Ever since Zhang Fan and others lived in the Shu Palace.In fact, there is no difference from before.the only difference.It's just gone without the annoying things before.

Although it is because of the thing that saved me before.Even now.People in Chengdu Mansion still hold many opinions on this matter.Especially those in the officialdom.But opinions are just opinions after all.But no one said any more about this matter.In short, no one has taken the initiative to bring this up.

This reason.Bottom line.It is also thanks to the King of Shu.original.Zhang Fan and others are imperial envoys of the imperial court.I'm here on business.But they did something that people here can't understand.And in this case.Talking about them is nothing.after all.Although there are many identities here.Even Jin Yiwei has them.But today's world is not the time when Jin Yiwei can do whatever he wants.As long as the ministers are all united.It's okay to talk or something.

but.Things are different now.Zhang Fan and others responded to Zhu Xuanqi's invitation and went to the Shu Palace to stay temporarily.This equals.Zhang Fan and a group of people.Suddenly from the status of imperial envoy.He became the honored guest of the King of Shu.And what is the identity of the king of Shu.No matter what he said.He is also a descendant of the Zhu family.It is also the most powerful vassal king in the Ming Dynasty today.now.If you say something to Zhang Fan and the others.It became a serious crime of disrespect to the king of Shu.

If you commit such a crime.Or nothing at all.Or it's going to be bad luck.But judging from the previous situation.When Zhang Fan offended everyone here.Here too, Zhang Fan has been completely offended.They were afraid that Zhang Fan would use the name of King Shu to deal with them.So the words behind this are naturally gone.

Ever since Zhang Fan lived in the Shu Palace.Also a few things happened.First of all.The people Liu Xian sent to Wumeng.The remnants of the Bo people who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and made trouble there have been wiped out.And the next thing.It's just how to deal with that area.If you leave it alone.It was because they were afraid that there would be some remaining Bo people who would come out to make trouble.

but.Originally this matter.Liu Xian should have consulted with Zeng Xingwu.But now Zeng Xingwu.But there is no motivation.It should be said that it was Zeng Xingwu because of what happened last time.It really took away a lot of his enthusiasm.Now it has become depressed.Or reflect on something.In short.Now Zeng Xingwu basically doesn't ask questions.

but.This matter cannot be delayed.So Liu Xian had no choice.I had no choice but to come to the Shu Palace to meet Zhang Fan.After all, Zhang Fan was also an imperial envoy sent by the imperial court.And the matter of coming to Sichuan.Basically it's about the Bo people.There is nothing wrong with asking him to discuss this matter.

And Zhu Xuanqi heard the news.He also came in and stepped in.at last.Liu Xian, a group of people from the capital, and Zhu Xuanqi.After discussing these three aspects.Still made a decision.Take that place back to the court.In this way.You can justifiably send troops to guard.Once there are traces of the Bo people again.can respond immediately.

Speaking up.this decision.Almost went well.Made it right away.There is no other reason.Mainly, people from all three sides agreed to do so.Liu Xian's side is naturally Liu Xian's consideration.on his stand.No matter how you look at it.This method is the best.

As for Zhang Fan, there was no need to say anything.After Wang Xilie and others heard about this matter.I made this plan without even thinking about it.After all, this is against the court.A decision that benefits all Han people.And there is no need to mention Zhang Fan.The Five Poisons Sect got rid of him from the beginning to the end of this matter.It's come to this point.The Five Poisons Sect also helped him a lot.Of course he was going to keep his promise.

And Zhu Xuanqi's side.how to say.There are also some reasons.The third princess.After all, home is in Wumeng Mansion.Even if the Bo people come and go again, they will not enter the gate of Wumeng Mansion.But the danger is always there.If so.Take it back to the court.Send troops to guard.That is naturally the best result.certainly.Actually for this matter.Zhu Xuanqi didn't care about anything at all.It must have delayed the blessing of the third princess.

In short.This thing is over.By the way.Wang Meng also accepted Liu Ting as his disciple.After Liu Xian heard about this matter.Immediately agreed to come down.It's just that he was before the same.He also talked to Zhang Fan.Naturally, there are some requirements.And those requirements were the same as what Zhang Fan thought.That is, Liu Ting will return to Beijing with him in the future.To practice martial arts under the guidance of Wang Meng.At the same time, you have to learn some knowledge from books.after all.Liu Xian's expectations for his son.It's not as simple as just being a martial artist in the future.To become the kind of person who "can use the pen to secure the world, and use martial arts to determine the world".Although this expectation is a bit too high.But that's basically what it means.

and.The reason why Liu Xian agreed.Nature is also selfish.After all, it is in the capital.Learning by Zhang Fan's side again.In the future, wait until Liu Ting grows up.Whether it is martial arts or martial arts.Or the DPRK and China will accumulate contacts.Naturally, the benefits are endless.Liu Xian wasn't worried about any change in Zhang Fan's position at all.After all, Zhang Fan is Zhu Yijun's confidant.And how old Zhu Yijun is now.At the very least, he can still be an emperor for 40 to [-] years.certainly.As for whether there will be any surprises.It's not that Liu Xian didn't think about it.It was a gamble.anyway.Isn't life all about gambling?

This is one thing.

And the second thing.In fact, it is about Zhang Fan's daily life in the Shu Palace.Said it was everyday.In fact, it is very leisurely.seem.Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shu, valued Zhang Fan a lot.almost daily.As long as Zhang Fan is fine.He will take the initiative to come to him.Speaking up.Today's Zhang Fan simply has nothing else to do.That is.Basically Zhang Fan was with Zhu Xuanqi every day.

These two people.There is not much difference in age.It can be regarded as a happy conversation.but.Said it was a good conversation.In fact, there is nothing practical to say at all.Basically just small talk.Sometimes I also play chess.Drink tea or something.

only.Even if the two are intersecting in this way.But the two did not find it easy.Actually.The two were not relaxing at all.They are basically testing each other.

During the conversation.One party will always be unknowingly drawn to the matter of Zhu Yijun and Qiushou.It doesn't matter which side brought up the topic first.The other party will immediately change the subject to escape.almost.This has become a habit of the two of them.

but.This kind of topic is for two people.But it is unavoidable.Both of them are people with considerable status in the Ming Dynasty.But there are fundamental differences.

Zhu Xuanqi was born in a royal family.But not before he took the throne.Not having a good time.It can even be said to be aggrieved.And after he took the throne.What I thought was completely changed.He has ambitions.Although not too deep.But he has ambitions.so that.He who ascended the throne.It's going in a different direction entirely.

And Zhang Fan.Whether it is past life or present life.The first half of my life was pretty much the same.Not rich.Study hard.Hope to have a chance to succeed in the future.The difference is just Zhang Fan from his previous life.There is absolutely no way to change this kind of thing.No matter how hard he tries.What is doomed is already doomed.Even if it's some luck.But it's impossible to make any fundamental changes.

And this life.is also like this.Zhang Fan in the first half of his life.Even if that person is not him.But the situation is the same as Zhang Fan.But that's the difference.This era is the era of imperial power.And the particularity of this era.Even the lowest level people.It is also possible to stand out.

But put those aside.To sum it up a bit.That is no matter when and where.In Zhang Fan's heart.That hope is still there.

And this caused the difference between him and Zhu Xuanqi.Zhu Xuanqi's life.Make him feel like he's had a hard time.Although now he sits on the throne.But he still felt insecure.He wants to secure his position.only.He doesn't know.This will only make him fall faster.

In short.these two people.Philosophy and ideas are completely different.And even if a topic is spoken.Not long actually.But there is no common language.I can't go on.

but.Zhu Xuanqi came to Zhang Fan almost every day.And Zhang Fan also wanted to see Zhu Xuanqi.The two get together.It is impossible not to speak.then.topic.It's very subtle.Almost all of them went to the side where the two people were all connected.That is.Zhu Yijun's side.

And this topic.Actually.That's what both of them wanted to say.This is considered a success.There was almost an hour between the two of them.Unknowingly, the topic will be changed to the matter of Qiushou.and.The topic changed.That really leaves no trace.If it weren't for the two of them thinking about this matter at any time.It is very likely that one will accidentally fall into the trap of the other party.

but.How could these two fall so easily.then.this kind of thing.became everyday.And everyday.But it gradually turned into a tug of war.

but.Zhang Fan is not only doing these things here.He has other things to do.The main thing is.There was finally movement over there.It was the person Zhang Fan sent to accompany Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.After so many days.Finally the news came.and.The content of the message.It is also impossible to ignore.

Here.Both ends are busy.

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