After Mu Changzuo came here, he hesitated for a long time, and finally expressed his future intentions clearly. Originally, Zhang Fan thought he was going to say something to deceive him, but he waited until Mu Changzuo explained everything. After explaining clearly, Zhang Fan also understood.

Indeed, if he did as Mu Changzuo said, then he would not have any troubles in the future, and even Zhang Fan who helped him would not have any problems.

He wanted Zhang Fan to play Empress Dowager Li, saying that the reason why he didn't show up on this matter was because Zhang Fan had notified him in advance and told him not to move, and the reason for not moving was Liu Xian's army. He had been prepared for a long time, and was very close to Yongning Mansion, and Mu Changzuo's army was scattered all over Yunnan. It would take a lot of time to assemble, and I'm afraid it would be too late to deal with the Yongning Mansion.

Of course, if it’s just this, it still can’t completely avoid Mu Changzuo’s troubles. Therefore, Zhang Fan’s reason for not letting Mu Changzuo move is added to this, which is that this matter has a great impact Well, the ethnic minorities all over the Southwest have become panicked because of the incident caused by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin. If there is any trouble, it will definitely be a terrible thing.

The purpose of keeping Mu Changzuo's army still is to allow them to continue guarding various places in Yunnan to prevent any emergencies.

This reason can definitely be said to be serious, and the Empress Dowager Li is not a nonsense person who knows nothing about political affairs. As long as she says this, she will agree with it, and as long as the Empress Dowager Li agrees This matter, then in the future, there will be no trouble. Even if it is that time, whoever in the court, no matter how to say this matter, as long as Queen Mother Li can make up his mind, then no one can move Mu Changzuo is gone.

If you think so, it's no wonder that Mu Changzuo apologized to Zhang Fan in advance. Although this matter is actually not a big deal, but after all, this is to let Zhang Fan give the book to Queen Mother Li and tell a lie. If you really think about it, this is not an insignificant matter. If someone really knows about it, it is possible to impeach Zhang Fan, and the crime is the crime of bullying the emperor, which will be decapitated.

As far as Zhang Fan is concerned, it's not that he has encountered this kind of thing before, and he has even done this kind of thing before. It's just that the person is Long Qing, and Zhang Fan is familiar with Long Qing's temperament. Fan Fan never went to the memorial, but directly spoke to Long Qing. Moreover, when Zhang Fan said it, it was very obvious that Long Qing could tell at a glance that what he said was a lie.

It's not that Long Qing doesn't care about this kind of thing, but when he understood Zhang Fan's intentions and understood that Zhang Fan didn't want to deceive himself, so when he said everything clearly, Long Qing didn't care at all. He would blame Zhang Fan for the crime of deceiving the emperor, even if it was a lie, but if he said it in that relaxed environment, it would be fine.

But Empress Dowager Li is different. Yes, Empress Dowager Li also favors Zhang Fan very much, but Empress Dowager Li's favor for Zhang Fan is somewhat different from Long Qing's. The reason why she favors Zhang Fan is not because of how much Zhang Fan can do for her. It's because she is now in the court, and she needs to rely on Zhang Fan in many places, just like she relies on Zhang Juzheng, except that Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan, one is in the open and the other is in the dark.

Of course, Empress Dowager Li could also change someone else, but because of Zhang Fan's relationship with Zhu Yijun, she didn't do that.

But these are not the point, the point is that Empress Dowager Li and Long Qing are different, not that their identities are different, but that Long Qing is a man, while Empress Dowager Li is a woman.

For Long Qing, Zhang Fan naturally doesn't care, he can stay with Long Qing whenever he has time, say something to please him, make him happy or something, but Queen Mother Li is a woman, although she is now in charge of the government, after all Long Qing died After that, she lived in the palace for a long time as the empress dowager. To put it more realistically, she was a widow.

In this way, only eunuchs like Feng Bao can stay by her side for a long time, say something to make her happy, and it is obviously impossible for Zhang Fan to do so, so it is impossible for Zhang Fan to be like Long Qing. , Go talk to Queen Mother Li about this kind of thing.

So, to be honest, if Zhang Fan did Mu Changzuo this favor, it would be risky.

And let's talk about another possibility. Even the Queen Mother Li understood the reason, and she also agreed to this matter, but Zhang Fan still has risks, but this risk comes from Mu Changzuo. side.

In case, if someone spreads what Zhang Fan and Mu Changzuo said today, what should we do? Zhang Fan's crime of deceiving the emperor can be regarded as not running away.

However, Mu Changzuo would not do this if he thought about it. Even if he wanted to cheat Zhang Fan, he would not use such a method. If Fan did this, even if this problem would arise in the future, it should not be Mu Changzuo who did it. Among the people present, Zhang Fan's subordinates naturally needless to say, Liu Xian is not that kind of person, Mao Zhengqing didn't dare to say it at all.

But Feng Bao's words are a little hard to say. Yes, Feng Bao has really changed a lot after going through some things, and his changes are very obvious and thorough, but, No one can guarantee that after such a period of time, he will change again, for example, change back to the way he was before.

And by that time, this matter has obviously become a handle for Zhang Fan, and it is a handle that can kill him. Zhang Fan is not confident yet, saying that he will never talk to Feng Bao in the future. After breaking up, once something like that happens, will Feng Bao tell the story and use it to deal with Zhang Fan.

These are uncertain things.

Of course, it's not that Zhang Fan doesn't have Feng Bao's handle in his hands, and those things Zhang Fan has mastered are not trivial matters. If he really said it, Feng Bao would encounter no more trouble than his. Small.

However, this is not enough to be a kind of guarantee. When people are extremely angry, if it really comes to that time, I am afraid that they can do anything. If that step is really reached, who can guarantee, Feng Bao didn't say anything.

All in all, it would be best if you can avoid getting involved in this kind of thing.

It's just that now, under Mu Changzuo's rhetoric, Zhang Fan couldn't refuse this matter face to face. For a while, Zhang Fan felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

And Zhang Fan is so silent, the people next to him are not easy to interrupt, especially Mu Changzuo, who has been staring at Zhang Fan now, even though his eyes are not that pitiful, but it is clear He needed Zhang Fan to give him an answer now, otherwise, he would probably pester him endlessly.

Seeing Mu Changzuo's appearance, Zhang Fan felt even more difficult.

"By the way, Duke of the State," Zhang Fan suddenly remembered something and said, "When I first entered Yongning City that day, I met a man. According to the introduction of Governor Mao, that person was the Duke of the State. Where is your father-in-law?" Zhang Fan suddenly brought up this matter.

This changed the faces of all the people present, not because Zhang Fan was discussing such an important matter just now, but because Zhang Fan suddenly changed the subject, but because this matter had actually been discussed by those present all along. People are watching.

In fact, since the news that Mu Changzuo is coming, we have been thinking about this matter here, and we are all guessing whether Mu Changzuo's intention to come is for this matter. After Mu Changzuo came, what would he say about this matter?

Just now, they all thought that Mu Changzuo was going to mention this matter, but Mu Changzuo didn't say anything. Although they were relieved, they felt a little disappointed in their hearts.

Fortunately, Mu Changzuo himself has not brought it up yet, but Zhang Fan is the first to say it, and it is really strange at such a time. After all, even if it is to change the subject, it is something that can be said So much so, why did you bring up this matter?

However, other people didn't understand, but Mu Changzuo understood what Zhang Fan meant.

"Master Zhang is right," Mu Changzuo nodded, and said, "Father-in-law does live in Yongning City. I think Master Zhang also knew him. He was at the gate of the city before." Mu Changzuo Zuo didn't say anything else, but just acknowledged Zhang Fan's words.

"However, Master Zhang has to be more considerate about this matter." Mu Changzuo continued without waiting for Zhang Fan to speak, "I already know about the matter between Master Zhang and his father-in-law. My lord needs to apologize. My father-in-law is like this. He is really persistent about these things. However, my father-in-law is not young anymore. I hope Lord Zhang can forgive me for some of these problems. When I go back, I will also If you tell him about this matter, I hope Mr. Zhang will not care about it."

Before Zhang Fan could say anything, Mu Changzuo finished his speech frankly, and made it clear that Ding Youyang did something wrong.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan didn't answer right away, but thought silently for a while.

And Mu Changzuo didn't interrupt, just waited quietly.

"In this case," Zhang Fan raised his head and said to Mu Changzuo, "I agree to the matter of the Duke of the country. After a while, I will write a note when I get back and send it to the capital. I will ask Mr. Feng to do me a favor. Just pass the notebook directly into the hands of the Queen Mother, as for the contents on the notebook, please rest assured, I will write according to the wishes of the Duke."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mu Changzuo also laughed,

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