Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei with the wrong style of painting

Chapter 63 54. Limited Monthly Reading : Trees

Chapter 63 54. Limited Monthly Reading (13): Trees

"Hu, hu, hu."

The sound of Lu Mingfei’s breathing seemed to be pulling a bellows. His whole body was protesting against him. The sequelae of the kaleidoscope sharingan had affected him. Now he couldn’t even maintain the shape of the three-go jade, and his pupils changed back to Inky black color.


The monster giggled, even though its condition was no better than Lu Mingfei, the monster could still attack Lu Mingfei!
"Is it true that I still can't compete with such an existence?"

Lu Mingfei watched the pitch-black claws getting closer and closer, and slowly closed his eyes.

The expected pain did not come.

Just like in the TV series, a beautiful girl stretched out her hand and grabbed the dragon's claws to save him.


Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the girl in white sportswear, the girl's face was covered with frost.

“【Punch Sakura like this】”

Erika's pupils suddenly turned bright golden, and the monster looked into Erika's eyes in disbelief.


"You traitor!!!"

A pathetic stream of blood flowed from the monster's left eye, and the elemental energy in its mouth quickly gathered.

Word Ling Cang Lei Domination!
Erika stared at the monster's mouth, and the words were cancelled!
With a bang, Cang Lei Domination disappeared instantly.

"Traitor!!!" The monster roared, and its pitch-black claws instantly rushed to Erika's side, grabbing Erika's neck.


Longwen chanted, and Erika struggled to squeeze out the syllable of judgment from her mouth, and instantly chopped the monster's claws into several pieces.

The monster had been severely injured by Lu Mingfei's Susanoo and Amaterasu just now, and now it was at the end of its battle, the scales on its body had been damaged in many places, and blood was dripping down.

"Chi, chi, chi."

The blood dripped onto the ground, corroding the ground into pits like sulfuric acid.

"Roar!!!" The monster's mouth opened again, orange energy gathered in the mouth, and a dazzling light emitted from the energy cluster in the mouth.

"Let's go."

Lu Mingfei forced himself to stand up, trying to push Erika away, but the girl still firmly stood in front of Lu Mingfei.

"No! You can't cancel it!"

Lu Mingfei's eyes turned on the kaleidoscope again. This time, Susano was almost a little dim, but the giant Susano still dutifully raised the most powerful defensive artifact in Japanese mythology-the Yata mirror.


The energy light wave erupted instantly, and Lu Mingfei's Susano pressed against the Yata mirror almost firmly, and the Yata mirror let out a scream under the impact of the energy wave.

Susanoo, which was forcibly opened with a will, disappeared in an instant, and the light dissipated. Lu Mingfei stood in front of Erika, staring at the panting monster.

"Why! Why! Why!" The monster thumped the ground, seeming to growl, but also seemed very sad "You are the same, he is the same, you are all the same! You are all fools!!!"

Lu Mingfei put one hand on Eriyi's shoulder, looking at the monster coldly.

"You are all so desperate to protect others... what's the point?"

"In the end, the one left behind will only be sadder..."

"So, why don't you give up resistance obediently?"

"All of you are going to die for me!!!"

The monster roared frantically, stepped out with its left foot, countless wind elements gathered on its body, clenched its right claw, and a spear condensed with lightning appeared in the palm of its hand.

"Go!" Lu Mingfei's left eye lit up, "Be obedient, Sakura will come over soon, go and hide for a while."

Erika shook her head, biting her lower lip tightly.

"I do not want."

"Sakura will definitely die if she stays here."

"Hey, don't be disobedient at this time."

Lu Mingfei smiled, an ugly smile, and a stream of tears flowed from Huiliyi's eyes.

"Before, when I didn't meet Sakura, I was alone in a dark room playing games and watching TV. I used to think that that was all I had."

"But Sakura took me out of there, out of the place where I always had to take pills and shots, and took me to school, to play outside, to do things I've never done before."

"I don't want to miss seeing you."

"Because, I like Sakura the most."

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, his throat seemed to be choked and he couldn't speak.

Fool, if you die here, I will be the saddest person, and I don't want to be left alone!
"Idiot." Lu Mingfei forcibly activated his pupil power, and a terrifying spatial fluctuation erupted from his left eye, trying to suck Erika into the Shenwei space.


Erika used space elements to counteract Lu Mingfei's supernatural power.


A line of blood and tears flowed from Lu Mingfei's left eye.

"Why, be obedient, be obedient to me!"

"If you don't listen, I won't like you anymore!"

Hui Liyi pursed her lips tightly, snow-white wings appeared on her back, dragon horns appeared on her head, her limbs turned into dragons, and finally, a giant snow-white dragon appeared in front of Lu Mingfei.

Now, it is Erika's strongest form!
"No, you still can't beat him."

Lu Mingfei wanted to reach out, but his physical and mental exhaustion told him that reaching out now would be a dead end.

Because he is almost out of chakra.

"Eight Gates Dunjia..."




There was no response from the acupoints, and Lu Mingfei's eyes gradually turned black.


A strange voice came from his mind.

Lu Mingfei raised his head in a daze.

A giant tree.

"What, a tree?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the tree and felt that the tree looked familiar for no reason.


The tree shook its branches slightly.

"Hello... ehhh? The tree is talking!!!"


The tree seems to be very happy.

"You're finally here! I thought you wouldn't come! I'm bored here all alone!"

"Huh? Can a tree be bored?"

"Of course, I'm very powerful, don't underestimate me."

The tree seems to be a little proud, shaking the left branch.

"Hey, do you have a name?"

"Yes, my name is Uktrasil."

"Oh, Uctra Hill." Lu Mingfei nodded, but then realized that something was wrong, "Your fucking name is Uctra Hill???"

"Yes! I am the World Tree!"

The left and right branches of the world tree are bent, making an akimbo posture.


Lu Mingfei felt that his three views were being reshaped.

"Actually, I am you." World Tree said slowly, shaking its branches.

"Huh? I'm you? How is it possible!"

Lu Mingfei retorted.

"Why is it impossible?"

The World Tree stretched out a branch, and lightly touched Lu Mingfei's chest.


Lu Mingfei's chest suddenly turned into bark.

"Wow!!! I turned into a plant!!!"

"Just kidding!"

World Tree laughed.

"Eh? It turned out to be a layer of bark. It scared me to death. I thought I had turned into a tree." Lu Mingfei patted his chest and said angrily, "Ah! I almost forgot! I still want to fight with that black king." Fighting! Bye! I'll talk to you next time!"

"No way."

 send the first
(End of this chapter)

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