The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1322 I Can't Understand

afternoon.Joanna still went out to relax.Although Zhang Fan is so troubled.She herself really didn't have the mind to go sightseeing.But in the end.Joanna could not stand up to Zhang Fan's insistence.I went alone.certainly.It wasn't just because Zhang Fan insisted on letting her go.Even after Joanna saw Zhang Fan's troubled appearance.It is also a long time ago that I no longer have the mood to travel around the mountains and rivers.But she didn't want to upset Zhang Fan who was already troubled.And more troubled because of her unhappiness.Joanna who wanted to understand these things.Still decided to go for a walk.

And Zhang Fan.He also personally sent Joanna out.He talked to Fang Yueling about it.Fang Yueling naturally had nothing to say.He directly asked Yu'er to lead Joanna.Although Yu'er always has an inexplicable hatred for Zhang Fan.But obviously Yu'er is a woman.Nor is he a very evil person.In addition, Zhang Fan also knew that Yu'er didn't know much about martial arts.What's more, there are two subordinates that Zhang Fan personally brought from the capital to follow.He is relieved.

After watching Joanna go out.Zhang Fan was fine.Just like what I said before.Although Zhang Fan came here this time.That's a big deal.After all, the matter of forming an alliance is no small matter.Not to mention that there are still many things that Zhang Fan doesn't understand and need to be clarified.

but.But now there is no one here looking for Zhang Fan.after lunch.It was completely silent.This feeling is like.Zhang Fan was originally a member of the Five Poisons Sect.And now it's just back home.People here don't need to ask too much in general.

even though.For Zhang Fan, this was indeed something that he could not understand.People here do it.It is indeed very strange.Others don't say it.Just say Fang Zhenqian.But now they don't come to him.It's really strange.Zhang Fan also thought about this question.Could it be Fang Zhenqian's other plans or something.

But this is obviously impossible.Fang Zhenqian naturally had plans for this matter.But he doesn't agree with the people in the Five Poison Sect.So Fang Zhengan didn't come to him.But other people have no reason not to come to him.

and.Although Fang Zhenqian's plan is.Tell the people of the Five Poisons Sect.The reason why Zhang Fan agreed to this alliance.It was because of Fang Yueling.It was Zhang Fan who wanted to support Fang Yueling in the future.But this thing.He hasn't mentioned it to anyone from the Five Poison Sect yet.No matter where Zhang Fan looked or not.Zhang Fan thought so.Fang Zhenqian would never say this in advance.

So this way.Now Zhang Fan's place looks very deserted.It is very puzzling.Logically speaking.People who come to Zhang Fan to look for him now.It should be quite a few.After all now.The alliance between the Five Poison Sect and Jinyiwei.Even if it hasn't been done yet.But it's already half done.And now.before the formal alliance.The people in the Five Poisons Sect.Naturally, they should come over and make friends with Zhang Fan.In the future, he can rely on his relationship with Zhang Fan.Strengthen yourself.

but.None of these people exist today.This is something that makes Zhang Fan feel weird.

only.These things are weird though.But Zhang Fan wasn't too worried about this matter anymore.Because of the present.He still has things to resolve that confuse him even more.Naturally, it was what Fang Yueling said when she came to find him in the afternoon.

That was what made Zhang Fan most curious.What Fang Yueling said.What she did before and after.And what kind of situation should be in Zhang Fan's impression is completely different.

And after talking to Joanna.Zhang Fan also gradually came up with an idea.He had mentioned it to Joanna before.That's about Joanna coming to dissuade him from forming an alliance with the Five Poisons.Let him go back quickly.Joanna is worried.Will Fang Zhenqian do anything unfavorable to Zhang Fan?And Fang Yueling thought that Zhang Fan was helping her after all, so she became a father.I can't live with my conscience.So this is the one who came to warn Zhang Fan.Let him leave early.

but.Zhang Fan did not agree with her opinion.Although it's not bad that Joanna has this worry.Not to mention the current situation.She should think so.only.Fang Yueling who said this at the time.The target is Zhang Fan.Not Joanna.So Joanna said these words from someone who was not there.It can only be what she can imagine.But after all, Zhang Fan, who was right in front of Joanna, could not understand it.

then.Zhang Fan was in front of Joanna.That is very clear.When Joanna spoke.That hesitant look.And those wandering eyes.He never dared to look directly at Zhang Fan.Maybe the feeling at the time.That was Joanna warning herself.

And when Zhang Fan recalled it.He found the problem.perhaps.Joanna's appearance.It looks worried.but.But it may not be because Joanna is worried for Zhang Fan thought in reverse.perhaps.Joanna was worried about herself.

Even if you think about it this way.That would be incredible.But it is not impossible.only.If you think about it this way.The sense of weirdness arises spontaneously.This thing from beginning to end.No matter how you look at to think.It's also because Fang Yueling will benefit from it.And it's not just the word "profit" that can summarize the benefits she can get in this matter.No matter how you think about it.If you really say it.The benefits are simply too many.Too many to list them all.

That being the case.Since this incident can benefit Fang Yueling so much.So no matter how you think about it.She should also hope that this alliance will succeed.

Perhaps there are such self-important people in the world.I don't care about this kind of thing that takes advantage of it.I don't want to accept too many favors from others.But Fang Yueling was not among them.No matter from her own.Or from her father-daughter relationship with Fang Zhenqian.Or she is now the leader of the Five Poison Sect.all the same.She should hope that this alliance will succeed.

Yet it is.Fang Yueling said these words to Zhang Fan in reverse.She didn't want the alliance to succeed this time.And to dissuade Zhang Fan.

If she thinks about it that way.That is to say.This time the alliance.There should be something against Fang Yueling.Or Fang Yueling didn't want to do this.

but.Zhang Fan thought about it no matter what.Can't think of any.What the hell is going on.It was able to make Fang Yueling refuse even in this matter.

what exactly is it.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.but.If you don't understand, you can't just leave it alone.This is a very important thing.Don't want to understand that's not okay.

While Zhang Fan was thinking hard here alone.Wang Meng walked in.

"My lord." Wang Meng didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Fan's troubles.After all, the present was annoying enough.He didn't know what happened to Zhang Fan on the way.

"Wang Meng. You are back." Zhang Fan saw Wang Meng.nodded to him.asked. "How is it? I found something. I have inquired about something."

Before.Zhang Fan also explained some things to Wang Meng.Let him do of them.Naturally, it was the investigation of the Five Poison Sect.After all, everyone has already arrived here.And also form an alliance with the other party.Do not inquire about some news.That's not okay.

And this time.Zhang Fan brought more than 200 people here.To know these more than 200 people.But they were all Zhang Fan's other words.There are more than 200 people.All Jinyiwei.And Jin Yiwei is on things like collecting intelligence.That's their line of business.Nature is free.Even if some of them are good at it.Some people are not good at it.But that doesn't stop them from doing it.

And now.There are more than 200 people.It is the disciples under the Five Poisons Sect.And their families hang out together.The Five Poisons Sect also prepared a resting place for them.But there are not many houses here.So most of these people live in the homes of the families below.This can be regarded as the people of the Five Poisons Sect are very open-minded.If it is in the Central Plains sect.Those people would never agree to such a thing.But the people of the Five Poisons Sect agreed to do so.

If so.For Zhang Fan and the others.That's really convenient.Important news is of course important.But it's hard to find out.And more sources.In fact, it still needs to be heard from people with low status.Then put it together again.This is the channel through which Jin Yiwei usually gets the most news.

Now.Zhang Fan's subordinates are doing such things.People who teach from these five poisons.including their family members.Ask for news.Including their views on this alliance.Of course, there are also their various views on Jin Yiwei.

Wang Meng.It is to collect these information.Tell Zhang Fan again.

And Wang Meng.Outside of this incident.Zhang Fan also ordered him another thing.Speaking up.That's also scouting.only.The news that Wang Meng inquired about.It's not that the Five Poison Sect has any opinions on this alliance.It's news about the Five Poisons Sect.

Although it is about the Five Poisons.Zhang Fan and the others already knew a lot.Not just dealing with it before.And there's so much going on between the two sides.Not to mention that Li Yang also told Zhang Fan and the others countless things about the Five Poison Sect.

But at the end of the day.Those are what they discovered indirectly.Listen to what others have to say.And now.He wanted Wang Meng to take a look with his own eyes.Let's see what the Five Poisons Sect is like.

And Wang Meng found out what he needed.Now he is planning to report to Zhang Fan.

Hearing Wang Meng's intention.Although she still didn't want to understand Fang Yueling's intentions in her heart.What the hell is she worrying about.Zhang Fan put these things aside for the time being.He planned to listen to Wang Meng's news first.Think about that again.

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