The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1162 Believe it or not

With such a yell, Zhang Fan and Wang Meng were immediately stunned. Speaking of this voice, for the two of them, they were absolutely familiar. It was their "old friend" who helped them. I have done a lot of work, and I have made a lot of mistakes with them, such as Feng Bao, the current supervisor of ceremonies, and the eunuch in charge of printing, and the current director of Dongchang.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan and the others haven't seen Feng Bao for a long time, not only since Zhang Fan and the others left the capital, but also before, because of some incidents, Feng Bao couldn't afford to lose money by himself. , now he hardly asks about anything, he will only do it when Empress Dowager Li orders him to do it, and he just looks indifferent on weekdays.

If it wasn't because Feng Bao's identity was there, it was really impossible for people to ignore him, I am afraid that both of them would have forgotten him, but now, Feng Bao's voice has reached Zhang Fan and Wang Meng's ears, how could it be possible not to let people ignore him? They were surprised.

Speaking of which, even if you don’t say anything else, this is Chengdu, Sichuan, which is thousands of miles away from the capital. You can hear the voices of old acquaintances here, and even people who have a bad relationship with each other will feel nostalgic. Needless to say, although there were some conflicts with Feng Bao and Zhang Fan, they have all been resolved now, and there is no long-term conflict of interest.

Therefore, Feng Bao's arrival now made Zhang Fan feel a little happy.

Immediately, Zhang Fan and Wang Meng walked out, and the person waiting outside was the familiar face with a hint of femininity. Come on, even Feng Bao's face is not so annoying, not to mention that he still has a smile on his face, which is very peaceful, which makes Zhang Fan happy.

"Eunuch Feng, this is really, where can we not meet each other in thousands of miles," Zhang Fan happily walked in front of Feng Bao, and said with a smile.

"Master Zhang, too." Feng Bao, who saw Zhang Fan, also seemed extremely happy, "When Master Zhang left the capital, our family had some things to do, so we didn't go to see Master Zhang off. It's really a pity. Now, the Empress Dowager happens to have an imperial decree to be issued to Mr. Zhang, so our family recommended itself and came here specially."

"It's a long road, and Eunuch Feng traveled thousands of miles to come here to issue an order to Zhang Fan. I'm really grateful," Zhang Fan said politely, but with a smile on his face, he also explained that Those words were not all polite, but there was some sincerity in them. Indeed, seeing Feng Bao made Zhang Fan feel a little happy.

"Master Zhang, you don't need to mention this matter anymore," Feng Bao waved his hand and said, "Although our family is here to invite the Queen Mother, but speaking of it, no matter what, our family is also doing business for the Queen Mother."

At this moment, Zhang Fan noticed that Feng Bao's eyes were looking behind him. He turned his head and saw Zhu Xuanqi standing behind him, a little curious, looking at Feng Bao with some playfulness in his eyes.

"Slaves pay homage to the lord," Feng Bao hurriedly bowed and said to Zhu Xuanqi. Although it was the first time he saw Zhu Xuanqi, his attire already showed his identity. Be the second person to think, "Please ask the lord to pay a respectful visit to the lord later, after the servants and maidservants read the imperial decree for Mr. Zhang."

"Eunuch Feng doesn't need to be too polite," Zhu Xuanqi said to Feng Bao with a smile, "Eunuch came from a long distance this time, after all, to issue an imperial edict to Mr. Zhang. not too late,"

"In that case..." Seeing Zhu Xuanqi nodding his head, Feng Bao changed his expression, stood by Zhang Fan's side, took the imperial decree from the little eunuch behind him, and said to Zhang Fan solemnly, "Commander Jin Yiwei , Zhang Fan accepted the order, "His action made Zhu Xuanqi very happy.

Speaking of which, since it is an imperial edict, it is the biggest one. When Feng Bao read the imperial edict, if he, the prince, was also in front of him, he would have to kneel down. But there was no courtesy of not kneeling, and Feng Bao put him behind him, so he didn't have to kneel down, which made Zhu Xuanqi's favor for Feng Bao increased.

That's right, it's just a rise. In fact, Zhu Xuanqi is not very optimistic about Feng Bao. After all, he came to issue the imperial decree, and he was sent by Queen Mother Li. Now, Even if he didn't know the result, he knew what Empress Dowager Li wanted to do to him, so he didn't have any good feelings for Feng Bao's arrival.

What Zhu Xuanqi was thinking, other people didn't know, but Zhang Fan focused all his attention on the imperial decree. He just sent a memorial to the court some time ago, and he was talking about what happened in Yongning now, and now the imperial decree Arriving, don't think about it, what you are talking about must be this matter.

Sure enough, apart from those same things, the content of the imperial decree is actually not much. First of all, it means that the court is very concerned about this matter. The two people of Wei Yinbao, the imperial court may also understand that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are not as good as Wei Yinbao at all, but they still have to consider how huge the chaos Wei Yinbao caused at that time. I will be very concerned about this matter.

But what followed was a little different. Although the court attached great importance to this matter, there were only 2 people after all. Although the number was indeed not small, what Zhang Fan wrote on the memorial handed over was Qing It was clear that they had already heard the news, and Liu Xian's [-] troops had already started to take precautions. In this way, that is to say, they already had the means to deal with it.

Therefore, the imperial decree did not say that additional reinforcements would be sent. In other words, the imperial court fully believed that Liu Xian's army could cope with this situation.

Although it is a little strange, after all, in the past, once such a thing happened, the people in the court were definitely very worried, but it is not particularly strange. There are already twice as many troops as the enemy are preparing, and they want to deal with it. It should be more than enough.

And these are not the point, the point is that it seems that Queen Mother Li and the imperial court have reached an agreement this time, let Zhang Fan persuade and take charge of this matter.

That's right, it's Zhang Fan. Liu Xian is a general who leads the army, so all things like going to battle are left to him, but Zhang Fan will exist as Liu Xian's superior officer.

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon. The Ming Dynasty always emphasized civility over military affairs. Therefore, when fighting, not only military generals are required to lead troops to the field, but more importantly, there must be a "supervisor" by his side who will only fight randomly. , This is actually to fear that those generals with a large army will do something else. Although this kind of precaution is somewhat correct, the key lies in this "overseer".

You know, all the "supervisors" sent by the Ming court are all eunuchs. These eunuchs use their identities to please the emperor and get the status of this "supervisor". If they win, then these benefits, honors, etc. It's all theirs, those desperate generals and the soldiers below, they just listened to their opinions correctly.

But if it fails, those generals will be the ones to blame. It is because they don't follow the teachings of the "overseer" and command randomly, which leads to this failure.

It sounds like it’s nothing. These people are just going to earn some qualifications. As long as they follow the generals calmly and wait until they win, it’s fine. After all, the Ming Dynasty has a vast territory. However, compared to the rebels, they are also much more talented. In addition, the rebels will never be as powerful as the imperial court, with a large number of troops and systematic training. , not to mention the well-equipped and well-equipped supplies, and the court has always attached great importance to rebellion. That is to say, as long as these generals are allowed to play freely, ninety-nine out of ten will be able to win.

However, things don't always go so smoothly. These "overlords" can't wait until the victory comes to share the fruits of victory. Maybe it's their nature as eunuchs, and they just feel inferior on weekdays , and at this time, they don't seem to be satisfied with standing where they are, and then go to share other people's victories, as if they are afraid that someone will poke their backs at that time, so these people always have to mess around. Only then can they proudly say that they are responsible for the victory this time, but in any battle where they mess up, they are almost completely defeated.

But here, it's not to reprimand these eunuchs, but to say that now Zhang Fan seems to be "promoted" to the role of the warlord. The reason why he supervised Liu Xian was in it.

Thinking about it, it was also because the people in the court were not familiar with Liu Xian and thought he would come here indiscriminately. It was probably because of this reason that Zhang Fan took over the power.

However, what Zhang Fan saw was not just this reason. The current situation in the court is much better than before. But why did they trust Zhang Fan to take on such a role?

Is it to rest assured that Zhang Fan will not mess around, is it a kind of trust in him, or is it that they really don't worry about Zhang Fan, and they don't take him seriously at all.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan, he just thought about this problem and then let it go. For him, it doesn't matter what happens, the real problem is to solve the problem before him.

Moreover, Feng Bao's arrival didn't seem to be as simple as issuing an imperial decree.

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