The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1207 There is a reaction

Feng Bao's words.It made both Zhang Fan and Liu Xian more stable.Zhang Fan didn't notice much.After all, he was originally.Even in his heart, he was anxious about this matter.But he behaved very calmly.And Liu Xian's changes can be said to be great.After he listened to Feng Bao's words.What is shown is obviously much more stable than before.

only.It comes down to it.It is only on the surface.Although it cannot be said that there is no change in my heart.But in general.The worries in Liu Xian's heart did not decrease much because of Feng Bao's two on the surface.Liu Xian seemed much calmer than before.But actually.He hasn't changed much.

I'm afraid.It can only be said that Liu Xian's self-esteem was at work.after all.Even Feng Bao is a great eunuch.But his status as a eunuch.Liu Xian still looks down on him.And now.It was said by someone he looked down upon.If Liu Xian didn't work hard on the surface.Then he can't justify himself.In short.It can be said.Liu Xian's composure.In fact, it's just self-esteem.

It was Liu Xian himself.There is not much resistance to this matter.Anyway, Feng Bao said it.Up to three days.Yongning Mansion will definitely respond.and.There is a high possibility that Yongning Mansion will demand surrender.three days.In other words, it will be possible to verify whether Feng Bao's words are right or wrong tomorrow.

If it comes to tomorrow.There was no response from Yongning Mansion.Then Liu Xian could be considered to have regained his face.He could speak to Feng Bao confidently.He was wrong.Although it is said to use such a big thing.Come hit a Feng Bao.I'm really sorry for my conscience.But maybe it was because of the disapproval of the eunuch's jealousy.This thought has always been in Liu Xian's mind.Unable to wave away.

That's it.It's time for the next day.Or these three people.Still in the same tent.Zhang Fan was still holding a book absent-mindedly.Feng Bao is still the same as before.A relaxed expression on his face.And Liu Xian.Even in my heart I was anxious.But what's shown on the face.But it was much better than yesterday.

Especially Liu Xian.He is looking forward to it today too.Although it is about Feng Bao.He has a hard time identifying with it.But after all, it is related to this matter.He also hoped that Feng Bao's words could be right.

only.these three people.Came to this tent from early in the morning.Just wait.The tea was changed again and again.Even lunch is here.The three of us ate separately.It feels very weird.

However, it has just arrived since the morning.Three people are waiting here.And waited until the late afternoon.But there was no news at all.

At this time.Liu Xian couldn't sit still anymore.The forced composure on his face has also disappeared.Gradually, it became the anxious look before.

even.Even Zhang Fan, who was originally very calm.At this time, I couldn't sit still.

Only Feng Bao was alone.from beginning to end.from beginning to end.All of them look very relaxed.And now it looks.this attitude.It's just a little confusing.Although there is no promise made between the three.There is no such thing as any words.But always feel.What Feng Bao said.More like a promise.Once there is no way to achieve it.It seemed that he was about to find trouble with him.

Think about it.Although it feels weird.But even Feng Bao himself.They have already agreed to this point.Always felt.If there is no response from Yongning Mansion today.Feng Bao will take some responsibility for this matter.

even.Even this idea is very absurd.And the three people present have never discussed this matter.But unluckily.This unspoken consensus has already been reached.This feels weird as well.think carefully.But it's not something completely unreasonable.

But don't worry about whether this idea is reasonable or unreasonable.But it actually happened after all.

And in this way.Feng Bao is the party involved in this matter.It should feel quite a lot of pressure.After all he prophesied the time.Just today.And now.Most of the day has passed.There was still no movement at Yongning.In this way.Now among these three people.It should be Feng Baocai who is most anxious.

But unluckily.Feng Bao is the most calm among these three people.The faces of other people intersect.But he was full of pride.

It was because of the original matter.Even with unspoken promises.But even if he guessed wrong by then.Doesn't he need to take any responsibility for this?That doesn't seem to be the case.The expression on Feng Bao's face.Not so much as not caring.Rather it is.He is full of confidence.There is absolutely nothing wrong with confident judgment.

But also because of Feng Bao's self-confidence.Let Zhang Fan and Liu Xian who want to ask out countless times.He swallowed the words that came to his lips.

only.This is not an option.After all, four hours have passed.There is no movement yet.

finally.It's the time of You.Zhang Fan didn't speak yet.But Liu Xian obviously couldn't wait any longer.He stood up.Moved a bit and sat all day.Both have a somewhat stiff body.Looking at Feng Bao.He opened his mouth and said, "Elder-in-law. Let me tell you how it got here..."

But.Liu Xian didn't finish his words.He was halfway through.Just stopped.

Stop Liu Xian from talking.It wasn't Zhang Fan.It wasn't Feng Bao either.It was the noise from outside the tent.

noise.This was already a very surprising thing.After all here.But Liu Xian's army camp.And there are more than 1 people staying here.They were all old people who followed Liu Xian to travel all over the world.Say nothing else.On things like discipline.Absolutely above standard.Even if it is compared with the Qi family army, it is not an exaggeration.

But now.Such a disciplined place.There was a loud noise.This in itself is an incredible thing.Not to mention.Still at this moment.This is even more imaginative.

Just like the three people in this tent today.Feng Bao was still the same as before.Even he could hear the commotion from beyond the tent.But he still looked very calm.Nothing changes.

And Zhang Fan.But it showed some excitement.Perhaps in Zhang Fan's opinion.The noise outside the big tent.Might mean.Maybe Feng Bao really hit the mark.perhaps.Those people in Yongning Mansion.Finally made up his mind.Ready to surrender Kaesong.

But Liu Xian is different from them.even.After the noise from outside the big tent came in.Liu Xian's first reaction.That is, his complexion became even worse than before.But this is not to blame for Liu Xian's lack of mental strength.Or something else.It is because.At this time, Liu Xian was really too worried.

And now.The noise came.This was Liu Xian's first reaction.It is not the verification of Feng Bao's prophecy.No.It can't be said that what Feng Bao said before was wrong.After all, there has been a reaction.But what Liu Xian thought of.Not in a good way.It's not that those people in Yongning Mansion have already surrendered.All he thought was.Those people in Yongning Mansion.Unwilling to surrender.And want to do the last desperate fight.

It's no wonder that Liu Xian would be so pessimistic.Although he is a general. "Soldiers who surrender without fighting" are such a saying.I'm afraid since he started on the road of being a general.I've been hearing it all the time.Even he himself looks forward to that kind of thing very much.

But at the end of the day.Liu Xian has fought all his life.He has never encountered such a thing.Although he has fought all his life, he has never been defeated.But every win.It all depends on the accumulation of blood and corpses. The phrase "one master succeeds, ten thousand dies" was applied to Liu Xian.It can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.He is such a general.

so.After the noise came.Liu Xian's first reaction.That is, the other side does not agree to surrender.Still want to fight.

Liu Xian is not afraid of big tents.Not afraid of death.But this does not mean that Liu Xian likes fighting.Like the dead.

But now...

"Aren't General Liu going to see what's going on outside?" Feng Bao didn't wait for Liu Xian's next words.There was no point in asking.He looked at Liu Xian.said with a smile. "Maybe it's so noisy. Maybe there is news from Yongning."

"It's up to you to say this kind of thing." Liu Xian ridiculed Feng Bao in his heart.Then he walked towards the curtain.

But.He just took two steps.The curtain of the big tent was moment.Wang Meng walked in.

"My lord. Father-in-law. General." Wang Meng greeted the three people in the big tent.

"What's going on outside." At this time.Zhang Fan also became anxious.He couldn't even wait for Wang Meng to answer himself.Already asked questions.Although somewhat redundant.But it also revealed the intersection of his heart.

"My lord, there is movement in Yongning Mansion." Wang Meng replied. "Just now. The people under the humble staff and the scouts sent by the general sent people back to report. It is said that the east gate of Yongning Mansion is wide open. Those people inside have all come out."

"Really." Liu Xian asked.Without waiting for Wang Meng to reply, he continued to ask. "It's all out. Maybe they want to do it."

"This lower official doesn't know." Wang Meng replied. "It's just that the people who came out are all armed. But if you ask the officials to tell you, you can't tell whether these people are here for the big tent or to surrender."

all in all.That is.Those people in Yongning Mansion came out.But what are they doing.I don't understand now.

Wang Meng's words.Let the three of them think again.

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