Chapter 36

Chao Qing said to Su Liang: "Brother Su, the thieves in Yuanbi Village are highly skilled in martial arts, and there are many powerful people. You two alone may be outnumbered. If you don't give up, I'm willing to work with you to rescue the captive girl."

Although Su Liang admired Wu Song very much, but thinking of the other party's status as a robber, as a good citizen himself, it might not be a good thing to get too close to these people. If he is reported to the government by someone with ulterior motives, his family will have to be hurt.

He had heard the story of Shi Jin back then. Although he admired Shi Dalang as a hero, but because Shi Dalang got too close to Shaohua Mountain, he got burned and was forced to destroy his family and flee in the rivers and lakes. It was a bit bleak.Moreover, there are old parents and mothers, and younger brothers and sisters, and the rise and fall of the family must be considered in everything.

But the other party has good intentions, and I am too embarrassed to refuse, and what if I annoy the other party!

Before Su Liang opened his mouth, Su Jinniang said: "Whoever wants you to help, the people in Yuanbi Village are not superhuman. I can deal with them by myself!"

"Sister, don't brag! Didn't you lose to Wu Erlang tonight?"

Su Jinniang was speechless, she was stunned for a while and said to Wu Song: "Wu Erlang, if you are a hero, wait for me at Erlong Mountain. One day, I, Su Jinniang, will come and defeat you." My brother got on the horse in a fit of anger and left.

"It's a woman with a heart!" Wu Song sighed.

Su Liang yelled at her for a few times but didn't respond, so he let his men catch up, and at the same time said to everyone: "Everyone who is a hero must have something important to do when he goes down the mountain. I don't need to worry about the next thing."

Chao Qing understood that he was concerned about his status as a bandit, but it was understandable, so he said, "Forget it. The people in Yuanbi Village are not kind, so be careful. If you need help, just go to Liangshan or Erlongshan Find us."

Su Liang thanked him, and mounted his horse to chase after his sister.

After they left, everyone drank and chatted again, and the topic naturally revolved around Su Liang and Su Jinniang's brothers and sisters.

However, Chao Qing fell into deep thought, this ape arm village is really difficult to deal with, as soon as the front foot frustrates their spirit, they immediately make small moves to retaliate with the back foot.I still have to find a way to solve this scourge as soon as possible.Moreover, if the Yuanbi Village is not destroyed, it is unknown how many women will suffer.

The next day, everyone rushed to Qingzhou City and lived in Zuixianlou.This is exactly the hidden stake that Erlong Mountain opened in Qingzhou City.Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang went to busy themselves with their affairs.

When everyone entered the city, they happened to see a team of execution officers escorting a prisoner.From the mouths of the common people, it is known that the prefect Murong, who loves the people like his own son, has eliminated another wealthy gentry from the fish and meat village.Everyone was smiling, and it was like a festival in Qingzhou City.

Wu Song sighed: "If Murong Yanda is killed, we will become villains in the mouth of these people."

Chao Qing didn't care, and said: "They don't know who did it, so they will say that the people from Yuanbi Village did it. Let the people in Qingzhou hate that Yuanbi Village. He wants to ruin us reputation, we can lose his reputation."

Yang Lin looked at Chao Qing in surprise, he didn't expect that the young leader of his family was also so skilled in cheating people.

Chao Qing sent Yang Lin out to inquire about the news.Yang Lin has traveled the rivers and lakes since he was a child. He is alert and has found out everything.

"In fact, Murong Yanda seldom goes to the government office to work. Officials at all levels go to his house to look for him. If we want to do something, we can only go to Murong Yanda's house. I found out about their house. There are more than 200 guards on the ground, and the leaders are two masters selected from the army. But no one knows who it is. And it is said that apart from these [-] people, there are secret guards in his house, so I don’t know How many are there?"

Chao Qing and Wu Song looked at each other.

Wu Songdao: "Whether he is a dragon's pool or a tiger's den, I am not afraid. Whoever dares to block me, these two swords do not recognize anyone."

Chao Qing asked: "Can you find out the layout of his Murong Yanda's mansion?"

Yang Lindao: "Every evening, Second Brother Cui and Butcher Hu from the south of the city will deliver vegetables and meat to Murong Yanda's mansion. At that time, I can mix in the food delivery team and sneak into the mansion to find out what's going on inside. clear."

Chao Qing exhorted: "Be careful in everything!"

"Young leader, don't worry, people call me Jinbaozi, Baozi is very clever!" Yang Lin said and went out again.

In the evening, Chao Qing, Wu Song, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang had dinner and waited for Yang Lin to come back.However, there was no one left or right.

Chao Qing began to feel uneasy, wondering if something really happened.He began to regret sending Yang Lin to carry out this dangerous task.The next time there is any dangerous thing, I will do it myself, and I must never let my brother take risks.Chao Qing said to himself in his heart.

Time passed slowly, and it was already midnight, and the whole city fell into a deep sleep, becoming extremely quiet.Chao Qing was sitting in the house, only hearing the sound of the shift outside.It's almost midnight.

If the Yang Lin brothers really have three strengths and two weaknesses, how can I be worthy of others.

After an unknown amount of time, Chao Qing began to fidget.

At this moment, Chao Qing heard voices coming from the restaurant lobby, it was Sun Erniang's hearty voice, mixed with a man's cheerful voice.

It's Yang Lin who's back!Chao Qing's hanging heart finally let go.

Soon, Sun Erniang led Yang Lin to Chao Qing.

Chao Qing stepped forward and excitedly held Yang Lin's hand and said, "Brother Yang Lin, you are back, but you are worrying me so much!"

Seeing that Chao Qing cared about him so much, Yang Lin was very moved, and said, "Young leader, don't worry, I told you everything will be fine."

Wu Song also asked: "Why have you been here for so long? Could it be that you have encountered some danger?"

At this time, Erniang Sun brought a bowl of noodles, and Yang Lin ate it with big mouthfuls. He said as he ate, "There is no danger. You don't know, but Murong Yanda's mansion is really big enough. Maybe you got lost in it and couldn't get out."

Chao Qing said: "I'm afraid he got the money to build the mansion from the people of Qingzhou!"

"Who says it's not? Otherwise, with his one-year salary as a magistrate, I'm afraid he can't even build a garden inside." Yang Lin wiped his mouth after eating his noodles.

Wu Song asked: "Can you find out the situation in his residence?"

Yang Lin nodded, grabbed the pen and paper on the table, and sketched out the layout of Murong Yanda's home.

"According to my guess, this Murong Yanda usually rests in these places at night." Yang Lin pointed to the coordinates drawn on the map, which were located at the back of the entire house.

(End of this chapter)

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