Devouring the Starry Sky: Discovering that I am Xu Xin

Chapter 160 The Ruthless Sister in Crushing Form Appears...

Chapter 160 The Ruthless Sister in Crushing Form Appears...

"1008 cosmic countries, each cosmic country selects a thousand talents, and there are more than one million geniuses in total."

Venerable Nine Swords stood in the void, overlooking the millions of geniuses below, with a gentle voice, "Our virtual universe company will select the strongest 1000 people from among you, and absorb them into the core of our virtual universe company."

"You millions of people are fighting for this thousand places."

"The rules are as follows."

"Tomorrow, all of you will enter a 'trial space' respectively. Our virtual universe company has prepared more than a million trial spaces for you, one for each of you."

"There are seven trial towers in the trial space! Each trial tower has seven floors!"

"Let's start from the first trial tower, go through the seventh floor of the first trial tower, and then go to the second trial tower...until you die and are kicked out of the trial space!"

"Based on your scores in the trial space, calculate points"

"The 1st place in points - the 100th place, without further screening, will be directly absorbed by our virtual universe company as a core member, and get 100 places."

"No. 101 - No. 7300. These 7200 people will fight in the arena to compete for the 900 places."

"As for those who rank after 7300...all of them will be eliminated!"

Venerable Nine Swords left directly after speaking the rules. He just came to announce the rules briefly, not to discuss with this group of geniuses.

The millions of geniuses below are sluggish, and one trial space will eliminate millions of people. This is too...too simple and rude, right?
Although they were puzzled, no one explained to them, and the group of immortal beings also left after the Nine Swords Venerable left.

Soon the next day.

"All participants, please get ready, the trial space will start soon, and the collective transmission will begin soon." A clear and pleasant voice rang in the minds of all the geniuses.

In Building 0825.

A group of geniuses from Ganwu universe country bless and encourage each other.


An invisible and strange force descended on the entire plane space, causing all 1008000 young geniuses in the entire plane space to be teleported away in an instant.

This is a huge oblong meteorite nearly [-] kilometers long suspended in the cosmic starry sky.

Xu Xin appeared on the meteorite, and the whole body's perception recovered, just like being in the real starry sky, very real.

On this meteorite, seven trial towers were built.Each trial tower is as tall as a big mountain, more than ten kilometers high, and several kilometers in radius.

Xu Xin looked down at his wrist, and there was a screen on his wrist, just like the preliminary selection in Ganwu Universe.

"Participants: Xu Xin (Ganwu Universe Kingdom)
Points: 0
Rank: none
Trial space: No. 0279478 There are seven trial towers in the trial space, and each trial tower has seven floors.

In the first trial tower, each floor can get up to [-] points.If you succeed in all seven floors, you can get up to [-] points.

In the second trial tower, each floor can get up to 700,000 points.If you succeed in all seven floors, you can get up to [-] points

By analogy, the points of each trial tower are ten times that of the previous one.

And as long as the participant dies, the trial will end automatically, and the score result will be determined.

There are two rules for clearing each floor of the trial tower, one is to kill all the targets on each floor, and the other is to survive ten days.

When all the participants are dead, the trial ends, that is to say, no one can pass the seven trial towers alive.

The Virtual Universe Company is so confident that it doesn't even consider the possibility that someone can pass through, and assumes that all participants will die.

"I don't know if I can do it..."

Xu Xin muttered to herself, she was very bloated now, and she couldn't weigh how much she weighed.

Turning into a stream of light, Xu Xin flew towards the first trial tower.

Just entered the tower.

The text on the screen on her wrist changed: "The first floor of the first tower: 1 beasts——bloody mammoth.

Every time you kill a beast, you will get one point, and you will get [-] points after killing all of them, which will be sent directly to the second floor.

If you haven't finished killing them, stick to living for ten days and send them directly to the second floor.

Death, the trial is over. "

On the edge of the arm screen, there is also a time countdown, obviously once the 10 days are up, it will be teleported directly.

Xu Xin smiled, "Then let's start."

"hold head high!"

Ten thousand berserk mammoths galloped in unison, rushing forward, with a menacing aura that made one's heart palpitate.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and the sky full of stars emerged, shining brightly and dazzing.

The first form of the Godly Soldier, full of stars!
The stars fell, and in the extreme field, under the blessing of the original law of space, [-] blood-colored mammoths were instantly submerged.

In an instant, all the blood-colored mammoths were pierced by the gun light, and they all died.

The first floor of the first building, it takes 9 seconds to clear the level!
With [-] points in hand, Xu Xin was also teleported to the second floor.

In the virtual universe, there are 1008 immortal beings in the central square, sitting around at will.

The elimination of the trial space will not be publicly broadcast throughout the universe, but only the list changes will be made public.

And the final battle in the arena will be broadcast publicly!However, the immortal beings of the major cosmic countries have the authority to watch the trials of each participant.

"Damn it, what's wrong with this participant named Xu Xin, this trial has just started and he has 1 points in an instant." An immortal was startled, and then the rest of the people were also shocked.

It can shock this group of immortals, it can be seen that the gold content of clearing the first floor of the first building in 9 seconds,
You know, even Bolan, who they are optimistic about, has less than [-] points at this time.

Bolan's speed was already very fast, far ahead of the others, but compared to Xu Xin, he was as slow as a snail.

"It's increased again, 2 points!"

"Quick, zoom in on trial space No. 0279478 to see what's going on with Xu Xin!"

1008 Immortals are gone, Xu Xin's operation is like a dimensionality reduction attack, completely crushing the other participants.

Even Bolan, the god of death, can't compare. You must know that Bolan's Wanxianliu state is extremely high, his body is flexible, and his efficiency in dealing with group enemies is very high, but just like this, he can't compare with Xu Xin at all.

"3 points!"

At this time, the Immortals turned their viewing angles to Xu Xin, and her points changed again, increasing by [-] in an instant, indicating that the targets on the third floor were also killed by her at the same time.

"Is this Xu Xin, or a little girl?"

"Which cosmic country's genius is it? Whoever claims it? It's too perverted. Have you seen it? The 1000 flying birds on the fourth floor are like tofu under her hands, vulnerable to a single blow."

"Using a ghost weapon, a pretty good spear weapon."

"The original law of space, it seems that there is only the original law of space..."

"I can't see much more. This Xu Xin only used the first move of the Hun Shen Bing from the beginning to the end. The first trial tower may not allow her to use other moves at all."

A group of Immortals were discussing, all paying attention to Xu Xin for a while.

No way, Xu Xin's performance was too surprising. Before that, they had never heard of such a super genius as Xu Xin.

There was only one exception, Thirteen from Ganwu Universe Kingdom, who looked at Xu Xin with a strange expression.

Of course Xu Xin knew, he had memorized the names of every number one in the world, not to mention that because of Luo Feng, he had paid a little attention to Xu Xin.

But as I said before, there is too little information about Xu Xin, and it is impossible to evaluate her strength.

Therefore, he had no hope for Xu Xin at all, and the Ganwu Universe Kingdom only had hope for Rong Jun.

But now, Xu Xin's performance was so eye-catching that he even overwhelmed Bolan, the god of death.

This is different, Thirteen in the scale armor showed a smile.Dark horse is good, surprise is good, he likes such a little guy.

"This Xu Xin is too ruthless. He has already reached the sixth floor, leaving everyone else far behind."

"It's really powerful." The immortals beside Shisan Chao laughed.

"I don't know which universe country it is from. Even Bran has been compared."

"Let's take another look. At the moment, I can't see Xu Xin's potential. She may not be better than Bo Lan."

"By the way, why are you smiling so happily, Thirteen?" Suddenly, an immortal noticed Thirteen's smile became more obvious.

"Thirteen actually laughed, it's rare!"

"It's nothing, it's just that the little guy Xu Xin's performance is beyond my expectation." Thirteen said calmly, but the smile on his face could not be restrained.


The Immortals suddenly looked at Thirteen together, and asked in surprise, "This Xu Xin belongs to the Universe Kingdom?"

Thirteen nodded, "Xu Xin's performance is not bad, she didn't disappoint me."

"Depend on!"

Several Immortals laughed and scolded, "It's terrible, you Ganwu Universe Kingdom has Rong Jun, and now there is an even fiercer Xu Xin."

Although the Trial Tower cannot fully reflect a person's strength, in Xu Xin's situation, she is destined to be good in other aspects.

At the same time, everyone in the 1008 Universe Middle School who was paying attention to the list was stunned.

Who is Xu Xin?

Why did her points keep rising? Let's just hang it up. Most people don't even have [-] points, but Xu Xin already has [-] points.

Only in Ganwu Universe Kingdom and Black Dragon Mountain Empire, everyone cheered.

Xu Xin is the pride of their Black Dragon Mountain Empire. As expected of a genius who was eliminated in the preliminaries and won the first place in the world, he was so fierce in the final battle!

"Xu Xin! Xu Xin!"

"Ruthless Xu Xin!"

"She belongs to our Ganwu universe country, and belongs to Ganwu universe country!"

"Ahhhhhhh, ruthless people are number one, Xu Xin is invincible!"

For a while, as the virtual universe company's special promotional video for Xu Xin began to spread, her popularity in Ganwu Universe Kingdom rose wildly, surpassing Luo Feng and Rong Jun by the naked eye.


Trial tower, seventh floor.

Xu Xin glanced at the list, turned directly to the last page, and sure enough, Luo Feng's name was posted.

"It's really stable, as expected of my man." She smiled slightly, Luo Feng was using all his time to practice, and he was procrastinating on purpose.

Each floor is ten days, one trial tower is seventy days, and seven trial towers have more than a year of practice time.

Turning to the first page of the list again, Xu Xin looked at the second place, Bolan. He already had more than 40,000 points, and it can be said that he was biting his tail tightly.

It is indeed the undisputed number one, it is indeed very powerful.

Withdrawing her gaze, she looked at the Zerg brood in the distance, which had already begun to breed ferocious and different insects.

Seeing this Zerg nest, Xu Xin thought of the one in Shennongjia on Earth. Hu Yanbo wanted to enslave it but failed, so he could only leave it on Earth.

Shaking her head slightly, she stopped thinking about it.

The second form of the Chaos God Soldier, shocking stabbing!

A light gun appeared in Xu Xin's hands, and the space distortion visible to the naked eye contained terrifying power.

At the tip of the spear, dark space vortices emerged one after another, as if they were about to tear apart the space.

White light blooms!

The extreme field was blessed in an instant, and the next moment, Xu Xin's figure penetrated the Zerg nest with a man and a gun.

The Zerg brood exploded into pieces all over the sky, and the terrifying power of strangulation still remained, and every piece of fragments was constantly shattered until it turned into powder.

If the first type of starry sky is a blockade, then the second type of shocking stabbing is strangulation.

Except for the ninth form of the Hun Shen Bing, every other form is almost as strong, but the emphasis is different.

It is not like Luo Feng's Yan Shenbing, each style is stronger than the other, but each style will continue to strengthen with the comprehension of the original law.

'The first trial tower, easy...'

Xu Xin's figure was teleported outside the trial tower, without stopping, she immediately started to fly to the second trial tower.

At the same time, Luo Feng who was still on the first floor was also slightly dumbfounded, "My wife, you are too fierce..."

On the fifth floor, the cruel young man in white brandished a bloody long sword, killed the last mechanical puppet, and then looked at the leaderboard.

'Xu Xin...'

He muttered silently, and immediately teleported to the sixth floor.


Xu Xin is already super god, not only attracting the attention of the outside world, most of the 1008 immortals are also staring at her.

They just wanted to see how many trial towers Xu Xin could reach with such a ferocious speed, and where he could reach in the end.

Time passed, two months later.

On the seventh floor of the fourth trial tower, Xu Xin stood in front of the Zerg brood again.

The opponents of each trial tower are the same, but one is stronger than the other, and the span of becoming stronger is still very large.

She was able to kill indiscriminately in the first trial tower, but she needed to get serious after reaching the third tower.

The third trial tower was a watershed, most people were eliminated in the third trial tower, including the wind wheel.

It's ignorant, it's been standing firm, not in a hurry, just as steady as Luo Feng.

Now, only two people have reached the fourth trial tower, one is Xu Xin, and the other is Death God Bolan.It's just that the former is on the seventh floor and the latter is on the fourth floor.

Up to now, Xu Xin didn't dare to wait for a second, and the time spent on each floor began to be measured in days.

Of course, this is also related to her deliberately slowing down and not shooting at full strength.

In the square, all 1008 immortals looked at Xu Xin again.

"The seventh floor of the fourth tower, Xu Xin should use other powers, right?"

"Indeed, it is impossible to pass the seventh floor of the fourth trial tower only by relying on the first two moves of the Hun Shen Bing."

"Thirteen, what do you think?" Someone asked Thirteen, the giant in scale armor and war robe.

"Just wait and see." Thirteen's voice boomed, and everyone nodded.

Indeed, what skills Xu Xin still has, you will know after watching.

Compared to them, Shisan actually pays more attention to Luo Feng now. This little guy actually procrastinated on purpose, staying on each floor for ten days before leaving.

Compared with his wife Xu Xin, they are two extremes.

Now in Ganwu Universe Kingdom, Xu Xin is No. 1, Rong Jun is No. 17, and Luo Feng is still at the bottom.

If there is no Xu Xin, he may dislike Luo Feng, thinking that he is not up to date.But now for some reason, he has a vague feeling that Luo Feng will also bring him surprises, just like Xu Xin.

This feeling is so strong that he often pays attention to Luo Feng, and the more he looks at it, the more he discovers the clue.

Luo Feng was too stable, he stayed on each floor for ten days, and got all the points, which in itself represented good strength.

In short, he was looking forward to Luo Feng being able to surprise himself, and this anticipation even surpassed the surprise that Xu Xin brought him.

At this time, there were already hundreds of thousands of eliminated geniuses in the central square.

Almost a few seconds before and after, more than ten figures were teleported in the central square at the same time.

These people talked a lot, they were all talking about Xu Xin, this dark horse was too dazzling, it was hard for them not to pay attention.

But if it was Bolan, they would only sigh with emotion that it should be so, and there would never be such a large-scale discussion.

Among them was the wind wheel. He looked at Xu Xin's points ahead, and suddenly remembered what Luo Feng said before.

"Xu Xin has the ability to take the first place, is it true?" '

The wind wheel shakes a little, feeling that all this is too dreamy.

(End of this chapter)

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