"Master Zhang, why don't you use your time to come to me today." Liu Xian saw Zhang Fan.Interest seemed high.Said very enthusiastically. "Recently, my son has been working too hard for Mr. Zhang to teach. Speaking of which, I really want to thank Mr. Zhang. To be honest, I don't like Yu'er's original temper. But I can't say what can restrain him. But it’s a bit helpless. Now Yu’er can be regarded as a big change. I’m really happy.”

"Sigh. What did General Liu say?" Zhang Fan was also very polite. "General Liu entrusted Mr. Ling to me. I must let my subordinates work hard to teach. But then again, Mr. Ling will change now. But it is not my credit. It is Wang Meng who needs to play. But in the end. This It's also Mr. Ling's own business. If he doesn't want to change himself, it's useless for anyone to say." Zhang Fan is now.He knew Liu Xian quite well.So what you say will naturally be targeted.For Liu Xian.This is how he educated Liu Ting.Be practical.So Zhang Fan would never treat him carelessly in this respect.Say what you have.

really.Hearing what Zhang Fan said so straightforwardly.Not only was Liu Xian not unhappy.Instead, he laughed.Regarding the other party's question about his son.Liu Xian didn't feel unhappy.After all, he is to his son.It can be regarded as pouring a lot of energy into it.Instead of being paranoid that everything is fine with him.It's better to know what the problem is.Making changes early on is the best policy.so.Zhang Fan said so.On the contrary, he felt relieved to put Liu Ting there.If Zhang Fan didn't say that Liu Ting was not good.Just words of praise.Then Liu Xian will have to consider whether to change it.

Talk about it today.Liu Xian's visit to Zhang Fan.It seemed a little surprised.After all, the junior year is over now.And even the barracks.Although not on vacation.But the range of training has also been greatly reduced than usual.In short.Then everyone is waiting for the New Year.Even people who can't go home for the New Year because they have to patrol everywhere.Although not dereliction of duty.But after all, celebrating the New Year is the most important thing for the descendants of Yan and Huang.Impossible not to want to.

only.at this time.Everywhere is also quiet.Although some time ago.There are also the remnants of the Bo people who have not been wiped out.Also came out to make trouble.But now they have all been suppressed.And I didn't find any confusion.Even the various ethnic groups in the Southwest.up to now.They all survived.It is no longer as tense as it was some time ago.

besides.Zhang Fan came to Sichuan on business.Some time ago, there has been a conclusion.In short.This time a crusade against the Bo people.It is indeed a big victory.Whether it is Zeng Xingwu or him Liu Xian.There was no falsehood in the good news to the court.Everything is true.As for the matter about Zeng Xingwu and Ding Guangyou.Because Kang Er has been found.And he also confessed in full during the trial.Although Kang Er bears all the charges.He was also sentenced to beheading.But Zeng Xingwu was also influenced a lot.But anyway.However, the big event that everyone had guessed before did not appear.

It can be said.Today's Zhang Fan.In Liu Xian's opinion.His various goals for coming to Sichuan have already been achieved.That being the case.Zhang Fan at this time.It should be to relax and relax.Take a tour.Or just enjoy this Spring Festival in the palace.But he shouldn't have come to his boring military camp.

That is.Zhang Fan is here.There must be some reason.Of course it wasn't for Liu Ting's affairs.this kind of thing.It doesn't matter whether you say it or not.There is absolutely no need for Zhang Fan to go there himself.

"How is Mr. Zhang recently?" Liu Xian began to think after hearing Zhang Fan's arrival.I really can't think of the reason why Zhang Fan came here.In the end he stopped thinking about it altogether.Asked directly. "Zengsheng came to my military camp today. My place is very boring. I don't need the scenery in the palace."

"General Liu was joking," Zhang Fan said.He wasn't going to be around the corner.After all, who is Liu Xian.It's best to talk to him directly. "I came to see General Liu today for no reason. There are also some things. I want General Liu's help."

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Liu Xian asked. "I don't know what Master Zhang is talking about." When he asked these words.Liu Xian also thought about it.If Zhang Fan came to him this time.It's a personal matter.But Liu Xian didn't feel like it.After all speaking.He really didn't know either.Zhang Fan would come to him for some personal matter.And he doesn't think so.How can I help Zhang Fan in private matters.

Since it is not a private matter.That should be business.Such a moment of effort.Many things flashed through Liu Xian's mind.But it really didn't find it.Recently, there is something worthy of Zhang Fan's coming to him.

"Actually, I'm here this time. I want to get rid of General Liu." Zhang Fan said. "I know. The remnants of the Bo people made trouble before. Although it has subsided now. But General Liu is also afraid that such things will happen again. So now I heard that it is nearby. As long as there are no places where foreigners gather, General Liu will Send troops to patrol. Just in case someone will come out to provoke trouble."

"Not bad." Liu Xian said. "This matter must be guarded against now. After all, the Bo people's chaos is the past. It is hard to guarantee whether there will be any leftovers. Moreover, people of other ethnic groups because of the Bo people's incident. Now it feels like they are all soldiers. Although more than half a year has passed, the current situation is much better than before. But it is not the time to relax. It's just that I don't understand. These things have nothing to do with Mr. Zhang. "

"Actually, I'm here today to talk to General Liu about these things." Zhang Fan said. "I thought General Liu would do me a favor. The people General Liu sent out to patrol. Please General Liu let them continue to patrol. But don't worry too much about it."

"Master Zhang...what is the meaning of this." Liu Xian was confused by Zhang Fan's words for a moment.Zhang Fan's words.It sounds like it at first glance.It is to ask Liu Xian to tell his patrolling personnel not to be too concerned.Relax.Or let them not pay attention to those foreigners.This is simply equivalent to dereliction of duty.It was also the most intolerable thing for Liu Xian.

but.Liu Xian didn't change his face immediately.Angry towards Zhang Fan.Although the intersection between the two is not much.But Liu Xian still knew a little about Zhang Fan.Although not too deep.But he didn't think Zhang Fan was such a rude person.not to mention.This situation.It's more likely to happen because of some personal reasons.Not to mention whether Zhang Fan is a person who affects public affairs because of private affairs.But if so.What Zhang Fan said just now.It should be more tactful.Instead of like just now.That's right.

"That's actually what happened." Zhang Fan continued.It is to learn about it by accident.Zhang Yong and Wang Xin who rebelled with Wei Yinbao back then.Now it's starting all over again.Also ready to rebel.There has been no movement between the two of them for so many years.But recently I heard the news.The two took advantage of the court's use of troops against the Bo people.It is an opportunity for all the tribes in the Southwest to become soldiers.Contact each department to practice.There are [-] to [-] people.now.I'm afraid they are about to start a rebellion.

Zhang Fan told Liu Xian the news.certainly.And that's all.others.Including activities like being carried out in the dark.Or things like the Five Poisons Sect.Zhang Fan didn't tell Liu Xian anything.It's not that Zhang Fan deliberately concealed it.In fact, Liu Xian didn't need to know these things at all.As a local general.He just needs to know.The news that someone here is about to rebel is enough.

"Master Zhang is serious." Liu Xian listened to Zhang Fan's words.There was no expression of disbelief on his face.It's just that he still needs to confirm whether this matter is true or not. "I have heard about these two people. But there is no news about them in the past few years. I don't know where Master Zhang got the news from."

"This matter will never be wrong." Zhang Fan nodded with certainty. "Master Liu didn't know something. It was very accidental that I heard about them. It was just some rumors at the time. In addition, I was not an official at that time. I didn't know much about them. So I didn't know much about them. I didn’t notice. But something happened after that. Please forgive me, General Liu. It’s inconvenient to talk about those things now. In short, I found that those two people seemed to have a wicked heart. So I sent someone to inquire about the news. Now My people have already gained the trust of those two people. This news was passed by my people."

"Since Mr. Zhang has someone beside those two, why don't we just do one thing and kill the other two?" Liu Xian said.

"I've thought about this too. But it's not easy." Zhang Fan showed helplessness.Said. "Those two people are really cowardly. Even people they trust on weekdays. Even people who have been with them for many years. But they will take precautions. There is really no chance to strike." Zhang Fan did not Said that he had other things to do to find those two people.It was also to avoid any misunderstanding by Liu Xian.

"Don't have an inside story. I understand this too." Liu Xian nodded.Said. "But no matter what. In short, Mr. Zhang can be sure. Those two people are now hiding near Yongning Mansion. And recently they have gathered [-] to [-] people. They are preparing to launch a rebellion. Now that we know this, it will be easy to handle. Master Zhang, please wait a moment. Wait for me to go and gather the soldiers and horses. Go straight over and kill them all."

Liu Xian is Liu Xian.Sure enough, he is impatient.

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