After Wang Meng met this person, he immediately felt it. He knew that he had picked the right person. This person did have some skills. That's what he should pay attention to most now, but the current situation is that there are only two opponents, Wang Meng picked up the good skills, and Zhao Zijie "chased" the other one. In this way, Wang Meng is sure, I will definitely be able to capture that person, that is to say, it has been determined, so naturally I want to have some fun for myself.

Of course, if you say this, it seems to sound a bit problematic. After all, they want to make Zhao Zijie have nowhere to go, but in this way, if Zhao Zijie is asked to chase another person, it is very likely that Zhao Zijie will let him go He, in this way, Zhao Zijie and the people behind him will be able to explain, this is not what Zhang Fan wants to see.

In other words, Wang Meng's best choice now is naturally to quickly capture this person in front of him, or from the very beginning, Wang Meng should not care about this person. They knew each other, and the two might put on a show, but Zhao Zijie's life was definitely not in danger, so Wang Meng quickly went to catch the average-handed person, and then turned back to catch this person, that's all.

However, Wang Meng chose this method, staying to deal with this person, and playing with him leisurely. Naturally, there was an arrangement for doing this. In this way, Wang Meng will appear so leisurely.

As for what they took, of course, Zhang Fan and others are also interested in this point, but Wang Meng is not in a hurry now. After all, the people who sneaked into the palace are probably already It was successful, but there were two of them after all, and Wang Meng would not know which person the thing was on. Although the chances of the thing being on someone with high skills were higher, in the final analysis, there were two people here. It's only [-]-[-]. Since that's the case, Wang Meng doesn't bother to care about these things, he just needs to be optimistic about the person in front of him.

Anyway, things have already been arranged, no matter what, they will know what that thing is by then.

Put these aside for now.

After Wang Meng met this person, he immediately felt something unusual. Earlier, Wang Meng shot a powerful stone and hit the person in front of him. At this time, this person was flying out of the grass and jumping in the air to escape. At that time, this flying stone was not only powerful, but the waist hit by Wang Meng is now in unbearable pain, and Wang Meng's sudden blow left him nowhere to use his strength in the air, so he fell directly, although he was far from the ground. It wasn't high, but it almost made him lose his temper.

And just as he was recovering so well, Wang Meng had already come in front of him, which made him startled. After all, at this time, he knew that he had no defense at all. If Wang Meng made a move , he is absolutely doomed, it has nothing to do with Wang Meng's skill level, after all, the people who will appear here are definitely Lian Jiazi, and in this case, as long as someone with a little skill, They could kill him.

Originally, he thought that his life was about to come to an end, but after that, nothing happened. He looked at Wang Meng curiously, but found that he didn't move at all, and he was still standing by his side as before. In front of him, it's just that Wang Meng looked at him with contempt unabashedly. Obviously, Wang Meng was trying to provoke him so that he could stay and be hostile to him instead of looking for opportunities. run away.

Faced with this situation, many people have no way to wake up. Even if this person doesn't understand Wang Meng's plan, he also knows that the most important thing for him now is not to fight fiercely with others, but to quickly get out of this kind of situation. You can get away, but, as the saying goes, "There is no one in literature, and there is no second in martial arts." When it comes to martial arts, only one person wins, and there will never be a tie between the two. The main source of martial arts people's desire to fight for power, as long as they are martial arts practitioners, there is absolutely no one who does not want to be superior.

And even if a person like this was faced with such a situation that was extremely unfavorable to him, even if he knew in his heart that it would be the best policy to run away quickly, he did not leave, but stood up and faced Wang Meng. , adjusted his inner breath, and prepared to deal with it.

Wang Meng understood that the person in front of him had taken the bait, but he didn't mean to laugh at him. He is also a martial arts practitioner, and he has fought countless people. I put myself at the end, but this does not mean that Wang Meng does not want to have a good competition with others. Even if the person in front of him is not as skilled as him, it is already a luxury for Wang Meng , he naturally won't let it go.

The two didn't speak, they just looked at each other, and Wang Meng didn't intend to make a move first. Naturally, the person opposite was the one who made the move first. Even though he had made up his mind to compete with Wang Meng, he was still the one who was forced to fight. Affected by the surrounding environment, for him, the competition is certainly important, but if he can get out of this predicament earlier, it is naturally a good thing.

Without waiting any longer, the man charged up and punched Wang Meng's chest. A master like Wang Meng actually doesn't have to move his feet at all, he just needs to reach out and catch it.

And Wang Meng originally planned this way. After all, neither of them had ever fought against each other before, and they didn't know each other's depth. This might allow Wang Meng to figure out the opponent's bottom line. Therefore, Wang Meng immediately raised his hand to receive his punch. up.

However, the next moment, Wang Meng's face changed suddenly, and his outstretched hand also changed. Instead of catching the opponent's fist, he grabbed the wrist of the punching fist, and moved forward, holding the opponent's fist. This punch was brought to the side of the body.

The reason why Wang Meng was so alarmed was not that at that moment Wang Meng felt that he could not catch the punch, but that Wang Meng really had quick eyesight and quick hands. Even if the moon is not bright tonight, even the stars in the sky are dimmed. Not much, but Wang Meng still saw the circle that was heading straight for him, with a faint and cold luster.

It wasn't until Wang Meng pushed the punch to the side that he realized that his judgment was correct. Under the circle, a blue dagger protruded from the opponent's cuff, which was obviously poisonous. It can be seen that , just like that, the other party wanted to kill Wang Meng.

Although his complexion changed suddenly, Wang Meng would return to his previous appearance in the next moment. Although the other party's methods were really despicable, if it weren't for Wang Meng's sharp eyes and quick reaction, not many people would have been able to guard against it just now. It's okay, but Wang Meng doesn't care about this point. After all, even though it's a martial arts competition, he wants to hold the opponent and play along with it, but the opponent definitely wants to kill him.

Moreover, Wang Meng didn't think too much about this kind of thing. It's not that he didn't have the dignity of a martial arts practitioner. It was because of the environment when he practiced martial arts. He had a foundation since he was a child, but he really started practicing martial arts after he joined the army. Well, at that time, what he was asked to deal with was the Tartars. This was definitely a life-and-death battle, and in order to survive and win, Wang Meng would naturally be able to do anything.

Afterwards, Wang Meng, who joined the Jinyiwei, naturally would not use such despicable means when he competed with the people in Weizhong on weekdays, but once he was on a mission, he would often encounter them. It is natural to use any despicable means, but for Wang Meng, he will also use them. In order to be able to complete the task, even if he is better than the opponent in martial arts, even if he can easily capture the opponent, but if he can use some despicable means. To complete the task more smoothly, Wang Meng never refused.

Speaking of which, he was also the one who taught Wang Meng martial arts, and he didn't have such a concept, as long as he won, it would be fine. All in all, Wang Meng didn't care about such things.

Gossip aside, turn back here.

Wang Meng dispelled the man's tricks, which made the man in front of him at a loss for a moment, but the next moment, he was almost stunned by greater doubts. Even with such an advantage, Wang Meng did not pursue The meaning, instead, let go of his hand, and pushed him back a few steps. The meaning is obvious, just to let him come again. Since he wants to relax and play with the person in front of him, naturally Wang Meng doesn't need to use anything. It's a despicable method, just deal with it well, that's the only way to be interesting.

And Wang Meng's actions stunned the people in front of him for a moment, and then he became even more furious. After all, Wang Meng's actions made it obvious that he was not as good as Wang Meng at all. Tricks, or facing the enemy upright, no martial arts practitioner can bear such insults.

The next moment, this man rushed towards Wang Meng, and he didn't use any dirty tricks anymore. Instead, he used upright moves to confront Wang Meng. However, judging from his posture, he looked desperate. It seemed that Wang Meng had completely angered him.

But Wang Meng was very satisfied with the situation in front of him. This person's appearance made him more interested.

Here Wang Meng is "molesting" this person well, but Zhao Zijie's side is another scene.

Zhao Zijie chased the man and came to the north wall of the palace, both of them stopped,

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