Devouring the Starry Sky: Discovering that I am Xu Xin

Chapter 188 Eight Great Ancient Prisons

The two opened up the topic as soon as they were imprisoned, chatting while digging the twelve-hole stone marrow.

After chatting, they became acquainted, and Nirvana asked curiously, "I don't know why the two of you were arrested by the Amo tribe?"

"Inadvertently broke into someone's forbidden place, it seems to be some kind of scarlet land." The captain showed helplessness, "Speaking of which, my junior sister and I came here by accident. At first, it was just because we entered a space passage by mistake..."

"Unexpected... space channel." Nirvana pondered, "It's no wonder that you are here. The entrance to this cosmic secret is in the territory of the Prison Clan. With your strength, it is unlikely that you will cross the long distance between our two tribes."

"However, it's unbelievable to be able to cross such a long-distance space channel. I don't know what kind of existence opened it up?" Nirvana asked.

"It's really incredible." The captain sighed: "It's just that the space channel is not stable, it should have been formed naturally, and it collapsed not long after we crossed."

"In this case, it is understandable. The power of the universe is unpredictable, and occasionally things beyond our imagination will happen."

Nirvana said sympathetically: "It seems that you will not be able to return to the territory of the human race in a short time."

"Don't talk about returning to the territory of the human race, whether you can leave or not is a problem." The captain said bitterly.

"Indeed." Nirvana also felt helpless, "I shouldn't have broken in alone when I discovered this secret realm. Now that I think about it, it was too reckless."

"I thought it was just an ordinary secret realm, but I didn't expect..." Nirvana didn't continue, but released a wave of fearful consciousness.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." He seemed unwilling to recall, shook his head and said: "I heard that your human race has a virtual universe, no matter how far away the reality is, you can connect in real time in it?"

"Indeed." The captain nodded.

Nirvana's flaming eyes suddenly became more dazzling, and asked nervously and expectantly: "Then I wonder if you can connect to the virtual universe now?"

"Okay, it just so happens that I still have an anonymous account, which I can give to..." The captain hadn't finished speaking.

Nirvana smiled excitedly, "That's great, hahaha!"

He laughed for a while, and seeing Xu Xin and the captain looking at him suspiciously, he explained: "To be honest, our Prison Clan has a little intelligence network in the virtual universe."

"I shouldn't have told you these words, but I've had enough of staying here." Nirvana said slightly angrily: "more than 500 years, I have wasted more than 500 years here, and I never It has only been more than 3000 years since it was born in the 'Ten Fang Thunder Fire Prison'!"

"So..." he begged, "I want to rescue us through your contact with the strong of the ethnic group."

"Don't worry, my status is high enough, the ethnic group will definitely send strong people, not to mention that even if it is not for me, they will come for this secret place of the universe." Nirvana added.

He said a lot, but Xu Xin and the captain started to think in silence.

Neither of them is a fool, and now, Nirvana's intention to actively communicate with them is already obvious.

Xu Xin thought about what he said carefully. If the prison clan strongman arrives, he will indeed be able to crush the Amo clan. Maybe even the supreme tree god will be suppressed, and Nirvana will definitely be out of trouble by then.

As for the fate of her and the captain, it is hard to say, but it stands to reason that the prison clan powerhouse would not have any thoughts about a domain master and a world master-level human being.

' Risky, but seems worth a try. '

In the end, Xu Xin made a decision. The Prison Clan and the Human Clan didn't have any deep hatred, but they had nothing to do with the Jing Clan.

Therefore, the strong men of the Prison Clan should not embarrass her and the captain. To put it bluntly, Xu Xin is not willing to waste 1000 years of time here.

Digging the twelve-aperture stone marrow took up a lot of time and energy, and there was no time to practice at all. It would be a waste of time to stay here for 1000 years.

Anyway, after 1000 years, it is a bet that the Amo tribe will let them go, and believing in Nirvana is also a bet. Since it is all a bet, there is nothing to hesitate.

"This is a consciousness-sensing helmet, and it contains an anonymous account number." A helmet suddenly appeared in the captain's hand.

"Okay!" Nirvana was very excited, "Great, Captain, hahahaha, the biggest mistake of the Amo tribe was to catch you two human tribes in."

There is really nothing that Xu Xin and the captain can do, but together with Nirvana, that is a combination that can change the pattern of this secret realm.

The fault is that the virtual universe of the human race is too perverted, not only the prison race envies them, but which one is not the case for other races such as the machine race, monster race, and Zerg race?
"Before I contact the strong people of the ethnic group, I will swear to the great prison god to promise you three things." Nirvana took the consciousness induction helmet and said solemnly: "First, I will ensure that you leave the secret realm alive."

"Second, I will take responsibility for letting you know about the ethnic intelligence network, and I will never implicate you. In fact, this is not a secret in itself, and your high-level human race should have known it a long time ago."

"Third, I will arrange for someone to escort you back to the territory of the human race. This is your reward for helping me. What do you two think?"

Nirvana looked at the two of them seriously. Although nothing could be seen in the eyes made of flames, the emotions conveyed by his consciousness fluctuations were very sincere.

This made Xu Xin feel unbelievable. As far as she knew, the prison clan was not a kind group. They usually exuded evil aura and were tyrannical and brutal, but Nirvana behaved a little differently.

Although Nirvana's current words may be pretentious, but it has to be said that his three promises have indeed improved Xu Xin's favor towards him a lot.

"Thank you very much." The captain expressed his excitement and gratitude.

"You don't need to say thank you. If you help me out of trouble, I will naturally help you too. The prison clan born in my Ten Directions Thunder Fire Prison is the most affectionate and righteous, and they will repay their kindness."

Nirvana smiled and said, "Before the Amos come, I will contact the tribe first."

As he said that, his consciousness was registered on an anonymous account, and he dared to use the consciousness helmet so blatantly, naturally because the surveillance of the Amo tribe was not constant, and Nirvana had already figured out the law.

The time period he chose to communicate with Xu Xin was the period when the Amo tribe left under surveillance.

Seeing that the Nirvana consciousness entered the virtual universe, Xu Xin also began to think about the conversation just now.

After such a period of communication, she had some doubts.

According to Nirvana, this secret realm is within the territory of the Prison Clan, which is too outrageous, and Xu Xin himself finds it hard to believe it.

Why can the space channel allow the spaceship to cross a long distance in a short period of time, from the territory of the human race to the territory of the prison race?

Xu Xin thought of the eight space passages around the Supreme Tree God. Is it possible that these space passages were not opened by the Supreme Tree God at will?

Only in this way can it explain why the space channel is so outrageous.

The eight space passages go in different directions. If they encounter this is the territory of the benchmarking human race, what about the other seven, targeting the Zerg race, the machine race...?
The more Xu Xin thought about it, she even wondered if the Supreme Tree God had some kind of conspiracy, but then she thought about it, it was just the existence of the Supreme Lord of the Universe, it was impossible for her to dare to do this, she must have thought too much.

Temporarily giving up thinking about the Supreme Tree God, Xu Xin thought about Nirvana's oath just now, and swore to the Hell God, is this Hell God the Hell God she thought of?
The Hell Gods are indeed a bloodline group, that is, the poor Hell God Race with a small number. They have not been seen in the universe for a long time, and the Hell God Race is one of the peak groups in the universe, so it is obviously unlikely to be the Hell God Race

In fact, Xu Xin had also thought about whether the Prison God had something to do with the prison clan before. She asked the little assistant, but the little assistant didn't answer.

Thinking about it carefully, there is still a difference between the Prison God Clan and the Prison Clan.

Prison clan refers to the life born in the strange and dangerous place "hell" in the universe. Whether it is a life of rock, energy, flesh and blood, etc., as long as it is born in the strange and dangerous place "hell", all It's the prison clan!
Like Nirvana, he was born in the prison clan called "Ten Directions Thunder Fire Prison".

However, the Prison God Clan was not born from prison, and the Prison God Clan did not have the Prison God Pool they had.

Moreover, the average potential and strength of the Prison God Clan individuals are higher than the average level of the Prison Clan. After all, the former is a bloodline group that is weaker than even the starry sky behemoths.

If it weren't for the fact that the number of Hell Gods is too rare, there is a solid foundation for becoming the seventh peak group in the universe.

'The Prison God Clan and the Prison Clan are not the same race. Xu Xin shook his head, "It doesn't mean that the Prison God and the Prison Clan are not related, and there seems to be some similarities between Prison and Prison God Pool."

She has no way to prove now that she knows too little about the Prison Clan, and it is more convenient to ask about the Prison God after the Nirvana consciousness exits the virtual universe for a while.

Not long after, the consciousness of Nirvana returned to reality, and conveyed extremely excited emotions.

"Two friends from the human race, the race has already known about me. They will be led by an ancient prison master to rescue us. Of course... saving us is just a matter of course. The main purpose is to explore this secret realm of the universe." Nirvana laughed.

"The Lord of the Ancient Prison?" After all, the captain is just an ordinary world lord, so he should act as if he doesn't know what a certain lord is.

"Yes, there are two masters of ancient prisons in our prison clan, both of whom are great masters of the universe born from the eight ancient prisons." Nirvana explained.

"Master of the universe?" The captain was at a loss.

Nirvana was also taken aback when he saw this, and then he understood, "I was negligent, you have not stepped into immortality, and it is normal not to know the Lord of the Universe."

"Let's put it this way, every master of the universe can be said to be the most powerful existence in the universe. They have climbed to the pinnacle of cultivation and are almost omnipotent, even reversing time and space, resurrecting dead creatures..." Nirvana began Explain what the Lord of the Universe is.

Xu Xin already knew it, but the captain was really shocked. The strongest person he knew before was immortality, and he had never heard of the Lord of the Universe.

"Now we just wait with peace of mind. With the Lord of the Ancient Prison taking action, it will definitely be fine." Nirvana was very confident.

In the following period of time, Nirvana's enthusiasm for digging the twelve-aperture stone marrow decreased significantly, and he only dug a little bit occasionally for the surveillance of the Amo people in a coping manner.

The same is true for Xu Xin and the captain. The master of the universe of the prison clan is coming, and he will be free immediately. Who will mine?

So during this time, Xu Xin was asking Nirvana some letters about the prison clan through the captain, and Nirvana was not prepared, as expected of a small prison clan just born 3000 years ago.

3000 years is indeed a baby level in the Prison Clan, but Nirvana is already an immortal, and has a very high status in the Prison Clan. Compared with the members of the original secret realm of the virtual universe company in the human race, Nirvana's status in the Prison Clan is even higher. A lot taller.

That's why the Master of the Universe was dispatched when he asked for help. It stands to reason that when he explored an unknown universe, it was usually the Master of the Universe and a large number of immortal gods who opened up wasteland, and the Lord of the Universe was rarely dispatched directly.

The status quo of the Prison Clan is that the affiliated races in the territory beat them to death, but the real members of the Prison Clan are relatively united. If they are not united, the Prison Clan has long been beaten to death by the Jing Clan.

Within the Prison Clan, there are two types of members, one is born from prison, and the other is the strong from the affiliated race.

The various races in the territory of the Prison Clan are actually fighting to death, and behind it is the Prison Clan promoting it, in order to catalyze powerful individuals and then absorb them into the Prison Clan.

Xu Xin couldn't say anything about this way of raising Gu, she didn't like it very much anyway.

In addition to these members of the prison clan absorbed from the subordinate races, the prison clan born from the prison is the main body, but the number is not as large as the subordinate races, but they control most of the powerful combat power of the prison clan.

There was only one prison when the original universe was first formed, which is the ancestral prison of the current prison clan, and most of the prison clan were born from the ancestral prison.

But now, 51 sub-prisons have evolved near the ancestral prison, and each sub-prison is the hard work of the prison clan for countless years.

For example, the Thunder Fire Prison of the Ten Directions where Nirvana was born is one of the 51 sub-prisons.

In addition to the sub-prisons, the Prison Clan also has eight ancient prisons scattered throughout the universe, which are the places where the master of the ancient prisons was born.

In fact, the ancient prison has nothing to do with the ancestral prison. It was left by the rumored prison god.

Even the source of the bloodline of the Eight Great Prisons of the Hell God Clan can be traced back to the source, which also comes from the Eight Great Ancient Prisons.

Xu Xin knew the relationship between the Prison God and the Prison Clan without much effort—it just didn't matter, Nirvana believed in the Prison God entirely because of the Lord of the Ancient Prison.

The two ancient prison masters of the prison clan joined the prison clan by themselves. After a long time, they have fully integrated into the prison clan. Individuals born in the eight ancient prisons were also recognized as clan members by the prison clan. He is regarded by many prison clans as a super strong man in the history of prison clans.

Up to now, the eight ancient prisons have become the eight important branches of the prison clan, and the main branch is naturally the prison clan born from the ancestral prison and the 51 prisons.

After learning the truth about the ancient prison of the prison clan, Xu Xin suddenly didn't want to return to the territory of the human race.

What she was thinking about was not going to the Eight Great Ancient Prisons, but thinking about how to recover them. They were the two masters of the universe, several universe lords, and countless immortal gods.

It's a pity that this can only be thought about. With her current strength, it would be a disaster rather than a blessing to rashly expose her identity as a prison god.

The creatures born in the eight ancient prisons may be related to the previous prison god, but they are 100% not related to her. If people know that she is the new prison god, their first reaction may be to arrest her and study her.

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