Although Mao Zhengqing's remarks made people feel uncomfortable, after all, they were just a few big households in the city, and there might be someone who had a relationship with Qian Guogong, but in the final analysis, they were all just civilians It’s just the common people, but it’s these common people who want to make these officials obey their orders. This is really unbelievable, but in fact, many times, things That's exactly what happened.

Although it is said that these individuals are just ordinary people, they are not just ordinary people, not ordinary people. Behind them, there will always be such inextricable relationships, This kind of relationship, even if you are an official, you can't ignore the words of these people, otherwise, there will naturally be troubles, and this trouble is not an ordinary trouble, a small one can already make you very troubled, If it's a big trouble, I'm afraid losing an official or something is a trivial matter. The most serious thing, be careful that your life will be lost.

In this way, we can see some things about Mao Zhengqing. Perhaps, Mao Zhengqing is not as corrupt as he appears on the outside, and this point, even if it is not what he said just now In other words, Zhang Fan has already begun to realize it.

It's just that Mao Zhengqing gave people the feeling that he was a person who was not easy to judge. Zhang Fan still didn't know what was going on, but he had made up his mind. After returning, he would let Liang Chao went to look up the background of Mao Zhengqing and see what kind of story he had.

And Zhang Fan and the others have already realized some of Mao Zhengqing's words, but in the same way, Mao Zhengqing also has a lot of understanding of what Zhang Fan said, and seeing Zhang Fan's attitude towards this matter also made him Mao Zhengqing responded to a question.

Who is Zhang Fan, what is Zhang Fan's identity, Zhang Fan is a big celebrity in the current imperial court, since the first Emperor Longqing, Zhang Fan has been deeply favored when he first entered the official position, but this kind of favor did not happen because of the change of dynasty. The new emperor Zhu Yijun's ascension to the throne not only did not affect Zhang Fan's status in the court, but even made him more popular than before. After all, Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun The relationship between them is closer and closer than that between him and Long Qing, and even Queen Mother Li, who Zhang Fan doesn't have much contact with, trusts Zhang Fan a lot. Compared with Zhang Juzheng, Empress Dowager Li trusted Zhang Fan a lot more. After all, Empress Dowager Li saw everything Zhang Fan did, and now, Empress Dowager Li also saw Zhang Juzheng's changes.

Although it is impossible for Mao Zhengqing to know such details about these things, he does not need to know so much. He only needs to know that Zhang Fan is deeply trusted by the current emperor and queen mother. The impeachment memorial of Mu Changzuo was really handed over to Empress Dowager Li. I am afraid that Empress Dowager Li would say a few words about Zhang Fan at most, and it is impossible to take him seriously.

But in fact, this possibility is even more insignificant. After all, Zhang Fan is the commander of Jin Yiwei. There is no need to think of any way to deal with this kind of thing. It only needs a word from Zhang Fan, and the people below will definitely be happy for him. If it is properly resolved, Mu Changzuo will not be given any chance to impeach him. In fact, even if Zhang Fan does nothing now, the possibility of Mu Changzuo impeaching him is very small. Knowing the current Qian Guogong, although it is a bit too much to say that he is a man with his tail between his legs, but in fact it is not far behind.

Therefore, compared to impeaching a person who is not something he can move at all, it is better to just live in such a peaceful manner and suffer from this loss. This point, it is not that Mu Changzuo does not understand, he is impossible It is obvious that he will suffer a loss and attract people's hatred, but he insists on helping the old man get back such a face, no matter how he looks at it, he is not such a person.

In this way, it also made Mao Zhengqing understand a little bit. It seemed that his worries were unnecessary. Zhang Fan's identity had been made clear, and he would not be affected by this matter at all.

"In this way, the lower official is just worrying about it." Mao Zhengqing smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "But, the lower official still wants to ask, I don't know how my lord plans to deal with Ding Youyang."

"Oh," Zhang Fan looked at Mao Zhengqing, and asked, "What's your opinion, Master Mao? Could it be that this Ding Youyang, besides being Duke Qian's in-law, has other connections?"

"No, no, Mr. Zhang misunderstood, and there is nothing else to do with it," Mao Zhengqing said, "It's just that the lower official is afraid that if the lord really annoys him, he may do anything. It’s not good to cause a lot of trouble for the adults, as the saying goes, ‘a dog jumps over the wall in a hurry’, here, I would like to make a suggestion, it’s better to leave some leeway.”

"Hmph," this time, Zhang Fan didn't say anything, but Feng Bao, who was next to him, snorted coldly, and said with a sarcasm on his face, "Well, don't worry, Mr. Mao, the 'dog jumps over the wall' is true, but If you jump again, it’s still a dog, so what’s the harm in letting it jump around?”

It seems that even though Feng Bao changed a lot because of that blow, the emotions he should have are still there. Moreover, Feng Bao is the most suitable person who can speak like this. After all, Given his identity, if Mu Changzuo really wanted to be ruthless, he would indeed be able to find a lot of trouble. However, he might be able to find trouble with Liu Xian, or even Zhang Fan, but only Feng Bao , he had no trouble finding it.

"Let's not talk about this, what will happen at that time, I will naturally know when the time comes," Zhang Fan did not want to continue talking about this topic, but obviously, it did not end here, and he had other things to do Ask, "Master Mao, I have another thing to ask you,"

"My lord, please ask me a question," Mao Zhengqing said hastily, "Your official must know everything and say everything."

"Hehe, Mr. Mao is serious. What I want to ask is not a troublesome matter," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Actually, it has something to do with the rebellion of those people this time."

Hearing Zhang Fan mention this matter, the expressions of Mao Zhengqing and the others changed a little. Although they didn't know what Zhang Fan wanted to ask, as long as it was related to that matter, it was obviously not What an easy question to answer. Moreover, the reason why Zhang Fan came to Yongning Mansion was because of this matter. Now that Zhang Fan asked, it naturally made Mao Zhengqing and others a little nervous.

"My lord, please tell me," Mao Zhengqing said despite his nervousness. Perhaps, he really had nothing to hide about this matter.

"I have already figured out the rest of the things," Zhang Fan said, "but there is only one thing that I still have some doubts about. Although those people have surrendered now, but when I ask them about this matter, they don't know. I also refused to explain clearly, which made me a little concerned.

"It's about how these people entered the gate of Yongning Mansion in the first place. Although it is said that these people entered Yongning Mansion without using a knife or an arrow, and this way, it also saved Yongning Mansion from casualties. However, even if this originally It's a good thing, but I can't just pretend that nothing happened, just forget it. Moreover, even if I really did this, the court will inevitably ask about it. In the end, there is still an explanation, so , I just want to ask Lord Mao, do you know what is going on, and who ordered the city gate to be opened in the first place.

"By the way, don't be perfunctory and say that the sergeants who defended the city opened it privately. They will never do this. It is a matter of losing their heads. Someone must have given an order or done something to make it happen. will be so,"

"This..." Mao Zhengqing hesitated for a while, but when he saw Zhang Fan's eyes that you must say it, Mao Zhengqing couldn't hold on any longer, and finally had to say, "This This matter, in fact, there are many things that the lower officials do not understand, no, my lord, don't misunderstand, it's not that the lower officials have something to hide from the truth, that's the fact.

"Although I have already received news here before, originally, Xiaguan also wanted to leave first, but when I thought...I thought that after I left, I would lose my official position, so Xiaguan stayed. He has never colluded with these people, let alone ordered the city gate to be opened to let them in.

"That day, someone came to report that after those people gathered, the subordinate immediately ordered all the city gates in the four directions to be closed. Originally, although the subordinate wanted to open the city gate to let them in, he still couldn't make up his mind. So it wasted.

"However, after that, it became strange. The lower official obviously didn't give any order, but within two hours, the north gate opened by itself. No, it's not right to say that it was opened. The soldiers guarding the city did not open it. , In fact, those people were all stupefied at the time, and the north gate was not tied at all, it was opened by those people from the outside, which made the lower officials unable to figure out what was going on."

"That is to say..." Zhang Fan pondered for a while, and asked, "The guards at the north gate were stunned by the people in the city, and then they opened it, but the people outside opened it."

"That's right," Mao Zhengqing nodded, and said, "The lower officials are also wondering whether those people sent someone in before to do this kind of thing."

"Or..." Zhang Fan continued his words, "There are people in this city who take care of them and do such things,"

"This... I don't know about it," Mao Zhengqing said, "It's just that it's not just this matter that confuses me, there's another thing," Mao Zhengqing said.

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