help but frown.

Lu Zhishen said: "The Sa family often hears people say that Song Gongming, Xiaoyi Hei Sanlang, is a good man. Why are you so confused? It's just that most of the civil and military men in the current dynasty are treacherous and evil, and they deceive the saints. They are better than mine. clean?"

Wu Song also said: "Brother Gongming's letter also advised me to keep my heart in the court and concentrate on waiting for the court. If the court helps me, Wu Song will not end up with my family ruined and my family destroyed, and I will become a bandit."

Yang Lin also said: "Recruiting security will not help, the young chieftain is right. We are heroes in the world, why bother to be the lackeys of the imperial court? If we are heroes, we should do justice for the sky, weed out the strong and help the weak."

Yang Zhi was about to say something, but seeing the indignation of the crowd, he shut his mouth, and only murmured in his heart, if he didn't call for peace, he might be a gangster for the rest of his life.Thinking of this, he felt a pain in his heart.My ancestor was a hero who founded the country, so let alone honoring his ancestors, he ended up becoming a robber.How to face the ancestors after death.

But Yang Zhi's reaction was noticed by Chao Qing.At the banquet, he tried his best to avoid mentioning words such as birthday outline and Liang Zhongshu, so as not to irritate Yang Zhi.

After the banquet was over and everyone dispersed, Chao Qing took Yang Lin to meet Yang Zhi.

"The young leader on Liangshan came to see me, Yang Zhi, do you have any advice?" Now that we meet in private, Yang Zhi's tone is not so good.

"I don't dare to teach you, I just came to visit Yang Zhishi on behalf of my father."

"Visit what, see my current miserable situation, Yang Zhi, so you can mock me?" Yang Zhi was a little angry.

"Yang Zhishi, I think you made a mistake. Do you think it's my father who caused you to become a bandit?"

Yang Zhiyuan's eyes opened angrily, and he laughed back angrily, and said, "Hahahaha, this is really funny, it wasn't your father who did it, could it be Mr Liang Zhongshu who did it!"

Chao Qing said solemnly: "That's right, it was Liang Zhongshu who harmed you, or in other words, it was the court that you wanted to serve with all your heart who harmed you."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. Your father took away the birthday card, and now you are still brazen, saying that Liang Zhongshu harmed me. Well, I would like to hear how Liang Zhongshu, who promoted me from the army of thieves, harmed me. mine!"

"May I ask who you Yang Zhi is? After three generations of generals, he is the grandson of the Fifth Marquis Yang Linggong, isn't he?"

Thinking of his ancestors, Yang Zhi looked proud, and now only this identity can make him proud, but after being proud, there is a burst of sadness, he has really let down this identity!

"Where should a person like you, Yang Zhi, appear, in this cottage? No, you, Yang Zhi, should appear in the side courtyard, in the army, earn fame with one knife and one gun, and glorify the lintel. Make your ancestors proud, make yourself worthy of Yang Linggong's grandson."

Chao Qing's words are talking about Yang Zhi's mind. Why doesn't he want to earn fame, but the world is against him. God is against him.

Chao Qing continued: "You said that Liang Zhongshu promoted you and reused you. May I ask how he reused you? Did he let you preside over the defense of the Daming Mansion together with Li Cheng and Wenda, or let you be the same as Suo Chao and Zhou Jin?" Leading the army alone? Not at all, just let you be responsible for escorting the birthday card, to put it bluntly, isn’t it just letting you run errands, what kind of reuse is this?”

These words hit Yang Zhi's sore spot. He also thought about why Liang Zhongshu didn't let him lead the army. Did he really use him?But he didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't dare to face the bleak reality that Liang Zhongshu didn't reuse him, so he avoided thinking about it.I need practical actions to prove myself, so Yang Zhi comforted and paralyzed himself.

He needs a hope so much, even if he knows that this hope is as illusory and fragile as soap bubbles, he still has to take care of it carefully, not daring to burst it.

But now this soap bubble was ruthlessly burst by Chao Qing.Yang Zhi broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Just listen to Chao Qing continue to say: "Even if there is no birthday card incident, if you, Yang Zhi, deliver the birthday card safely, will Liang Zhongshu reuse you and let you lead the army? Don't dream, from the beginning to the end Then Liang Zhongshu just treats you as a servant!"

Yang Zhi's face turned ashen for a moment.

"That's why it's not my father who hurt you Yang Zhi, but the imperial court, the corrupt and treacherous officials in the imperial court."

(End of this chapter)

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