The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1203 The Difference Between Martial Officials

In short.Feng Bao's answer.It made Liu Xian satisfied.He was just worried.Worry about a lot of things.Worried that Feng Bao would come and point fingers.But Feng Bao made it clear.He came this time just to see the situation.Absolutely will not say anything about things here.And at the same time.Liu Xian was also worried.after that.Feng Bao would have a different opinion.After all, Feng Bao has great power in the court.You can also talk to Empress Dowager Li.In case he had other ideas.That would be troublesome.And Feng Bao also said.It's the same as what he thought.They will never kill those 2 people.

Since everything was answered according to Liu Xian's expectations.In this way.Of course he will no longer harbor hostility towards Feng Bao.certainly.If you let them have a good talk or something.It's also unrealistic.But the bare minimum.It is absolutely impossible for Liu Xian to show any disgust towards Feng Bao.That's enough.

But let's talk about it.It's something to think about again.Said it was Feng Bao's answer.Liu Xian was it sounds.It's almost like saying.What Feng Bao said just now.It was said deliberately to cater to Liu Xian.But if you think about it this way.That would be wrong.

Let's not consider what Feng Bao is thinking.And Liu Xian would not think that Feng Bao would do this.Feng Bao is the eunuch after all.The powerful eunuch.And such Feng Bao.In addition to the need to respect the emperor and the queen mother.No one can put him in his eyes.If so.Feng Bao is completely unnecessary.This kind of scene is said in order to take care of the atmosphere or someone's mood.This is simply equivalent to an insult to him.Even Feng Bao suffered such a big setback last also like this.He will never do such a thing.

That is.What Feng Bao said.It was really what he thought in his heart.about this point.Liu Xian also knew it in his heart.

so.Although he still couldn't develop too much affection for Feng Bao.But Feng Bao's words.It was enough to surprise him.after all.Although I dare not say that there is not at all.But throughout the ages.A eunuch who can have such an idea.Not many at all.And a person like Feng Bao would still be so considerate of the country.Not to mention the number of five fingers.

Let alone the previous dynasties.But since the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present.A eunuch who can think like this.There are a few more.Back then, Ma Sanbao was one.certainly.Liu Xian still doesn't think that Feng Bao can be compared with Zheng He in his seven voyages to the West.But you can keep this thought of thinking about your family and country.It is already very difficult.

In short.Now that Feng Bao has expressed his thoughts.Then Liu Xian would stop asking.He could see it too.Feng Bao came all the way from Chengdu.Absolutely not just to see what's going on here.I'm afraid there is still something to discuss with Zhang Fan.

"That's right." Liu Xian said suddenly. "I just remembered. There are still some things to do in the army. This... Eunuch Feng came from a long way. But I can't accompany you. It's really a sin, a sin."

"General Liu is serious." Feng Bao also replied politely. "Important affairs in the military. Naturally, they should be put first. Besides, the Yongning matter has not been resolved yet. This should be the most important thing. General Liu, go quickly."

"In that case, I'll go first." Liu Xian clasped his fists and said. "Eunuch and Mr. Zhang also have something to say. I won't bother you two." Finish.Liu Xian walked out of the big tent.

"This Liu Xian. It's interesting." After Liu Xian left.Feng Bao suddenly smiled and said to Zhang Fan. "Originally, our family also heard about him from others. In short, he is a stubborn person. He doesn't know how to adapt. But now it seems that it is hearsay. It really is not allowed. At the very least, can he still talk? Only but……"

"Don't worry about it, father-in-law." Zhang Fan naturally understood what Feng Bao wanted to say. "General Liu is not suspicious of the father-in-law. It's just that the matter of Yongning mansion now makes him a little nervous. After all, this matter is of great importance. No matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful. Even now there are He has come up with countermeasures. General Liu also needs to be more careful. He didn’t intend to test Eunuch.”

"Sigh. What is Mr. Zhang talking about?" Zhang Fan didn't know what was on his mind.or something else.Feng Bao waved his hand at Zhang Fan.There was an incomprehensible look on his face.Said. "Our family is a eunuch. Although it is a big eunuch, in the final analysis, it is still an eunuch. But our family is different from other eunuchs. Those individuals are all afraid of being looked down upon by others. Even if they know it, they refuse to admit it in their hearts. But our family can understand it. I'm afraid. The court thinks that eunuchs are good people. There are not many people. Especially military generals. It's not surprising that Liu Xian will be so nervous about our family.

"But our family didn't mean to blame him. Not at all. If you say that, Mr. Zhang can rest assured." How could Feng Bao not understand Zhang Fan's meaning.Although Liu Xian did not show any dislike for Feng Bao.But that nonchalant attitude.Thinking about it, no one will like it no matter if it is changed.Zhang Fan was afraid that Feng Bao would take revenge.After going back, show off again.

"Hehe. Eunuch is a sensible person." Feng Bao guessed what was on his mind.Zhang Fan didn't show any embarrassment.After all, he and Feng Bao have spent a lot of time together.The two parties are also very familiar with each other.There is simply no need for that. "That's right. Father-in-law is here at this time. I think I will leave Chengdu early this morning."

"Not bad." Feng Bao nodded. "Our family wanted to come here last night. But I'm still not used to walking at night. From the capital to here, although I made it in time all the way, I didn't spend much time at night. I didn't find anyone from the local yamen this time either. Just Bringing these people from the capital, we came here together. Anyway, there is nothing going on in Chengdu. Our family just thought about it. Why don't you drop by and have a look.

"But let's talk about it. What Liu Xian asked just now made our family quite concerned. Indeed. If the [-] thieves in Yongning's mansion are really willing to put down their swords and surrender in Kaesong, then naturally there is no reason to kill them It is absolutely impossible to kill them. Whether it is our family or the ministers in the court. If you want to come to the Queen Mother, even Your Majesty understands this truth.

"It's just that. What our family doesn't understand is that what Liu Xian said just now. Mr. Zhang and him have already figured out a way. And. How can our family listen? So confident. Can Mr. Zhang tell our family What kind of method is it? It will definitely make those people in Yongning Mansion surrender."

"So it's about this." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "It's okay to talk to my father-in-law about this matter." Immediately.Zhang Fan then told Feng Bao about his previous plan with Liu Xian.only.About the Five Poisons Sect.Fang Zhenqian has been asked to persuade those people.Zhang Fan didn't tell him.It's not that Zhang Fan deliberately concealed it.Firstly, he felt that it was the same whether he told Feng Bao or not.Secondly, he didn't want Feng Bao to investigate the matter of the Five Poison Sect in the future.Although even Feng Bao knew about it.I also investigated the Five Poisons Sect but there was no difference.However, Zhang Fan still held the attitude that more things are worse than less things.

certainly.The main thing is.Zhang Fan is confident.Able to handle the affairs of the Five Poisons Sect.That's why he didn't tell Feng Bao about it.

"I see." After listening to Zhang Fan's words.Feng Bao also agreed very much. "After all, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin who took the lead in the rebellion have been eliminated. In this way, the remaining people have no claim. They want to surrender. But after all, they have raised the flag to rebel. They are afraid that we will kill them." They. Don't surrender. They are so trapped. They can only go on in a stalemate. It is of no benefit to anyone. What's more, there are tens of thousands of people in Yongning Mansion.

"If you think about it, I'm afraid you don't say it. More than half of them want to surrender. It's just that if our people try to persuade them to surrender, I'm afraid they won't agree.

"Master Zhang's method is good. Let their clansmen persuade them. As long as they are willing to surrender, they will be saved from death. In this way, they will agree if they think about it. Even if they don't agree, use their family members to threaten them In this way, these people will have no reason to continue to persevere. In this way, it is really like Master Zhang said. It is not unexpected that these people can let these people put down their swords and surrender without bloodshed. thing."

"Exactly." Zhang Fan naturally agreed with this.After all, it was his idea.only. "I just don't know. Whether things will really go so smoothly."

"Oh. Master Zhang doesn't need to be like this." Feng Bao saw Zhang Fan's appearance.said with a smile. "The so-called planning depends on man and success depends on nature. Even if we all know it, we can't do it if we don't have absolute certainty about it. But nothing is perfect. There are always uncertainties. It depends on whether God rewards the face or not.

"Right now, Mr. Zhang has already done everything that can be done. If that's the case, leave the rest to God. Let's talk about it. No matter what Mr. Zhang thinks, there is no way to influence this matter."

"Elder-in-law said so. I was too persistent." Zhang Fan smiled helplessly.Then he straightened his face.asked. "That's right. My father-in-law said it just now. There is nothing going on in Chengdu. I want to come to the Shu Palace. It should be smooth."

"Naturally." Hearing Zhang Fan mention this matter.Feng Bao naturally knew that Zhang Fan was very concerned.So he doesn't give a shit.Said. "The night Master Zhang left. Everything went well. I also gave the things to Zhao Zijie. Let him put them back. Zhu Xuanqi didn't find anything either."

"It's so good." I heard Feng Bao said that everything went well.Zhang Fan was naturally happy.

"It's just..." Feng Bao continued. "Our family found something interesting."

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