Speaking up.I don't know if it was accidental or inevitable.In short.Zhang Fan had successfully talked to Zhao Zijie.and.Because of the previous reason.all in all.This time the conversation between Zhang Fan and Zhao Zijie went very smoothly.

Although Zhang Fan obviously knew it.Zhao Zijie will be in the Shu Palace.Even if it's not for any personal reasons.Or in other words, wanting to be in the top position and other factors.but.Zhao Zijie didn't know that Zhang Fan knew this.

Judging from the previous situation.If Zhang Fan hadn't discovered the problem by accident that night.He didn't even know that there was something wrong with Zhao Zijie.visible.How well Zhao Zijie hides himself on weekdays.I am afraid.In the entire palace.Except Zhang Fan and the others.Only the third princess knew Zhao Zijie's secret.

Although Zhang Fan is not sure.But he can roughly guess it.after all.For such meticulous things.Zhang Fan, the commander of Jinyiwei.Even if you haven't done it yourself.But some of it he understood.I really want to keep my identity from being exposed.In fact, what to hide is secondary.the most important is.Do what you have to do.

That is.If you are going to tip off the people behind you.Then do it a little more covertly.Don't let others find out.But if it is on weekdays.Then it's going to be another look.only.This look.In fact, it is not for you to pretend.After all, pretending is always pretending.Since it is pretending.Then there is the possibility of revealing stuffing.so.The best way.It's actually about fitting into the role you're playing.but.It's come to this point.In fact, it can't be called acting.That is.What is your identity in the opponent's camp?Then you have to do what you are supposed to do.Act yourself as who you really are.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know Zhao Zijie's details.I don't know what standard he acts on.but.There are many things in this world that are the same.For Zhang Fan.Jin Yiwei is like this.In this way.He went to think about what Zhao Zijie said.Maybe a little taken for granted.But it can't be completely wrong.

so.Zhang Fan took advantage of Zhao Zijie's point in turn.Since Zhao Zijie's identity in front of his eyes is that of a heavily used guard of the palace.Then Zhang Fan will regard him as the bodyguard.From the guard's point of view.Come talk to him.

For example, what Zhang Fan just said.Talk about experience.Tell me what you have in common.Talk about your own thoughts and so on.This will shorten the distance between the two.To make the other person feel good about themselves.If so.The following dialogue can continue.And it can also be done without showing traces.Don't let the other party see your intentions.

Even if the other party finally notices.It feels like you're playing tricks on him.But I'm afraid we'll have to wait until then.You have revealed some important information.Really wait until then.That would be too late to regret.

certainly.do it.The first is to gain the other party's favor.Use this to talk to the other person.Set out the other party's news.This approach is not a panacea.It doesn't work for everyone.for example.Those old foxes in the court.A person who has been tested in the officialdom.If you use this trick on them.It doesn't work at all.There is even a possibility that they will be put on by the other party in turn.After all those people.Been through so many storms.My heart was already solid as a rock.Faith is strong and incomparable.Even what you say.Every sentence has gone to their hearts.Even the other party has a good impression of you.But as long as he firmly believes that you approach him for a purpose.Then no matter how hard you try in the future, it will be of no use.

And the reason why Zhang Fan dared to use this trick against Zhao Zijie.But there is a reason.Although Zhao Zijie's detailed work seems to be quite qualified.Identity concealment is flawless.Even on weekdays, there was no flaw at all.But Zhang Fan saw one point.That is his age.

good.It is because of his age.Zhao Zijie said before that he was born in Jiajing in 33 years.That counts until now.This year he has just reached the year of the weak crown.Even if he lied about his age.But this face is placed here after all.You can't fake it.Even if he was wrong.The difference will not be too big.That is.This Zhao Zijie.Really young.

If so.Even he is very talented in doing things like fine work.Such a good job at such a young age.But there is one.Young is young.Talent belongs to God.But talent never brings experience.Experience this kind of stuff.It must be accumulated step by step over time.If there is anything in this world, there is absolutely no shortcut.There are absolutely no quick fixes.There is only such a thing as experience.

Another talented person.Inexperienced words.It's still easy to do the wrong thing please.And Zhang Fan.It is relying on this.See if you can dig out any news, maybe.

so.This is the conversation between the two of them.Zhang Fan used the tone of someone who had come here.Talk to Zhao Zijie about something.Moreover, Zhang Fan wanted to build a good relationship.He didn't place himself too high.But in an inconspicuous place.Belittled himself a little.In this way.Neither will be too contrived.But at the same time, it can shorten the distance between the two.

After saying something and getting the approval of the other party.It is a natural switch of words.Change to a topic of questioning the other person.This is indeed a bit unpredictable.Even he, Zhao Zijie, was extremely sober.Don't be fooled by Zhang Fan.Don't say anything that can make Zhang Fan suspicious.If Zhang Fan can find out his origin.But for Zhang Fan.That's enough between the two of you.After all this matter.Although Zhang Fan was very anxious.But never felt it.Can be done in one go.The meal should be eaten bite by bite.Things have to be done step by step.

But before Zhao Zijie spoke.Zhang Fan found out.Unknowingly, the two walked to the place where Zhang Fan observed the secret meeting between Zhao Zijie and the third princess that night.Even though he knew that there would be no gain in doing so.But Zhang Fan still had the attitude of giving it a try.After speaking.He went over there.He just wanted to observe.Will Zhao Zijie show any flaws?

I don't know that Zhao Zijie didn't think of Zhang Fan's intention at all.In other words, he was very calm.all in all.After Zhang Fan went there.He was silent.He didn't intend to stop Zhang Fan at all.Followed by Zhang Fan.

Not long.The two of them arrived at the kiosk.After Zhang Fan went in.He also took the opportunity to look at Zhao Zijie.It was found that there was no reaction on his face.

"Where is this place?" Zhang Fan walked to the small pavilion.asked. "The garden in the Wangfu. I have visited it several times. But I still don't know that there is such a good place. There are small forests on three sides. There are only two inconspicuous paths leading to this place. There is a small river on the other side. It's really very comfortable to watch. No one will disturb you. Speaking of it, this is a good place for a tryst." Although Zhao Zijie didn't show any strange expressions before.But Zhang Fan didn't intend to just give up.Still testing him.

"Your Excellency, you are joking." Zhao Zijie looked extremely ordinary.said with a smile. "This is the inner courtyard of the palace. How can anyone come here for a tryst? If there is, I'm afraid it's those servants and maids. I don't talk about those in the outer courtyard. But the rules of the inner courtyard are extremely strict. If you are caught, then it's a no-no. Anyway, I have been in the palace for three years, but I haven't seen anyone coming here for a tryst. But when the prince is in a bad mood, he will come here alone for a drink or two.

"Speaking of it, this is exactly the place I'm going to introduce to my lord. I didn't expect it. My lord found it first."

"My lord is in a bad mood." Zhang Fan asked quickly. "What's going on here. Could it be that the prince still has something to worry about." Although before.Zhang Fan has been inquiring about Zhao Zijie all along.But now I heard news about Zhu Xuanqi.Of course he couldn't let it go.After all, that was his main purpose.

"It's not a big deal." Zhao Zijie looked helpless.But there was no intention of hiding it from Zhang Fan.Said. "Actually, that was just what happened when I first came to the palace. At that time, the prince didn't know what was bothering him. He would always come here every now and then. I didn't know what was going on before. It was the first time I saw the prince. I came here. I was still a little worried. Come and have a look. But I didn’t expect to be scolded by the prince. At that time, I was still worried about whether I did something wrong. But after seeing the prince, I didn’t mention it anymore. I understood that it was The prince was in a bad mood for a while.

"It's just. I don't know what it is because of it. The prince doesn't say anything. No one dares to ask. I also asked the maid who served the prince. But there is no news.

"But there are no such things now. In fact, as early as three years ago. Since the third princess entered the mansion, the prince has never been here for a drink. Thinking about it, the prince really likes the third princess. Even if he is angry But it can also calm down the three princesses."

"So that's how it is..." Hearing what Zhao Zijie said.Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.But of course it can't be expressed with the mouth. "By the way, Zijie. Don't bring up these unpleasant things again. I asked you before. Maybe tell me about you. Now the scenery here is good. No one bothers you. No one comes here for a drink. It's just the way to talk Good place. Why don't you just stay here. Zijie tell me about you."

"Since my lord wants to hear it, I will obey my orders." Zhao Zijie looked helpless.Followed Zhang Fan into the booth and sat down.Said. "I don't know what adults want to hear."

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