"My lord hasn't rested yet, Master Zhang is here too." After Zhao Zijie came, he first greeted the people present, and said, "I don't know why the lord called me here at this time."

"Wang Qianhu was here just now, and now I went to the back to check," Zhu Xuanqi said, "I heard from Wang Qianhu that he heard movement in the yard, as if some outsider had entered the mansion."

Hearing Zhu Xuanqi's words, Zhao Zijie suddenly had the urge to grit his teeth, but because someone was watching in front of him, he held back. However, although there was nothing on the surface, Zhao Zijie really felt a little resentful in his heart Yes, after all, Wang Meng is here now, and Zhao Zijie knows very well that whether it is himself, the people behind him, or anyone else, in short, among the people he knows, there is no one who is more skilled than Wang Meng. There are almost no people who can deceive Wang Meng.

And what Zhao Zijie hates the most is the person who was sent tonight. He obviously just came to get something and left, but he insisted on coming to this place with fire to inquire. It was a hysterical impulse, but in the end it was suppressed by himself. He knew that it was useless to blame anyone for this matter. It could only be called a coincidence. Now, I'm afraid they don't know Wang Meng at all.

"This... my lord, I was negligent and allowed villains to enter the palace," Zhao Zijie hurriedly knelt down on one knee to apologize, "I deserve death..."

"Okay, okay," Zhu Xuanqi waved his hand before Zhao Zijie finished speaking, and said, "There is no need to apologize for this kind of thing now. First, this is an afterthought. Those people who apologized will not disappear. Second, , the most urgent task now is to find a way to deal with it,"

In such a moment, Zhao Zijie suddenly thought of a way, maybe he could clarify himself from this matter: "My lord, I'm going to change the guards of the outer courtyard right now. By the way, the Tang guards are still in the west courtyard. to inform him,"

"There is no need for Tang Hao," Zhu Xuanqi said, "Now I don't know what the other party is going to do here, and I don't know how many people they have come, so let Tang Hao continue to patrol the West Courtyard, in case something is found People are easy to deal with, and I don't want to make a big fuss about this matter. Firstly, it is bad for the reputation of the palace. Secondly, I am also somewhat interested in those people. It would be best if I could capture them alive. Therefore, the guards of the outer courtyard There is no need to let them in, so as not to make too much noise, scare the snakes, and let the culprits go, "

Hearing Zhu Xuanqi's words, Zhao Zijie's heart sank. Originally, he came up with this method because he wanted to stay out of the matter. When the time comes, the guards from the inner and outer courts of the palace will take action. He can hide aside. As long as the other party does not see him, he will not something will happen.

But now, what was originally planned was rejected by Zhu Xuanqi in this way. Zhao Zijie couldn't help being a little annoyed, but he couldn't object to Zhu Xuanqi's words, which made him very aggrieved.

"Now Wang Qianhu went to the back to check alone." Zhu Xuanqi naturally didn't know what Zhao Zijie was thinking, and continued, "Now that Zijie is here, you can take Liang Qianhu to the back too. See if you can help me, by the way, as I said, I am interested in those people, try to capture those people alive for me, "

"But my lord, if I go with Liang Qianhu, there will be no one here," Zhao Zijie said, "Leaving my lord and Mr. Zhang here, I'm not at ease, why don't we just let Liang Qianhu go?" In the back, I will stay here to protect the prince and Master Zhang,"

"Well, Zijie really has a heart," Zhu Xuanqi said, "If that's the case, then Zijie..."

"My lord, in my opinion, it's better to let Liang Chao stay and let Zijie go." Before Zhu Xuanqi finished speaking, Zhang Fan immediately stopped him and said, "After all, this is the palace of the prince. The backyard is also the resting place for the prince and several concubines, not to mention Wang Meng and Liang Chao, even I have never been there. Wang Meng chased people, so it doesn’t matter, but if Liang Chao goes, it will be difficult for the people behind. If you are not familiar with it, is it going to be a bad thing, and Zijie wants to be more familiar with the back, it is more convenient for Zijie to go, just leave Liang Chao here." Just kidding, Zhang Fan had already Knowing what he was planning, how could he succeed.

"Well, you're still very thoughtful," Zhu Xuanqi listened to Zhang Fan's words, after a little thought, he realized the truth behind it, and naturally agreed, "In that case, I have to trouble Zijie to go to the back to assist Wang Qian It’s up to the household to catch those thieves,”

"Your Majesty... I will obey the lord's orders." There is no way, Zhao Zijie has no reason to object to Zhu Xuanqi's words, what's more, Zhang Fan's words are so reasonable, he has no reason to refuse at all , Now, even though he is unwilling to the extreme, he has no choice but to agree to do so.

And Zhang Fan, looking at Zhao Zijie walking back, felt a little funny in his heart. It seems that Zhao Zijie is really in a dilemma now, but Zhang Fan at this time has no joint name at all, or he wants to see him even more. Seeing that Zhao Zijie was in a dilemma, Zhang Fan's goal was actually to drive Zhao Zijie to a dead end. In this way, people who are desperate do not have much choice. As long as it is a life-saving straw, he will Hold it tightly in your hands, and at that time, Zhang Fan will be able to "talk" with Zhao Zijie.

However, there are still some things in it, so it depends on luck. The people who came today should naturally be captured alive, but Zhang Fan doesn't think it is necessary to capture them all alive, or in other words, it is best to let one go. , and that person happened to see the scene where Zhao Zijie helped the Shu Palace. Only in this way can Zhao Zijie be completely cornered. Turn your head to the Shu Palace.

Of course, Zhang Fan hadn't discussed this matter with Wang Meng and Liang Chao before, it was just a good idea just now because of the situation that just happened, and now, he has no way to go to know Wang Meng again, that is to say This matter can only depend on whether Wang Meng is smart and can think of such a way temporarily. If not, these people may all become soft-shelled turtles. After all, with Wang Meng around, Zhang Fan believes that if Wang Meng is not waterproof, no one can. escape.

All in all, this matter now really depends on the situation, but Zhang Fan is full of confidence in Wang Meng.

Now Zhao Zijie also went to the backyard, leaving Zhang Fan, Zhu Xuanqi and Liang Chao here.

"Come, come, they're going to the back, we have nothing to do, we can only continue to drink," Zhu Xuanqi looked heartless, thieves had already entered the house, but he still didn't care , but still persuading Zhang Fan to drink, but then again, they really have nothing to do now, everything that should be arranged has been arranged, and now they can only wait, "Oh, yes, Liang Qianhu Now I can't drink any more, otherwise, if something happens, the lives of Mr. Zhang and I will be confessed here, but Liang Qianhu, please rest assured that there is still plenty of wine, and it will be reserved for others. Yours,"

"This... Thank you, my lord, my lord really has a heart," Liang Chao didn't know how to answer Zhu Xuanqi's words, so he could only say thank you.

"But my lord, again, what is the purpose of this thief coming to the palace?" Zhang Fan picked up the wine glass and said to Zhu Xuanqi, "It doesn't look like an assassin. The thief who came here just now saw the lord. Although he saw someone there, he didn't do anything, but continued to go backwards, and it is absolutely impossible for the princesses to have anything to do with these thieves. If you think about it, I'm afraid they are aiming at some property, my lord But if you have any clues, it’s good to talk about it.”

"Well, let me think about it," Zhu Xuanqi heard what Zhang Fan said, so he thought it was just to pass the time, thought for a while and said, "I have a thousand-year-old coral here, which is emerald red and five feet high. It is priceless, if it is placed outside, I am afraid it can be sold for five or six million taels of silver. Moreover, although outsiders don't know about the things in my mansion, when someone gave it to me, it was considered a treasure in Chengdu mansion. Everyone knows it, so it’s possible that they came here for this,”

"This is indeed a priceless thing, and it is worth taking risks to sneak into the palace," Zhang Fan said while touching his chin, "But, I'm afraid it's not that, unless someone hired a thief to steal it, otherwise such conspicuous things, even if It was thrown out by them, wouldn't it be revealed by showing up outside, "

"Master Zhang said the same thing. If you think about it, unless the thief is stupid to death, he wouldn't do it," Zhu Xuanqi said. However, if I say this, I really don't know what they want. Of course there are other valuable things in the palace, but there are too many. I don't know if they have a purpose. take what,"

"Well, it seems that I can't think of a reason now." Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Since this is the case, there is no need to bother anymore. Anyway, after someone catches it, they will understand it after asking ,"

"What Mr. Zhang said is that we will just ask the thieves directly at that time, so why should we bother?" Zhu Xuanqi also laughed and said, "Drinking and drinking, alas, it's a pity that we can't go and see how those thieves were arrested in person. caught,"

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