At the end of the Shen Dynasty and the beginning of the unitary era.Zhang Fan and Zhao Zijie ended their conversation.Zhao Zijie happened to be on duty.Went to inspect various places in the palace.And Zhang Fan returned to his the room.Wang Meng and Liang Chao were already waiting here.I saw Zhang Fan coming in.Immediately get up and say hello.

"My lord, where have you been?" Liang Chao asked hastily. "Xiaozhi and Brother Wang went to find out some things. I was about to tell the adults. Who knew that the adults were not there after I came. It is not good for me and Brother Wang to go out to look for it. We have to wait here. "

Although Wang Meng on the side didn't ask like Liang Chao did.But it also showed a look of concern.Obviously, he was also worried about Zhang Fan.

"It's my fault." Zhang Fan's current mood.Not that it's great.It's not bad either.Didn't care that much.Open your mouth and say. "Just now I saw Zhao Zijie chatting with someone in the kiosk where the third princess was. It was that Zhao Zijie."

"My lord went to talk to Zhao Zijie." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Liang Chao was a little surprised. "Then, can my lord ask anything?"

"No." Speaking of which.Zhang Fan was slightly disappointed.But it didn't last.After all, no matter what Zhang Fan said.Also know some things. "However. I did ask something. Maybe. This Zhao Zijie came to this palace for this reason. If so, there will be such a big hatred between him and Zhu Xuanqi. It can be explained. .Then again. What news did you find out. "

"Let's listen to the adults first." Wang Meng said. "Although the two of us have inquired about some news. But most of them are from others. That person is a cook who left the mansion today. He said that what he knows is also from others. It may not be credible. I'd better listen first. Listen to the grown-ups."

"Yeah." Nodded.Zhang Fan told Wang Meng and Liang Chao what he had said to Zhao Zijie before.

And after listening to Zhang Fan's words.The two of them didn't speak for a long time.I've been thinking about it.After a while.Wang Meng was the first to speak: "I don't know what my lord thinks about what Zhao Zijie said. This is a deliberate deception by him. Or it is a story he made up in advance to conceal his own life experience. Or is it true? What do you think, my lord?" look."

"Speaking of it, I don't think it's fake." Zhang Fan expressed his thoughts frankly. "After all, this kind of thing. If it is a lie, it is too easy to be exposed. Don't say that Zhao Zijie knows the purpose of my coming here. Even if he doesn't know, he won't use this kind of nonsense to deceive people Yes. It’s too easy for people to see through. And they will be suspicious of him. It’s not good for him. This kind of thing. If you go to someone and ask. Or if you accidentally talk about it while chatting with someone, there will be problems immediately. So I don't think he's lying to me.

"And. To be honest. When he said this, I could see the expression on his face clearly. It doesn't look like a lie. Of course. Naturally, there are people who are very sophisticated. Even if he is telling a big lie But his expression will not let people see that he is talking nonsense. But I think this Zhao Zijie really does not look like that kind of person. Of course, people should not be judged by their appearance. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe he is young That’s how powerful it is. But, anyway, I believe it.”

"In this way..." Liang Chao was thinking.Said on the side. "My lord means that the reason why this Zhao Zijie came to the palace as an errand and wanted to deal with the prince. It is because he blamed the prince for killing his father."

"Although he didn't say it. But I think that's probably the case." Zhang Fan nodded and said. "Moreover, you can also find out from what I just said. Although he said so much, he never said that he didn't hate Zhu Xuanqi anymore. Even if he said that he had heard his father's dying words, he didn't say that he would Do what his father said. And. It's also because he didn't say it. I think what he said is true."

"My lord is right." Wang Meng said. "However. Is this necessary? Although this matter can be said to be blamed on the prince's head. But after all, his father did it voluntarily. Of course. The hatred between parents is irreconcilable. If Zhao Zijie insists on revenge There is nothing to say. However, according to what the adults said, this Zhao Zijie’s parents died when he was not long after he was born. He has never met his parents. He has never even met him face to face. Is there really such a great hatred? He clearly knows to seek revenge from the prince. He himself has absolutely no good fruit to eat. But he still wants to do this .This is really confusing.

"Moreover, judging from what your lord saw that night, there is obviously someone behind this Zhao Zijie. Not only him. The people behind him are also planning to harm the prince. If this happens, this matter will be very difficult. Let Beizhi feel a little confused. Who is the person behind him? What are his plans."

"Listen to what your lord said. This Zhao Zijie has been traveling around with his master before he entered the palace as a guard." Liang Chao said. "He was able to enter the palace at the age of 17. Even because of his father, the prince looked at him differently. But at that time, the palace also had a competition ring. He only saw the prince after he won. It shows his skill That's right. In that case, even if he is extremely talented, he still needs to spend more than ten years practicing martial arts. How can he find time to find those people to plan conspiracies or something? It's hard to say. The person behind him is his master. .”

"This is also a problem." Zhang Fan said with a frown. "How did this Zhao Zijie get in touch with the people behind him? It's a mystery. We don't know anything now. Just guessing here is useless. Moreover, these things can be regarded as private matters. Thinking about it, I'm afraid even if we ask Zhao Zijie, he won't tell us. We can only check by ourselves.

"By the way. You guys also inquired about something just now. What is it? Let's talk about it."

"Your Excellency, I asked Beizhi and Brother Wang to monitor the outside of the palace. See if anyone is coming in or out. So I can find someone to ask questions." Liang Chao said. "Early this morning, Brother Wang and I were secretly watching outside the palace. This Shu palace is very big and there are a lot of people. Naturally, there are quite a few people who go out in normal times. But most of them are in small groups. The least is The two of them went out together. They really couldn't find a chance to make a move.

"The two of us waited until the end of the afternoon. It is estimated that everyone in the palace has already eaten. This is when we saw a person leaving the palace alone. We thought he was going out to buy things. Who knew I went to have a look. Only then did I realize that it was a person who went to the gambling house on the side street to enjoy himself while he was free in the afternoon.

"At that time, I was a little disappointed with Brother Wang. After all, he was such a man. And he looked like he was wearing coarse clothes. He also had a scruffy beard on his face. He didn't seem like someone who knew the inside story of the palace. But it was better than nothing. Seeing that he had no money, he was tricked out in the name of borrowing money. I asked him about Zhao Zijie.

"The result was a bit unexpected for Xiezhi and Brother Wang. This person actually said that he knew. It was also strange for Xiaozhi at that time. This person said that he was a cook in the palace. How could he know about Zhao Zijie. Finally asked. That's it." It was a discovery. The incident of Zhao Zijie entering the mansion at that time was quite a big commotion. There are quite a few people who know about it. But now, the time has passed. And although there was a lot of commotion at the time, in the final analysis, it was not too important. .So now nobody mentions it."

"What's going on?" Zhang Fan asked.

"The matter is similar to what the adults said." Liang Chao continued. "It is said that at that time, because the palace lacked guards, it posted a notice of recruitment. As a result, many people came. No fewer than three or 40 people. At that time, the palace only wanted three or five people. So a ring was set up in the palace. Let these people compete with each other. And the result is already known. Zhao Zijie won the first place. I heard that the gap is not small. The No.2 was kicked out of the ring with three punches and two kicks.

"The prince was also there at the time. He was naturally very happy to see that he was very skilled at such a young age. However, Zhao Zijie was really too young. I heard that the prince planned to let him be a guard in the outer courtyard of the palace. Wait for a few years I'll make another plan. But when the lord met these people, Zhao Zijie told about his father. After that, the lord asked him to go directly to the guard in the inner courtyard. As for what they said between the two of them. This guy didn't know about it. Listen to him. After the prince heard Zhao Zijie mention his father's name, he took him to the back to talk in private.

"At first, I still couldn't figure it out with Brother Wang. Now I heard what the adults said. This matter can be explained clearly."

"So..." Zhang Fan listened to Liang Chao's words.nodded.Said. "Now we know these things. We don't know the rest. What is that Zhao Zijie looking for about Zhu Xuanqi? What is it? We don't know anything at all. It seems that we have to continue to investigate. By the way .Zhao Zijie is also out of the house today. I heard that the third concubine asked him to go out. Do you know where he went. "

I heard Zhang Fan ask about this matter.The two had strange expressions on their faces.After a while.Only then did Liang Chao speak: "My lord, it's a little strange to talk about it."

"What's going on?" Zhang Fan asked.

"After Zhao Zijie left the house today, he went directly to a rouge restaurant on the street." Liang Chao said. "At that time, most of them were women. So it's not easy to follow in low-level positions. Wait until Zhao Zijie leaves. Then go. But I heard something. Maybe we can use it."

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