The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1164 Situation at home

After Zhang Fan and Feng Bao bid farewell to Zhu Xuanqi.The two came to Zhang Fan's room.Zhang Fan was a little curious.Because before Feng Bao came with him.Greet the little eunuch who followed him to come over.He took something from his hand.Wrap it in cloth.So Zhang Fan didn't know what it was.But feel.Like a jar of wine.But Zhang Fan always felt that he guessed wrong.After all, Feng Bao came here this time.Even with a jar of peerless wine.It's not appropriate either.

But after Feng Bao entered Zhang Fan's room.Open that thing up.Zhang Fan was surprised.That really is a jar of wine.maybe.It doesn't necessarily contain wine.But it was definitely a wine jar.

Zhang Fan was a little confused immediately.Looking at Feng Bao.He couldn't help asking: "Eunuch, what are you..."

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhang?" Feng Bao couldn't understand what Zhang Fan was asking at first.But I saw him looking at the wine jar on the table.Feng Bao laughed.Said. "This is wine. Mr. Zhang can't fail to recognize it."

"This..." Feng Bao replied so bluntly.Suddenly Zhang Fan was a little confused. "Father-in-law. He came from a thousand miles away to deliver the imperial decree. He was in a hurry, but he had to bring such a jar of wine to Zhang Fan. It was really hard work."

"Sigh. Mr. Zhang misunderstood this." Feng Bao heard Zhang Fan say this.Immediately understood Zhang Fan's thoughts.knew he was mistaken.Say it quickly. "Our family is not a drinker. Even on weekdays, we have to have a drink or two. But it's not like this. It's not because of a drinking buddy like Mr. Zhang. I have to bring a jar of wine from a long distance .”

Listen to what Feng Bao said.Zhang Fan naturally believed him.It's just that.Zhang Fan was even more puzzled.Pointing to the jar of wine on the table.Said to Feng Bao: "That, father-in-law. This is..."

"But..." Feng Bao ignored Zhang Fan's question.A look of self-care.Said. "If someone asks our family to bring some things, our family can't refuse. Besides, bring a jar of wine. Although it is indeed inappropriate for the purpose of this trip, but it is not troublesome .”

"Eunuch means that someone asked Eunuch to bring me wine." Zhang Fan asked.After seeing Feng Bao nodded.He was even more puzzled.If someone gave him something else.For example, money.Or other valuables.That Zhang Fan could figure it out.Even if he never collects these things.The number of people who sent him has also become very small.But someone will always try.

But.Such a thing as giving wine.Zhang Fan hadn't seen it yet.It's not that I haven't seen it.In the past, when someone gave something.There will also be several jars of fine wine in it.But the thing about a jug of wine delivered separately like this.Zhang Fan has never encountered it before.not to mention.This jar of wine.Although wiped clean.But this jar looks very old at first glance.even though.Good wine can only be contained in old jars.But if it is a gift.This also seemed a little disrespectful.

In short.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

"This jar of wine. Our family has heard of it before, but it has never been drunk." Feng Bao looked at Zhang Fan's face.But it doesn't explain.He continued to speak to himself. "It's called Huang Gui Chou Wine. Our family has heard of it since we were young. But we have never drank it."

"What did the father-in-law say?" Zhang Fan heard Feng Bao say the words "Huang Guichou wine".Immediately froze.this thing.Zhang Fan is really too familiar.

Speaking of thick wine.It's rice wine.In fact, it was before the appearance of shochu and steamed wine in the Tang Dynasty.Our ancestors have been drinking this kind of rice wine.In the Ming Dynasty.Although shochu and steamed wine are already very popular.But there is no shortage of rice wine.

only.Speaking of thick wine.Then we have to mention Shaanxi.It can be said.Thick wine from Shaanxi.Really unique.

And Feng Baoyi said it was thick wine.Zhang Fan immediately thought of it.This jar.Definitely made by his own mother.

Speaking up.Before Zhang Fan, he did not drink less.When I was young.Zhang Fan's father is still alive.Zhao's brews one or two jars every year.Because the thick wine has been stored for a long time.It will precipitate and ferment.So it's best when it's fresh.Because the master drinks it himself.In addition, Zhang Fan's father was not the kind of drinker.So not many are brewed every year.And because the thick wine is compared.It's closer to a drink.So when I was young.Zhang Fan's father drank a bowl.And always let Zhang Fan try it.This always makes Mrs. Zhao scold a few words.

And these memories.They all exist in Zhang Fan's mind.but.Even after the current Zhang Fan came to this era.He also drank a few times.nature.They are all brewed by the Zhao family.only.Zhang Fan at that time.Be busy with reading all the time.So I didn't pay too much attention to these things.

Until Zhang Fan entered the court as an official.The whole family moved to Beijing.Zhao's didn't brew any more.Not for anything else.It's just that there has been no suitable glutinous rice in the capital.To Shaanxi.Every household has a set of exclusive secret recipes for brewing thick wine.And among them.Glutinous rice as the main raw material.It is definitely the key to the taste.

Zhang Fan pointed to a jar of wine placed in front of him.Intermittently said to Feng Bao: " it possible..."

"It seems that Mr. Zhang already knows about it." Feng Bao saw Zhang Fan's appearance.How can I not understand it in my heart.said with a smile. "This is what Lingtang asked our family to bring. It was brewed by Lingtang himself. I heard that Lingtang put a lot of thought into brewing the taste that Mr. Zhang is used to. He got rice from Shaanxi. During the brewing process, the people in the mansion were obstinately refused to help. It was all made by Lingtang. Originally, Lingtang wanted to wait until Master Zhang returned. But this time I heard that our family is coming to Sichuan. So I decided to Let our family bring it along."

"..." Listening to Feng Bao's words.Zhang Fan didn't know what to say for a while.Just stood there dumbfounded.It took a while.That's when he turned his head to look at Feng Bao.Said: "Did my mother say anything?"

"Naturally." Feng Bao nodded.Said. "Lingtang told our family to tell Mr. Zhang that everything is fine at home. Don't worry too much about it. Let's deal with the immediate business first. After returning to Beijing, it's a good thing for family members and family reunions. That's right. We The family did not dare to say that there is another war in Sichuan now. They are afraid that the Tang will be worried. Besides. Although the capital knows about the current affairs here, it is only the people in the imperial court. No one below knows. The imperial court also thinks. It's not too late to solve it first, so as not to cause confusion. So Lingtang still doesn't know."

"Thank you, father-in-law." Zhang Fan looked at Feng Bao.Said very sincerely.He really wanted to thank Feng Bao.The last time was in Jiangnan.And the things that happened in Mobei last time.Mrs. Zhao was terrified when she heard about it twice.And now Zhang Fanren is here in Sichuan.But this happened again.If Zhao Shi knew about it.I'm afraid he just told her clearly.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to be in any danger.Thinking about it, Mrs. Zhao would still be worried to death.

That being the case.It's better to just say nothing at all.Wait until the mother and son meet.Even if Mrs. Zhao knows about it by then.Blame Zhang Fan for not telling her.But after all that time.Zhang Fan is already safe.

all in all.this matter.Zhang Fan really couldn't be more grateful to Feng Bao.

"That's right. My father-in-law said just now that I haven't had thick wine yet." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "That being the case, now is a good time. Please ask my father-in-law to drink with me." Finished.He didn't wait for Feng Bao to speak.Zhang Fan called the servant girl.Tell her to heat up the jar of wine.I am bringing two bowls.

Feng Bao wanted to refuse.But seeing Zhang Fan being so enthusiastic.I didn't say anything.

This time while waiting for the hot wine.The two sat down.Zhang Fan asked Feng Bao: "Father-in-law, my family. Is there any news?" Zhang Fan didn't make it too clear.

But this kind of thing is human nature.Even if it is not clear.Who can not see it.

"Lingtang and the wives did not write any letters." Feng Bao said. "At first, our family was a little strange. After all, Mr. Zhang has been away from home for such a long time. No matter whether it is the Lingtang or the wives, there must be a lot of things to say to Mr. Zhang. Later, our family asked me this. Yes, I understand. So they all know. Mr. Zhang is here for something important, so he didn’t write a letter, so as not to distract Mr. Zhang.”

This made Zhang Fan even more speechless.Since he came to Sichuan.Because of busyness.How can I think of writing a letter home.Speaking up.Even during Chinese New Year.Although the family didn't know what he was doing in Sichuan.But absolutely understand.Not an easy that he will be distracted.That's why I didn't write to him.I am afraid.Whether it is the Zhao family.Or Ru Xue and the others.They all miss Zhang Fan terribly.But they can hold back this longing.This is really...

"That's right. There is one more thing." Feng Bao hardly gave Zhang Fan any relief.While talking.He took something out of his pocket.Pass it to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan took a look.It is a small and exquisite jade pendant.At first glance, it is not ordinary.

This made Zhang Fan confused.He understood that Feng Bao was not that kind of person.But it was clearly a gift for him.This made Zhang Fan confused.

"This is a congratulatory gift." Feng Bao said with a smile. "Our family is here. But congratulations to Mr. Zhang."

"This... father-in-law. I don't know Zhang Fan. Where does the joy come from?" Zhang Fan could only ask.

"Hehe." Feng Bao smiled.Said. "When our family left Beijing, the fourth lady was three months pregnant."

"What did you say?" Hearing Feng Bao say this.Zhang Fan immediately stood up.asked loudly.

This drink.The maid who brought in the wine almost spilled it.

And the next moment.Zhang Fan's laughter resounded.

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