Actually.Zhang Fan is also gambling.Although the content of the bet is different.But in fact the properties are the same.The only difference might be.Those two over there.It is a bet with life.And Zhang Fan here.It was a bet on whether he was lucky.

Yes.Just betting on luck.This sounds very confusing.After all, bet on this kind of thing.Originally, it depended on luck.But Zhang Fan is now.But they are betting on luck.

Here's the thing.Now that's the way it's settled.there.How should Liu Xian deploy troops and generals?Only then would the two of them not be able to see any clues.To be honest about this matter.Zhang Fan was also very worried.but.Worry is worry.Zhang Fan was also helpless in this matter.It can only be operated by Liu Xian alone.

Although it is clearly not the case.But Zhang Fan did so.It made Liu Xian feel that.Zhang Fan completely believed in himself.He will never intervene as a civil servant in how he, a general, dispatches troops.Zhang Fan didn't even know.It was an act that he couldn't help at all.But it made Liu Xian's affection for him greatly increased.

But these are all insignificant things.Don't say Zhang Fan doesn't know.So what if he knew.

But that goes there.Now that Zhang Fan has agreed to Liu Xian.Then just do it.Although what Liang Chao analyzed before is indeed very reasonable.It can even be said.Now after listening to Liang Chao's words.Think again.It seems that there is only such a possibility.That is.Actually nowadays.Zhang Fan didn't need to do anything at all.Just do it and wait for the end to happen.

but.Since it was something that Liu Xian had promised before.It is impossible for Zhang Fan to do here.Zhang Fan remembered what Liu Xian had entrusted to him.It's just a matter of luck.

Liu Xian knew that some of Zhang Fan's subordinates were by their side.It was originally according to Liu Xian's idea.Just let Zhang Fan's people kill those two people and it's over.But now it seems.Not to mention killing those two people.It is Zhang Fan's own people.I'm afraid it's all dangerous.Even if it's okay.It must also be under the surveillance of those two people.How could it be possible to assassinate them.

so.After Liu Xian finished listening.Although feel a little pity.But still gave up such an unrealistic idea.Instead, another method came to mind.

I was always worried before.Even the army here is still the same as before.Not assembled.It's just that the route of inspection has changed.But worry about even such a move.It will make those two people suspect Xiancai wanted Zhang Fan to contact the people inside.Actually.That is, I want them to be able to talk in front of those two people.Even if it is suspected.But it is still possible to speak.

say something.So that those two people feel.This time Sichuan's soldiers and horses were deployed.Not a big deal.It doesn't require much thought and care.Just do as usual.Just do what you have to do.Liu Xian.It is to let Zhang Fan do such a thing.

But.this thing.It's easy to say.It's not so easy to do.Now Zhang Fan treats his own people.Whether it is life or death, there is no concept at all.Not to mention passing orders to them.Let them do what.This is simply a joke.

but.Once you can contact your own people.Let them talk in front of those two.So that the two people felt that the transfer of soldiers and horses in Sichuan this time had nothing to do with them at all.They just do their own thing.There is no need to care about these at all.That's enough.

certainly.Probably.Even if it is said.Those two people would not believe it either.Still have doubts.But stop mumbling about the power of such words.especially.The person who said this.It was Zhang Fan's subordinate again.A person who is used to doing this kind of thing.Whether it's what you say or how you say it.They are definitely moving closer to each other.Do what the other side likes.It is the best way to convince the other party to the greatest extent.

and.These words.It's all what the other party wants.Although they are worried about whether things have changed.Has the plan been leaked?But from their hearts.Must still want things not to change.Nothing changes.It is best that everything can go according to their previous plan. this case.Even if you don't believe what the other person says.But what the other party said.It was what I wanted to hear.In this way.Not just let him.Even if only a little bit.Because of this, it will also have a good impression on people who were originally hostile.And joint.Even if what the other party said is not very reliable.I also think that maybe that's the case.

all in all.It's a psychological tactic.Perhaps in this day and age.There is no such fashionable name for this behavior.But the intention is the same.all in all.Even if you can't make the other party affirm it verbally.It is even more impossible to convince the other party that this is the case.But do it.But it is still able to leave such an impression in the other party's heart.Even if it is extremely small.But it will also make the other party feel.This is likely to be the case.

all in all.This is actually a psychological hint.Insinuating him that this kind of thing is the case.Will it be done in the end.I really don't know.Only when things come to an end.Only this kind of thing can be seen.but.One thing is certain.If so.It can increase his credibility for this matter.Or hope.

If so.The chances of things getting done are higher.All in all just one point.Just try to be able to pass the order to the past.Let the people over there try to talk about these things in front of those two people.It is for this success.Add a few more weights.

It's just that.Another problem is to be placed in front of them.That's what this thing is all about.To be able to convey it to your own people.

Although I don't know how they are now.But if you look at it from this side.Obvious.The other party is definitely in big trouble.Is it possible to contact them now?This is still a problem.

Want to contact them now.Can't take the initiative here.After all, I don't know what's going on if someone is sent.It can only be on the sidelines.Although this is extremely inconsistent with Jin Yiwei's way of doing things.But now this time.There is no other way.This is the only way to do it.

"Since that's the case, this matter is decided." Zhang Fan finally made a decision.Said. "Wait until we go back. At the same time, send people to monitor the Yongning Mansion. Pay attention to the situation. If there is anything, report it immediately. Not only me. Even General Liu should send people to report at the same time.

"As for the matter of notifying the other side. Although I'm afraid it will not be easy. But it has to be done. After all, if it is done well, it will be of great benefit to this matter at that time. In short, both sides must be prepared.

"Also. It's not just these. The Five Poisons Sect. I have to tell them more. The eyeliner. I'm afraid they won't take the initiative to hand it over to us. But we can't just give it up. We still have to urge them. And about that matter. See if he can get in touch with those two people. If he can. This matter will get twice the result with half the effort."

"The humble official has ordered someone to convey this matter." Liang Chao said. "I want to. It's not a problem for him to take the initiative to contact those two people. But if this happens, the Five Poison Sect will suffer."

"Whether the Five Poisons Sect will suffer or not. What does it have to do with us?" Zhang Fan said without thinking. "Speaking of it. Although we have discussed things with them. But in the final analysis, it can only be regarded as an agreement with Fang Yueling. It has nothing to do with the Five Poison Sect. At most. If the trouble ends in the end Just save Fang Yueling and her father. As for the Five Poisons Church, to be honest, I don’t care at all. I even thought about it. It’s not a bad thing to let it just disappear. "

"My lord, the Five Poisons Sect doesn't have to be like this." Wang Meng said. "And. If we do this, there will be troubles in the future. After all, although the Five Poison Sect usually likes to act in ways that deceive others, it is very important in this southwest. Its status is very important in the rivers and lakes here. Many They belong to a small sect. Now they are very stable here. It is thanks to the suppression of the Five Poison Sect.

"If we wipe out the Five Poisons, there will be chaos here. The feud between gangs in the rivers and lakes is nothing. It will be more peaceful if they are all dead. But if ordinary people are involved. Then Not good."

"Well, it's not bad to think about it that way." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Since that's the case, then do this. The Five Poisons Sect can be immortal. But it must be under the supervision of the court. It must be able to bow to us. And if there is any change, we must be able to contain them immediately. OK.

"This matter is a bit troublesome. But with Fang Yueling here, and his father's words, it's not a big problem after all."

Obviously.Even if Zhang Fan didn't say it clearly.Wang Meng and Liang Chao also understood.He was planning to use Fang Zhengan to blackmail Fang Yueling.But about it.The two didn't think there was any problem.After all, the opponent is a gang in Jianghu.Or foreigners.Naturally, it is a lot of peace of mind to be in charge of it in your own hands.

"In short, that's how it is now." Zhang Fan said. "Although it is said that we will focus on dealing with our Shu king, but there is no way to start. Now, we must do our best to find out our old acquaintances for me. Who is that guard Zhao?"

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