During the conversation between Feng Bao and Zhang Fan.Mentioned the recent situation in the court.And this time to talk about things in the court.Then let's not mention Zhang Juzheng.After all, during this time.Zhang Juzheng's activity level is not low at all.

only.When mentioning Zhang Juzheng.The faces of both of them also darkened.But just this.It made the atmosphere a little strange.According to Zhang Juzheng's change.Zhang Fan felt depressed when he heard this.It is also understandable.After all, back then.When he first entered office.It was placed under Zhang Juzheng's door.And Zhang Juzheng at that time.What integrity.But now so many changes have taken place.It is normal for Zhang Fan to feel depressed.

but.Feng Bao also showed this expression.This is a bit strange.To know.before this.Feng Bao is one, although it is not bad.But essentially.But he is not a good person.certainly.There are no good people in the court.This sentence is true.But let's talk about Feng Bao's evaluation.But from the standard of the imperial court.all in all.Feng Bao is a man for himself.Although what he did was not a big treacherous thing.But compare.But nothing good happened.

If you really say it.In fact, those things that Feng Bao did before.Compared with Zhang Juzheng now.That would be much worse.But now.After hearing such a change in Zhang Juzheng.Not only Zhang Fan.But even he, Feng Bao, has become like this.This is really confusing.

but.This is also the opinion of others.certainly.Now there are only Zhang Fan and Feng Bao here.There is no one else.But if there are outsiders.I must think so.after all.This is really a bit too strange.

But unfortunately.Zhang Fan faced Feng Bao who looked like this.But he didn't show any signs of surprise.And he looked at Feng Bao's expression.That look of course and empathy.But it is as if.He and Feng Bao were almost on the same side.But now the two looked at Zhang Juzheng opposite at the same time.

And actually.And that's really what happened.Why.Because of the current Feng Bao.Really different.

Perhaps since he went too far in that matter and was reprimanded by Queen Mother Li.He has been silent until now.Nothing special happened either.But even Feng Bao didn't move at all.Zhang Fan could see the mystery behind it.Feng Bao's change.Zhang Fan definitely didn't think it was a temporary behavior.But it can last for a long time.Or rather.That time thing.Let Feng Bao completely change.

Maybe something he's done before.It is indeed much more excessive than the current Zhang Juzheng.But if Feng Bao stops here.Then the "evil" he did would end here.Will not grow anymore.But Zhang Juzheng is different.His "evil" is only just getting started.If Zhang Juzheng does not stop.He will only exaggerate more and more.Wait until then.Want to surpass Feng Bao.But it was really easy.

If so.Feng Baohui would show such a depressed and regretful expression on Zhang Juzheng's actions now.But it is also very normal.This is something everyone understands.Feng Bao also saw it very clearly.If Zhang Juzheng went on like this.There will be absolutely no good fruit for him in the future.

The reason why Feng Bao will change.It was also because of Feng Bao's defeat that time.Let him be silent for so long.I understand the reasoning here.What happened this time made Feng Bao understand.If we talk about the failure this time.It just made Feng Bao silent for a while.Wait until he comes back.It returned to the way it was before.Even he wanted to get back the face that time.And did something even more excessive.if it is like this.What will happen to Feng Bao in the future.It must be extremely miserable.at this point.Feng Bao relied on the silence of this defeat.Figured it out.

But after thinking about it.Things become easier.Feng Bao is not a stupid person.He is very smart.And people.Naturally, you have to make plans for yourself.so.No matter where you look at it.Feng Bao wanted to protect himself.Let yourself have a good ending in the future.It is also impossible to do things that will jeopardize his future.

This sounds really unbelievable.After all, a person can have such a complete change.It is not an easy task.As the saying goes.The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.certainly.There is also a precedent for that kind of prodigal son returning.But very few.And what Feng Bao relied on was not encountering any strong wind and waves.It wasn't a sudden enlightenment either.But by his cleverness.And that period of silence.

It was precisely because of that period of silence.This is what allowed Feng Bao to have the time to think about these things.And it was precisely because of Feng Bao's intelligence.This is what allowed him to see clearly the risks involved.Resolutely look back to the shore.

all in all.Feng Bao has completely changed now.

And it was precisely because of Feng Bao's change.So now Zhang Juzheng has this trend change.This is what makes Feng Bao sigh.

Although speaking.In fact, Feng Bao has no right to bemoan Zhang Juzheng.but now.Zhang Fan didn't say anything either.Feng Bao's sigh was not wrong.

"After Mr. Zhang returns..." Feng Bao picked up the lukewarm wine.Take a sip.This is what he continued to say to Zhang Fan. "It's better to persuade Mr. Zhang more."

"It's natural." Zhang Fan said. "I don't want to see the future either. Teacher, he has become like that."

"Oh." Speaking of which.Feng Bao sighed again. "I'm afraid it's time. Mr. Zhang may not listen to persuasion. Our family is not talking to anyone. It's just that this person is really a cheap bone. The so-called good medicine is bitter. If there is no big storm .I haven’t suffered a disadvantage. No matter what others say, I can’t listen to it. It’s really troublesome to wait until it’s serious. I can listen to other people’s words. But it’s too late. I’m afraid Mr. Zhang. Sigh..."

Faced with Feng Bao's words.Zhang Fan became silent.

"Let's not talk about these things. Anyway, what we two said can't change Mr. Zhang's mind. Everything can only be left to God's will." Feng Bao finally sighed.continued. "By the way, Mr. Zhang. Our family also heard from Queen Mother Li about sending Mr. Zhang over this time. I don't know what step Mr. Zhang has made." Feng Bao suddenly asked about this matter.

Feng Bao's words.Zhang Fan was taken aback for a moment.He looked up at Feng Bao.Watched him for a long time.This is squinting.Asked: "I don't know what the Queen Mother Li is enough for the father-in-law to say."

Look at Zhang Fan's appearance.Plus the tone of his question.Feng Bao turned into a smiling face.It's just that the smile is really a bit wrong.Said to Zhang Fan: "The reason why the Queen Mother asked our family to come this time is not only because our family wants to come. The Queen Mother really intends to let our family come here. Help Master Zhang. I heard that Master Zhang is not very good here. Shun."

"Well, what my father-in-law said is good. It's true that Zhang Fan's place is not going well." Zhang Fan heard Feng Bao say this.His squinted eyes didn't seem to open at all.Continue to ask Feng Bao: "However, what the father-in-law said has not answered the question I just asked. What did the empress dowager say to the father-in-law. How much does the father-in-law know?" Zhang Fan smiled.But speak out mercilessly.Feng Bao is playing sloppy.

"Hehe. Mr. Zhang is really worrying too much." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Feng Bao didn't take it seriously.The expression of smiling with the clothes on his face remained unchanged.Said to Zhang Fan with a smile. "Since we've said everything, our family was sent by the empress dowager to help Mrs. Zhang. The queen mother has already told our family everything."

"Really." Zhang Fan also asked Feng Bao with a smile.But in that expression.There is no point in believing him.

"Naturally." Feng Bao turned into a serious face.Pat on the chest for sure.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.But then.Feng Bao suddenly burst out laughing.Looking at Zhang Fan, he said: "Master Zhang is really cautious. It seems that this little trick of our family can't fool Master Zhang."

After finishing these words.Feng Bao's complexion suddenly changed.I looked around and saw no one else around.This is how he got close to Zhang Fan.He whispered: "I will tell you the truth, Master Zhang. The Empress Dowager did tell our family everything. Our family also knows. What happened when His Majesty was hunting in autumn. I also know that Master Zhang came here. What is the purpose of coming to Sichuan? I know better. The King of Shu, he actually offended the Empress Dowager. But he didn’t do anything really sinful.”

As soon as Feng Bao said these words.This is what Zhang Fan can be sure of.Feng Bao was really sent by Queen Mother Li to help him.And Feng Bao did already know everything.Those three things he said he knew.Even Feng Bao hasn't revealed the truth yet.But if you don't know what happened.It is absolutely impossible to say that.

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Since that's the case, then Eunuch really came at the right time. Now Zhang Fan really needs Eunuch's help."

"Is it really that bad?" Feng Bao heard what Zhang Fan said.Also frowned.Originally, he didn't speak well.Just a half-truth.After all, Zhang Fan has spent so long here.However, the news of the success has not yet been sent back to the capital.Naturally, it is worrying.But Zhang Fan has always been doing things.But it can be done.So it's hard to believe.

"No. In fact, the matter has already been figured out." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "However. This time I need my father-in-law's help. It's true."

"Since that's the case, our family is naturally obliged." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Feng Bao patted his chest and said.

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