The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1101 Announcement 1 Paragraph

Originally, he had let go of his doubts about Xia Lingbo. After all, after so many days of investigation by Jin Yiwei, he hadn't found any flaws. In addition, Xia Lingbo didn't respond to the gesture made by Joanna on the night of the new year. Although it is still not [-]% sure, Zhang Fan has roughly decided that Xia Lingbo is not the eyeliner of the Five Poison Sect they are looking for.

But also because of Zhu Xuanluo's words, Zhang Fan and others turned their attention to Xia Lingbo again. Although it was only Zhu Xuanluo's suspicion, after all, he had been with Xia Lingbo for three years. Perhaps, this Xia Lingbo is really very powerful, he does things without leaving traces, and will not let others see any problems at all.

However, since she is doing this kind of thing, there will always be some movements, and even these movements are always done in a secret place, and she will never let outsiders see them, but there will always be Something feels wrong.

Perhaps, once or twice like this, if others see it, they will only feel a little puzzled and will not doubt anything, but if it is repeated again and again, I am afraid it will make people feel that there is a big problem, and ordinary people will think so, What's more, Zhu Xuanluo has been by her side for three years, and most of the time it is Zhu Xuanluo who has his eyes on her.

Since Zhu Xuanluo wanted to inquire about the place where Zhu Xuanqi hid that genealogy through her, and if he stole it, Xia Lingbo was the condition for him to complete this work, so he would naturally watch her all the time. When Zhu Xuanluo noticed something suspicious about Xia Lingbo, but he couldn't figure it out, he would definitely not miss it.

In fact, for Zhu Xuanluo, he didn't just start now. As early as two years ago, he had noticed Xia Lingbo's unusual appearance. It was really necessary for Xia Lingbo to help him find something, so even though he had doubts, he still didn't say anything.

Of course, Zhu Xuanluo can naturally develop other people to help him, but Zhu Xuanluo did not do this, because this kind of thing naturally needs to be as secretive as possible. In fact, even if he only found Xia Lingbo, it was already He has taken a great risk. Although he feels that he has controlled Xia Lingbo with drugs, he is not sure whether Xia Lingbo will give in. If there is such a kind of brain that is not very good, even if he wants to kill himself, The person who wants to shake him out, Zhu Xuanluo will be finished, so even if he is suspicious, Zhu Xuanluo can only do so.

Until that night, when he saw the gesture Joanna made towards Xia Lingbo, he immediately thought of the things he suspected. One of his doubts about Xia Lingbo was that he didn't know her origin. If Xia Lingbo is really a member of the Five Poison Sect, then she has been deceiving him for the past three years.

In this way, it is true that Zhu Xuanluo would be upset. After all, no matter who he is, he will definitely be angry after being deceived by others for three years.

It was only natural for him to say that he wanted to investigate with Zhang Fan to see if there was anything wrong with Xia Lingbo.

Moreover, he had already had such an idea from that day on, and after so many days passed, he indeed thought of a way to verify who Xia Lingbo really was.

The new year is just around the corner, and the people in the palace are having a great time. They don’t know anything. Of course, except for Joanna, she missed the most exciting time for Zhang Fan, and the ceremony to welcome the gods afterwards. She was a little dissatisfied, but she also understood that Zhang Fan would not be absent without reason, there must be something that made this happen. She said she was dissatisfied, but in fact she was just a little disappointed that Zhang Fan could not accompany her.

Zhu Xuanqi, on the other hand, should be optimistic about Zhang Fan, but he didn't express much about Zhang Fan's sudden disappearance at night. Although this is a strange thing, but fortunately even Zhu Xuanqi He didn't express anything, and neither did the others. Since that was the case, Zhang Fan would not bring up this matter.

Perhaps because they didn't want to disturb them anymore, Jin Yiwei didn't come to report to Zhang Fan right away. When Zhang Fan got the news, it was already the first day of the new year. Zhang Fan's subordinates followed him to a remote place in the eastern outskirts of Chengdu. After they found out, Jin Yiwei's army immediately killed them.

There were 35 people in total, and all of them were staying there. They were already angry that the third child and Zhou Zhong were arrested because of Zhu Xuanluo's rebellion, and they clamored to kill Zhu Xuanluo.

But before we waited for a while, the attack came. First came swarms of rockets, flying from all directions. Although the weather in Sichuan is very humid all year round, today is the time of Chinese New Year anyway. , it was already very cold, and there was no snow, so these waves of rockets had already set the big courtyard where these people were on fire.

Although it was said that only a few people were injured, and none were even killed, these waves of rocket offensives were not just for this purpose, and more impacts were also produced.

Just imagine, a group of people were clamoring for revenge on Zhu Xuanluo when they were in a moment of righteous indignation, but they never expected that someone would attack them. Now that the sudden attack came, they would naturally panic In addition, the place where they were was already completely set on fire, which made them panic even more, and they were about to run out in a hurry.

In such a hurry, there are naturally no rules at all. In addition, these people will gather together only because of temporary interests. Naturally, it is impossible to have any unified plan, and these people think self-righteously. , Their whereabouts are secretive, and they will never be found by others, so they have never considered this kind of situation.

Now, when this happens, these people are running away like headless chickens, and they don't care about the lives of others, but they haven't thought about it. Since there is already such a big attack outside, it can be seen where There will definitely not be fewer people. If this is the case, there are not many of them in the first place. If they are not united and rush out in this way, it will be tantamount to seeking their own death.

However, they are already in such a state of panic, I'm afraid they don't have the time to make these preparations.

And when these people rushed out, what was waiting for them was the Jinyiwei army that had been waiting for them. In fact, a dozen of these people were killed just after they rushed out.

At this time, they realized that something was wrong. There were so many opponents, but they only had 35 people. Now, after such a round of attacks, only about 20 people were left. It was a close call. If we don't unite, I'm afraid everyone will die here.

It's just that it doesn't matter sooner or later. These people have been dead from the very beginning, and there is no chance for them to survive. Just imagine, 200 people came to encircle and suppress these 30 people, it was Zhang Fan who did it early. Make a good plan and absolutely not allow any of them to survive.

It may be said that this is a bit too much fuss, killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, but in fact, doing things on this land has always been like this, if there is no certain certainty, it is rare to attack.

Just like before, there were floods in the three places, but the court did not agree with Zhang Fan's proposal, and it was necessary to allocate all the money for disaster relief at once. This is the Chinese way of doing things. You have to wait until everything is ready, and prepare The thing that has been greatly exceeded the need will be done, for the sake of being safe, so that one's plan will not be changed because of any change. After all, the things that have been prepared have been greatly improved. It is more than what is needed, so even if there are any changes on the way, it will be back on track because of my own preparation.

All in all, the operation this time was a success. None of the 35 people escaped from the pursuit and were all killed on the spot. However, there is no need to pay too much attention to the subsequent events. It's nothing to come to ask, just say that Jin Yiwei handles the case, and no yamen will come to find fault.

As for the six people captured by Zhang Fan, they are useless now, and it would be a bit of a hindrance to keep them, so these people are no longer alive now.

These are all orders given by Zhang Fan himself. Although he took 41 lives so effortlessly with just a few words, it sounds really cruel, but Zhang Fan himself However, he didn't have any psychological burden on this matter. After all, these people were all heinous people, and their deeds were not good, so Zhang Fan didn't have any psychological burden on executing these people.

After Zhang Fan learned about this matter, he found Zhu Xuanluo and told him the matter. After hearing this, Zhu Xuanluo didn't show any melancholy. After all, he didn't have any feelings for those people. It's all because of his interests. Rather, he was relieved to hear about the deaths of these people.

In short, this matter has come to an end, the next thing is to use Zhu Xuanluo's method to see if this Xia Lingbo is a member of the Five Poison Sect.

And this thing is today,

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