The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1078 I Can't Understand

"That is to say. Now we just have to wait to find Zhao Zijie's trouble over there." Zhang Fan said. "That's not bad. But I don't know when the other side will come back to trouble him. There are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. If we don't hurry up, we are also very tight here."

"My lord, don't worry about this. The other party will definitely come back to trouble Zhao Zijie soon." Liang Chao said. "But any organization like this. If there is a traitor among them, it will never be tolerated. No matter what the identity of the traitor is, it has nothing to do with it. It will not be. And it will be dealt with soon. So as not to affect them next action.

"As for people like Zhao Zijie. Those who work on the other side's side are found to have betrayed halfway. They are definitely put in the first place. Otherwise, they will be afraid that Zhao Zijie will turn around and take theirs. The news is revealed here. In a few days, someone will come to trouble Zhao Zijie."

"That's good." Zhang Fan said. "If Zhao Zijie had been in trouble one day earlier, then we could have used him one day earlier. It would be a step forward to end the matter here earlier. Well, this matter has finally been done. Wang Meng, you and Zhao Zijie go to the back time. Is there anything else going on. And what the hell are they trying to steal."

"My lord. The man captured by the humble official. The thing is in his hands." Wang Meng said. "It's just that I originally wanted to bring it back to have a good look at it. But it was taken back by the third princess who appeared halfway. I think she understands it. Once this matter is exposed, the prince will immediately know that she tipped the news. It's not easy to refuse a humble job. I can only give things to her."

"Is that so..." I heard Wang Meng say this.Zhang Fan couldn't help frowning.asked. "That means we still don't know what they are going to steal. Could it be that we can only find out from the person who was arrested. Although we can ask, I think we can. But it will take time. Come and go. It will be delayed again."

"No. Things don't have to be so troublesome." Wang Meng said. "Before I handed the thing to the third princess, I took the opportunity to open it and have a look. I know what it is."

"Oh." Hearing what Wang Meng said.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Liang Chao.Both of them became interested.The most urgent one is naturally Zhang Fan.he asked right away. "What the hell are they trying to steal?"

"This thing. Speaking of it, there are probably only two in this world. But I don't think it's a valuable item." Wang Meng frowned slightly.Said. "Even if it is said that this thing poses any threat to the prince, I am afraid that the humble official will think it is wrong. If this is the case, then we will not come to Sichuan this trip at all."

"What the hell is it? Don't hold your breath." Liang Chao couldn't wait any longer.asked. "Whether it's useful or not. You'll have to tell it."

"This..." Wang Meng hesitated.Although this is not something that cannot be said.But he always felt a little strange. "That thing. I glanced at it. It's a booklet. It's the genealogy of the king of Shu."

"What." Hearing Wang Meng's words.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.Even thought he heard wrong.Ask Wang Meng again. "It's the genealogy of the King of Shu."

Seeing Wang Meng nodded for confirmation.He believed it.

only.If so.Things are really confusing.

indeed.As Wang Meng said before.this thing.Indeed, there are only two of them in the world.Here's one.There is another one in Beijing.certainly.The lineage of the king of Shu has been passed down for so many years.There are countless branches.Each branch also has its own clan map.But the most well-documented.There are only the previous Shu kings here and the capital.

But.It was indeed as Wang Meng said.this thing.Really worthless.There is absolutely no value in stealing.and.It is said that it poses a great threat to Zhu Xuanqi.Honestly.Zhang Fan didn't think so either.If Zhu Xuanqi can be dealt with by relying on a genealogy.Then there are also in the capital.Just take a look directly in the capital.Why should they come all the way to Sichuan?

"My lord. Could it be? Is there something else hidden in this genealogy booklet." Liang Chao raised a possibility. "Maybe there is some interlayer inside. Maybe there is something else recorded."

"This..." Hearing what Liang Chao said.Zhang Fan thought about it.Then he denied his words. "No. It shouldn't be like this. If there is something hidden in it, Zhu Xuanqi will never say it. But judging from the current situation, I am afraid that Zhao Zijie is looking for this genealogy. So let the third princess It should be just about the family tree. Even if there is something in it, they shouldn't know it will be in the family tree."

"Your Excellency said so." Liang Chao nodded.I became depressed again. "But. The genealogy of the King of Shu. What's so important about it? It's worth the effort of those people. I took Zhao Zijie to the King of Shu's mansion for three years to find out about it. I'm a little confused for my humble job. I really can’t figure out why.”

"Don't say it's you. I'm also confused now." Zhang Fan said. "A genealogy. Is it worth the effort of so many people to find it?"

"Your Excellency, I can think of a possibility for being humble. It's just, but it's not very possible." Wang Meng suddenly stood aside.Said in a very uncertain tone.

"If you think of something, say it quickly." Zhang Fan said immediately. "Now we don't have a clue. Even a little advice is good."

"My lord. Just imagine." Wang Meng said. "For example. What Zhao Zijie said is true. They are looking for this genealogy. And he said that this genealogy is a great threat to the prince. This is also true. If this is the case, can we reverse it? Come to think about it. What is recorded in this genealogy, it will be detrimental to the prince."

"This..." I heard Wang Meng's train of thought.Zhang Fan began to think in his heart. "Genealogy. That is to record the inheritance of the lineage of the King of Shu. From the first generation of the King Xian of Shu. Until now. It is the No.12 generation. In the past two hundred years, the lineage of the King of Shu is also prosperous. I don’t know how many branches there are now. However, how could this affect Zhu Xuanqi. There is no dispute about his succession to the throne. .

"Moreover. If we talk about the future, Zhu Xuanqi is still young. And he is not childless. What threat will the genealogy have?"

"Could it be that..." Liang Chao said. "Could it be. When he was crowned the crown prince. The prince is not the only candidate. But what happened during it."

"This... doesn't look like that either." Zhang Fan still shook his head.Said. "I've read the files. The previous king of Shukang was originally a descendant. Unfortunately, he was weak and sick since he was a child. He died before he grew up. Therefore, Zhu Xuanqi became the elder brother. Although he was a concubine. Although the king of Shukang didn't love him too much. Even So it is very harsh. But, in fact, Zhu Xuanqi is his only choice. There should be no competition for the throne. I have not seen Zhu Xuanqi has any other older brothers than him.

"And if this is the case, when Zhu Xuanqi succeeded to the throne, the Ministry of Rites of the court ordered the clan's mansion to check it out. If there is a problem, it is impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to sit on the throne. It should not be Such a question."

"But my lord. If it's like this, then there's really nothing wrong with it." Liang Chao said. "At first, I thought it was possible. But in fact, I also think that there is no problem with such things as genealogy. Now I hear the adults say this. This is a bit confusing. Why did Zhao Zijie and his gang come to steal it? What about the genealogy of the Shu Palace. It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe. There is something in it. It's just that we didn't find it." Zhang Fan said. "Otherwise, Zhao Zijie and his group would not have spent so much effort. And they would have taken the risk of being caught. They acted in such haste. Just to get this genealogy.

"Could it be. They took the wrong things."

"It shouldn't be a mistake." Wang Meng said. "When Beizhi and Zhao Zijie went to the back. Although Zhao Zijie knew about it, those two people didn't know that someone was coming. Moreover, Beizhi gave them a lot of time to get things. In this way, they should not be wrong. I guess I came here to steal this genealogy."

"This..." I heard Wang Meng's analysis.Zhang Fan was speechless for a while. "In that case. Why on earth is this?"

"My lord, why don't you let this matter go first. Anyway, I can't figure out what's going on now." Liang Chao said. "The person is already in our hands now. When the time comes, ask that person and you will know the reason. And. Even if it is that person's mouth, it is difficult to pry it open. But. There is still Zhao Zijie. Wait until those people come to find him When Zhao Zijie was in trouble, couldn't we just learn the reason from him?"

"It seems that this is the only way to go now." Zhang Fan said. "We don't know anything. It's not an option to guess here. Even if this happens, it may be a few days later. But this matter can't be rushed now. That's the only way."

All of a sudden.The room was a little dull.Although I feel that knowing the reason of the matter should not be a problem.But they still feel it.In this way, it is a bit too passive.But now.They have no other choice.That's all.

"Since that's the case, that's it for today." Zhang Fan said. "It's not too early today. Go back. The matter of interrogation. If Wei Zhong's brothers are free, let them start earlier."

"Yes, my lord." Wang Meng and Liang Chao responded in unison.

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