Although Zhu Xuanqi's changes made people feel very interesting and curious, but in the final analysis, these can only support temporary interests, and are not worth discussing for a long time. That's all.

And more importantly, this is not just a matter of interest. What Feng Bao said made Zhang Fan realize one thing, that is, Zhu Xuanqi's intentions for the current matter, including Zhang Fan's purpose of coming, including the future. Feng Bao came again, and even Empress Dowager Li's various displeasure towards him didn't matter.

Although this was only what Feng Bao told him, Zhang Fan thought about it, but he didn't feel that Feng Bao was talking nonsense. What Zhang Fan didn't know was that Wang Meng was going to the Shu Palace to steal the genealogy that night. That night, Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi talked a lot about things that night, but after that, he didn't go to his room to check first, and then went to Xia Lingbo's as before.

Zhang Fan didn't know about this matter, but Wang Meng did, and Wang Meng didn't think there was anything strange about this matter. Even about Zhu Xuanqi's situation during that time, Zhang Fan had told Wang Meng about it, but From Wang Meng's point of view, it was not a strange thing that Zhu Xuanqi didn't go to his room even on occasional days, so he didn't care about it, and he didn't tell Zhang Fan about it.

But I can’t blame Wang Meng for this. After all, there are many things that he doesn’t understand as deeply as Zhang Fan, so he ignores this point. If he tells Zhang Fan, I’m afraid Zhang Fan will understand. Especially, if he told Zhang Fan what he saw that night.

You know, that night, Zhu Xuanqi didn't happen by accident, or he drank too much wine and didn't remember to go to his room. He stood at the fork in the corridor and originally wanted to go to his room, but he didn't know it was Something made him temporarily change his mind.

Wang Meng didn't realize this. If he told Zhang Fan all about this, Zhang Fan would understand right away, and he didn't need Feng Bao to tell him anything now.

Then, Zhang Fan can definitely understand that Zhu Xuanqi has indeed changed, and he has become indifferent. However, there is one thing that Zhang Fan can never think of, that is why Zhu Xuanqi has such a change. No matter how he thought about it, Zhang Fan would never have thought that the reason why Zhu Xuanqi had such a change was all because of what he said to Zhu Xuanqi that night, even if someone else told him so. He may not even believe it, after all, the other party is Zhu Xuanqi, a prince, and an ambitious prince, if Zhang Fan believes that he will change because of his few words, that would be strange.

This has to be said to be God's will to trick people. The game thing is obviously not the case, but people just want to think that way, but some things are obviously very simple and obvious, but how do people do it? I don't want to believe it. I have to say that this kind of thing is really hard to figure out.

Zhang Fan didn't know why Zhu Xuanqi thought this way, and he didn't want to know the reason, but Zhang Fan understood that this matter was of great benefit to him. At the very least, if Zhu Xuanqi wasn't worried about these things, then Zhang Fan Before Fan left Sichuan, the possibility of revealing his secrets would be much lower. As for what happened after Zhang Fan left, whether Zhu Xuanqi would discover anything at that time, and what does this have to do with Zhang Fan.

Or, even if Zhu Xuanqi has made such a change, he will no longer worry about things that he should not worry about in the future, and it is absolutely impossible to dictate to the court, but Zhang Fan will still have no mercy for him , after all, those are the things he has done, and since he has done it, it is impossible to give up the sanctions against him because of his current changes.

Besides, no matter what Zhang Fan said about this matter, no matter what changes Zhu Xuanqi made, Queen Mother Li's thoughts would never change. Since Queen Mother Li's thoughts would not change, Zhang Fan would also There is no change of position. After all, one is the prince and the other is the queen who is in power. In terms of status, Zhang Fan also knows which side he should stand on. What's more, Zhang Fan originally came here because of the order of Queen Mother Li. Yes, it is absolutely impossible for him to change his mind halfway.

That is to say, Empress Dowager Li's desire to sanction Zhu Xuanqi will not change. Zhang Fan can be sure of this only. As for how to sanction Zhu Xuanqi in the end, it is to let his head fall to the ground and let him sit on another obedient person. The throne of the King of Shu, and at the mercy of the Queen Mother Li; or, the Queen Mother Li just wanted to punish him with a small punishment, and she didn't intend to do anything serious to him. These are not important, and the important punishment must be There will be.

What's more, this matter is also good news for Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan had already figured it out before. If the Empress Dowager Li really wanted to kill Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan would definitely stop it with all his strength. On the throne of the King of Shu, it is definitely far more peaceful for the world than changing someone to be the King of Shu.

However, although Zhang Fan had already made up his mind, if Queen Mother Li really wanted to kill Zhu Xuanqi, he would definitely speak out to dissuade him. Fan has no other reason to stop what Empress Dowager Li is going to do to Zhu Xuanqi.

Of course, maybe Li Caifeng is a person who sees the big picture, she also understands this, maybe she will listen to Zhang Fan, but at the same time, Li Caifeng is also a woman, and she is a woman who breaks in and out of the deep palace, and eventually becomes the leader of the court. The emperor's empress dowager's woman, this shows that Li Caifeng is not only resourceful, but more importantly, she must be ruthless, otherwise, she is digging her own grave.

Therefore, Zhang Fan was not sure whether Li Caifeng's selfishness would defeat her rationality and make her make some wrong decisions.

But now, Zhu Xuanqi has changed, which gives Zhang Fan another reason to persuade Queen Mother Li. Even though Zhang Fan does not have any evidence for this matter, it is only because of what Zhu Xuanqi has shown A different way than before, and it only took a few days, but just relying on this, Zhang Fan was able to have the capital to persuade Queen Mother Li.

In the final analysis, it was because of Queen Mother Li herself. Zhang Fan understood that Queen Mother Li did not want the world to be in chaos after all.

All in all, this is good news.

"However," at this moment, Feng Bao spoke again, "Let's take a look at that thing."

"Things," Zhang Fan was still thinking about how to persuade Queen Mother Li just now, but after hearing Feng Bao's words, he didn't realize it for a while. After thinking about it, he finally understood what Feng Bao said, " Oh, are you talking about the family tree?"

"That's right, it's that thing," Feng Bao said, "That genealogy book belongs to the Shu Palace's own family, right?"

"Oh." Hearing what Feng Bao said, Zhang Fan understood that Feng Bao knew about the two genealogy books. "It seems that my father-in-law is also very familiar with the matter of genealogy."

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang is absurd." Feng Bao smiled and said, "When our family was in the supervisor of ceremonies, we had a lot of dealings with people from the clan's mansion, and we have heard about these things. of.

"This incident, together with what Mr. Zhang told our family when we first arrived that day, the genealogy is probably the evidence that Mr. Zhang found for the Queen Mother.

"Speaking of which, our family is going to apologize to Mr. Zhang. Our family has already read that genealogy book,"

"It doesn't matter," Zhang Fan didn't care about it, "Even though the copy my father-in-law got was a copy, the things written on it are not fake at all. Besides, wait until the real copy When I arrive in the capital, my father-in-law will see it in the future, and seeing it now will be the same as seeing it in the future."

"Hehe, our family is relieved when Mr. Zhang said that," Feng Bao said, "However, after our family read the genealogy, I think what Mr. Zhang wants to say is about the name 'Zhu Xuanluo'."

"Elder-in-law is really sharp-eyed and discerning." These words are definitely not any satire of Feng Bao by Zhang Fan, nor are they any exaggerated praise. Zhang Fan was not surprised by what he found out with such great effort. After all, although there were many things recorded in that genealogy book, there were only a few pages that could really be related to Zhu Xuanqi.

In addition, before Feng Bao came here, he had also read the genealogy stored in the palace. If he thought about it, he would be able to see the mystery of it all at once. Very normal now.

"Don't be too busy praising our family," Feng Bao said flatly, "Although this is a good idea, Mr. Zhang will also find out that something must have happened between Zhu Xuanqi and his younger brother, but just this The story is not enough, there is evidence in general, preferably witnesses or something, "

Having said that, Feng Bao stopped and looked at Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan didn't say anything, just looked at Feng Bao with a smile.

At this point, Feng Bao had fully understood, smiled and nodded to Zhang Fan, and said, "In this way, our family will understand everything, Master Zhang doesn't need to say any more."

That's how smart people talk, just get it, don't have to say it.

"In this way, our family will have nothing to do," Feng Bao said, "but our family doesn't want to go back to Beijing for the time being. Since we can understand the things here in a short time, when the time comes, our family will go back with Mr. Zhang. "

"That's very good," Zhang Fan agreed without any hesitation. It seems that Feng Bao must finish the show to see if there is anything interesting in the end.

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