Chapter 76 63. I understand

"The investigation team of the school board arrived at the college the day after tomorrow."

Anger's simple words made Lu Mingfei look confused.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Yes, and it has a lot to do with it."

Anger showed Lu Mingfei a video. It was the result of the second brother controlling Lu Mingfei to pinch a small moon in Tokyo with the Earth Explosion Star. This video was shot in Tokyo.

"What does it matter? Maybe it's just a video with special effects?" Lu Mingfei didn't care.

"And what you did in the square these two days... I know you did all of this, but no matter what, they have obtained some special information about you... I'm thinking about whether to throw you out." Anger joked, "Those school managers asked me to lock you in the ice cellar immediately."

"I'd be happy if there was Coke in the ice cellar."

"Don't talk bad words, okay." Anger nodded, "But I have someone to help you with this matter, come with me."

A drizzle fell from the sky, and the rain dripped on the bell tower of the chapel.

The door opened with a creak, and the moment Angers opened the door, a strange smell penetrated Lu Mingfei's nostrils into his lungs, and then his lungs began to protest. The mixture smelted by live cockroaches in the crucible smelled faintly of heather.

"Used to it."

Angers waved his hand to dispel the strange smell.

"Listening to this sound is like a funeral." Angers sat on the dilapidated sofa, picked up the whiskey on the coffee table and poured himself a glass.

"You, a guy who is dressed like a mourner, is not qualified to speak." A fat, greasy old man was wriggling his hips and busying himself in front of the computer, and said unceremoniously to Angers.

"You won't come here to drink for no reason, tell me, what can you do with me?"

"What's the matter?" Angers smiled, "You'll know it when you look at this."

The old man took the phone and finished watching the video.


"What do you want?" The old man threw the phone to Angers. "Is this a new movie trailer? I don't like this kind of doomsday movie."

"No." Anger pointed to Lu Mingfei, "He did it."


The old man seemed to feel that there was a problem with his hearing.


"It was done by our good students, and now the boulder is still floating in the suburbs near Tokyo."


The old man was lost in thought.

"No, are you kidding me?" The old man scratched his hair, "Not only does this not conform to the characteristics of the language spirit, but it also requires the manipulation of a large amount of earth elements to maintain this boulder. You tell me he did it? Do you think he is the earth and the earth?" King of the mountain!"

Anger patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder and said: "But it's a pity not, and because Mingfei taught the students those weird things, the school directors thought it was not good."

"What are weird things! I'm teaching them how to cultivate immortals! Immortal mode!"

"Immortal... It's even more unreliable when you hear it. In short, the school board is very angry with you for turning Kassel into a zoo, and asked me to arrest you and study your structure."

"Wait, what zoo? Why can't I understand anything?"

The old man felt that he just stayed in the attic for a few months and didn't go out to inquire about the news. Why didn't he even know what happened?
You are outrageous!

Looking at the fairy model that does not conform to the appearance of normal people, the old man feels that the world is really crazy.

A bunch of dragon hybrids turned into crows, vultures, cheetahs, sharks, frogs, snakes.

Is this really in the river? ? ?

"Don't be too surprised." Anger patted his old friend on the shoulder, "We need your help, Flamel."

"Huh? I'm just an old man just waiting to die, how can I help you." Flamel waved his hands again and again, "I don't want to get involved in such a mess!"

"You also don't want your private hobbies to be made public by me on the night watchman forum." Anger picked up his phone and took a photo of Flamel's room, among which there were many hehe movies and videos.

"You old bastard!"

Flamel tried to snatch Angers cell phone, but Angers easily dodged.

"Okay, okay! I promise you!" Flamel raised his hands, "But let me tell you in advance, I won't fight."

"I didn't expect you to fight and kill." Angers said, "As long as you can hold back the delegation they sent, I think it doesn't seem difficult for you to hold Andrew Gattuso."


Flamel thought for a long time.

"Okay, but if you send a photo, I will never end with you!"

"make a deal."

Two old men, one fat and one thin, reached an indescribable deal.

"So what am I going to do?"

"Whatever, do what you think is right."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

"I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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