The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1095 is not miserable

"The throne of the king of Shu should have belonged to me,"

Zhao Zijie said these words with a gritted teeth, not only that, but even the expression on his face was full of ferocity, as if he had suffered some great injustice, well, it's not as if, if What he said is true, then he really suffered a great injustice. After all, the throne should belong to him, allowing him to enjoy the glory and wealth, and spend his life carefree, without having to look at people's faces , but now, all this has been taken away by others.

"It seems that my guess is not wrong at all." Zhang Fan looked at Zhao Zijie, but said very calmly, "You are indeed the son of King Kang. Considering your age, you said that you are more qualified to inherit the throne than Zhu Xuanqi. I want to come to you It must be Kang Wang's direct son, what is your name?"

"At this point, there is no point in hiding anything," Zhao Zijie said at this time, having recovered from the hysteria just now, calmed down, "My real name is Zhu Xuanluo, and I am the second son of King Kang. , Also, about my age, it is indeed a bit of a lie, but in fact it is not counted. If I really want to talk about it this year, I should be 22 years old."

"Oh," Zhang Fan didn't expect that he really lied about his age. In other words, Zhu Xuanluo was already four years old when he had an accident. But now, this issue is not very important. Whether he lied about his age or not It doesn't matter anymore, the most important thing is that he has already admitted his identity.

"You...what happened back then," Zhang Fan didn't know what to say even though he solved the mystery for a while, so he could only ask.

"Back then..." Zhu Xuanluo said bitterly, "I was only four years old back then, but I could still vaguely remember some things, but when I was young, I didn't know good from bad, I didn't know whether it was good or bad, but I have to thank Zhao Rong, If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't know what kind of catastrophe I suffered back then." When he said the word "Zhao Rong", Zhu Xuanluo had a different expression on his face, which made people feel uncomfortable Understood.

Although Zhang Fan was a little curious about this point, he still didn't ask in the end. He planned to make a judgment after hearing what Zhu Xuanluo said.

"It's the first day of the Lunar New Year now," Zhu Xuanluo said, "Yesterday 18 years ago, I was a four-year-old child. At that time, there were two older brothers in my family. Although I don't remember them clearly, I still remember some of them. Things, my brother Zhu Xuanren is eight years older than me, and was established as the eldest son by my father early. I didn't know it at that time, but now I can think of it. My brother is the eldest son of the family. He wholeheartedly wants him to inherit the throne, so the father is also very attentive to each teaching.

"My brother seems to be different from a child because of this. He is only 12 years old, but he is unsmiling and serious in doing things. He doesn't know how to accommodate. When I was four years old, although I don't remember clearly , but I still remember that I was always afraid of him. When I was with him, as long as I did something uncomfortable, I would be reprimanded by him.

"As for my other elder brother, who is now the king of Shu, Zhu Xuanqi, although he is my half-brother and a concubine, there is no one in the palace who likes him, and even his father doesn't have much good looks towards him. , but I like being with him, and he also takes good care of me, never reprimands me, and never keeps a straight face. Although this is only a short time, although I was very young at the time, this A memory I will never forget.

"It's just that this kind of life didn't last long. Speaking of it, the eldest brother Zhu Xuanren seems to be in good health. Later, I also heard from Zhao Rong that when he was 12 years old, because of a sudden serious illness, Bedridden, he passed away in less than a month.

"At that time, I didn't understand anything, and I only knew to pester Zhu Xuanqi for fun. Now that I think about it, it was indeed at that time that he became different from before. Although he was still the same to me, he would not criticize anything, but he He became serious and smiled, thinking about it now, it must be the death of his eldest brother, which made him suddenly have some thoughts in his heart.

"Until the Chinese New Year that year, I heard from Zhao Rong that my father became depressed because of the death of my elder brother. On that day, it was said that I was arguing to go out and asked Zhu Xuanqi to accompany me. There was no objection to these things at all. When we went out that day, it was me, Zhu Xuanqi, Zhao Rong, and a maid in the palace. By the way, Zhao Rong, he was not Zhu Xuanqi's guard, but mine.

"On that day, Zhu Xuanqi probably didn't even think about it until he met suspicious thieves in the western suburbs. Now that I think about it, it was really a coincidence. During the Chinese New Year, I was able to meet a group of thieves, but It's not strange to think about being targeted, who made us go to such a remote place at that time, and who let a four-year-old child wear brocade clothes, and there was only one adult by his side, which made people feel uncomfortable. It looks like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Although Zhao Rong is good at martial arts, after all, there are five or six people on the other side, and although all martial arts are not as good as Zhao Rong, but he is also a practicing family. The maid has been killed, but Zhao Rong can't distract us from protecting us. The two of them ended up being captured, and at this time, which is the time I remember most clearly, my elder brother knelt down in front of those people. He is also the son of a prince. I have only seen him kneel down to his father since I was a child. Now, he kneels down to those thieves.

"I can't remember what he said at the time, but later I heard from Zhao Rong that he told the gang of thieves my identity, and then said that he was just a boy in the palace, begging them to let him go, those Immediately, I became greedy for money, so I asked him to report back to the palace, and then redeem me with money.

"After Zhu Xuanqi left, he never went back. After five days of this, these people couldn't wait any longer. They also knew that if they were asked to go to the palace to ask for money, they would never return. Yes, even thought of such a way to kidnap the prince at that time, it was just a momentary brain fever. Now, Zhu Xuanqi has not brought back the money, and they have no other way. These people were still undecided at first, and A little panicked, they took us to Guangnan Mansion. Finally, they finally made up their minds and planned to kill me and Zhao Rong and escape.

"As for what happened next, I'm afraid I'm here now, you can guess it, Zhao Rong seized the opportunity, killed these people, and rescued me, but he was also seriously injured and lost his hand kick.

"Originally, I just need to go back to the palace, but I'm a four-year-old child, it's impossible to go back, and Zhao Rong has a hand and a leg, so he can't move at all. At that time, I stayed and relied on those thieves. The money left behind has just passed four years.

"Four years later, Zhao Rong's body finally recovered. Although he was missing a limb and couldn't move, he didn't have to be bedridden. At that time, he wanted to send me back to the palace, but it wasn't How loyal he is, in fact, he knows that after he has become like this, he will not be able to eat that bowl of rice in the future. If he sends me back, maybe he can get a lot of money, so it is no problem to spend the rest of his life in peace.

"As a result, after inquiring, I heard that my father was dead, and that year happened to be when my elder brother inherited the throne. After hearing the news, Zhao Rong canceled the news of sending me back. He knew that once Zhu Xuanqi got Knowing that he and I are still alive, both of us will die.

"And that day, he told me my identity and everything that happened that year. Zhao Rong is not a reckless man who only knows how to wield swords, so he also taught me to read, even though I was only eight years old. , but he understands the truth and hates why he has to live like this now. After listening to Zhao Rong's words, he began to resent Zhu Xuanqi.

"And Zhao Rong, also from that day on, hated Zhu Xuanqi and wanted to seek revenge from him, but he had no choice but to ask me, and I naturally agreed, but what he can do is really Not much, I can only teach me martial arts, how to get revenge in the future is still up to me to do it myself, and now, I have the current me, "

After listening to Zhu Xuanluo's words, Zhang Fan and the others fell silent. Speaking of which, what happened to Zhu Xuanluo would not make people feel so miserable. Even if Zhu Xuanqi did such excessive things to him back then, it was just his temporary intention. It wasn't a long-term plan, and the cause of everything was just a coincidence, which made him have evil thoughts.

But even if Zhu Xuanluo's fate is not tragic, Zhang Fan can understand his resentment towards Zhu Xuanqi.

In fact, no matter what happened to Zhu Xuanluo, he was deprived of the throne. Not only could he not live a stable life, but he had to pick up a sword, which was enough to make him feel great resentment towards Zhu Xuanqi. Now it seems I'm afraid that in the days to come, Zhu Xuanluo should have encountered something else that would make his resentment towards Zhu Xuanqi even deeper.

However, to Zhang Fan and others, what happened to Zhu Xuanluo, what happened to him, and how much resentment he had towards Zhu Xuanqi, all of these were not important. The important thing was how Zhang Fan used him to complete his own goals Mission is.

"I know, what happened to me doesn't sound like a big deal," Zhu Xuanluo said, "It should have been nothing at all, but I was only four years old at the time, so I couldn't come back alone,"

"It's needless to say these things," Zhang Fan said, "However, these words are also spoken by you now. What evidence do you have to prove that you are Kang Wang's own flesh and blood?"

Zhang Fan asked a key question,

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