Chapter 70
The endless water monsters spread like a black tide. Even if the artillery fire is overwhelming and dense, the human side is still at a disadvantage.

The atmosphere at the scene was oppressive, and the sound of gunfire was mixed with the screams of monsters. They had just been killed, and they filled up endlessly.

On the human side, cannon fire poured down like a torrent, fighting fiercely against the beast tide, and beyond this, was the battle between lord-level monsters and human gods of war.

"Luo Feng, Xu Xin, Lei Meng, please kill some lord-level water monsters that have come ashore." Li Dawei's anxious voice came from the communication watch.

Xu Xin looked down, and with the help of the light from the artillery fire, he could see that five or six lord-level monsters had successfully landed.

She immediately said: "Luo Feng, you can help, I'll go to the top of the base."

It doesn't have to be a high place to release the vicissitudes of the sky, and the top of the base is not low.

"Okay." Luo Feng nodded without hesitation.

As soon as Luo Feng left, Duntiansuo's blade naturally followed. Of course, before this, Xu Xin had already used his strength to jump towards the base.

"That is!"

"It's Xu Xin, God of War."

In the war base, someone noticed Xu Xin's movements and asked in surprise, "What is she going to do?"

The gods of war were cleaning up the lord-level monsters that came ashore, but Xu Xin ran to the top of the base at this moment.

"Xu Xin, what's the matter?" Li Dawei's voice came from the communication watch.

"Zoom up the move." Xu Xin said calmly.

In the war base, a bunch of people looked at each other in blank dismay, what does it mean to zoom in, it's not playing a game now.

"Leave her alone, pay attention to coordinating the various ministries, and make no mistakes." Li Dawei shook his head.

At this moment, at the top of the battle base, Xu Xin gripped the rock gun tightly and stared ahead.

she sees—

"Boom~~" As if the sky was falling apart, the sound of artillery fire shook the sky.

Various monsters in the densely packed water area either ejected or crawled out of the Huangpu River, including fierce arthropod monsters, reptile monsters most familiar with land, and weird coelenterates Water monsters, echinoderm-type water monsters, and fish monsters with the largest number of overwhelming numbers.

she sees—

On the front left, a huge one-horned dragon turtle rampaged and quickly approached the base.

On the right side of the bank, several storeys of octopus monsters stretch their teeth and claws, like a devil from hell, looming in the smoke and dust of gunfire.

Directly ahead, a snake-like lord-level monster was approaching from the middle of the river, and as its huge body twisted, it set off huge waves.

she sees—

There are transparent and invisible jellyfish monsters approaching quietly, trying to sneak into the base.

Behind them, more lord-level monsters roared loudly, coming with the tide of beasts.

She also saw the soldiers in the high-rise building of the war base roaring, cursing and pouring firepower crazily.

The war gods blocked the lord-level monsters, even if they were knocked into the air and injured again and again, they never retreated. One person, two people... worked together to block it.

She had a panoramic view of all this, and her heart trembled like never before.

She suddenly realized that she would stand here tonight not just to fight side by side with Luo Feng.

She also has the same awareness as the thousands of soldiers here, that is to protect!

Guard this front that cannot be retreated, guard the peace of the rear base city, guard your family, and guard the future of future generations!

This time, she abandoned the perspective of God and entered a state of no distracting thoughts, and her energy and spirit were unknowingly highly unified.

The rock gun was also glowing unknowingly, as if wisps of chaotic mist were lingering on its surface, with a mysterious and terrifying aura.

As if Xu Xin didn't notice it, he held up the rock spear and resolutely aroused the surging energy inside it.

next moment!
The color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds stirred, and a mighty aura of heaven swept across all directions.

As if the sky was about to fall, the terrifying sense of oppression silenced the beast horde and the dense artillery fire.

Countless monsters are terrified!

Human soldiers and gods of war looked at the sky one after another. At an altitude of several thousand meters, a huge vortex of cloud and air appeared at an unknown time. Potential smashed down.

"Go back!"

Someone yelled, and the gods of war began to retreat towards the war base in the rear.

At this moment, everyone noticed Xu Xin at the top of the war base.

She stood there, holding a rock gun shrouded in hazy mist, with a majestic breath, sweeping and spreading like waves, and in it, there was a tingling sensation like endless needles.

is her!

At this moment, everyone had only this idea, and almost immediately connected the meteorite in the sky with her.

Inside the war base.

Li Dawei and a group of soldiers were shocked. They saw the meteorite fall with their own eyes.

The dazzling light dispelled the darkness in an instant, and the terrifying shock wave spread loudly, and any monsters in its path were wiped out in an instant.

The impact of the meteorite on the ground produced infinite light and heat, and the water vapor on the river continued to transpire, forming white clouds and mist.

At the same time, the ground shook violently and an earthquake occurred.

The roar covered up the screams of all the monsters, and when everything was over, the surrounding area was already in chaos.

The river road in front of the war base was smashed into a small lake, which was being poured in continuously at this moment.

Other than that, not a single monster!

" Xu Xin's God of War's ultimate move?" A soldier was shocked.

Li Dawei was equally astonished, he said in disbelief: "Beyond the God of War must be the means to surpass the God of War!"

Who specially said that Xu Xin is the invincible God of War, look at this destructive power, is God of War able to do it?

At this moment, the entire war base was silent, and they were all still in the midst of this turmoil.

And Luo Feng had already come to Xu Xin's side, he was also shocked, because this time the celestial movement was obviously more terrifying than the last time, it was so terrifying that even though he was wearing the Black God suit, he still felt the danger of death.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Xu Xin kept looking at the rock gun. At this moment, its light was gone, only the surface of the stone skin cracked fine cracks, and wisps of gray mist flowed out from the cracks. Every wisp of gray mist was as heavy as a star, and was flowing , but disappeared three inches from the gun.

"This." Luo Feng was startled, he remembered that the rock gun was not like this.

"Yanqiang has recognized the master." At this moment, Xu Xin finally spoke out, with a strange expression on his face.

"Recognize the Lord?" Luo Feng was puzzled.

Xu Xin shook his head, "I don't know either. In short, I have a deeper connection with Yanqiang, and there have been many new changes."

Just now, she had a high degree of unity of spirit, energy and spirit, which led to a transformation of her spiritual power and a rapid improvement in quality, and then a series of changes occurred in the rock gun.

One of the most intuitive changes is the enhancement of the power of Heavenly Movement and Vientiane.


Suddenly, in the dim distance, there was an earth-shattering roar.

The next moment, huge waves set off in the Huangpu River in the distant night, a huge head like a hill rose up, and its huge scarlet eyes stared fiercely at Xu Xin. Almost at the same time, his fierce and brutal aura spread. to the base.

Even if they couldn't see the shape of the head clearly, everyone knew that it was a king-level monster.

Just when everyone was terrified, the king-level monster turned and left without any intention of attacking.

Its departure caused a large number of monsters that were not affected by the celestial movement to also retreat. Judging from the movement on the river, the number is still very terrifying.

"It's over?" Someone realized that the beast tide had really passed.

"Not a single person died!"

"It's over, it's as easy as a dream."

Since then, the base has been boiling, and this time Xu Xin is really going to be famous because there are war reporters.

Her name, after tonight, will no longer be limited to the circle of warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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