Chapter 199 Primordial Secret Realm
Xu Xin, Qian Shui, and Ai Chen got together and joked with each other.

"Sister Xu Xin, look... Is it possible that Bo Lan has been shut down by you?" Qian Shui covered her mouth and smiled.

Xu Xin looked helplessly, "What does it have to do with me? He's always been like that."

In a corner at the edge of the lounge, Bran stood alone with his eyes closed, dressed in white and carrying a bloody sword.

"I heard it." Ai Chen pulled Qian Shui.

But he didn't see any movement from Bran, Qian Shui blinked his big Shuiling eyes, and whispered: "Liar."

Xu Xin also smiled, and was about to speak when the cabin door bang and interrupted her.

As the figure in the blue shirt walked into the hall, the palpitating atmosphere made everyone quiet down.

"The basic cultivation of Chaos City has been completed for 30 years."

Venerable Nine Swords glanced at the 817 young people in front of him, all of them bowed their heads and did not dare to look at them, "Your class is relatively poor in terms of death rate, but it is considered an excellent class in terms of grades, especially among the Xu Xin, Bo Lan, Luo Feng, and Rong Jun are very good."

Immediately, a large group of young people below became a little commotion, and many people turned their heads to look at these four people.

Xu Xin broke through the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge, even Bolan couldn't compare to her, everyone was already numb.

Bran broke through the sixth floor of the Skybridge!

Luo Feng broke through the fifth floor of Tongtian Bridge!

Rong Jun broke through the fourth floor of Tongtian Bridge!

Even the worst Rong Jun is a height they can't touch.

A group of people with complex minds, all feel envious. They are the same winners in the genius battle, but in the end, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.


After going through the channel of chaotic time flow, the spaceship finally entered the original universe.

"I have left the initial universe." The Nine Swords Venerable in the green robe and purple scales looked at a group of young people below, "On behalf of you, the safest Chaos City training is officially over! Next, you will be divided into four teams and sent to The Primordial Secret Realm, the Primordial Secret Realm, the Heaven and Earth Secret Realm, and the End Times Secret Realm."

"In the future, it will be impossible to be as comfortable as in Chaos City. I wish you good luck, and hope to see you next time, and 500 people will be alive." The man in the green robe and purple scales finished speaking.

The spaceship began to slow down, and a moment later, the hatch opened.

A group of people filed out of the spaceship, and at a glance they could see the mountains in the distance, the spaceships in the distance, and the figures flying through the sky, and there were many stars in the sky.

Xu Xin returned to Luo Feng's side, her expression was a little dazed, and some memories flooded her mind.

She did it, she was standing by Luo Feng's side instead of chasing him.

The entire universe headquarters of the virtual universe company is an incomparably vast continent suspended in the starry sky. Compared with it, the stars are as tiny as sesame seeds.

A group of people came to a conference hall.

"Xu Xin, Bo Lan, and Long Yun in the primitive area, go to the primitive secret realm. You all set out with the Venerable, so stay here for now and wait for the Venerable."

"Members of the Taichu District, go over there and take the meteorite-like spaceship."

"Members of the Tian area, you take the second ship next to it, the fuchsia spaceship."

"Members of the Doomsday District, you take the largest of the three spaceships, which is also the jet-black spaceship." The silver-robed woman standing at the front desk of the conference hall spoke loudly, pointing at the three spaceships that had landed outside the transparent glass , "Now, let's go."

Whoa whoa whoa!
More than 800 young people stood up with a clatter.

"The four major secret realms are not in the same place. In the future, we brothers can only meet in the virtual universe."

"Let's go first."


The friends bid farewell to each other, Xu Xin took Luo Feng's hand, not very willing.

But Qian Shui, Ai Chen, Wuka, Rong Jun and others are all waiting for Luo Feng, so she can't delay.

"Wait for me." Xu Xin whispered.

Luo Feng smiled, squeezed her soft and boneless little hand, "Okay, wait for me too."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left with firm eyes, primitive area...he will go!
Xu Xin kept looking at him, and didn't look away until Luo Feng, Rong Jun and others boarded the spaceship.

At this time, the hall was completely empty, only Xu Xin, Long Yun, and Bo Lan were left, and there were at most other irrelevant people.

There were only three people left, and Bo Lan was no longer "self-closing". He looked at Xu Xin who was walking, "Thank you."

Xu Xin was taken aback by this inexplicable gratitude, pointing at himself, "Me?"

The conversation between the two caught Long Yun's attention. He looked at the two with complicated and suspicious eyes.

"You made me realize the reality." Berland whispered softly, "I figured it out."

Xu Xin frowned, this guy...

He also heard a rare smile from Bran, "Next, don't be overtaken by me."

"it is good."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded slightly.She asked what it was, it turned out that Bolan had figured it out in advance, he should have given up his fellow practitioners in time and space, and planned to follow the line of "Universal Chaos Monument" that is partial to space.

In fact, when anyone first started to practice the "Monument of Chaos in the Universe", there was a bias. Not everyone could be like Xu Xin... "extraordinarily talented".

Before that, Bo Lan wanted to be a fellow practitioner in time and space, but now he was attacked by Xu Xin in advance, and he also figured it out in advance.

"You two..."

On the side, Long Yun hesitated to speak, and then sighed heavily. Compared with Xu Xin and Bo Lan, he really doesn't look like a primitive area.

It didn't take long for Venerable Nine Swords to return, release the big fish spaceship, and take the three of them to the original secret realm.

On the spaceship, Venerable Nine Swords was also introducing some information to the three of Xu Xin.

For example, the four secret realms of the virtual universe company are located in different places, not even in the same universe country.

The original secret realm is the closest to the headquarters, and it is in the same universe country as the headquarters, followed by the primordial secret realm, and in turn, the end-time secret realm is the farthest.

However, even the relatively close Secret Realm of Absolute Beginning is a full 1.2 million light-years away from the headquarters. This is the first time that Xu Xin and Luo Feng are so far apart.

Another example is the knowledge of the secret realms of the universe, the origin of the four great secret realms, etc. Xu Xin already knew these things, but he didn't know them in detail.

The big fish spacecraft is extremely fast, exceeding fifty times the speed of light, and it only takes seven or eight days to go to the original secret place.

Seven or eight days are fleeting.

After the big fish spaceship shuttled back to the original universe, it flew for a long time before arriving at the place where the core geniuses lived in the original secret realm

Under the virtual location, Xu Xin saw 136 stars in the distant sky at a glance.

Those 136 huge stars are constantly revolving around each other in the void, and their trajectories are extremely mysterious.

"These 136 stars form a time and space of their own, and they live in it. They are extremely safe. Even I cannot break into that time and space."

Venerable Nine Swords explained, "This is also the virtual universe company, which was built with countless efforts."

'Self-contained time and space...'

Xu Xin fixed her eyes and subconsciously sensed it, and Bo Lan was similar.

The 136 planets in the void are constantly revolving with incomparably mysterious trajectories, mobilizing the two most fundamental laws of the universe - the law of time and the law of space, making the void in which the 136 planets exist a space-time of its own, although The naked eye can still see it, but what the naked eye sees is an illusion.

"Boom~~~" Space ripples swayed in the void, and a gorgeous golden spaceship more than 1000 meters long appeared out of thin air.

"You guys go." Nine Swords Venerable said: "I just sent you here."

"Yes." The three said respectfully.

The hatch of the big fish spaceship has been opened, and the three of Xu Xin turned into streamers and flew towards the gorgeous golden spaceship.

The distance between the two spaceships was only tens of thousands of kilometers, and the three of them arrived soon.

Standing at the door of the hatch are four powerful men with a surging aura of law, all of them are immortal gods.

Xu Xin only knew one of them, and it was her immortal bodyguard——Dikaia.

"Your Highness." Di Kellen greeted warmly. His Highness is approachable, beautiful, generous, gentle and kind...


Xu Xin nodded with a smile.

Two of the other three were the immortal guards of Bo Lan and Long Yun, and they were also greeting their Highness.

The last one is a beautiful woman with long silver hair, silver pupils, and bare feet.

In terms of temperament alone, Xu Xin is like a clown duck in front of her, but unfortunately... Xu Xin is His Highness.

"Three Highnesses, welcome to the 'Ninth Dimension' of the Primordial Secret Realm."

The silver-haired, bare-footed woman smiled and said: "The Ninth Dimension, also referred to as 'Wuchen Dimension', is the residence of all His Royal Highnesses in the past. Please enter the spaceship... I will send your Highnesses to their residences."

The three of Xu Xin nodded and stepped into the spaceship.

This spaceship is purely used for reception, so the layout is extremely luxurious. As for the degree of luxury... It can only be said that people who have no vision can't see it at all.

Inside the welcome hall of the spaceship.

Xu Xin and the others stood there, looking at the empty scenery outside.


The spaceship starts, and quickly travels back to the ninth dimension.

When the spaceship enters this time and space, Planet 136 is no longer the only one, but operates on the edge of this time and space, and at the core of this time and space is an extremely dazzling continent!

On this suspended continent, there are exquisite palaces.

"It's amazing." Long Yun was shocked.

"This time and space is called Wuchen Time and Space, and the Void Continent in front is also called Wuchen Continent."

The silver-haired silver-eyed woman explained with a smile, "From the outside, you can only see 136 Wuchen planets. But you can't see the most important Wuchen Continent at all... All your highnesses live on Wuchen Continent."

She continuously introduced relevant information in the original secret realm, so that the three of Xu Xin would not be confused.


In the Primordial Secret Territory, the Wuchen Continent of Wuchen Time and Space is extremely vast, and each Highness can be allocated a territory of nearly one million kilometers. Naturally, the guards led by Di Keya also live in Xu Xin's territory.

Since then, Xu Xin has really lived in the original secret realm. She first connected to the virtual universe consciously, and greeted the immortal teacher 'Shen Wu'.

Then she opened a private space with Luo Feng. At this time, Luo Feng was still on the spaceship, and it would take him a month to go to the secret realm in the beginning.

The two chatted for a while in the private space, and Luo Feng dismissed Xu Xin. She had just arrived at the Primordial Secret Realm at this time, and there were still many things to learn and become familiar with.

Consciousness returned to the manor in the original area, Xu Xin first checked her points, and she now has a total of more than 190,000 points, which is completely enough for the universe level stage. It can be called a small rich woman.

But in fact, no one has too many points, especially Xu Xin.

In the Primordial Secret Territory, points are more versatile than money. Points that can be bought with money can be exchanged, but points that can be exchanged cannot be bought with money.

The core members below Immortal, who want to get points, can only go through Tongtianqiao, Mirage Sea, Immortal Altar and accept various tasks. There are few and difficult channels.

Therefore, points are very precious and rare for core members below Immortal.

What Xu Xin has to do now is naturally to experience the Mirage Sea and the Immortal Altar.

Core members can easily enter the three planes of Tongtian Bridge, Immortal Altar, and Illusory Sea.

Immortal altar plane.

On the huge black mountain range that can't be seen at a glance, there are mountain peaks, and there is a golden altar on the top of each mountain. At a glance, there are thousands of golden altars on thousands of mountain peaks.

A woman appeared under the steps of one of the golden altars. The woman was wearing a white loose exercise suit, which showed her slim figure.


As soon as Xu Xin appeared in the plane space of the Immortal Altar, he felt uncomfortable.

She couldn't feel the original fluctuation of the universe, and she couldn't feel any external energy. The original energy in her body was gone, and her mental power was extremely scarce, barely supporting a trace of consciousness.

It was weird and uncomfortable!
Lost the primordial energy, spiritual power, lost the lawful fluctuations that can be sensed...all the energy is gone.

The only thing that can be used is physical strength!
"A place where sheer strength is tested."

Xu Xin raised his head. There are 99 steps in this ladder, and the top platform represents the 100th level. Only when the body exerts force reaches 100 units, can it represent the perfect control of the body, which is also a prerequisite for becoming immortal.

"Perfect control of body strength..." She remembered the sixth level of extreme true meaning, which gave her 90 times the strength, which is actually equivalent to mastering [-]% of her body strength.

Xu Xin stepped on the steps and quickly walked to the altar.

On the altar of the Immortal Altar, there is a human-shaped target. Next to the target is a screen. There are texts on the screen. The translation into Chinese is: "Please use your fist, elbow, head, knee, and foot to hit each other within 1 second. Hit the target, and calculate the strength according to the lowest attack of the five hits."

Xu Xin didn't hesitate, stretched his whole body, and then his hands and feet turned into phantoms.

Bang bang bang bang!
Five dense bangs sounded, and she had already completed the attack.

She looked at the screen next to her, and the data appeared on the screen——

"Unit 86, unit 87, unit 89, unit 85, unit 90, the result is - unit 85, and the score is 15000."

Point rules for Immortal Altar:
Force 50 units, get 1000 points.

Force 60 units, get 2000 points.

Force 70 units, get 4000 points.

Force 80 units, get 8000 points.

Force 90 units, get 16000 points.

Make 100 units of power and get 5 points.

(less than 50 units, all 0 points)
"Only 85?"

Xu Xin raised her eyebrows. She only reached 90 once after five attacks.

Her brute force must be able to reach 90, but she needs to be proficient, otherwise fluctuations are inevitable.

For the next time, Xu Xin stayed at the Immortal Altar. She must be able to reach 90, she just needs to try a few more times.

bang bang bang...

Force unit 87, three times 90.

Bang bang bang bang!
Power unit 86, one time 90.


Force 88, twice 90.


For a long time, Xu Xin finally mastered the technique completely when he tried for the 6524th time, and all five attacks were 90!

Her points added another 16000, and her total points reached more than 22.

"Next... the Mirage Sea."

Xu Xin withdrew from the Altar of Immortality with satisfaction, and she will not come here for a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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