The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1227 Really Unusual

"Three adults. This is it." Stopped.Said to Zhang Fan and the three who followed behind him.

As for Zhang Fan and the others who stopped after hearing Mao Zhengqing's voice.Looking at the gate of the house he was parked at and the yard behind it.The expressions on his face became weird.

Speaking up.This is not the capital or the north.Siheyuan is not popular here in the if you have a yard at home.It's basically just one in and one out.The entrance is a small courtyard.Then there is the place to live.If you have a little money.An extra room can be added next to it.That's how it goes if you don't have money.But no matter what.this kind of place.It's not too big.

And the yard in front of me.It's not too small.Two rooms were also expanded in front and back.It looks much better than the ones next to it.If you speak the words of people.It is not a problem to accommodate five or six people.

but.The problem is not here.It's not that the three of them are used to being pampered.You can't eat in a place like this.Neither Zhang Fan nor Liu Xian was that kind of person.And even they had never seen Feng Bao eat at such a place.But Feng Bao can eat military rations on horseback.Coming here should be no problem.

The problem is.Mao Zhengqing said it before.He is setting a table at home.Zhang Fan and the three of them were invited to have dinner.Although none of the three had been to Mao Zhengqing's home.But obviously.Mao Zhengqing's home.No matter what you think.It won't be like this either.certainly.A prefect of the fourth grade.The official position is not big.Not to mention small.Even if he is really a big corrupt official.But this is not the rich and prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River.In this southwest.It's not that much silver taels.

But no matter what.No matter how you think about it, you shouldn't live in this kind of house.The yard in front of you.If you are talking about a family who usually does small business.A small amount was sent by accident.Two more rooms were built.Zhang Fan believed it.But if it is said that this is the place where a majestic fourth-rank magistrate lives.Zhang Fan still didn't believe it.

certainly.This kind of person is not unheard of.Hai Rui is a living example.but.Obviously.Mao Zhengqing was in front of him.It is absolutely impossible to be someone like Hai Rui.Although he is not considered obese.But it is definitely not a thin body.It's obvious.

In short.This Mao Zhengqing.Absolutely not clean.There is definitely a problem.There are definitely a lot of gray income.

But the yard in front of me.What's going on again.This is his home.It doesn't look like that at all.

Could it be... at such a moment.All three of Zhang Fan thought of a possibility in their hearts.possible.This was deliberately done by Mao Zhengqing for them to see.Although Yongning Mansion has just settled down now.But Mao Zhengqing is the fourth grade magistrate.Want to borrow a yard.It's still pretty simple.Or maybe.This is Mao Zhengqing's yard.It's just that he doesn't live here on weekdays.Now it is only used to cater to Zhang Fan.

only.Although the three of them are thinking so.But all the same.All three had a lot of skepticism about the idea.Very simple reason.After all, Zhang Fan and Feng Bao are here.One of them is the commander of Jin Yiwei.One is the chief eunuch in charge of the East Factory.They are all good at inquiring about things.As long as Zhang Fan asked Mao Zhengqing to check for a while.And this is something Zhang Fan will definitely do.Just ask.Where exactly he lived was revealed.By the time.If not here.Wouldn't it be more troublesome for Mao Zhengqing?

Mao matter what.You can also imagine this.That being the case.He should also not do such a thing that is not good for him.

but.This is really confusing.

"Master Mao." Maybe he was too confused.Zhang Fan couldn't help asking. "You live here." Among the words Zhang Fan asked.With very big doubts.That tone made people listen.To be clear, I just don't believe that this is Mao Zhengqing's home.

How could Mao Zhengqing fail to understand what Zhang Fan said.But there was no other expression on his face.I feel a little embarrassed.Said to Zhang Fan: "My lord, this is a humble house. This is the home of a subordinate official. How can a subordinate official fool your lord?" What Mao Zhengqing said was true.

only.His words.Those present today sound like they don't care.It sounds normal too.But actually.What he said was very problematic.think about it.If Zhang Fan did not believe that his home was here and asked such a question.Then he should answer naturally.But think about it anyway.Neither should he.Such words to fool people.Doesn't this make it clear that he has a problem with himself?

And now.Mao Zhengqing said so.That is to say, to admit it clearly.I do have a problem.But none of the people present thought it was strange.

want to come.I'm afraid it's because.The two parties regard the current situation.They are all already aware of it.Although it has not been said openly and honestly.But this look has become an open secret.There is really no need to pretend to be sloppy.If you still want to say that.Or just fail to recognize reality.Or someone who just wants to escape.Regardless of which of the two.It's all unwise behavior.

so.Mao Zhengqing would say so.It's not really a mistake.

and.Mao Zhengqing's words.Zhang Fan felt suddenly.This Mao Zhengqing.It seems that he is not as stupid as he looks.Or.Even if he can't be called a wise and foolish person.But it's also definitely smart.

Or maybe.He may have other stories to tell.

Now.Zhang Fan suddenly felt.This whole thing just got interesting.Even he still doesn't know what it is.But Zhang Fan's intuition told him.This thing is definitely very interesting.and.Zhang Fan also felt a little bit.Mao Zhengqing.Perhaps it was indeed to be investigated by him.But his consequences.Maybe it's not like what Zhang Fan set for him before.It is a dead end.perhaps.There is no telling what else might happen.

"In that case, please ask Mr. Mao to lead the way." After thinking about it.Zhang Fan didn't intend to dwell on the question of where Mao Zhengqing lived matter what.Let's go in first.

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Mao Zhengqing didn't talk too much anymore. "Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.Not long.The door opened.The three of Zhang Fan who walked past could see clearly.The person who opened the door was an old woman who was at least over [-] years old.

This was another matter that Zhang Fan and the three of them couldn't understand.Even Mao Zhengqing lived in such a place.But the people in the family are like this.Not all three of them felt that way.All men in this world are lustful.It's just that the hair is clear.It doesn't look like a serious thing either.The old woman was dressed in ordinary clothes.Although the clothes are washed very clean.But look at the marks on it.Apparently left over from work.

Just as the three of Zhang Fan were guessing.The old woman said: "Master is back."

At this moment, her identity was revealed.She must be a servant of Mao Zhengqing's family.

"En." Mao Zhengqing nodded.Said. "I've explained it before. A distinguished guest came to the door today. How are the preparations at home going?"

"Return to the master's words." The old woman bowed her head and said. "The home is ready."

listen.Mao Zhengqing didn't say anything to her anymore.Turning to Zhang Fan and the others, he said, "My lord, please come in."

After several people entered the gate.Zhang Fan began to look at it.Mao Zhengqing's home.It looks from the outside.Not too big.But after coming in.But it was discovered.The yard is not too small.Just Zhang Fan's memory.Compared to my hometown in Qingyang Mansion.And the small courtyard where I lived in the capital.It looks even bigger.and.This small courtyard.It was very clean.It also looks very comfortable.

Look inside again.But it is a three-piece room.The one in the middle is not small.Think of it as a hall.The two next to it are slightly smaller.

"My lord." Zhang Fan was quite curious about his home.Mao Zhengqing couldn't help introducing it. "The hall in the middle is the hall. It doesn't look very big. But it is enough for six or seven people to eat. The one on the right is the bedroom of the lower officials and the lower officials. On the left is the study of the lower officials."

Listen to Mao Zhengqing's introduction.Zhang Fan didn't know what happened.Suddenly, I feel warm here.Here's what it looks like.Although not the same.But this layout.But it was the same as the small courtyard where I used to live.

Mao Zhengqing didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking.He just led a few people into the hall.

There is a table in the center.There are a few chairs next to it.It doesn't look crowded.

After Mao Zhengqing greeted several people to sit down.It is to let the only servant in the family.The old woman has gone to tea.It was interrupted by a female voice in the room.

A woman walks in.About the same age as Mao Zhengqing.Ordinary dress.I can't see any wealth.But there is a little grace on the face.Unlike ordinary women.

"Your Excellency, this is the humble Zhou family." Mao Zhengqing said. "This is General Liu Xian. If it wasn't for General Liu, our Yongning Mansion would not be able to settle down. This is Eunuch Feng from the palace. This is Mr. Zhang. These two are distinguished guests from the capital. .”

"My lords." The woman leaned over and saluted.He turned to the old woman again. "Mother Li. Go and cook. I'll greet the adults."

"Yes." The old woman called Mama Li replied.Just turn around and leave.

Mao Zhengqing's wife Zhou Shi bowed down to Zhang Fan and the three of them again.Said. "My lords, please take a moment. I'll pour tea for you." After speaking, he left.

looked at each other.Zhang Fan and three people.This time I was really surprised.

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