The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1071 Young and Promising

Obviously.Wang Meng will never disappoint Zhang Fan's expectations of him.Even now things have changed temporarily.No one knows what's going on here.It was not Liang Chao and Wang Meng who came to arrest people.On the contrary, it became a combination of Wang Meng and Zhao Zijie.

but.This doesn't affect how things go.Things that have been prepared before.The general direction will not change because of this small change.even.this change.For Zhang Fan and the others, it might bring better results.And now.Zhang Fan thought of this but was helpless.This matter mainly depends on whether Wang Meng can figure out this truth.Then he did what Zhang Fan wanted.

This may sound a bit unreliable at first glance.After all, the two have never discussed it.Just on a temporary basis.Just figured out the same.And it's all in such a roundabout way.And also think of the same.Such a coincidence.Sounds like a very low probability.

But for Zhang Fan and Wang Meng.But that's not the case.It's not that the two of them really have such a connection.Can be so tacit.None of this is the point.Even if there is a tacit understanding.Can think so completely consistent.It also requires luck.

And really let the two people's ideas become so synchronized.One of the most important reasons is.The purpose of the two people in this matter is the same.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Wang Meng.Both of them have only one purpose in this matter.It doesn't mean to find out anything about Zhu Xuanqi.It's what's in front of you.That is to make Zhao Zijie feel that he is in trouble.Only in this way can he control him.

And how to get him into trouble.The current method.Don't let Zhu Xuanqi know.Then there is no way to realize it.It is to let the people behind Zhao Zijie know.Zhao Zijie may have betrayed them.In this way.Zhao Zijie couldn't go back there.But on Zhu Xuanqi's side.Although he has not revealed his identity.But the crisis also exists.As long as you are not careful.will reveal their identity.Even the person standing behind him.It will also add fuel to the flames.expose him.

If so.Zhao Zijie is in a dilemma.and.Zhang Fan could see clearly.on this matter.Zhao Zijie is not the kind of person who would choose fish to die.Although he didn't know why he wanted to be unfavorable to Zhu Xuanqi.But it hasn't reached the point where you need to take your own at that point.Zhang Fan also didn't think Zhao Zijie would break the jar.If so.He really became a loner.And that situation.If no one helps.There is absolutely no way for him to get through this difficulty alone.

And wait until then.The words of Zhang Fan and others appearing at the "appropriate" time.Everything is easy to talk about.Even then.Zhao Zijie could tell right away.I was calculated by Zhang Fan and others.But this time is not important anymore.Even how he hated Zhang Fan and others' schemes against him.But when that time comes.There was only one way for him to go.Only relying on the protection of Zhang Fan and others can he have a small foothold in the following events.He could only choose to cooperate with Zhang Fan and the others.

"Over there." Zhao Zijie listened to Wang Meng's words.His eyes followed Wang Meng's gaze.Although there is no expression on the face.But my heart is tight.He knew it wasn't a good sign.Not to mention Wang Meng.And Zhao Zijie didn't think Wang Meng already knew anything.But what he does know is.The place Wang Meng looked at.He got it from the three princesses.The place where Zhu Xuanqi hid his things.

But even if you know it.What can Zhao Zijie do today.It is impossible for him to stop Wang Meng from going there.same.Even if he is 1, he is unwilling to go there.But he can't help it.At that time, he must go with Wang Meng.

Then there is.If you change someone.Zhao Zijie might knock him out.Even killed him.At that time, the crime will be blamed on the person who sneaked into the palace.There was no one to be found anyway.There is no proof here.He will be safe too.but.This method has a prerequisite.That means Zhao Zijie has to be more skilled than Wang Meng.Otherwise.The sneak attack failed but was arrested.Wang Meng would never kill him.Definitely will capture him back.At that time.He already looks good.But Zhao Zijie knew better.Wang Meng.He really can't beat it.

all in all.Today Zhao Zijie is caught in a dilemma.Not before and after.

And here.Wang Meng didn't care about Zhao Zijie's reaction.He walked towards where the sound came a corner.Stretched his head and looked.Then he turned back and asked Zhao Zijie, "Where does that lead to?" Even Wang Meng already had an idea in his mind.But now it is necessary to pretend to be ignorant.Otherwise, it will be exposed.

"Over there." Zhao Zijie heard Zhang Fan ask.I have long understood in my heart.But it was pretending to think about it.In fact, I want to struggle needlessly.Even if it delays for a few breaths.It all seems to be good for him. "That should be the prince's room." Regarding this matter.It is naturally impossible for Zhao Zijie to lie.Even when things are coming to an end.also can not.After all, this kind of lie is too easy to be exposed.Once so.There is no way for him to continue messing around in the future.

"My lord's room." Wang Meng looked hesitant.Said. "In this way, the thief who sneaked into the palace. It seems that it wasn't for any property." At this time.He has already begun to test Zhao Zijie.

"What is the meaning of Master Wang?" Zhao Zijie asked.Not to mention him who is in a mess right now.Even on weekdays.He might not be able to immediately recall what Wang Meng was talking about.

"If it's for property, I'm afraid it shouldn't be in the prince's room." Wang Meng said. "Although I have never been there. But I know it when I think about it. How could the prince put something valuable in his sleeping place. Moreover, this group of people seems to be very familiar with the palace. As soon as they came in, they went straight Go to the prince's room. Thinking about it, I am afraid that there are their internal agents in the palace. Or maybe someone in the palace is guarding and stealing."

"This..." Wang Meng said these words.Honestly let Zhao Zijie.Even in this twelfth lunar month.His back was still covered in cold sweat.but.This Zhao Zijie is naturally not an ordinary person.And he is really talented for this kind of meticulous work.So Wang Meng said so.Although he was frightened.But his mind is also very fast.Immediately thought of the words to deal with.Open your mouth and say. "I don't think so. If it's done by someone in the palace, we'll find out tomorrow. No one would be willing to take this risk. As for these people, they went straight to the prince's room after they came in. I'm afraid they didn't I know where the previous incident happened in the palace. A blind cat met a dead mouse."

"So that's how it is." Wang Meng made a look of sudden realization.nodded.Said. "It's Zhao Shiwei who thinks everything. If I tell the prince what I have guessed at that time, it will not cause the prince to worry for nothing. I have to thoroughly investigate the people in the palace. I am exhausted. I also want to thank Zhao Shiwei for pointing out the maze. ah."

"Where. Mr. Wang is being polite." Zhao Zijie said. "But now the thief has passed for some time. Why don't we chase after him to see." Although I really don't want to chase him.But at this time.If Zhao Zijie didn't say anything.He was afraid that the expression on his face would change.It will make Wang Meng see something.

"That's what Guard Zhao said. Then let's go there." Wang Meng said.He was indeed delaying time on purpose before.After all, it was already decided during the discussion with Zhang Fan.Want to know what it is.would be of interest to so many people.

Neither of them spoke anymore.Hold your breath.Go there.The footsteps were all quieted down.Make it difficult to hear sound.

And this time.But Wang Meng couldn't help but look at Zhao Zijie with admiration.Although it can be seen from daily observations.Wang Meng knew that Zhao Zijie was really fighting with him.It will definitely not be your opponent.But did not expect.Zhao Zijie's footwork is also quite good.Compared with Wang Meng, it is really not inferior.

To know.Wang Meng's footwork.What can be done is walking silently.That's not just because he has a good master.Also learned a good martial art.more importantly.When Wang Meng practiced this kind of kung fu.That was in Mobei.Made it under the nose of Tartar.There is a slight difference.Let alone him.Hundreds of brothers behind him all have their lives in danger.In this way.It is Wang Meng who has practiced such a perfect footwork.

Now look at it this way.I didn't expect it.This Zhao Zijie actually has such a skill.And it is not weaker than Wang Meng.

Just that.Even then.It's because Zhao Zijie worked hard to develop such a skill.Regardless of whether he has good intentions or evil intentions.Wang Meng even had the idea of ​​admiration for him.After all, he is young.So skillful.Talent must be remarkable.I don't think I'm lazy either.only.Of course there are also regrets.After all, such a promising young man.Now it is for some reason.On a path that would ruin his life.This had to make Wang Meng feel a pity.

And even if I feel sorry for him in my heart.Wang Meng still wants to bully not.Now the two are on their way to Zhu Xuanqi's dorm.But Wang Meng openly walked behind on the grounds that he did not know the way.Let Zhao Zijie lead the way for him.

And Zhao Zijie.Even if I hate it in my heart.But there is no other way.That's the only way to do it.After all next.If the two sides have met.Zhao Zijie was naturally the first to see each other.

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