Devouring the Starry Sky: Discovering that I am Xu Xin

Chapter 241 Seeing the Phantom Spirit King

Chapter 241 Seeing the Phantom Spirit King
"Little sister, it's rare that you are looking for me so urgently. I'm curious about what's going on."

Hong had noticed the strange mad king beforehand, but he didn't ask directly.

"Brother, it's a good thing." Luo Feng smiled from the side.

Hong looked at Xu Xin in surprise.

"This is the Mad King, the boss of the Giant Axe Arena." Xu Xin nodded and introduced him.

"Mad King, this is my elder brother, Hong." She introduced to the Mad King again.

"I've seen the Mad King." Hearing this, Hong hurriedly shouted respectfully.

As soon as he heard that the Mad King was the boss of the Giant Axe Arena, Hong understood Xu Xin's intentions almost instantly.

This is to build a bridge for him and introduce opportunities.

Hong looked at Xu Xin with thanks, and then waited for the mad king's response.

"Xu Xin recommended you to me."

The Mad King looked at him with a calm expression, "You say you are more suitable to be my disciple than her, what do you think?"

"..." Hong was silent.

He looked at Xu Xin, who and Luo Feng looked at him encouragingly.

"Little sister said so..." Hong looked at the Mad King, and said confidently: "Then your requirement for accepting disciples is definitely not to focus on cultivation talent. I must not be able to compare with her in this regard."

"Oh?" The Mad King smiled and said, "Yes, what do you think?"

"Mood state!" Hong did not hesitate, "Only state of mind is better than her."

He is inferior to Xu Xin in other aspects, but he is far behind her in terms of mood.

Since Xu Xin said that he is more suitable for the mad king, it is obviously only because of his state of mind.

"You are quite confident." The mad king's eyes showed surprise, "Do you know that Xu Xin has already broken into the eighth island of the Mirage Sea?"

Hong Wenyan asked in confusion, "Illusion Sea?"

"You don't know the Sea of ​​Illusions?" The Mad King was taken aback, and then he realized, "You really can't get in touch with your current status."

Hong was silent.

"Senior, you don't know something." Xu Xin said, and at the same time pulled Luo Feng in front of the Mad King.

The Mad King laughed and said, "What else do I not know?"

"My mood is the worst among the three of us, Luo Feng, you yourself said which island you've reached in the Mirage Sea." Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng.

The Mad King also looked at Luo Feng.

"It's been a long time since I visited the ninth island I visited 200 years ago." Luo Feng said honestly.

The Mad King stared, stroked his beard, and said seriously: "Luo Feng, are you joking?"

He already thought that Xu Xin's breaking into the eighth seat was already very evil, but he didn't expect Luo Feng to be even worse.

"Don't dare." Luo Feng shook his head.

"The gap between me and Luo Feng is not that big, but the gap between me and my elder brother is definitely like a gap." Xu Xin said.

"Hiss..." The Mad King grabbed his beard and looked at Hong seriously.

Hong also took it easy and let the Mad King scrutinize him.

"Did you participate in the talent competition of Virtual Universe Company?" The Mad King asked suddenly.

"Participated." Hong nodded.

"How is the result?"

Hong also had nothing to hide, and said, "Stop in front of the thousand gates of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."


The Mad King shook his head and smiled, lost interest, and looked at Xu Xin, "Little girl, he hasn't even made it to the top [-] star fields, so his cultivation talent is definitely not enough."

Hong's gaze remained unchanged and he remained silent.

His cultivation talent is naturally inferior to Xu Xin and Luo Feng's, and even Thor is better than him, so there is nothing to refute.

"Senior." Xu Xin smiled again, "You don't know something now."

Crazy King Yile motioned for her to continue.

"Brother, he is a very obvious special type of genius." Xu Xin said: "In terms of mental attainment, perhaps the predecessors are not as good as him."

"Then it's understandable and acceptable that elder brother's cultivation talent is a little bit worse, not to mention that elder brother's cultivation talent is not really bad." Xu Xin told the mad king about Hong Tiancai's experience before the battle.

The Mad King blew his beard and stared, "Mood, am I not as good as this kid?"

He pointed at Hong, "Tell me, do you agree with what she said?"

Hong looked at Xu Xin helplessly, and then continued to remain silent.

"Brother can now become a special elite in the giant axe fighting field, which is enough to show that the result of the genius battle did not fully prove his cultivation talent." Xu Xin said.

"Okay." The Mad King interrupted her.

"You don't need to talk left and right anymore, I don't care about this kid's cultivation talent now." He stared, looking unhappy, "I just want to slap you in the face, Hong, right? Let me go to the competition state of mind."


Xu Xin couldn't help laughing, "Senior, I feel more confident now that you are like this."

How could a person with a strong mentality be so easily provoked?

And what she said was still true, and there was no aggressive thought in it.

There is only one possibility for the behavior of the Mad King, and that is that he is willing to give Hong a chance, otherwise he just walks away and the matter is over.

"Are you still laughing?" The Mad King pointed at Xu Xin, "Don't beg me tearfully for a while."

"If Hong's state of mind is not as good as mine, there will be no chance for what you want." He said harshly.

"No." Xu Xin was very confident, and then asked: "How will senior test my elder brother's state of mind?"

The Illusion Sea is not allowed, because Hong currently does not have permission to enter the Illusion Sea plane.

"Simple, find the Illusory Spirit King." The Mad King stroked his beard. "She is a king illusionist and has some friendship with me. This matter can just trouble her."

"Phantom Spirit King?!" Xu Xin, Luo Feng, and Hong said in unison, with strange expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?" The Mad King frowned, "What's your expression?"

"Senior has something..." Xu Xin didn't finish speaking.

The Mad King couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Say it directly, say it directly."

Xu Xin, Luo Feng, and Hong looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Let me tell." Hong said, telling the Mad King about his grievances with the Phantom Spirit King.

a long time.

The Mad King clapped his hands and laughed with a wonderful look, "Okay, okay, what a wonderful story about beating a mandarin duck with a stick, I believe this is something the Phantom Spirit King can do."

"Senior..." Xu Xin reminded: "Image, image."

"Cough cough."

The mad king was serious, and said to Hong: "The Phantom Spirit King was a woman who was hurt by a man in the early years, and she developed her current personality. If you find a partner and find her disciple, it will be no wonder if you don't run into a wall."

"Sure enough." Luo Feng looked at Xu Xin, "You guessed right at the beginning, but you were really hurt by love."

"Isn't that nonsense?" Xu Xin said with a smile: "The Phantom Spirit King is a strong king, but he is also a woman."

The Mad King agreed, and said: "I have some friendship with the Phantom Spirit King. This is just a trivial matter, and it's not enough to make her stop helping."

"Is it a small matter?" Xu Xin was surprised.

What she did on Qiong Yuxing was no different in nature from taking away the disciple of the Phantom Spirit King.

"It's a small matter, I'm talking about it." The Mad King said domineeringly, "For my sake, the Phantom Spirit King won't care about you."

"Brother, what do you mean?" Xu Xin looked at Hong.

"The Mad King said it's fine, so of course it's fine." Hong Yi smiled, giving the Mad King a small compliment.

"I'll take you there now." The Mad King said, "I'm also a regular visitor to the Palace of the Phantom Spirit King."

When Xu Xin heard this, he couldn't help but secretly wondered what the relationship between the Mad King and the Phantom Spirit King was.Frequent visitors, it means that the Mad King often visits the Phantom Spirit King.

"I don't need to go, do I?" Luo Feng said at this time.

"You?" The Mad King glanced at him, "This matter has nothing to do with you, it's okay if you don't go."

According to Hong, Xu Xin was the only one involved in Ji Qing's affairs, and Luo Feng hadn't been appointed as the Special Envoy for Supervision at that time.

"You have to go." The Mad King looked at Xu Xin, "I also think you are pleasing to the eye, so I will help you once."

"Thank you, senior." Xu Xin smiled sweetly.

Although she didn't care about the attitude of the Phantom Spirit King towards her, it wouldn't be a bad thing if she could mediate.

Most importantly, she wanted to take this opportunity to see if there was a chance for Ji Qing to return to the Phantom Spirit King's sect. The appearance of the Mad King made all this possible.

Although this idea is a bit shameless, who is Xu Xin, who doesn't care about the eyes of the world.

"let's go."

The Mad King took Xu Xin and Hong directly to the palace of the Phantom King.

The Mad King, Xu Xin and Hong appeared in a vast palace square out of thin air.

"Boom~~~~" The waves beat against the shore.

The entire palace is about [-] kilometers high and divided into nine floors. The first floor of the lowest floor is near the sea, and the palace square where they appear is the palace square on the fifth floor.

"Mad King." A man with black wings stood in front of him. He had a pair of black wings and dozens of horns of different lengths on his forehead.

"Your teacher already knows what you're here for, and she's a little dissatisfied." The man with black wings said, but he didn't say anything, that is, he was also very dissatisfied.

"Bushela." The Mad King smiled and said, "Which time do you welcome me when I come?"

"This is the disciple of the Phantom Spirit King, Busela." He then told Xu Xin and Hong.

At this time, Bushela looked at Xu Xin, with a little displeasure in his eyes, "Xu Xin, the disciple of King Hunt, the goddaughter of Lord Wu?"

"Yes, it's me, Bushera, how are you?" Xu Xin smiled.

"Hello." Considering that the Mad King was still there, Buschera didn't show his emotions. He was disgusted with Xu Xin.

After all, Xu Xin was the culprit for the departure of Junior Sister Ji Qing.

He looked at Hong again, with disdain and disdain in his eyes, "Are you Hong who took my little junior sister away?"

"Oh, that's right." The Mad King said suddenly: "I didn't bring them here because of your grievances. This Hong is my registered disciple. I am preparing to make him a full-time student. I will ask your teacher to help me test it."

Buschera was stunned, and the emotion in his eyes suddenly subsided, and said: "So that's it, let's go, the teacher is still waiting for you."

"Lead the way." The Mad King nodded.

Enter the deep palace and advance all the way.

Even Hong had stepped into the universe level, so the four of them moved forward very quickly, and arrived at the seventh floor after a while.

This is a quiet hall.

Standing at the entrance of the hall was a woman dressed in a white gauze as soft as a cloud, with a fluffy tail flicking slightly behind her. These women all had breathtaking purple eyes. One feels the desire in their eyes.

Led by Busela, the Mad King, Xu Xin, and Hong walked into the hall.

With continuous progress.

The woman standing next to her has changed from a woman in white gauze to a woman in black gauze, but obviously these women are all from the same race, with purple eyes and furry tails.

After walking thousands of kilometers, the woman standing next to her turned into a woman in purple gauze.

"What an outrageous illusion." Xu Xin walked in the huge hall of the gods, looked at the women standing beside him, and fell into an outrageous illusion, as if these women were all looking down. She despises her in terms of figure and beauty, and laughs at her.

This is murder and heart attack!
Xu Xin was speechless, that is to say, she was quite satisfied with herself, otherwise she would really be aroused.

This unintentional illusion couldn't even affect Xu Xin, let alone the Mad King and Hong. Although they were men, they didn't blush at the moment, their hearts didn't beat, and their expressions were indifferent.

"Teacher!" Bushela bowed respectfully, and his voice echoed in the vast hall, echoing continuously.

Mad King, Xu Xin and Hong stopped at the same time.

Looking up, one can see clearly in the distance that on the huge throne carved with incomparably complex statues of temptation, a woman with long purple hair, purple eyes, and purple furry tail is lying curled up. When those eyes look down, At that time... the surrounding world seemed to be caught in an atmosphere of bubbling powder.

'Phantom King. 'Xu Xin was suddenly envious.

This woman is so perfect, her figure, appearance, temperament, etc. are all perfect for a woman.

She is a cosmic beauty!

Xu Xin sent her eighteen blocks away, and her heart became more and more agitated. She also wanted to have such beauty, figure and temperament... She wanted Luo Feng to have such a self, and she wanted men all over the universe to admire her... …

and many more!

She woke up suddenly, and realized in her mind that the World Tree was emitting light, and it was unknowingly affected by the spiritual influence of the Phantom Spirit King.

At this time, the voice of the Mad King sounded: "Phantom Spirit King, Xu Xin is someone I brought here, save her some face."

"Yo, you woke up by yourself?" He was suddenly surprised, "Little girl, do you know how out of control your expression was just now?"

"..." Xu Xin was silent and looked at Hong.

Hong also nodded, and even suppressed a smile.

'Phantom King! Xu Xin cursed secretly, remaining silent on the surface.

She knew the phantom spirit king's prestige, but she didn't expect that she couldn't even stop the other party's eyes.

"Don't be discouraged either." The Mad King comforted, "The Phantom Spirit King did it on purpose, and naturally you can't stop her with your state of mind."

"Xu Xin?" At this time, a soft voice came from the huge throne on the high platform in the distance, "It's really rare for the chef's apprentice of King Hunt to have your state of mind."

Xu Xin's expression changed slightly.

"Xu Xin." The Mad King interjected, "That's what we call Hunting King in private."

"The teacher is not a cook!" Xu Xin looked directly at the Huanling King and said seriously.

"What's the difference?" The Phantom Spirit King smiled, "I heard that he accepted you as his disciple for the purpose of inheriting "The Way of the Cook", right?"

"Phantom Spirit King!" The Mad King said in a deep voice, "I won't give you face, will you?"


The Phantom Spirit King also snorted angrily, "You brought them, have you considered me?"

"Phantom Spirit King, the dissatisfaction I brought to you can be directed at me, and you don't have to involve the teacher!" Xu Xin said.

"Hehe." The Phantom Spirit King joked, "If it wasn't for the Hunting King and the Lord of the Wu Kingdom, would you have caught my eye?"

The implication is that this account is on the King of Hunting and the Lord of Ganwu, and she directly cares about Xu Xin, and she can't afford to lose face.

Xu Xin took a deep breath, feeling powerless and humiliated.

"And you, an old lunatic, brought this Hong here for me to test, and also wanted him to inherit your lunatic treasure?" The Phantom Spirit King laughed at the Mad King again.

She continued to look at Hong, "Ji Qing has a crush on you, and the old lunatic also has a crush on you. What's so special about you?"

"You!" The Mad King stared, "Illusory Spirit King, I think you owe me a beating, and I dare to tease you?"

"That's called "The Book of Essence", not "The Book of Madmen." He told Hong and Xu Xin again.

"Don't worry, I'll beat her up today!" The Mad King said, looking at the Phantom Spirit King, "Follow me to the Giant Axe Arena!"

"Crazy." The Phantom Spirit King didn't bother to talk to him.

"I'll give you face, but it's up to me to decide what to test." She said softly.

Before the Mad King said anything, Hong said, "Yes."

The Mad King frowned, Xu Xin shook his head slightly at him, signaling to let Hong go.

"It's a bit courageous." The Phantom Spirit King reluctantly gave Hong a high look.

(End of this chapter)

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