After adjusting his state a little, Xu Xin tried to summon the second domain master zombie.

Enduring the sharp and swelling pain in his head, a zombie with cold flames all over his body appeared.


This is a horse-like zombie that is ten feet tall and covered with blood-red long hair. Its four hooves are stepping on the cold corpse oil flame. Its head is only the upper part. One of its eyes is bloodless and extremely cold.

As soon as it appeared, the zombies emitting green smoke leaned slightly towards them. Xu Xin's domain master zombies only had two ends, and they knew each other.

Zombies have simple minds and muddled consciousness, but they also have subjective reactions.The two domain master level zombies are often put together by Xu Xin, so they will react to each other.


Xu Xin let out a long breath, and the pain in her head subsided slowly. She was not as weak as before, and she would not pass out after summoning a zombie.

"Tugen, find the way ahead. BMW, carry me." She said this, but she actually ordered it directly from her consciousness. The two zombies can't understand human words.

Tugen is the zombie with green smoke all over his body. His name was Atugen in his lifetime. He was a potential stock discovered in the world of the world master.

BMW is a potential stock found in those years in the Gusang star field, and it was already at the ninth rank of the universe class before his death.

In fact, the aptitudes of Atugen and BMW were not very good in terms of life alone, and the probability of becoming domain masters is not high, but their physical bodies are good seedlings for zombies, so they can easily reach the domain master level.

Of course, this ease is only relative. The two domain master level zombies are basically cultivated with the power of the entire zombie prison.

Tu Gen walked in front, Xu Xin rode on the back of the BMW, and the two of them stiffened and began to explore in the spaceship.

She put the spaceship aside to explore first before going outside. She mainly wanted to see how other people were doing.

However, Xu Xin didn't see a single person from the first floor of the spaceship to the top floor. To be precise, there were no corpses, broken limbs, etc.

Except for herself, all the other passengers disappeared. Xu Xin pondered, are these people dead or something else?
According to the report of the Universe Galaxy Bank Passenger Company in the Putong Imperial Capital Galaxy, the spaceship had an accident seven months after departure, and she had an accident two years after that because of the World Tree of Enlightenment. What happened and where did it go?
If it is said that they are all dead, but where they died, there is no corpse in the spaceship, maybe they did not die immediately, and it is very likely that they went outside.

Xu Xin looked through the spaceship hole in front of him. This is the spaceship control room, and the hole seemed to be broken from the inside.

"Let's go."

She patted BMW on the head, and then Tugen jumped down from the hole, while BMW flew down with Xu Xin on his back.

Like those people, Fluffy also disappeared, she had to look for traces of other passengers, maybe she could find Fluffy, she didn't believe that Fluffy would die so easily.

It was night outside, the sky was full of stars, and the galaxy covered the entire sky, gorgeous and dreamy.

A huge crescent moon hangs in the east, and the night here is also very bright, but not as intense as during the day.

"There seems to be nothing unusual."

Xu Xin shook her head, she can be sure that this is the original universe, and it is definitely not a strange place.

It's just that it is impossible to determine the location information here through the virtual universe. Only in the territory of the human race can it be located through the virtual universe.

Like where she is now, the virtual universe didn't give her detailed information at all, only gave her two words, unknown land.

Maybe it was because of insufficient permissions, after all, she was using the account provided by the first assistant.Of course, it is also possible that this place has not been recorded in the virtual universe. The original universe is infinitely large, and the virtual universe cannot be recorded in every place. Most of the regional information is about the territory of the human race.

It's like some undiscovered cosmic secrets. Before they are discovered, there will be no records in the virtual universe.

Of course, information of this level in the secret realm of the universe cannot be found by people without certain authority.


Xu Xin was riding a BMW, and suddenly found a transparent irregular curved crystal behind the wreckage of the spaceship.

"Tugen," she motioned.

Tugen, who was covered in green smoke, jumped in front of the transparent crystal, and then reached out to pick it up. It froze in place, and after a while, there was no danger.

Xu Xin patted the BMW, which roared and flew over.

Taking the transparent crystal from Tu Gen, Xu Xin observed it carefully.

It looks like a transparent crystal, feels smooth and hard, unlike crystals produced by melting ordinary substances.

And if you observe carefully, you will find that there are faint lines in the crystal. These lines are very light, but they are not chaotic, and the trend and arrangement have obvious rules.

"Unfortunately, I can't use my mental power right now."

Xu Xin looked at it for a long time, then shook his head regretfully. It is difficult to discover the secret of this transparent crystal with the naked eye. Only with spiritual power can we observe it more deeply.

After putting it into the space ring, Xu Xin began to explore in any direction.

Since those passengers did not die in the spacecraft, they should be on this planet, and of course the possibility of being outside the planet is not ruled out.

No matter what, let's search this planet first and then talk about it.

The place where the spaceship crashed was a rainforest, and there were all kinds of thousand-year-old trees everywhere, and none of them were younger than a thousand years old.

That is to say, the spaceship crashed and the surrounding trees were broken, otherwise the starry sky would not be visible at all.

As soon as he entered the dense forest, the whole space became dark, and Xu Xin also cheered up at twelve o'clock.

She doesn't dare to fly in the sky swaggeringly, she doesn't know anything about this planet, who knows if there is any life with strength above the domain master.

Although it is theoretically impossible, after all, an ordinary planet is unlikely to have universal life and above, but if this planet is not ordinary, then it is another matter.

So we still have to be careful, Xu Xin doesn't think that his domain master level is invincible, especially now that it is difficult to use his mental power, he needs to be more cautious.

Tugen opened the way ahead, and the BMW's cold flames enveloped Xu Xin, which could play a certain protective role.

And Xu Xin himself also opened the Earth Center Jade. Although there is no blessing from the star field, the Earth Center Jade blessed by the law of time and space is not weak.


After traveling only a few hundred meters, Xu Xin encountered an unknown life.

This guy lay on all fours, his whole body covered by a smooth fleshy membrane, and the big tendons under the fleshy membrane were clearly visible.It looks like a lizard as a whole, but it has no head, and a vortex mouth goes straight to the body.


The monster's mouth opened suddenly, and a voice containing a storm of mental power resounded, sharp and ear-piercing.

Xu Xin's expression was distorted, and the sound caused a lot of mental power in her sea of ​​consciousness to turmoil. Although she was instantly suppressed by the light of the World Tree of Enlightenment, the pain caused by the moment was unbearable.

Without her ordering, Tugen let out a roar, and green smoke billowed up from his body like wolf smoke, and massive corpse aura instantly filled the surroundings.

It doesn't matter if you don't move, there are dense rustling sounds from the place surrounded by corpse aura, and the unknown monster is howling in pain. The terrifying toxicity in the corpse aura corrodes the flesh membrane on its body surface, and the muscles under it Continuously blackening, showing symptoms of cadaverization.

At this time, from the thick fallen leaves all around, fleshy six-legged monsters as small as hamsters scrambled out one by one.

They kept howling, their bodies corroded and festered in the corpse aura.

From this point, it can be seen that the physical strength of these monsters is not strong, but the spiritual power is extremely strong, especially the big monster, a scream can make the spiritual power in Xu Xin's sea of ​​consciousness riot, if it is not Enlightenment world tree suppression, maybe she has already had a headshot.

"so much."

Xu Xin looked at the corpses of monsters all over the floor, and she recognized at first glance that these monsters were the same species as the one that parasitized her.

It's hard to say which one is bigger, but these smaller ones can be said to be exactly the same.

"Tugen, go forward." Xu Xin ordered with a solemn expression.

I saw Tugen walking forward slowly, and the range of corpse aura was also moving forward.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying scene appeared. In the place shrouded in corpse aura, densely packed six-legged meat membrane monsters emerged from the fallen leaves.

Densely packed, the entire ground was covered by these fleshy monsters. They roared in pain, and their spiritual power gathered one after another, faintly showing a tendency to form a spiritual storm.

These monsters are not as powerful as the one that has sucked Xu Xin's blood for nearly 30 years. Only when so many of them gather together can they set off a mental storm.

Xu Xin probably sensed that most of these monsters didn't even have planetary-level physical strength and were extremely fragile.

And that big monster is almost at the ninth rank of the astral rank, but its mental strength far exceeds that of the astral rank.

Tugen kept walking forward, more and more monsters appeared, and it was basically certain that there were these monsters in every inch of the ground.

With this kind of density, Xu Xin understood why he was parasitized.

She named these monsters Shidan, which means disgusting, and she really wanted to exterminate this kind of thing.

He even dared to parasitize her, and she felt disgusted when she thought about it, and her anger rushed straight into her head.

"Kill, kill me into extinction!"

Xu Xin made a sound with resentment, and immediately, BMW's corpse fire also spread out, which also contained a terrifying corpse aura.

The two are superimposed, and there is not a single surviving shit monster in the place where one person and two froze.

Deep in the rainforest, one day later, [-] kilometers away from the wreckage of the spaceship.

Xu Xin once flew to an altitude of [-] meters to look down on this planet. This rainforest is very large, basically covering a quarter of the entire planet.

Her current position is in the lower right middle area of ​​the rainforest, and in this area there is a monster corpse that is a kilometer in size, which is very obvious from the air.

This monster is also covered in flesh, with big tendons spreading all over its body like tree roots. Unlike shit, this monster has a head, and the head is a crystallized fruit.

In fact, to be precise, it should be that the monster was devouring the fruit, and it should have died while devouring it.

"Exactly the same!"

In front of the monster's corpse, Xu Xin looked at the fruit, and it turned out to be exactly the same as the fruit of spiritual power in her Demon Buddha Prison, which is why Xu Xin came here.

There is no trace of poop within hundreds of kilometers around the huge monster. It is strange to say that this rainforest seems to have only one animal, poop, and outside the rainforest is a vast sea of ​​sand.

It is true that the huge monster has no life in its body, it is completely dead, but its body is very strong, it has not rotted at all, maybe it has not been dead for long enough.

After a close observation, Xu Xin also discovered the difference of this giant shit, that is, the body is very hard, completely different from the fragile tofu-like body of ordinary shit, especially the big tendons all over the body are extremely thick, and the thicker one is The largest piece of muscle bulged hundreds of meters high.

Moreover, the fleshy membrane of its skin is both flexible and hard, and the two incompatible attributes are surprisingly perfectly combined.

Don't forget that this is still its state after death. If it is alive, the body full of vitality may be even more outrageous.

Xu Xin looked at the giant shit, and she admitted that her heart was moved and she was drooling. This corpse must be taken down. Once it is refined into a zombie, it will be at least the domain master level, and may even reach the world master level.

"This shit is completely different from those outside!" Xu Xin thought, "I'll call you the Devil Muscle."

Those shits outside have weak bodies, and they are obviously not of the same species as the devil's muscles. Maybe the devil's muscles are a mutant shit.

"Go and see the fruit first."

Xu Xin's mental power is difficult to use now, and it is impossible to get the devil's muscular man into the zombie prison.

Tugen soared into the air, and instantly reached the head of the devil's muscular man, in front of the fruit.

This fruit is wrapped in transparent crystals, it looks like it is still alive, but in fact it already has a strong dead energy.

It has a faint blue color as a whole, but it is not complete, and one-fifth of the area is missing pulp.

Part of the gap was facing the devil's muscular mouth, and part was exposed. Xu Xin was surprised to find that the fruit core was exactly the same as the transparent crystal she found at the wreckage of the spaceship through Tugen's perspective.

The crystal that encased the fruit was just a layer of secretion-like crystals, but the core was different, the lines in it were exactly the same as the crystal she found.

BMW carried Xu Xin to the gap of the fruit, and Tugen had already broken the crystal that wrapped the fruit, exposing the core of the fruit.

Xu Xin took out the transparent crystal from the space ring, but it didn't react with the fruit core.

She was contemplating, and suddenly gritted her teeth, trying to draw out a bit of mental power to enter the transparent crystal.

As soon as the mental power left the body, a terrifying invisible malice spread out. Her mental power was completely assimilated, but it didn't affect her use.

Enduring the pain caused by the turmoil of mental power in his mind, Xu Xin manipulated the mental power to pour into the transparent crystal in his hand.

Unexpectedly, it went smoothly, as if a dry sponge met water, and the mental power penetrated completely in an instant.

What surprised Xu Xin even more was that as soon as these mental powers entered the crystal, it was as if she had returned home, which gave her a very comfortable feeling, and even the pain in her head eased a lot.

As a result, she was able to draw out more spiritual power. Xu Xin began to pour spiritual power into the crystal, and the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness began to gradually decrease.

"Unexpected joy!"

Xu Xin was excited, and at the same time, she was sure that the fruit in front of her was the culprit of everything.It should be after her Demon Buddha Prison absorbed that spiritual world that caused the death of this fruit.

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