The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1169 trouble again

Zhang Fan and a group of people.Not many people.In addition, they are all on horseback.Although the distance from Chengdu Mansion to Yongning Mansion is not short.The road along the way is not very good.But the group did not stop.So it didn't take much time.But even so.When Zhang Fan and the others arrived near Yongning Mansion.It is already time for Zi Shi.

This is not going to be a guest somewhere.It's really not good to come at this time.Now here.Although the situation has stabilized.But as long as the troops have not been withdrawn.That's still fighting.Such a thing as time.It's not too important.

Zhang Fan and the others arrived at Liu Xian's camp not far from Yongning Mansion.And Liu Xian seems to have explained the following about Zhang Fan's return here.So Zhang Fan and others came to Daying.Just to show identity.The soldiers guarding the camp let them in.

After entering the camp, Zhang Fan and others got off their horses.Walk towards Liu Xian's tent.Although I have no plans to go anywhere else.But Zhang Fan still slowed down.Started to observe.

What's going on outside.Zhang Fan didn't know yet.But the bare minimum.Inside Liu Xian's camp.It seemed very stable.Although it is said that Liu Xian has an army of 5000 to [-].And here in Daying there are only [-] people.It's just [-]% of the troops.But these people are by the side of the general after all.Their situation can reflect very little.The general condition of Liu Xian's soldiers.

But from Zhang Fan's point of view.It seems to be no problem.even though.They already know.this battle.It is impossible to fight any more.But after all that's just them.The soldiers below did not know this.not to mention.After Liu Xian received the news from Liang Chao.Just act fast.Immediately the army set off.Surrounded Yongning rebel army of 2 people was completely surrounded in Yongning City.This should have been a worrying thing.After all, siege warfare has always suffered the most casualties.

not to mention.There are not only [-] enemy troops among them.There are tens of thousands of people among them.There are also relatives of these soldiers.

but.This should have been a tense situation.Although there are also in Liu Xian's camp.But not too serious.

Zhang Fan came all the way.Naturally, some people can be heard worrying.It's not that they are worried about the lives of those who want to charge into battle.Instead, he was worried about the people in the city.It seems that even these soldiers.I also understand that this battle is over.There won't be too many battles anymore.

And besides these.Soldiers in Liu Xian's camp.Most of them are in very stable condition.No more worrying and complaining.even.Others are gossiping.Talk and laugh.Complaining and complaining about not being able to go home during the Chinese New Year.

And Zhang Fan who saw this situation.My heart is also relieved a lot.

only.Following Zhang Fan's footsteps, Liu Xian's camp was approaching.He also felt a strange atmosphere spreading.

and.With this feeling.Zhang Fan is not alone.Even Wang Meng who was beside him felt it.

"My lord, this shouldn't be..." Wang Meng looked at Zhang Fan.asked. "Could it be that……"

Zhang Fan nodded.Said: "I'm afraid that's the case." It seems.Both of them thought of the same thing.

What is the matter.In fact, it has already been mentioned before.Although not very detailed.I said it before.Judging from the news sent back by Liu Xian.all in all. All 25 came back.Maybe someone was hurt.But none of the 25 people were killed.But these are not the point.The focus is on the number of people who come back. The number of 25 people is above.

Why do you say that.Think about it.then.Zhang Fan sent Liang Chao and his party.People from the Five Poison Sect went to Yongning Mansion to kill Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.It was sent by Zhang Fan.Liang Chao took nine people with him.There are also ten members of the Five Poisons Sect.It was a full twenty people.

And now.It was 25 people who came back.Which five are there?

Zhang Fan had sent undercover agents to those two people earlier.There are three people.nature.These three people were of great help in this mission.And none of them died from it.Followed Liang Chao and the others intact.This is 23 people.

As for the Five Poisons Sect.Fang Zhenqian was also rescued.And they didn't go anywhere else.Instead, they came back together.If so.There is one more person.The total number reached 24.

But back.Not 24 people.Instead 25.This number.It's nothing else.Not too many people.It doesn't matter if you say something inaccurately.That's all.One more or one less is wrong.In this case.So who is this extra person?

But for this matter.Zhang Fan and Wang Meng knew each other clearly.and.Now they feel some unusual atmosphere here.In fact, it was because of that person.

Although I think this matter is really troublesome.But Zhang Fan had already come to the front.There is no way to avoid it.He sighed helplessly.The curtain of Liu Xian's big tent was lifted.walked in.

In the big tent.Liu Xian sat facing the his own a statue.It was as if he was looking at something on the desk in front of him.But if you look carefully.But it can be found.Liu Xian looked like that.It's really strange.There are many frustrations.Even in this weather.There was still a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

And in front of Liu Xian.It's two people.One is Liang Chao who Zhang Fan was very worried about before.

After seeing Liang Chao.Zhang Fan also found out.There is nothing wrong with him.The complexion is also very good.I said it before.Liang Chao also suffered some injuries.But now it is not seen.Thinking about it, it was really like what Wang Meng said.Liang Chao was not seriously injured.It's just some skin trauma.I'm afraid it's because of the cold.Wear a lot of clothes.That's why you can't see it.But anyway.In short, Liang Chao's situation made Zhang Fan feel at ease.

But after rest assured.Zhang Fan noticed the strange atmosphere here.It was outside the big tent before.He and Wang Meng already felt this atmosphere.But wait until after entering the big account.This weird atmosphere has not become more intense.Instead, it came straight to the face.

And obviously.Liang Chao couldn't create such an atmosphere by himself.He didn't have to either.and.Naturally, it was impossible for Liang Chao and Liu Xian to create such an atmosphere.So there was another person standing in front of him.Fang Yueling.

now.Liang Chao and Fang Yueling were just so hostile to each other.But it simply turned a blind eye to external objects.Even Zhang Fan walked in.Even if the two knew that someone had come in.But he didn't see who it was.Still so hostile to each other.

See this look.Zhang Fan only felt a headache.Although on the road.He had already foreseen this outcome.But after really seeing it.It just feels more troublesome.

There is one person.He didn't ignore Zhang Fan at all.even.He felt that Zhang Fan could come at this time.I am very happy.this person.Of course it was Liu Xian.

"Master Zhang. You are here." Seeing Zhang Fan walk in.Liu Xian hurriedly stood up.He greeted him very warmly.Speaking up.Liu Xian's performance today is enough to explain.The hostility between Liang Chao and Fang Yueling.How come it has come.

To know.Liu Xian is a general.And it's always been that way.Logically, it should be said.For things like the hostility between Liang Chao and Fang Yueling.It should be impossible for him to become what he is now.but.Now Liu Xian saw Zhang Fan coming.But it was like seeing a savior.It can be seen that Liang Chao and Fang Yueling were in this period of time.What kind of Chengdu is it hostile to?

"General Liu." Although Zhang Fan was paying attention to the things over there.But Liu Xian's words.He still has to respond. "After I received the news from General Liu, I was planning to leave immediately. I never thought of it. At that time, the imperial edict also arrived. So I was delayed for some time. I just arrived at this time. Please General Liu forgives me."

"Oh. It's okay, it's okay. After all, it's the imperial decree that matters." Liu Xian heard what Zhang Fan said.It also changed his face.asked. "I don't know. What is said in this edict."

"It's nothing." Zhang Fan explained. "The imperial court asked me to preside over this matter. But General Liu doesn't have to worry. I, Zhang Fan, have read a few military books. But I know that the formation of troops is definitely not my strong point. So I will not interfere with General Liu. . I'm just in charge of things after the war."

"No. I didn't mean that." Liu Xian waved his hand.Said. "I naturally understand that Mr. Zhang won't be like this. Let's talk about it. Anyway, now. As long as you don't do anything too extreme. I'm afraid you won't be able to fight if you want to."

"That's true." Zhang Fan said. "However. This matter cannot be delayed for too long. After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the city. Now those people are surrounded by General Liu's army. In panic. Don't do anything. It will be bad. So. Let’s try to settle things here as soon as possible.”

"Master Zhang is right. I am also worried about this matter now." Liu Xian said this.Instead, he looked at Liang Chao and Fang Yueling who were on the side.He sighed helplessly.Said to Zhang Fan again. "However. Now it's better to settle the matter in front of us."

"Naturally. Please rest assured, General Liu." Zhang Fan looked confident.

"Oh." Sighed.Liu Xian wanted to say something.He looked at Zhang Fan.He looked at Liang Chao and Fang Yueling again.In the end nothing was said.Turned around and left.

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