Follow the army to line up in front.This is not the first time Zhang Fan has done this kind of thing.Actually.When he just came to this era.The first one brought him into contact with the imperial court.Or big things.It is to follow the army to go beyond the Great Wall.And after that.In Yiji.He also followed tens of thousands of people to face tens of thousands of enemy troops.

but.this time.Apparently it was the biggest Zhang Fan had ever seen.Between him and Liu Xian.And Feng Bao's skill side by side.There are a full 5 troops.This can be regarded as Zhang Fan's first time.Saw so many people lined up.Holding a weapon.And stand neatly.Killing spirit.It's not like Zhang Fan didn't feel it.But this breath exuded by these [-] people.But how strong.It was definitely Zhang Fan's first experience.

Speaking up.Fortunately, these 5 people are on his side.Even so close.This chilling aura came towards his body unobstructed.But Zhang Fan didn't seem to panic at all.No.Not just not flustered anymore.even.On the contrary, Zhang Fan felt very at ease.Very confident.Even the whole body is full of strength.

This feeling.Not subtle at all.Instead, it was transmitted very clearly to every nerve in Zhang Fan's body.Even he clearly understands.This time it wasn't for the big bill.Even if it is possible.But the battle may not be able to start.But among them.However, he always felt that there was a rush of passion in his blood.It seemed to be encouraging him to pick up a weapon.Swinging a knife into battle is normal.

It seems.The so-called contagion.This kind of thing that sounds erratic.It does exist.people.There will always be changes as the surrounding environment changes.Even if it is facing a thing that you don't want to do at all.But a strong environment influences.But it can still change your will.It makes you want to do it involuntarily.

but.This situation.It's quite normal.Just take the three of them.Liu Xian naturally needless to say.He is a general.If there is no murderous intention.How could it be possible to fight for so many years.But there is no failure.but.It's not just Zhang Fan, a scholar.Even Feng Bao's eunuch.More or less the same thoughts as Zhang Fan came to mind.visible.The contagious power of these [-] troops.How strong it is.

But these.Neither is today's topic.

When Liu Xian and the three were in the camp, they heard movement in Yongning Mansion.The people inside have already opened the city gate.Came out of the city in full armor.This seems like good news.After all, there has been no movement in Yongning Mansion for so many days.Now that there is a change.So naturally it is a good thing.

but.If it's not good, it's not good.The message said.The 2 people who left the fully armed.All carry weapons.This makes people feel wrong.Especially Liu Xian.Although he is not afraid of fighting.But this time.It is naturally good to be able to save a few people from dying.

but.Now the people who came out of Yongning Mansion.Each holds a weapon.It is clear that the visitor looks unkind.In Liu Xian's heart.his current situation.It's not that there is no bottom.It's not a good attitude at all.And even Feng Bao gave him a very convincing possibility.But even so.Maybe it's just a possibility.Not Xian was still very worried.

Also so now.The three wanted to come and hear what the 2 people wanted to do.But still gather the army.Bring the [-] troops together.

even though.It's obvious.This two confrontation. 2 versus 5.There were no other ambushes or anything.Just face it.It is clear who wins and who loses.Even if the combat power of the two sides is about the same.But in this case.Quantity is everything.And obviously.The Ming army has [-] troops here.It can be said that the victory is in hand.

This kind of thing is obvious.As long as the brain is still normal, all people can understand things.And those people on the opposite side.Perhaps Zhang Yong and Wang Xin were tricked into rebelling.Indeed, it can be said that they are not very smart.But that's because they were cheated after all.Say it all.It is much easier to fool a group of people than one or a few this regard.It can be said to be the most vivid performance.

But still that sentence.They have been lied to.And the current situation.It is to let them think for themselves.Since it is for them to think about it.This kind of thing is obvious in front of your eyes.There is no ideal or incomprehensible.Obviously.If they want to come to fight the Ming army.There is simply no chance of winning.

That is.Even if the opponent's fully armed staff came out of the city.But the possibility of wanting to come to war.Still not big.

So speak up.Liu Xian didn't have to worry too much about it.

only.This kind of scene.Think about who to change.will also feel.It feels like a war is about to break out.

Liu Xian assembled all the 2 troops under his command.Now there is no need to disperse your forces and surround Yongning Mansion.After all, the news has already passed.The opponent is [-] horses out.All came out of the east gate.That being the case.Naturally, [-] troops must be gathered here.face them.

only.Naturally, there is a bit of a rush in terms of time.After all, Liu Xian received the news that those people opened the city gate and came out.Immediately go to summon soldiers and horses.But the other party has been out of town for a while.Even if Pegasus went to report.After all, it is still a lot late in time.

so.Wait until the two sides meet.These 5 troops are also stepping up their journey.That's what comes together.only.Even in a rush of time.However, Liu Xian's daily management of the army is effective.It was at this time that it appeared.These [-] people.Even just assembled.But it is also possible to stand in line quickly.even.Even if it's because of half an hour of hurrying.But at this time their morale did not look low at all.

And look at the other side.Shapeless.Extremely loose.Even if they were shouted by what appeared to be the leaders of various tribes, they stood in front of them.But that loose look.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an army with strong combat capabilities.

I have to mention it here.people of these tribes.After all, there are too many clans fighting each other.So these people started practicing almost from an early age.So in comparison.If you pull out a person individually for comparison.The Ming army is indeed inferior to them.

But this is not alone after all.It is marching and fighting.on the battlefield.between mutual cooperation.It's not just a simple thing like one plus one equals two.If you cooperate well.The effect is even better.

It can be said.If you really fight.There is no need to send all 5 people here.Only 2 people who are equal to them are needed.or even less.You can beat them.

but.Now is not the time to think about these things.There are more important things to do right now.

After the two parties met.It was not as Liu Xian's worst prediction.Get started right now.Instead, they persisted like this.There is no other action.It seems this time.The two sides reached a tacit agreement.Nobody can.No one dared to move first.That's it.Standing quietly on both sides.

Half a stick of incense.A stick of incense.Half an hour passed.But there was still no movement.

The winter sky darkened early.When Liu Xian received the news.It was already around afternoon application time.Gather troops and horses.It took nearly an hour again.And now.Stand on both sides like this and do nothing.Another half an hour was already half past unitary hour.And the sky has turned dark.

This made Liu Xian anxious.After all, if the sky gets dark.Let's fight.Naturally, it is extremely detrimental to them.certainly.With a large number of people.and a well-trained army.It is still easy to win.But even if it can win.But many people will die.Many of my own people died.

"Master Zhang." It seemed.Only Feng Bao was alone.It is very relaxed both on the outside and on the inside.Now he seems to feel a little bored.He couldn't help but speak to Zhang Fan who was on the side. "What do you think of this battle? Can it be fought?"

"Eunuch was joking." Zhang Fan didn't show any expression on his face.It's just in his heart.Although most still think so.There can be no more wars at all.But there is still some worry that the least expected thing will happen.only.Reason has seen the situation with its own eyes.She had already told him clearly. "What will happen to this matter? Will there be a fight? This kind of thing. My father-in-law already understood it. If that's the case, why bother to ask me."

"Our family naturally understands this." Feng Bao said. "It's just... I think even Master Zhang said so. I'm afraid I still have some worries in my heart."

"My father-in-law is right. I do have some worries in my heart." Zhang Fan remained expressionless.nodded.Then he looked at Feng Bao and asked. "It's just. Is it possible that the father-in-law is not worried at all in his heart."

shook his head.Feng Bao once again showed a very confident look.Looking at Zhang Fan, he said, "Master Zhang is really right. Our family is really not worried at all."

"My father-in-law is kind." Zhang Fan didn't know if he was sincere.Praise Feng Bao.

And Liu Xian, who was listening all the time.There was no refutation of Feng Bao's words.It's just that he has been muttering in his heart: "Don't worry. Nonsense. At that time, it will be a fight. I don't want you to die. Of course you don't worry."

When the three of them were thinking about each other.A small school at the side reported to Liu Xian: "General, there is movement on the other side."

"Say it quickly." Liu Xian asked hastily.Today is already dark.Although the person on the opposite side can still vaguely see it.But it's not clear.

The small school immediately reported: "There seem to be more than a hundred people coming over there. They came straight here."

"More than a hundred people." Liu Xian frowned.He couldn't figure it out.This is the case.What can a mere hundred people do.

But Feng Bao who heard the news.The confident expression on his face became stronger and stronger.

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