Some time ago, the case of Ding Guangyou caused a lot of ups and downs in Chengdu Mansion.Now it's over.Ding Guangyou's great injustice has been avenged.And not just that.Through Kang Er's explanation.Seems like this kind of thing.He has done more than Ding Guangyou's work.There are others who have suffered injustice for his sake.There are also a few like Ding Guangyou's wife and brother.Although he was not sent to the battlefield to die.But he died unjustly in prison.certainly.And some luck.No worries about life.He is still in prison now.

Ridiculous.when.He was imprisoned but did not die.On the contrary, it became lucky.But that's how it is.And Kang Er was sentenced to death.It also gave these people justice.Although those who are dead.I can't get my life back.But those who were still alive were able to be released.See my family again.It is a blessing indeed.

Just this thing.After all.The common people don't feel any joy.Some are just disgusted.And the officials.Although I don't care much about it.But how things turned out.It also makes their faces dull.

but.Now is not the time to worry about such things.This case from beginning to end.Most worrying.It is not the fate of Ding Guangyou or Kang Er.It's about Zeng Xingwu.This is indeed a bit strange to say.After all, this case is related to Zeng Xingwu.But there is no direct relationship.But it was this person who had no direct relationship.On the contrary, it is the most interesting.

And the final result.It also confuses many people.After all from the beginning.Although Zhang Fan has never made it clear publicly.But what he did.from beginning to end.All of them were completely aimed at Zeng Xingwu.That look.It was as if he had to put Zeng Xingwu to death to be reconciled.

According to this momentum.In everyone's imagination.In the end, even if all the crimes can be attributed to Kang Er.But Zeng Xingwu's involvement will definitely not be small.It might even be heavy.Especially when the public trial opened that day.It is what worries these people the most.Kang Er admitted all the crimes.Those who are watching.All scared to the end.A sentence will pop up suddenly. "These things were ordered by Zeng Shengwu" or something like that.In this way.Kang Er was sentenced to death.Zeng Xingwu is also doomed.

But it turned out not to be the case.That day.Almost everyone is waiting.After Kang Er was convicted.How would Zhang Fan mention Zeng Xingwu?Originally in the eyes of everyone.Anyway.Zhang Fan would definitely say this.Although the prefect who tried the case would never mention it.He might not even mention Zeng Xingwu's name.but.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to forget.

and.Judging from the development of things before.It is very likely after Zhang Fan raised those things.Zeng Xingwu would most likely accept Zhang Fan's words silently.willing to accept punishment.

but.Just when everyone was nervously waiting.It turned out to be.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.He didn't mention anything about Zeng Xingwu.It seems that this matter just passed away.This makes everyone a little confused.

This is simply inconsistent.After all, what Zhang Fan showed before.That has a deep grudge against Zeng Xingwu.Even Zhang Fan, whether in front of Zeng Xingwu or not.And never said a single word of open displeasure with Zeng Xingwu.But his meaning has been made clear to everyone.Logically speaking.It was impossible for Zhang Fan not to say it.

But it is what it is.Zhang Fan didn't mention it.It was not mentioned during the trial.Even the case is over.After Kang Er was convicted, he did not mention it.

Actually.This in itself is a strange thing.Kang Er did not quibble.But Zeng Xingwu's name was never mentioned.This in itself is a strange thing.After all, Kang Er's appearance.No matter who comes to see it.It is definitely because of Jin Yiwei that they "cooperate" so much.There is absolutely no second possibility.

And Kang Er did not mention Zeng Xingwu.That's it.Jin Yiwei didn't let him speak.

In this way.Things get even weirder.Why obviously before.What Zhang Fan showed was that he wanted to put Zeng Xingwu to death.But at such a juncture where there is the most favorable opportunity.He didn't do it again.It is really confusing.

but.Anyway.Zeng Xingwu looked the most dangerous at first.Now it looks like nothing happened.Although I don't know what was written in Zhang Fan's memorial to the court.But judging from the current situation.It should be that there is nothing too big to write.It is impossible not to mention.But it is definitely not a matter of impeachment.

Zhang Fan's thoughts.Make it difficult for people to figure out.But the main thing is.Zeng Shengwu is fine.This is the most practical thing.

In this way.Zeng Xingwu didn't show any expression of escape.It's completely calm and peaceful.look.This time thing.It really changed his mind a lot.Fundamentally in the end there is no change.I don't know yet.But the bare minimum.On the surface, it has become much calmer than before.

how to say.It is said that setbacks make people progress.It has been ten years since Zeng Xingwu became an official.It has always been smooth sailing.Even if you encounter any difficulties.But that was not the trouble others gave him.And this time the trouble.But it was different from his past.Perhaps this encounter.It really changed him a lot.

In short.That's how the matter ended.But what happened next.But there is no change.

Although Zhang Fan didn't bother Zeng Xingwu in the end.This made Zhang Fan's status in Chengdu much better than the extreme embarrassment before.but.After all.There is no fundamental change.Although Zhang Fan didn't trouble Zeng Xingwu.But this did not offset the hostility towards Zhang Fan from the officials of the Chengdu government.Even now.At the gate of the post station, there are no boring people who come here when they have nothing to do and look at each other coldly.But we met.Still no one would talk to Zhang Fan.

want to come.I'm afraid it's what Zhang Fan did to Zeng Xingwu before.It really makes these people feel too much.So things are now over.But these people still can't let go.

But what are these people like.Zhang Fan didn't care much.after all.The purpose of his coming here has nothing to do with these people.It's good that these people like him.It's okay to hate him.Zhang Fan didn't care too much.

But what Zhang Fan will do next.He used some connections.Ding Guangyou was transferred away.Speaking of this transfer.It's really a little out of order.If you follow the normal procedure.Even Zhang Fan used his connections.That also needs to be notified there.Wait for a response.Or a document was sent.People here are packing up and going to work.

But Zhang Fan's method is good.He didn't write any letters at all to go anywhere.He wrote a letter and handed it to Ding Guangyou.Let him take this letter and set off for Yangzhou directly.Speaking up.This is a manifestation of power.But Zhang Fan didn't care about it at all.

certainly.Zhang Fan did this.Of course there is a reason.After all, such a thing happened here.And Ding Guangyou stood in such an important position in this incident.Even if it's over.Even if almost everyone's eyes were on Zhang Fan.But if you see Ding Guangyou.Few people in the officialdom will show a friendly look to him.

That being the case.If he is still here.Either to himself.Or it is not good for Chengdu.Plus because of previous encounters.Ding Guangyou has no relatives in the southwest.All alone.Zhang Fan did this for his own good.change places.Change to Yangzhou.New weather can always divert people's attention.lest he continue here.Under the touch of emotion.It will be even more sad.

certainly.In fact, although Zhang Fan is not a bad person.But not so kind.He will do it.In fact, the main reason is because of Joanna.But since it is done.Then do better.and.He also believed in Ding Guangyou's talent.Can do well there.not to mention.Ding Guangyou went there with his letter of recommendation.Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.Even the people over there look down on Ding Guangyou.But for Zhang Fan's sake.Thinking about it, he would no longer be so mean to Ding Guangyou like the people here.

In short.This matter is finally over.

And next.It was not until Zhang Fan figured out what to do.Then something happened.

It's a matter of Wumeng Mansion.Although in the end it was just a play directed by the Five Poisons Sect.But wait until the word comes.Zhang Fan took a look.It turned out that things were not the case at all.The situation of the Five Poison Sect was exactly as he had guessed before.Very grim.

The people sent by Liu Xian arrived there.Immediately encountered the "remnants" of those Bo people.Nature.The two sides fought immediately.The result is naturally that the court has won.After all, thousands of people were sent here.And over there.The Five Poisons Sect only has a scale of less than a hundred people.But these hundreds of people really have outstanding acting skills.All of them are not afraid of death.The acting is exactly the same as the real Bo people.

to the end.Although it is a victory.But not a single prisoner was caught.None of the less than a hundred people was willing to surrender.All died in battle.This also made Zhang Fan's thoughts more firm.It seems that something terrible happened there.

only.Now he has no way to find out what happened.

and.more importantly.Another thing happened before my eyes.This made Zhang Fan distracted.

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