The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1038 Another discovery

It's not easy.Finally, it was the end of the banquet.After listening to Zhu Xuanqi's already drunken and entangled words.Only then did Zhang Fan and the others come out.

walk on the road.Although Zhang Fan was very anxious.I wish I could ask Wang Meng earlier if he found anything.But circumstances did not allow him to do so.after all.Next to them was Wang Xilie and his party walking.Let's start talking about it now.Obviously not the right way down.Zhang Fan was also very aggrieved.But there is no way.Now he can only endure it.

It's not easy.When a group of people passed by the gate of the inner courtyard.Wang Xilie and the others don't live here.This is the time to bid farewell to Zhang Fan and his party.And Zhang Fan.Even so.Can't wait to say "Hurry up and go".But you still have to speak nicely.

that's all.Another delay in effort.This is considered quiet down.Zhang Fan and a group of three walked towards the residence.After Zhang Fan parted ways with Wang Xilie and the others.I couldn't wait to start asking Wang Meng: "How is it? Did you find anything?"

"My lord, I didn't find anything abnormal in my humble position." Wang Meng shook his head.Said. "Miss Joanna made that gesture at a good time." Speaking of which.Wang Meng also made a gesture himself.Circle the thumb and index finger of your left hand in a circle.The other three fingers are close to the left abdomen.Then the thumb does not move.Open and close the index finger three times. "Bizhi was looking over there at the time. Although I didn't know the situation there. But Miss Joanna stood up slightly at the time. It was the time to attract attention. Anyone who looked at Miss Joanna would absolutely I saw that gesture. The third princess is no exception."

"So. She saw it, but she didn't respond." Zhang Fan hastily confirmed.Although Wang Meng had already said it before.No gain.But he was always reluctant to believe this kind of thing. "Wang Meng, are you sure?"

"Your Excellency, the lowly position is definitely not wrong. The third princess even looked at the gesture made by Miss Joanna. But she herself was not moved at all." Wang Meng said in detail. "After seeing the gesture made by Miss Joanna, the third princess looked puzzled. But that was all. She didn't show any panic at all. Miss Joanna was more accurate than the humble one. And that third concubine's face is not only as usual. Even her breath hasn't changed at all. Seeing before and after that gesture, her breath doesn't appear to be in any disorder."

"How could this be?" Zhang Fan heard Wang Meng's words.There was a look of loss on his face.muttered to himself. "Could it be that we've found the wrong person. But, if it's not the third concubine, then who should that eyeliner be?"

"However, my lord, I found something unusual." Wang Meng said. "Although it may not have anything to do with what your lord wants to investigate this time. But I am quite concerned about it. It is also about the third princess."

"Oh. Tell me quickly." I heard Wang Meng say that the third concubine was not the person they suspected.Not to mention how disappointed Zhang Fan was.Nothing else counts.That is to say.Then I don't know who the eyeliner is at all.and.This is not as simple as excluding a suspect.This thing means.What Zhang Fan and others originally planned.It will be delayed by the new situation again.

And that's not all the trouble.There are quite a few people present today.Moreover, Zhang Fan and others originally locked the identity of the eyeliner as someone who could be very close to Zhu Xuanqi.That is.If it wasn't for the third princess.Maybe it's someone else.and.It is very likely that that person will arrive today as well.It's just that Wang Meng didn't see each other because of the position of the seat.

But Joanna did it.Not only for the third lady to see.But it was also seen by other other party probably already knew that Zhang Fan and the others were suspicious.Now.I'm afraid that person will hide deeper.If so.It was even more troublesome for Zhang Fan.

even though.During the previous transaction with the Five Poison Sect.It has been made clear.Zhang Fan needed this person to help them.But although Yu'er agreed to him.But Zhang Fan didn't believe what the woman Yu'er best.You still need to hold this person in your hands.In this way.Not just being able to have the person passively inform them.You can even ask this person to take the initiative to find out information for Zhang Fan.This is definitely a trump card.

but now.It all fell through.

But even so.When Wang Meng said that there were additional discoveries.Zhang Fan still couldn't help was in desperate need of all kinds of news.Even if it is any news.Even if it sounds insignificant.But it is also necessary to find out.perhaps.What will be the connection inside.

"The third concubine, our old acquaintance. The guard surnamed Zhao. I'm afraid there is adultery between the two of you." Wang Meng said.Said these words in a very ordinary tone.And even after it's over.There was no slight expression change on his face.It was as if he was talking about something unimportant.

"Ah." Zhang Fan was stunned for a moment.The walking steps stopped.A look that doesn't understand the current situation.Looking at Wang Meng.

After Joanna on the side heard it.He also looked at Wang Meng.A little dazed.

Honestly.Zhang Fan really did not expect Wang Meng to say such a thing.It's not that there's anything wrong with saying something like that.After all, Wang Meng discovered something.And it's not about personal gossip.He just reported his findings truthfully.But even so.his words.Still, Zhang Fan was stunned for a moment.

Zhang Fan didn't know how to describe his mood to say.Should be surprised.Also slightly disappointed.Originally Zhang Fan wanted to come.Even what Wang Meng said was not important.But it is very likely that it has something to do with what he wants to know now.

but.He thought about it but couldn't think of it.What Wang Meng said.It turned out to be like this.Such strong words from the gossip soul.

But Joanna showed a strong interest.Honestly.She was originally interested in these things.Even when she was still in Portugal.Also heard.But because she was not only an officer at that time.Business is busy.But also shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the family.So even if you are interested in these things.But there was no time to discuss it.But now it's different.Joanna is here.Although the process is a bit painful.But all the troubles before have nothing to do with her.So.Those things that she cared about but didn't have time to explore.Now also have kung fu.certainly.This kind of thing is described by the word "exploration".It's really inappropriate.But she kind of likes to do it.

so now.Although Joanna hasn't asked what's going on yet.But she looked at Wang Meng's eyes.Obviously, I want him to hurry up and talk about what's going on.

"This... this kind of thing..." Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.Half a day on and off.Finally, he spoke. "Wang Meng. What's going on here? You don't seem like the kind of person who is negligent. But how can you have the time to investigate this kind of thing?"

"My lord has misunderstood something." Wang Meng said. "Xiaozhi didn't intend to investigate this kind of thing. It was just discovered by accident. This is what adults should listen to."

"Uh, forget it..." Originally Zhang Fan wanted to say forget it.After all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with him.Even if you know this kind of thing.It was finally verified to be true.But it didn't help him at all in this matter.But he saw Joanna's look of great interest.This made him change his mind. "Tell me about it. What's going on here." In fact, Zhang Fan would say that.All for Joanna's sake.Or else his own words.Not interested at all in this kind of thing.

And Joanna heard Zhang Fan's words.The smile on the face is even worse.She didn't hide her interest in such things in the slightest.

"That's what happened." Wang Meng said. "Actually, I don't have any evidence to prove it. But it seems that there is only this explanation. Today, my lord asked me to monitor the third princess. See if she is the eyeliner of the Five Poison Sect. Because today's incident is too extreme I'm not sure. I didn't say when Miss Joanna would make gestures before. So I looked at it carefully during the banquet.

"At the beginning of the banquet, I didn't find anything weird. At that time, Miss Joanna was questioned by the people at the table over there. There was no effort. But after half of the banquet, I found out. The third princess. From time to time, I looked back here. I was a little suspicious at the time. I watched secretly. She should be looking at someone.

"Your Excellency also knows the situation of sitting today. But it is more clear from the side of the humble staff. Only the adult sitting in the seat closest to the door can see the situation on the opposite side of the people at the two tables. You can probably see three people. But one of them also It's just half of the back. In fact, only the whole picture of the two people can be seen.

"And if you look at it from the position of the third concubine, you can actually only see two people here. One is a low-ranking person. The other is that Zhao Huwei. In this way, this matter is not obvious. The third concubine must be looking at the guard Zhao. Imagine a concubine who looks at a guard so many times. And in that expression, I can see something from a lowly position. It must be so. That’s right. .”

Wang Meng finally made a conclusion.

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