The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1008 Perfect Interpretation

After less than three days, Zeng Xingwu can be said to have no secrets at all under Jin Yiwei's investigation, which doesn't care about privacy at all. Even the eight generations of his ancestors have done bad things. It was very clear, and as a result, all the officials in the Chengdu Mansion couldn't bear it anymore, and they looked like they were hurt, as if Zeng Xingwu was investigated like this, but they lost a lot of face.

So now, the so-called King of Hades is easy to see, and the little devil is hard to deal with. Naturally, these people dare not trouble Jin Yiwei, and it is absolutely impossible to gather a crowd to go to Jin Yiwei's yamen to make trouble. If that is the case, the people below are simply There is no need to wait for Zhang Fan's reply, just arrest these people on their own. At that time, it will be even more difficult to release them, and even if they are released, they can't guarantee that they will not suffer any "damage" "Besides, although they have heard of Zhang Fan's "gentle" way of dealing with things, they have heard it from the capital all the way. What changes?

However, Jin Yiwei and the others dare not seek trouble, but Zhang Fan, the leader of Jin Yiwei, they are not afraid anymore. Of course, it is not that they are not afraid at all, but they have something to rely on. This so-called rely is not on the side of these people. It wasn't because they were so many, they were united or something, what they relied on actually existed in Zhang Fan.

Although it is said that Zhang Fan is not a person who can abuse the criminal law, this has been spread all the way from the capital, which makes them somewhat unconvinced, but there is one thing that is certain, that is, Zhang Fan was born as a scholar. In the world, as long as you are a scholar, even a treacherous and evil person, you will not do that kind of low-level thing. In the current situation, even Zhang Fan can't stand it, but There are so many people here, it is absolutely impossible for him to punish at the same time.

Besides, Jin Yiwei's commander, even though his subordinates have Jin Yiwei, an organization that everyone fears, but his title of commander, after all, is just an official of the court. Since he is an official, it is easy to handle Well, you are an official, I am an official, and everyone is an official. Since they are all officials, at most it is just a difference in rank, but there is no distinction between high and low.

Even if your official rank is higher than mine, but I just see you unhappy, I just don’t give you a good face, I just squeeze you out, but I just don’t say these words, I just do it for you to see, in this way, look What can you do with me? After all, I have never done anything to insult you.

These people are now holding this kind of thinking and using this method to deal with Zhang Fan. Normally, they don’t give Zhang Fan a good face. If it’s just Jin Yiwei, that’s all. Just set it up.

And, it's not just that, it's absolutely impossible for these people to go to the gate of Jinyiwei's yamen to make trouble, but there are quite a few of them in the post where Zhang Fan lives, and they can't go to the yamen gate, it's tantamount to making trouble , but this post house, then there is no reason not to let him come.

Naturally, these people won’t make trouble when they come. They just stand at the intersection and talk to each other. If other people come out, it’s fine. He stopped all the words in his mouth, and then looked at Zhang Fan with inarticulate and unclear eyes.

To be honest, this kind of situation is actually exactly what Zhang Fan wanted, but during these three days, Zhang Fan had to go in and out of here at least twice a day, and he would be stared at by these people every time, even if it was What Zhang Fan wanted, he also felt that he couldn't bear it.

At this time, Zhang Fan suddenly realized that he was too immature. Thinking back to the beginning, he entered the court after the number one scholar in the palace examination, and now it has been several years. During this period, Zhang Fan experienced nothing at all. Quite a few of them had changed dynasties, and among them, the one that touched Zhang Fan the most was the change of the chief ministers of the cabinet in several dynasties.

And among these people, whether it is Xu Jie, the later Gao Gong, or the current Zhang Juzheng, or even those who are not in this position, including Feng Bao, these people have also received cold glances from the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Waiting, no matter where you go, you are always looking at people who don't want to see you.

However, these people all look indifferent. No, Zhang Fan, who has known it before, understands that these people not only pretend to be indifferent on the surface, but in their hearts, they really don’t care. Whether it is right or wrong, these people always stick to their own ideas and don't care about the cold eyes of others.

At first, Zhang Fan thought it was nothing, but now, Zhang Fan realized that his qualifications were too shallow; the things he had experienced were also so insignificant. How can those people compare, it is the capital city, and countless court officials see it this way, but now, what Zhang Fan is facing is just a government official, and he already feels a little powerless.

And, it's not just this point, you know, whether it's Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, or Feng Bao, these people have all suffered from this kind of gaze, and I don't know how many years and months have passed, but These people are still able to keep their hearts unshakable and stick to their beliefs. As for Zhang Fan, this situation is caused by him on purpose, and it is what he needs, but it only takes two or three days. He already felt a little unbearable.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Zhang Fan to get out of this situation temporarily.

Originally, Yu'er came here before and told Zhang Fan about that matter, but now, there has obviously been an action there, and just after three full days, Zhang Fan's subordinates sent the news , southwest of Sichuan, near the border between Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, a group of people came out to make trouble, although no one was killed, but a lot of people were injured, and look at the attire of those people, the way they spoke, etc. , it can be seen that these people are the remnants of the Bo people who have just been wiped out.

Hearing this news, Zhang Fan seemed a little surprised. The person who sent the news was naturally Zhang Fan's Jin Yiwei. However, they didn't know that Zhang Fan had an agreement with Yu'er. In fact, the only ones who know about this matter here are Zhang Fan, Wang Meng and Liang Chao.

But this time, after the news came from below, there was no voice of doubt attached. That is to say, the Five Poison Sect did a very good job and prepared extremely comprehensively. He completely thought that it was the remnants of the Bo people who were at fault.

Moreover, the time chosen by the Five Poison Sect is really good. The day when the incident happened happened to be November 28, which happened to be the day of the winter solstice. Naturally, the calendar makes sense. Even in this southwest, after the winter solstice, it will become colder than before.

And by that time, it will be difficult to get anything to eat in the wild, both animals and plants, and this, for the Bo people who have just been defeated, if there is any remnant, it is just a suitable place to come out Chance, after all, the defeated Bo people have no territory of their own, and since these are remnants, they naturally ran away in a hurry, they didn't bring anything at all, and they didn't dare to stay in any place, so food There is no reserve or anything.

But now, the winter solstice has arrived. If they want to survive, it seems that the only way is to come out and rob.

Therefore, the arrangement of the Five Poison Sect this time is really good. Whether it is unilateral preparations or timing calculations, they are all very accurate. Without any doubt, I reported it up. For the people below, there is no other possibility at all.

And Zhang Fan, who got the news, would naturally fulfill the agreement he made with Yu'er. Since he had promised him before to help him, Zhang Fan would not break his promise. Besides, didn't Yu'er say Well, they can also help Zhang Fan. Although Zhang Fan still has some doubts about that matter until now, he would rather believe it than believe it. In case they really can help If so, that would be great.

Therefore, after Zhang Fan got the news, he went to find Liu Xian immediately without any delay.

And Zhang Fan's departure will not shelve the plans of the Chengdu Mansion. Although Zhang Fan himself is gone, the people under him are still following the direction he originally planned to track down everything about Zeng Xingwu. In a few days, basically everything that can be checked has been checked, and nothing has been found.

However, the people in Jinyiwei obviously did not intend to give up at all, but their posture was simply saying that even if there were no problems, they had to find some problems.

This alone is already overwhelming the popularity of those below. Now that Zhang Fan is gone, these people can't find someone who can make them treat them coldly. Not only can they not get vent, but their inner resentment is even worse. Huge.

However, Zhang Fan didn't care about that anymore. Although he wasn't used to this kind of thing, if these people didn't bother him, then he wouldn't care much.

But when he found Liu Xian and told him about it, someone unexpectedly arrived.

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