More than 20 miles away from Chengdu, there is a small tea shed, which was originally a place for passers-by to rest and rest. The tea shed was opened by an ordinary middle-aged couple. It not only sells tea, but also some meals, although It is said that the income is not much, but it is enough to earn some small money to subsidize the family.

It's just that the place is full now, but it's obvious that the people who come here are all in a group. Of course, they are all full. This is naturally a good thing for the couple who opened the tea shed. After all, there is business It means that there is money to be made, no matter how little it is, but this is a good thing anyway.

However, the couple is trembling now, and they dare not say a word. Although they hold a heavy ingot of silver in their hands, it is nearly ten taels, which is more than what they have earned from selling tea here for several months. There are even more, but they are not happy, but even more scared.

After all, these people in front of them are not easy to provoke at first glance, there are more than [-] people not to mention, and except for a man and a woman who seem to be the leaders, all of them have knives around their waists, by the way, The woman had long golden hair, which the couple had never seen for decades, which really made them feel novel, but even if they were curious, they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

This couple has seen a lot of characters in the Jianghu. Although the people in the Jianghu are all armed with sharp knives and look bad-looking, there are really no people who find fault with them, at most they show up. It's just a quarrel, let alone mentioning such a thing as human life, they have never seen it before, but those people in the world, at most, only appear three or five at the same time, and the ferocious expressions on their faces, although they have seen There are many, but I still feel nervous every time.

But now, these twenty people have filled the tea shed of their house. No, the stools in their house are not enough for these people to sit on. It's a stern look, and so many people all have such an expression, which really makes the couple a little unbearable.

On the contrary, the man and woman in the lead seemed to be talking and laughing. Even when they first arrived, the man smiled and talked to them and asked the people around him to give the money. The nervousness of the couple has been relieved a lot, but it cannot be completely eliminated.

This team was Zhang Fan and his party. After Zhang Fan bid farewell to Zhu Xuanqi, he also bid farewell to Feng Bao and his party. They headed southward and followed the official road for more than 20 miles. They came to this tea shed to rest. It was said to be resting, but Zhang Fan was actually waiting for the news from Chengdu Mansion.

It was said that it was the news from the Chengdu Mansion, but it was actually the news about whether Zhu Xuanluo had come out smoothly. Although Zhang Fan could no longer return to the Chengdu Mansion, everything depended on whether the previous arrangements worked or not, but he Obviously, he still couldn't let go of this matter in his heart, so he had to wait here until the result came out before he could leave with peace of mind.

However, Zhang Fan will adjust his mentality. He clearly knows that no matter how anxious he is now, it is useless, so he will not hold on to make himself uncomfortable. Instead, he will chat with Joanna. up.

Of course, Joanna knew in her heart that what Zhang Fan did was just to divert his attention. In his heart, he would definitely be worried about things over there, but Joanna obviously would not use any words to comfort him. Zhang Fan, in comparison, it is better to chat with Zhang Fan.

Joanna's actions really distracted Zhang Fan's attention a lot. At least, Zhang Fan didn't think about it all the time, although he was indeed waiting for news from Chengdu. But he was just waiting, and he didn't think about it all the time in his heart. It was indeed thanks to Joanna's contribution.

However, it is now more than half past time, and it is almost noon, but there is still no news from there, which makes Zhang Fan a little anxious, and as time goes by, even Joanna I have been talking to him all the time, but all the interesting topics that should be said have been finished. Gradually, the impatient color on Zhang Fan's face began to appear again, which also made Joanna on the side frown. .

Wang Meng on the side also saw the change in the expression on Zhang Fan's face, he knew that Zhang Fan had started to think about that matter now, and he also knew that it was not the time to deliberately conceal these things: "My lord, I'm still worried Is it something about the Chengdu mansion?"

"Yes." Now that he has said it all, and the irritability in his heart is becoming more and more obvious, Zhang Fan does not avoid Wang Meng's question, "but what's the use of worrying about it now, anyway. I can't go back now, even if I go back, I can't do anything, but it will be more troublesome."

"My lord said that," Wang Meng nodded and said, "I also understand my lord's worry at the moment, but I feel that my lord doesn't need to be like this."

"Oh." Hearing what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan thought it was some kind of comforting words at first, but Zhang Fan thought about it, and Wang Meng was not someone who would say such flattering and hypocritical words, so he couldn't help asking, "How do you say that?"

"Your Excellency has something on his mind right now, but I think I didn't think about it," Wang Meng said, "Your Excellency must have forgotten that this time, Xia Lingbo helped to get Zhu Xuanluo out."

"That's right, but so what," Zhang Fan still didn't understand what Wang Meng meant.

"At that time, Xia Lingbo had already told the adults," Wang Meng continued, "She said that she would take the opportunity of letting her parents meet Wumeng, let Zhu Xuanluo go to see them off, and use this opportunity to get Zhu Xuanluo out Chengdu Mansion, in this way, even if Zhu Xuanluo was not seen for a few days, Zhu Xuanqi would not feel that there was any problem.

"In this case, no matter how you say it, they should come out this afternoon. After all, since this Xia Lingbo is Zhu Xuanqi's favorite woman, her parents are going back, and Zhu Xuanqi has to say goodbye. If you want to come , wouldn’t it be normal to leave after lunch? In this case, I’m afraid my lord will have to wait a little longer, at least two hours before there will be any news from over there.”

"That's right, that's really the case," Wang Meng's words made Zhang Fan suddenly enlightened. This is indeed the case. This is a very common sense thing. Everything must be in line with common sense, and this is what it is now. The reason why Zhang Fan couldn't think of it was because his heart was full of anxiety and worry, and he didn't think of it for a while.

But Wang Meng thought of this and told Zhang Fan, which made Zhang Fan settle down again.

And things are indeed as Wang Meng said.

In the palace of the King of Shu.

After agreeing to Xia Lingbo's request and asking Zhu Xuanluo to escort her parents back to Wumeng Mansion, Zhu Xuanqi immediately went to meet them and invited them to have lunch together.

Since it is a long way from Chengdu to Wumeng Mansion, they have to go through Jiading Prefecture and Xuzhou Prefecture before arriving at Wumeng Mansion, so today, they also have to go to Jiading Prefecture to rest before evening. However, Jiading Prefecture is very close to Chengdu Mansion. In addition, they are going in a carriage. Even if they are accompanied by guards, it will not take long. They can get there in two or three hours at most. Therefore, they set off in the afternoon today. It could be a little later, therefore, Zhu Xuanqi invited them to have lunch together, and it was not a waste of time.

At the table, they chatted happily. Although it was said that Zhu Xuanqi loved their "daughter", it was also because Zhu Xuanqi loved Xia Lingbo very much, so he was also very enthusiastic about her "parents". It is very rare for a woman who is not a wife.

For Zhu Xuanqi's enthusiasm, Xia Lingbo is naturally very happy, the smile on his face has never diminished, and Xia Lingbo's "parents" even showed a look of being flattered. Family banquets are also available, but now, it is clear that they are specially here to entertain them, so how can they be unhappy? Of course, even if they are unhappy in their hearts, they have to show a happy face. Otherwise, you can just wear clothes.

But no matter what it is, it is absolutely necessary to perform well at this time. After all, now is the most critical time.

If we have a happy conversation, there will always be a time when we can say nothing. Besides, the reason why Zhu Xuanqi would do this is not because of Xia Lingbo's face. Otherwise, even if it is Aiwujiwu, facing them, Zhu Xuanqi would I won't like it very much, so in the final analysis, this is still a kind of coping, but it's a less obvious coping.

By the time it was half past noon, the meal had already been finished, and Zhu Xuanqi had obviously lost the interest in continuing to deal with them. After saying something, Zhu Xuanqi also naturally mentioned it, saying that the time is now It's getting late, the journey is long and so on, let them go on the road earlier, so that they can go to Jiading Prefecture to rest earlier.

In fact, that is to start sending them off.

However, even if they see it, no matter what aspect they start from, they can't give Zhu Xuanqi a bad look. It's over.

And after a while, at the end of the day, Xia Lingbo's "parents", escorted by Zhu Xuanluo and a group of guards, walked out of the gate of the Shu Palace and headed for the south gate of the Chengdu Mansion.

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