The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1313 Come to see you

The sight in front of them made Zhang Fan and the others, who saw it for the first time, all stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Indeed, for them, Zhang Fan, Wang Meng, etc. needless to say, Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei, and Wang Meng and Liang Chao, as the two closest to Zhang Fan's subordinates, also have great power. Speaking of Zhang Fan, in the Ming Dynasty, he had never been to any dignified place, and he could not go to any dignified place. In fact, there were not many, and the same was true for Wang Meng and Liang Chao.

Even if these three people are not counted, let’s talk about the 200 people who came with Zhang Fan. They are the same. Let them enjoy a lot of privileges, even at the local level, which of those officials can't curry favor with them.

These people, who have traveled all over the country, have naturally seen beautiful scenery, and even if it is a man-made beauty, these people have seen a lot, but what is presented in front of them can be described as a fairyland on earth. This is a place that people like Zhang Fan have never seen before. Perhaps, some of them have been to famous mountains and rivers, and seen some beautiful scenery, but none of them can compare to what they see now. I saw this scene.

Not to mention them, even Joanna is the same. She was born in a noble family in Europe. She has been to the imperial palace, or the extremely luxurious places like the Shu Palace, but there is still no place that makes her feel more beautiful than the scene in front of her.

Seeing Zhang Fan and other two hundred people, they all looked dumbfounded. Even though this place was not deliberately created by his Five Poison Sect, but a natural landscape, Fang Zhenqian and others still showed pride It’s true that everyone loves the beautiful things of time, even the most sinful people, and the Five Poison Sect is also a mortal, so how could they not feel this scene.

"Master Zhang, look at this old man's place, is it good?" Fang Zhenqian asked Zhang Fan who was still in a daze, "Speaking of which, this is really a good place for self-cultivation. People, when they get here, they all settle down, cultivate themselves, and forget the past like smoke. The old man invited Mr. Zhang to live here in the future. That is not a polite word, it is really the sincerity of the old man. "

"Old Master Fang..." Zhang Fan used some dull words, although he was talking to Fang Zhenqian, but his eyes were always looking at the scene in the foreword, "I also understand a little bit, why didn't you I am willing to relocate your teaching, even if it is poisonous or non-poisonous things, just the sight in front of me is enough to make people linger, if it were me, I would say nothing about it."

"Hahaha," Fang Zhenqian laughed when he heard Zhang Fan's words, "Master Zhang couldn't be more right. The reason why I didn't want to move at the beginning was because of this reason. I didn't tell Master Zhang earlier. , I’m afraid that if I told you earlier, I wouldn’t be as surprised as I was when I saw this scene for the first time. In this case, wouldn’t the old man be much more boring? In order to see the expressions of everyone losing their composure, I concealed it like this."

"Of course not," Zhang Fan replied, "But then again, even if I feel upset and feel that the old leader Fang has played tricks on me, but with such a scene in front of me as compensation, I don't have any resentment." all gone,"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang's mouth is really powerful. It seems that the old man can't match it no matter what,"

"Sigh, what Fang Laojiao said is wrong." Zhang Fan did not agree with Fang Zhenqian's remarks, shook his head, and said, "This is my truth. Besides, with such beautiful scenery, it is hard to No way, old Hierarch Fang doesn't think so, "

"Master Zhang's words are very true," Fang Zhenqian also agreed with Zhang Fan's words, "In this case, the old man will still say the same thing, welcome Master Zhang to come often in the future, besides, the alliance between our two families is coming soon After that, it’s not a matter of saying a word to come here.”

"These are easy to say," Zhang Fan did not immediately agree to Fang Zhenqian's words, but turned a corner and said, "However, since the old leader Fang has already said so, then I should understand it, and there will be more opportunities in the future That's right, don't be in a hurry for such a moment, "

Regarding Zhang Fan's words, Fang Zhenqian could naturally hear the meaning, but Fang Zhenqian did not intend to point out Zhang Fan's anything, besides, nothing has been confirmed yet, Zhang Fan's words are not wrong at all.

Of course, the reason why Fang Zhenqian asked this question was actually a little cautious. If Zhang Fan answered very simply at this time, then the following things would become very easy for him. However, even now , Zhang Fan didn't say anything yet, but for Fang Zhenqian, the implementation of his plan has no effect. These are things that Fang Zhenqian has considered for a long time, and it will not have any effect now.

"By the way," Zhang Fan came back to his senses. After all, although the beautiful scenery in front of him is indeed fascinating, Zhang Fan is still quite sober. He understands what he is here today. Fang Zhengan said to Zhang Fan, "How far is your teaching from here?"

"It's not far away," Fang Zhenqian said, and was about to point Zhang Fan in a direction, but he stopped suddenly, waited quietly for a while, and then said to Zhang Fan with a smile on his face, "No, someone is here again," Fang Zhenqian pointed to the side after saying this.

Everyone looked in the direction Fang Zhenqian pointed, but those who didn't lose their way knew that it was the southwest, and it was still heading towards the center of the mountains, and there was a trail there, which was much different than Zhang Fan's before. The place they passed was really quite wide, and the path was clearly dug out by hand. In this way, it seems that what Fang Zhenqian said was indeed correct. Not far away.

"My lord," Wang Meng came behind Zhang Fan silently, and whispered to him, "There are quite a few people coming this way, about a dozen of them."

"I don't know what the purpose of these people is," Zhang Fan seemed to be asking, and whispered this sentence as if talking to himself.

"The humble job doesn't seem like they are here to find fault," Wang Meng replied after hearing Zhang Fan's words, "These people's footsteps are not heavy, they don't look like they have a murderous look, and they are not light, there is nothing to hide I mean, I walked very casually, and I shouldn’t be here to find fault. Moreover, I came all the way from the humble position just now, and along the way, I didn’t find anyone lurking in the dark. Even if Fang Zhenqian wanted to attack us, it was not here It's on the way,"

Wang Meng's words reassured Zhang Fan a lot, but Zhang Fan's reassurance did not mean that all the people behind him were reassured. After all, even though all the people Zhang Fan brought were good at skills, none of them reached Wang Meng's level. Therefore, most of them couldn't hear the footsteps, and even if a few of them could hear them, such as Liang Chao, they didn't feel like Wang Meng.

So, at this moment, although these people still look calm on the surface, they are all prepared inside, and if there is any change, they will take action immediately.

Fang Zhenqian naturally understood the behavior of these people like Zhang Fan, but he just saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, and didn't mean to say it out, and even showed a smile on his face , it seems that he doesn't care about these actions of Zhang Fan's people at all.

After a while, even people like Zhang Fan and Joanna who are not martial arts can hear footsteps. Although they are not like Wang Meng, they can hear how many people have come, but never Among the chaotic footsteps coming over, they could only hear that a lot of people had come.

At the next moment, more than ten people came out from the path that Fang Zhenqian pointed out before. The first one came with a graceful figure. The veiled one was Fang Yueling, and there were many people behind him. Some of the people Zhang Fan had met in Chengdu Mansion, some were not.

Although Zhang Fan is not familiar with the people behind Fang Yueling, he still knows a few people. In addition, Fang Zhenqian had introduced him to the situation in the Five Poisons Sect before, so Zhang Fan knew that the Left Guardian of the Five Poisons Sect, You Xuguang, You Hufa, and You Shixuan are now closely following Fang Yueling.

As for the hall masters in the back, although Fang Zhenqian also introduced him, Fang Zhenqian did not tell Zhang Fan the exact names of those people after all, so Zhang Fan was not the right number, but if he wanted to come, he would just follow there. There are five people behind the left and right protectors.

Moreover, even from these few people, Zhang Fan could see something. These five people walked side by side. , but these five people obviously refused to give in to anyone and insisted on walking side by side. Although the trail was much wider, it still seemed a bit crowded when five people walked side by side, but these five people were Not giving in to each other, insisting on walking side by side.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan also wanted to laugh secretly. It seems that what Fang Zhenqian said before is not wrong at all, and the problems in the Five Poisons Sect are indeed not small.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan began to look forward to what would happen in the future.

While Zhang Fan was thinking about these things, Fang Yueling had already brought someone up to him.

"Fang Yueling, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect, sit down and sit down to protect the dharma, and the five hall masters, have seen the Commander of the Jinyi Guards, Mr. Zhang," Fang Yueling saluted slightly in her hoarse voice, and asked.

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