Chapter 31

Chao Qing smiled and said, "Why, is that all you can do?"

Tang Meng said: "You were so beaten by me that you have no strength to fight back, how dare you speak hard!"

"I've seen through your kung fu methods a long time ago. Then it's time for you to die!"

After Chao Qing finished speaking, he suddenly walked closer to Tang Meng in a misplaced position, the knife in his hand cut out frequently, and the cold light flashed like a piece of meat.Tang Meng's bronze Liu is a long weapon, and he is most taboo to be in close combat. At this moment, Chao Qing took advantage of his weak point, and within a short while, he had several injuries on his body.

Tang Meng screamed in anger.

Chao Qing asked: "Why, didn't you say that I have only this little ability, why can't you even stand up to my little ability? It seems that you are not very good either!"

The angrier Tang Meng became, the more chaotic his moves became, and in the end he became disorganized and full of loopholes.

Chao Qing didn't talk nonsense, he struck out with a big sword, and slapped Tang Meng's arm, leaving a long blood mark, knocking down his weapon, and then quickly struck Tang Meng three times, slashing on both legs There was a wound.

Tang Meng couldn't stand enough and finally fell to the ground.A pawn who had been waiting at the side rushed up with a rope and tied him like a rice dumpling.

At this time, Yang Lin also led the hundred archers to finish off Tang Meng's subordinates, half of them were shot to death by arrows, and the other half were burned to death.Only very few people escaped with their lives.As for whether they escaped with their excellent escape skills or whether Chao Qing and the others let them escape on purpose, it is unknown.

Surrounded by the smell of scorched human flesh, it was fragrant and disgusting.

Chao Qing felt like he was going to spit out his breakfast.He suppressed his nausea, and after cleaning the battlefield with Yang Lin, he took the captured Tang Meng to join the other troops.

Let's say that those who escaped with their lives ran all the way back to the Longma camp.At this moment, in their hearts, although the world is big, only the Longma camp is safe.

Ever since Tang Meng led the troops away, Tang Tianzhu began to feel inexplicably uneasy, always feeling like something big was about to happen, until these deserters came back and reported the news of Tang Meng's capture.

Tang Tianzhu stood there blankly for a while, then he came back to his senses, and ordered these deserters to be pulled down and beheaded.

"My son was captured, you didn't try your best to rescue him, but you just ran for your own life, what use are you for!"

Although the anger was vented, it didn't help. My child still had to be saved.Tang Tianzhu immediately ordered 300 people to kill Chao Qing.

There were more than 200 soldiers stationed in the Longma Camp, more than [-] people were taken away by Tang Meng, and more than [-] people were taken away by Tang Tianzhu. At this time, there were only less than [-] people left in the camp.

Tang Tianzhu was eager to save his son, and kept urging his subordinates to speed up the march. Unfortunately, these soldiers only had two legs, and they couldn't have horses like Tang Zhizhai. They all ran like ducks that were chased away, and their formation was not good. It's already messed up.

When all the soldiers ran out of breath to a forest named Ehuling, they all rushed into the forest to rest. These soldiers who lacked exercise on weekdays had never suffered such hardships, and they all collapsed on the ground.

Tang Tianzhu roared angrily: "Who told you to rest here, get up and continue on your way!"

A soldier said: "My lord, it's not because we don't want to hurry, but we really can't move."

The lieutenant general also persuaded: "According to my opinion, let the soldiers rest. The old soldiers are tired, which is a big taboo for military strategists. Only when they have enough energy can they go to battle to kill the enemy."

Tang Tianzhu only had his son in his heart, he didn't care about the life and death of these soldiers, he said angrily: "It's all because you guys don't train soldiers well on weekdays, if you can't afford it, I won't be sympathetic with this knife."

The soldiers thought to themselves, you don't show much affection on weekdays, you don't treat us like slaves, but they still dare not say this in front of Tang Tianzhu, just like the social animals of later generations who only complain about the boss behind his back.

However, at this time, Tang Tianzhu was eager to save his son, and he didn't care so much. He took the knife pole and beat those lying on the ground, making them scream incessantly. Four Zhangsan fell down again, and the lieutenant-general was afraid of stirring up a mutiny, so he kept fighting, and there was a sudden turmoil.

All of this was seen by Yang Zhi who was ambushing in Zuojin.Yang Zhi suddenly remembered the scene when he was escorting the birthday card, no wonder the scene in front of him was so familiar.

The young leader once said to himself that a general should be sympathetic to the soldiers and share the joys and sorrows with them, so that the soldiers under him will work hard for him. He gently persuaded himself to treat the soldiers too cruelly and unkindly. restraint.He didn't take it seriously at first, but now that he thinks about it, he seems to have realized something.

Of course, his focus is still on how to eliminate the group of enemies in front of him.After all, Yang Zhi was the queen of the gate, and his grasp of the fighter was extraordinary. At the moment when the enemy army was most relaxed and exhausted, Yang Zhi issued the order to attack.

The three hundred well-trained Erlongshan heroes were all like wolves and tigers, fiercely killing the officers and soldiers of the Longma Camp.These officers and soldiers were no match for Erlongshan in terms of individual quality, and now they are extremely exhausted, and they are immediately defeated; they want to run, but their legs are already useless, and they can't run.

Tang Tianzhu had some martial arts skills, and wanted to resist for a while, but seeing that all his subordinates were only concerned about running for their lives, he could only follow the crowd, let's run for their lives first.

Yang Zhi understood the principle of capturing a thief and capturing a king, so he caught up earlier and chopped Tang Tianzhu under his horse with a single blow. That Tang Tianzhu was really hard-pressed, and Yang Zhi's blow turned out to be only wounded.

The battle was one-sided from the very beginning, and it ended in less than half an hour. Except for the dozens of soldiers who resisted at the beginning, all the remaining 200 soldiers surrendered.Yang Zhi sent a team to escort all the captives except Tang Tianzhu back to Erlong Mountain.

At this time, Yang Zhi was full of ambition. He had been in the officialdom for most of his life, and this was his first time leading an army alone. Although it was only a small-scale battle, it was enough for him.And he knew that as long as he followed Chao Qing, the day of gaining fame and fame would come soon in future battles on the battlefield, and a bright road was waiting for him.

When Yang Zhi finished clearing the battlefield, Chao Qing rushed to escort Tang Meng.

"Yang Zhishi is indeed a great general in the world, and this battle was straightforward and neat, which is admirable."

Yang Zhixi smiled and said, "If it weren't for the young leader, I would hardly have this opportunity."

Chao Qing patted Yang Zhi on the shoulder and encouraged him: "There will be more opportunities like this in the future. Let's go, let's go to Longma Camp to meet Master Lu and the others."

At the same time, the Longma Camp was captured by Lu Zhishen and officially took over.So Chao Qing, Yang Zhi, and Lu Zhishen joined forces at Longma Ying, held a celebration banquet, and brought out all the good wines Tang Tianzhu had collected to reward the sons and daughters.

(End of this chapter)

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